
  • Description:

    In this podcast episode, Bill Risser and Russell Shaw delve into the fascinating world of real estate and career success. They explore the evolution of Phoenix real estate, from a small town to a bustling metropolis. Shaw's unconventional career path from selling life insurance to comedy and then real estate is also discussed. The concept of "carte blanche" is explored, emphasizing the importance of freedom and authority in one's career. Effective communication skills are highlighted as crucial for success in the industry. The evolution of real estate advertising is examined, with an emphasis on understanding consumer needs. The significance of systems and replicable success is also discussed, with insights from expert Gary Keller. Building trust and treating clients with respect are emphasized, and valuable resources for homeowners and real estate professionals are mentioned.

    Episode Outline:

    (00:00:00) The Evolution of Phoenix Real Estate

    (00:06:30) From Life Insurance to Comedy

    (00:13:02) The Power of Carte Blanche

    (00:20:07) The Importance of Communication in Real Estate

    (00:26:28) The Evolution of Effective Real Estate Advertising

    (00:33:35) Real Estate Success and Systems

    (00:40:48) Building Trust in Real Estate

    (00:47:36) No Hassle Listing

    00:00:00 - Russell Shaw

    Well, it would be the ability to talk to people. It would be the ability to communicate to people. And it would be like if I said, what's the most important part of intelligence? Let's take it that way. It would be to have some idea of what's going on with the other person.

    00:00:24 - Bill Risser

    You're listening to the Real Estate Sessions podcast. And I'm your host, Bill Risser, executive Vice President, Strategic Partnerships with RateMyAgent, a digital marketing platform designed to help great agents harness the power of verified reviews. For more information, head on over to Ratemyagent.com. Listen in as I interview industry leaders and get their stories and journeys to the world of real estate. Hi, everybody. Welcome to episode 360 of the Real Estate Sessions podcast. As always, thank you so much for tuning in. Thank you so much for telling a friend today I have a real treat for you. We are headed to Phoenix, Arizona, where we are going to be talking to one of the legends of Phoenix real estate, some might say The Godfather, just a huge figure in Phoenix real estate. I'm talking about Russell Shaw. Russell is with Realty, one group. When I first moved to Phoenix, he was bigger than life. You're going to see that as we get into the conversations. The phrase I'm applying for a job is something that if you were in Phoenix in the early two thousand s, you heard it over and over and over. Just an amazing guy. Let's get this thing started. Russ, welcome to the podcast.

    00:01:34 - Russell Shaw

    Thank you so much, Bill. I appreciate you having me on.

    00:01:38 - Bill Risser

    I've been remiss in waiting this long to have you on here. I just introduced you as the legend of Phoenix real estate and some of the great things you've done and the fact that I first moved to Phoenix in 2000 and my mornings were greeted just about every morning watching the news with I'm applying for a job. We're going to talk about that shortly, but first I'd like to start at the beginning.

    00:02:06 - Russell Shaw


    00:02:06 - Bill Risser

    Rush, you're a native phoenician. There are very few of you floating around.

    00:02:10 - Russell Shaw

    Well, yeah, I was born in Phoenix, lived in Phoenix all my life.

    00:02:14 - Bill Risser

    Let's talk about that. Let's talk about, first of all, some of the changes.

    00:02:20 - Russell Shaw

    Oh my God. Like when...

  • Eric Sachs, the President and co-founder of Breakthrough Broker, champions the significance of maintaining consistent contact with one's sphere of influence to stay top-of-mind for real estate opportunities. Under his leadership, Breakthrough Broker utilizes innovative AI technology and high-quality content to help real estate agents engage their networks effectively. Sachs believes that automated marketing tools are essential for agents to navigate market challenges and showcase their expertise, especially during uncertain times. By leveraging services like Breakthrough Plus, which offers automated marketing features and MLS integration, agents can remain competitive and secure more business opportunities even in a landscape increasingly dominated by large teams.

    (00:01:17) "Network Nurturing for Real Estate Success"

    (00:05:37) Navigating Market Dynamics in the Real Estate Industry

    (00:08:11) Dominance of Larger Real Estate Teams

    (00:12:58) Enhanced Real Estate Marketing with Breakthrough Plus

    In the latest episode of 'The Real Estate Sessions' podcast, host Bill Risser sat down with Eric Sachs, the president and co-founder of Breakthrough Broker, to discuss real estate marketing strategies. The conversation revolved around maintaining contact with one's sphere of influence to secure business opportunities in the competitive real estate industry.

    Eric highlighted the significance of staying top-of-mind for potential clients by consistently engaging with them. He shared a personal anecdote about his brother losing a major listing because he failed to keep in touch with a potential client. This emphasizes the need for agents to prioritize sphere marketing to ensure that they are the first point of contact for their network during significant life events.

    Here are three key takeaways from the episode:

    1. **Utilize Breakthrough Broker for Sphere Marketing**: Breakthrough Broker offers valuable resources for automated sphere marketing, providing agents with engaging content to stay connected with their network effortlessly.

    2. **Adapt to the Increasing Dominance of Large Teams**: Eric discussed how the real estate industry is being dominated by large teams, challenging individual agents to prove their worth. Agents can navigate this competitive landscape more effectively by leveraging tools like Breakthrough Broker.

    3. **Stay Connected to Secure Business Opportunities**: Eric emphasized the need for agents to prioritize staying in touch with their sphere of influence to avoid missing out on potential opportunities, as illustrated by his brother's experience.

    In the episode, Eric posed a thought-provoking question to realtors, "What are you doing to make sure the people you know call you this summer when they have a life event?" This question encapsulates the essence of sphere marketing and the proactive approach agents need to take to ensure they are the go-to realtor for their network.

    As Eric shared, Breakthrough Broker offers a comprehensive suite of tools for agents to streamline their marketing efforts and maintain consistent communication with their sphere. The standout among these is Breakthrough Plus, a tool that empowers agents with a range of features, including automated marketing, for a nominal fee of $107 per year. This reassures agents that they have a powerful and cost-effective solution at their disposal to enhance their marketing strategies and stay competitive in the industry.

    In conclusion, the podcast episode shed light on the real estate industry's evolving dynamics and sphere marketing's pivotal role in agents' success. Agents can enhance their marketing strategies and cultivate lasting relationships with their clients by implementing Eric's insights and leveraging platforms like Breakthrough Broker.



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  • Dani Vanderboegh, the Service Editor at Inman, is a dynamic force in real estate journalism, deftly managing content to make industry news accessible and valuable for readers. With nearly a decade of experience at Inman and a unique personal journey marked by resilience, she brings a distinctive perspective to her work, particularly through her contributions to the "Real Tea" project. Vanderboegh finds joy in exploring the intersection of real estate and reality TV, appreciating the lighter yet equally important topics this project allows her to discuss. She underscores the significance of creating engaging, trustworthy content and effectively promoting it on social media to establish a realtor's credibility and expertise.

    Time Stamps

    (00:00:14) Curating Practical Real Estate Insights for Readers

    (00:09:23) Resilience and Triumph: Danny's Recovery Journey

    (00:11:58) Achievements and Resilience: Life Beyond Limits

    (00:13:28) Transformation from Archaeology to Journalism Success

    (00:25:54) Real Estate Reporting Obligations

    (00:29:36) Tailored Support: Local Associations in Real Estate

    (00:32:15) TV Personalities in Real Estate Business Dynamics

  • Annette Anthony, the vice president of technology engagement for Exit Realty, is a seasoned expert with over 15 years in the real estate industry. Known for her hands-on approach and energetic demeanor, Annette is particularly passionate about video communication as a means to connect and build relationships. She believes that videos can convey emotions and messages more effectively than traditional communication methods, and she is dedicated to helping agents overcome their fear of video by providing guidance, accountability, and encouragement. Annette's focus on the personal touch and human connection in video communication underscores her commitment to empowering real estate professionals to engage confidently and authentically with their audiences.

  • Kurt Uhlir is a man of many talents with an extensive tech and entrepreneurship background and unconventional experiences in high-angle rescue operations, scuba diving, and stunt work. As he transitioned to real estate, he brought a wealth of knowledge and skills, such as spatial data analysis, website creation, gaming, and targeted advertising, giving him a unique approach to the industry. Uhlir's perspective on transitioning to real estate revolves around the idea that agents should see themselves as representatives of brokerage and independent business entities. He underscores the importance of agents owning their website, a central hub for their marketing efforts. Furthermore, he highlights the significance of maintaining a clean database of contacts and the value of past clients and referrals. His experiences have shaped his belief that agents should take control of their marketing strategies and prioritize building their personal brand in the real estate industry.

    (00:01:47) Early Exposure to Tech through Family Involvement

    (00:06:00) Alligator Handling and Stunt Experience Mirrored

    (00:14:30) Revolutionizing Real Estate with Spatial Data Technology

    (00:15:51) Standardizing Data for Real Estate Success

    (00:20:30) "Real Estate Transition: Unique Marketing Insights"

    (00:25:46) Modern Search Tools on Agent Websites

    (00:35:14) Maximizing Agent Success Through Personal Websites


    00:00:00 - Bill Risser

    Hi, everybody. Welcome to another Real Estate Sessions Rewind. This week we're going back to March of 2023 with marketing expert Kurt Uhlir, as well as some expertise in some other areas, which I'll save for the introduction. So enjoy.

    00:00:15 - Kurt Uhlir

    But if it's your business, do you have a site with technology that you control that that is the focal point for anything else that you do marketing wise, whether you're great with email and KVcore or follow up boss or you're wonderful on TikTok or social like, when those algorithms change, when Google spam filters change, have you trained your audience to come find you on kurtulur.com? And that's that second big thing, because then it doesn't matter where you choose to invest in marketing, you have a central hub that everything focuses back to.

    00:00:47 - Bill Risser

    You're listening to the real estate sessions, and I'm your host, Bill Risser. With nearly 25 years in the real estate business, I love to interview industry leaders, up and comers, and really anyone with a story to tell. It's the stories that led my guests to a career in the real estate world that drives me into my 9th year and nearly 400 episodes of the podcast. And now, I hope you enjoy the next journey. Hi, everybody. Welcome to episode 348 of the Real Estate Sessions podcast. As always, thank you so much for tuning in. Thank you so much for telling a friend. Today. We're going to have a lot of fun. Today we are talking to Kurt Uhlir. This guy did a lot of things prior to the world of real estate, including stuntman scuba rescue and high angle rescue. And he's a certified alligator handler. Yes. That's the first time I've ever mentioned that phrase on the real estate sessions podcast. So you want to listen in? Let's get this thing started. Kurt, welcome to the podcast.

    00:01:45 - Kurt Uhlir

    Hey, thanks for having me, Bill.

    00:01:47 - Bill Risser

    Well, look, most of my listeners know that I like to start at the beginning. I really, I am fascinated where people come from, how they got to be where they're at. And so the easiest way to start with that is, is your childhood. And I'm going to go, I'm going to ask you, looking at some of the things I could. In my research, I found out that it seems like you were preordained to have a life in tech and entrepreneurship. Let's talk about that. Your parents, I think your father was early on in this game,...

  • Craig Grant is a distinguished speaker who has expertise in the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the real estate sector, among other things. Grant's insights, which are specialized in fact-checking and legal compliance in AI-generated content, result from his nationwide exposure and participation in high-profile events such as the High-Tech and High-Touch Summit. Grant's perspective on AI's influence on real estate encompasses a transformative shift, believing it will revolutionize every facet of the industry, including communication, marketing, property search, and transaction processes. His unique viewpoint is shaped by his conviction that AI will give birth to a new era of super realtors leveraging AI tools for enhanced customer service and communication. He perceives AI as a game-changer that will streamline transaction processes, bolster security, and minimize human intervention in contracts and underwriting, making the entire real estate transaction more efficient and secure.


    (00:03:07) Risk Mitigation in Evolving Artificial Intelligence

    (00:06:46) Tailored AI Platforms Enhancing Specific Tasks Functionality

    (00:13:09) Ensuring Compliance in AI-Generated Realtor Content

    (00:17:23) AI-Driven Video Creation and Editing Innovations

    (00:22:27) Enhancing Real Estate Transactions with AI


    - Implement safeguards to mitigate potential risks of AI technology

    - Choose AI platforms tailored for specific tasks to enhance productivity

    - Verify information pulled by AI databases before using it for marketing materials

    - Utilize AI tools like Descript for video content creation and editing

    - Leverage AI tools in real estate to streamline transactions and improve customer service

  • Alicia Berruti is a seasoned professional in the real estate industry, having spent more than eight years at Bomb Bomb before transitioning to Fidelity National Financial as the Director of Agent Engagement. Alicia believes the real estate industry has a substantial opportunity to rebuild consumer trust, especially in light of the ongoing commission lawsuits. Her perspective is shaped by her experience in the industry and the belief that real estate agents can demonstrate their value and protect consumers throughout the real estate process. This viewpoint suggests a proactive approach, with agents showing up stronger and emphasizing their professional value to regain trust rather than focusing on the negative aspects of the lawsuits. Alicia's experiences and her current role in fostering trust and transparency in real estate through innovative product design greatly contribute to her perspective.

    In a recent episode of 'The Real Estate Sessions' podcast hosted by Bill Risser, Alicia Berruti shared insightful tips on rebuilding consumer trust in the real estate industry. Drawing from her experiences at Bomb Bomb, Alicia highlighted the significance of providing value and excellent service to clients to enhance industry relationships and trust. Here are three key takeaways from the episode:

    1. **Show Your Value**: Alicia emphasized the importance of demonstrating value as a means to regain consumer trust amidst commission lawsuits. By showcasing the unique services and expertise agents bring to the table, they can establish credibility and rebuild confidence in the industry.

    2. **Prioritize Relationships**: Alicia spoke about the lasting relationships she built within the real estate community, underscoring the value of connections in fostering trust and mutual respect. By nurturing professional relationships, agents can create a supportive network that benefits both clients and industry peers.

    3. **Provide Tools and Resources**: Offering tools for home management and maintenance can be a valuable resource for potential buyers and sellers. By equipping clients with practical resources, agents not only add value to their services but also demonstrate a commitment to supporting clients beyond transactions.

    Alicia encapsulated her perspective with a powerful quote, "Provide value and abundance will follow." This mantra underscores the principle that by prioritizing client needs and delivering exceptional service, agents can cultivate meaningful relationships, establish trust, and ultimately achieve success in the real estate industry.

  • Transition in the real estate industry, such as incorporating advanced technologies, is a fascinating topic that highlights the industry's adaptability and future prospects. Bill Risser, a veteran in the real estate industry, sees this transition as a testament to the industry's resilience and ability to evolve. Risser has weathered numerous changes in his 25 years of experience, including market crashes and booms and the recent shift towards virtual operations spurred by the 2020 pandemic. His career trajectory, from embracing new technologies like Zoom back in the day for training sessions to joining innovative startups like RateMyAgent, showcases his adaptable, forward-thinking approach to the industry. Now, as the VP/Regional Sales Enablement Manager at Fidelity National Financial, Risser continues to champion growth and success in real estate, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to the industry's evolution.

  • Sharran Srivatsaa, President of REAL Brokerage, LLC, is a distinguished real estate entrepreneur and advocate for employee ownership, who has a unique perspective shaped by his personal journey from India. His perspective on real estate entrepreneurship, mindset, and employee ownership is deeply rooted in the power of partnership and collaboration, as evidenced by his strong alignment with Tamir, the founder of REAL. Sharran believes in creating a career-based financial incentive system for agents, rather than solely focusing on sales, to foster a deeper bond between the company and its partners. This approach, he believes, can lead to long-term success and loyalty. His experiences and the influence of his extraordinary parents have shaped this perspective, making him a strong advocate for a coachable mindset and personal growth. Join Bill Risser and Sharran Srivaatsa on this episode of The Real Estate Sessions podcast to delve deeper into these insightful perspectives.

    Guest Bio

    Sharran Srivatsaa is a real estate entrepreneur and advocate for employee ownership, with a strong focus on mindset and personal growth. Born in India, Sharran's journey to success was not without its challenges. He faced ridicule and bullying, but he persevered and developed a coachable mindset. Sharran's willingness to learn and seek guidance has been instrumental in his achievements. He credits his extraordinary parents for shaping his exceptional outlook on life. With a deep appreciation for the effort and commitment required to succeed, Sharran is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and experiences with others, creating a positive impact in the world of real estate entrepreneurship.

    Connect with Sharran



    Business School Podcast

    Time Stamped Outline

    (00:00:00) Inside the Minds of Real Estate Leaders

    (00:06:03) Sharran's journey from India to Wall Street

    (00:13:52) The Power of Minimalism and Efficiency

    (00:19:08) Business School: A Catalyst for Career Transformation

    (00:23:57) The Power of Continuous Skill Development

    (00:27:58) Transforming a Small Operation into a Thriving Empire

    (00:34:00) ESOP Model: Sharing Rewards for Team Success

    (00:38:06) Prioritizing and Achieving Greatness in Life

    (00:42:52) The Transformative Power of Mindset

    (00:47:50) REAL's Innovation in the Real Estate Industry

    Detailed Outline

    00:00:00 - Real Estate Sessions podcast

    The Real Estate Sessions podcast, hosted by Bill, offers listeners an inside look into the world of real estate through interviews with industry leaders. In episode 370, Bill sits down with Sharran, the president of Real Brokerage LLC, to discuss his experiences and insights in the field. Sharran emphasizes the importance of mindset, stating that "the problem is not the problem, the problem is how you think about the problem." He also highlights the mission of REAL Brokerage LLC, which is to serve and work for their agents. The podcast provides a platform for industry professionals to share their stories and journeys, offering valuable insights and inspiration to listeners. With a focus on real estate leaders and their perspectives, the Real Estate Sessions podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in the industry.

    00:06:03 - Tennis career

    Sharran's tennis career began at a young age when his parents saw his potential for a brighter future. Encouraged to pursue an individual sport, tennis became his path to...

  • Ron Shuffield is a respected figure in the business industry, recognized for his contributions as the founder of the Beacon Council and his leadership roles at the Chamber of Commerce and the Coral Gables Community Foundation. He views his career journey as a continuous learning experience, underlining the importance of mentorship, aligning with individuals of integrity, and the transformative power of personal growth within the industry. Shuffield's perspective has been shaped by his commitment to ethical business practices, such as trust, integrity, and longevity, and his belief in engaging in community roles. His guiding principle revolves around having respect and maintaining grounded values, ensuring that his team supports the company's core principles. Consequently, his approach highlights the importance of continuous learning, ethical conduct, and community involvement in building a long-lasting and successful career.


    00:00:00 - Bill Risser

    Hi, everybody. Welcome to another real estate sessions rewind episode as I continue my spring break. This break is nearly finished, and we will soon be back.

    00:00:08 - Ron Shuffield

    I don't know if I ever asked for business. It just comes to us because our associates are very active in whatever they're doing in the community, too. When people come to work for us, I say, you know, get involved in something you like doing, something that benefits the community.

    00:00:26 - Bill Risser

    You're listening to the real estate sessions, and I'm your host, Bill Risser. With nearly 25 years in the real estate business, I love interview industry leaders, up and comers, and really anyone with a story to tell. It's the stories that led my guests to a career in the real estate world that drives me into my 9th year and nearly 400 episodes of the podcast. And now, I hope you enjoy the next journey. Hi, everybody. Welcome to episode 354 of the Real Estate Sessions podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in. Thank you so much for telling a friend, as I always say. And today we're going to have a lot of fun. I am talking to Ron Sheffield. Ron is the CEO and president of the Berkshire Hathaway Home Services EWM Realty operation in Miami. We'll say South Florida. I met Ron with our CEO when Michael Davey was out here traveling through Florida, just kind of getting a sense of the Florida market for an australian. It was unique to be able to experience that. Ron was kind enough to have lunch with us, and, boy, I could tell just how during that conversation, he was somebody I had to talk to. It's somebody's story I had to get. So I'm really excited to get this thing started. Ron, welcome to the podcast.

    00:01:36 - Ron Shuffield

    Yeah, thank you, Bill. It's good to be here. Yeah.

    00:01:38 - Bill Risser

    You know, you and I met about a month ago or so, maybe a little longer down in your neck of the woods, Coral Gables area. We had a really nice lunch with Nina Fabri from the Berkshire Hathaway Home Services company. Right?

    00:01:50 - Ron Shuffield

    Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. Fun day with you guys.

    00:01:52 - Bill Risser

    It was really fun to talk to you and learn about, really, the unique space that the Miami real estate market is. And we're going to talk more about that. But first, I always start the podcast with where everything started for Ron. Now, I'm pretty sure, uh, and most people probably could tell that that accent's probably not a south Florida native, right? So far, so good. Yeah.

    00:02:16 - Ron Shuffield

    I grew up in New York City.

    00:02:19 - Bill Risser

    So let's go with where you grew up and and how long. How long before you made the move down here?

    00:02:25 - Ron Shuffield

    Sure. Well, I grew up in Tennessee and still the fifth largest

  • In the latest Real Estate Sessions Rewind episode of 'The Real Estate Sessions,' Episode 365 is this week as host Bill Risser sat down with Luke Carl, a former rock and roll bar owner who transitioned into real estate investing. Luke's journey into real estate was influenced by his family background in construction and his desire to be closer to his wife's family, leading him to invest in various markets and adapt to changing conditions in the industry.

    During the episode, Luke shared some valuable insights and tips for finding success in real estate investing:

    1. **Patience and Hard Work:** Luke emphasized the importance of patience, hard work, and hustle in achieving success in real estate investment. He highlighted the need to slow down and put in the effort to see results.

    2. **Targeting High Demand Markets:** Luke's strategy involves targeting towns with high vacation demand but low permanent residency rates for his successful short-term rental business. By understanding market dynamics, he has been able to maximize his returns in these areas.

    3. **Responsive Client Service:** Luke stressed the importance of being responsive to clients and building strong relationships in the industry. He believes that being available and attentive to clients' needs can set you apart in the competitive real estate market.

  • Introduced amidst the struggle of a terminal illness, John's Die Happy Tour is a testament to the human spirit's resilience and creativity. This remarkable endeavor, spearheaded by John, focuses on spreading happiness through surprising loved ones with creative gestures and meaningful interactions, even while facing personal adversity. Bill Risser, observing John's journey, commends his unique approach to celebrating life. Risser, moved by John's determination and positivity, emphasizes the profound impact of John's actions, which involve surprising folks and creating unforgettable memories for his loved ones and people he's just met. According to Risser, John exemplifies the power of giving and making the most of every moment, inspiring admiration and support.

    Here are three key takeaways from the episode:

    1. **Spread Joy Through Simple Acts**: John's tour highlights the significance of small gestures in making a difference in someone's life. As Bill Risser mentioned, John finds true happiness in bringing about a positive change in others' lives, echoing the sentiment that "it's better to give than to receive."

    2. **Create Lasting Memories**: Despite the challenges he faces, John is committed to making the most of every moment. By surprising his loved ones with thoughtful gestures, he aims to leave a lasting impact and inspire others to appreciate life and the joy of giving.

    3. **Embrace Resilience and Creativity**: John's story is a testament to resilience and creativity in the face of adversity. His ability to find unique and humorous ways to surprise people with gifts showcases his unwavering spirit and determination to spread happiness.

    As John eloquently put it, "Point your toes. It's the last thing the judges see." This metaphor shared by John reflects his approach to life, where he is focused on making the most of every opportunity and leaving a positive mark on the world.


    Sam DeBianchi is a native of Fort Lauderdale and the proud owner and founder of Debianchi Real Estate. Her extensive background in real estate, along with her successful brokerage, has led her to be featured on the television show "Million Dollar Listing" and open her own real estate shop after gaining valuable experience in the field for around three years. When it comes to the NAR settlement, DeBianchi harbors a critical perspective, expressing skepticism about its potential impact on real estate agents. She believes that top-performing agents, who provide substantial value to their clients, shouldn't worry too much about the settlement as they already exceed the basic requirements. DeBianchi's viewpoint, shaped by her experience in the industry, emphasizes the importance of being hands-on and selective when choosing a brokerage, underscoring the necessity of a supportive and conducive environment for success in the real estate industry. Her overall focus lies in providing exceptional service and adaptability in navigating industry changes.

    Sam's blog post on the NAR Settlement


    (00:01:42) Elevating Real Estate Professionalism Through NAR

    (00:08:34) "Thriving in Real Estate through Nightlife Skills"

    (00:15:05) Personalized Client Relationships in Luxury Real Estate

    (00:20:33) Prioritizing Personalized Mentorship in Real Estate Brokerage

    (00:26:12) Realtors' Journey to Rebuild Consumer Trust

    (00:29:52) Collaborative Nature of Real Estate Deals

    (00:36:05) Transition to a Balanced Real Estate Market


    - Real estate agents are discussing the impact of the recent NAR settlement on agent professionalism and consumer trust.

    - Sam DeBianchi emphasizes the importance of buyer agreements in preventing dishonest practices and elevating the industry's reputation.

    - DeBianchi highlights the expertise, market insights, and personalized services that real estate agents provide, going beyond what buyers can access on their own.

    - DeBianchi's experience managing a nightclub helped her develop skills in managing people, marketing, selling, and making quick decisions, which she successfully applied to her real estate business.

    - DeBianchi emphasizes the significance of personality over price in the luxury real estate market, stressing the value of building relationships with clients based on their needs and preferences.

    - Consumer distrust towards real estate agents due to lack of honesty has created a negative perception of the industry, emphasizing the need for effective representation.

    - There is a prediction of a shift towards a more normal real estate market in the upcoming years, requiring adaptability in different market conditions and providing value beyond quick sales.


    - Twitter: www.twitter.com/SamDeBianchi

    - Instagram: www.instagram.com/samdebianchi

    - Facebook: www.facebook.com/samdebianchi

    - YouTube: www.youtube.com/samdebianchi5650


    00:00:00 - Sam DeBianchi

    There's always this post that I see around on Facebook, and it lists like a hundred things of what the buyer agent does. And I appreciate that. But I also don't love that post. And reason being is because some of those items, any, anyone could say, oh, well, I can do that, you know, and I want to take it to a different level to where someone is like, I can't really do that. Peace.

    00:00:28 - Bill Risser

    You're listening to the real estate sessions, and I'm your host, Bill Risser. With nearly 25 years in the real...

  • Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, recognized each March since its official inception by President Clinton in 2000, emphasizes the critical need for early colon cancer screenings to mitigate disease progression. Survivor Bill Risser offers a deeply personal viewpoint on this topic. His perspective, shaped by his own journey battling colon cancer, highlights the importance of regular screenings, particularly colonoscopies, for early detection and high survival rates. Risser's experiences also underscore the value of a strong support system during treatment and recovery, as well as the significance of maintaining a positive mindset throughout the process. His advocacy for colorectal cancer awareness is imbued with a sincere dedication to encouraging others to prioritize their health through regular screenings, especially those over 45 or with a family history of the disease.


    Post 1 - The Three Words You Never Want to Hear

    Post 2 - My Top Ten Takeaways From Colon Cancer Surgery

    Port 3 - Therapy Treatment Begins

    Post 4 - Chemo and Caffeine - A True Story

    Post 5 - It's All About the People, Not the Cancer

    Post 6 - My Life a Fortnight at a Time

    Post 7 - Bumps in the Road

    Post 8 - And Down the Stretch They Come!

    Post 9 - Elephants, Ants and Gelato

  • Matthew Simpson is a proficient entrepreneur with extensive experience in the technological and business development sectors. His perspective on LoLo, a relationship retention tool, is deeply influenced by his unique background. Simpson perceives LoLo as a crucial means for real estate agents to stay relevant with their network by providing local, significant gifts consistently. He contends that nurturing relationships and expanding one's network is vital for long-term success in sales, particularly in domains involving infrequent, high-value transactions. Simpson emphasizes the importance of overcoming the fear of rejection and failure, viewing each setback as a valuable learning opportunity paving the way for future triumphs. Furthermore, he sees Lolo as a tool that not only supports local independent businesses but also helps to maintain the unique community atmosphere that differentiates these businesses from larger corporate chains.

    00:04:07) Harmonious Diversity: Nashville's Community Tapestry

    (00:15:58) Market-Driven Solutions Fuel Business Expansion Success

    (00:19:12) Learning from Failures: Entrepreneurial Guidance and Impact

    (00:24:25) Monthly Gifts for Real Estate Agents Strategy

    (00:29:42) Building Relationships for New Real Estate Agents

    (00:29:42) Enhancing Sales Success Through Network Relationships

    (00:00:00) "And so that began the initial discussion for what is now Lolo, which is, how can we help them stay top of mind with an item of value, with something meaningful and local, with a write up, with pictures." - Matthew Simpson

    (00:04:06) "Matthew Simpson (00:04:07): "When I think about what was so special about growing up in Nashville and then comparing it to mean it was always the people. The people were just so kind, thoughtful, welcoming, just a really community centric vibe." - Bill Risser

    (00:13:14) "I was going to say, the entrepreneur runs deep in you. You want to create your own things, and that's great." - Bill Risser (00:13:14)" - Bill Risser

    (00:17:28) "If you can find someone who has a specific need and go address that need, and that need allows for enough money to be paid to solve it, that's where you really want to focus your efforts." - Matthew Simpson" - Matthew Simpson

    (00:27:11) "The psychology of receiving something that was given to you creates a very positive response and makes people feel good. And that's really what we deliver." - Matthew Simpson" - Matthew Simpson

    (00:30:41) "If I look back and think about had I prevented myself from failing at something, would it have been an improvement in my career? And I would say absolutely not. In fact, I wish I had failed faster." - Matthew Simpson


    Matthew Rathbun, a seasoned real estate professional with a background in law enforcement, has dedicated over two decades to the industry, advocating for consumer protection and ethical practices. Rathbun's perspective on consumer preferences in real estate is rooted in the belief that the industry needs to be more attentive to what consumers want, whether it's a preferred realtor, platform, or service. He argues that ignoring these preferences can result in missed opportunities, as demonstrated by the rise of new industry players who have successfully catered to unmet consumer needs. Rathbun also underscores the importance of effective communication and storytelling to highlight the value that agents and organizations bring to consumers. Drawing from his extensive experience, he emphasizes the need for the industry to adapt to evolving consumer behavior and technological advancements, urging industry leaders to lead by example in embracing these changes.


    (00:15:53) From Law Enforcement to Real Estate Success

    (00:21:08) Inclusive Real Estate Experience for Families

    (00:22:59) Balancing Family and Professional Commitments in Real Estate

    (00:25:13) Embracing Technological Advancements in Real Estate Market

    (00:28:06) Putting Consumers First in Real Estate Industry

    (00:39:10) Role of Knowledge Workers in Real Estate

    (00:48:56) Smartphone Tools for Real Estate Efficiency

    (00:50:13) Consumer-Centric Homes Reshaping Real Estate Market

    (00:52:38) National MLS Impact on Property Valuation

    (00:59:10) Centralized Real Estate Data for Consumer Reach

    (01:00:43) Human-Centered Approach for Real Estate Success

    (01:07:12) Transforming Real Estate Marketing with AI Technology


    - Matthew Rathbun transitioned to a career in real estate after finding a new purpose in life, bringing him growth and fulfillment over the past 21 years.

    - Rathbun emphasizes the importance of putting clients first, building trust, and involving children in real estate discussions to create a unique and inclusive experience.

    - Maintaining work-life balance in the real estate industry is crucial, prioritizing family over professional commitments and setting boundaries with clients.

    - Adapting to changes in the real estate industry, particularly with the integration of AI, is essential for remaining competitive and enhancing efficiency.

    - A consumer-centric approach in real estate is crucial, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing consumers and effectively communicating the value provided by real estate professionals.

    - Knowledge workers play a crucial role in industries like real estate, mortgage, and settlement, providing valuable information to clients and shaping the industry.

    - Real estate agents can boost productivity and mental well-being by using mobile-friendly tools and apps, emphasizing the importance of embracing technology for better organization and efficiency.

  • Jorge Guerra is a seasoned veteran in the real estate industry, having founded Real Estate Salesforce, a brokerage based in Coral Gables, South Florida, at the young age of 26. With nearly 25 years of experience under his belt, Guerra's perspective on real estate salesforce is shaped by his belief in simplicity, consistency, and relationship-building. He views technology as a tool that should be carefully evaluated and implemented by brokers, only if it significantly contributes to the industry. Despite acknowledging the importance of technology and embracing innovations like AI, Guerra emphasizes that the core of the real estate business lies in human interaction and providing value to clients. His experiences, including the collapse of the real estate market and the rise of the internet, have led him to see opportunities for young, tech-savvy individuals to enter the industry and leverage new technologies for greater exposure and success.


    (00:01:36) Tech-Savvy Real Estate Brokerage Revolutionizing Industry

    (00:03:49) Immigrant Journey: Sacrifices, Opportunities, and Resilience

    (00:06:13) The Determination Fueled by Parental Sacrifice

    (00:14:37) Embracing Innovation: Revolutionizing the Real Estate Industry

    (00:17:46) Embracing Technology to Revolutionize Real Estate

    (00:22:41) Industry Influence through Volunteering and Advocacy

    (00:27:13) Embracing Technology and Building Client Relationships


    Richard McDonough is a renowned real estate agent in Stillwater, Minnesota, who has built a strong reputation in the industry through his dedication to continuous learning and effective use of social media and technology. His perspective on the real estate market in Stillwater is overwhelmingly positive, shaped by his experiences and deep appreciation for the town. He views Stillwater as a beautiful small town with a strong sense of community, excellent schools, and a variety of activities, making it an attractive place for many people to move to. His admiration for the town is further reinforced by its consistent recognition as one of the best small towns in America. This appreciation, combined with his commitment to building relationships within the industry, has significantly contributed to his success, as evidenced by his remarkable growth in 2012 GCI from $79,000 to $485,000 in just one year.


    (00:05:17) Desirable Real Estate in Scenic Stillwater

    (00:16:29) Luxury yacht crew life and career transition

    (00:24:11) From Yachting to Real Estate: Embracing Change

    (00:28:03) Collaboration and Communication in Real Estate

    (00:31:18) Maximizing Lead Generation with Google Business

    (00:36:42) Stillwater: A Small Town with High Home Prices

    (00:41:22) Enhancing credibility and effectiveness through accurate real estate data


    Real estate in Stillwater, Minnesota offers a unique blend of small-town charm and access to major corporations, making it an attractive place to live. In a recent episode of "The Real Estate Sessions" podcast, host Bill Risser interviewed Richard McDonough, a successful real estate agent in the area, who shared insights into the local market and the challenges and opportunities it presents.

    Located in the St. Croix Valley, Stillwater is not just a suburb but a beautiful small town with a strong sense of community. It is home to Anderson Windows, one of the world's leading window manufacturers, and is in close proximity to other major corporations like 3M, Target, and Medtronic. This combination of small-town atmosphere and employment opportunities makes Stillwater an appealing place for both residents and businesses.

    One of the interesting aspects of the Stillwater real estate market, as McDonough pointed out, is that many residents have deep roots in the area. Generational homes are common, with houses being passed down within families. This means that a significant portion of McDonough's business comes from people moving into the area, attracted by the sense of community, excellent schools, and the variety of activities available.

    The St. Croix River, which flows through Stillwater, adds to the town's appeal. It is one of the narrowest national parks in the country and was one of the first two rivers designated as a national scenic waterway. The river offers protection and scenic beauty, making Stillwater consistently recognized as one of the best small towns in America.

    However, the real estate market in Stillwater is not without its challenges. McDonough highlighted the competitiveness of the industry, which can lead to inventory problems. To address this, he emphasized the importance of collaboration, information sharing, and effective communication among real estate agents and companies within the marketplace. By working together and helping each other, the real estate community can make the process smoother for everyone involved.

    McDonough also stressed the need for real estate agents to treat their profession as a business from day one. Many agents focus solely on transactions and wait for the phone to ring, rather than planning for their future. He compared being a real estate agent to owning a franchise, where keeping the doors open and actively seeking opportunities are...


    Megan Farrell-Nelson, a former kindergarten teacher, made a bold career transition into real estate at the age of 26 and has been in the industry for approximately twelve years. Megan's perspective on transitioning to a real estate career is that it was a challenging and unexpected journey, met with skepticism and lack of support from her peers. However, she persevered and learned to embrace the grit and perseverance required in the industry. Her background as a kindergarten teacher played a significant role in her ability to break down complex real estate concepts for clients and provide them with the necessary education. Megan, along with her husband, who is also a former educator, now relishes the opportunity to educate and train new agents in their office. Her experiences underscore the importance of resilience, learning from failures, and providing support to others in the real estate industry.


    (00:00:03) "I walked in as from kindergarten world, right, where you're like, be kind and treat each other with the golden rule. And then I walked into a real estate office and I was like, hi, I'm Megan and super bubly and super, you know, just basically who I am now again. But I was greeted with not as much excitement as I had, let's, let's, let's call it that. And just a lot of like, I remember the first day I did floor time and the agent telling me that I was going to flounder just like the rest of them." - Megan Farrell-Nelson

    (00:09:41) "I need something. I know this is going to sound kind of weird, like, you can only go to the beach so many times when you're by yourself, right? And I was 26 and I was excited about life, and that just wasn't it." - Megan Farrell-Nelson

    (00:10:52) "I went from taking care of their most valuable possession, which is their baby, right, to the largest transaction. They're going to have experience. And so it's kind of like kid gloves both ways. And like you said, over explaining things is really big in real estate and education. And I went from teaching people who knew nothing about standing in line and reading and writing to breaking it down on a very low level for them. And so it really did transition naturally into helping with real estate because I was able to break it down." - Megan Farrell-Nelson

    (00:20:51) "I think the number one thing that agents don't do, I really think it's the number one thing they don't do, which makes me crazy, is they don't learn the contract. They just know what blank spots they need to fill in. Right. They don't understand a contract." - Megan Farrell-Nelson

    (00:25:14) "I think that horrible situation I went through, I think that being able to turn away from substances and being able to take care of myself when I needed to are really what helped me heal and continue to heal." - Megan Farrell-Nelson

    (00:33:22) "Don't quit before the magic happens." - Megan Farrell-Nelson





    00:00:00 - Megan Farrell-Nelson

    Yeah. So I was 26, like I said. And it, it was, I walked in as from kindergarten world, right, where you're like, be kind and treat each other with the golden rule. And then I walked into a real estate office and I was like, hi, I'm Megan and super bubbly and super, you know, just basically who I am now again. But I was greeted with not as much excitement as I had, let's, let's, let's call it that. And just a lot of like, I remember the first day I did floor time and the agent telling me that I was...

  • Jacki Semerau Tait is a seasoned real estate agent with Realty One Group, boasting over 20 years of experience in the industry. Her perspective on the real estate career and work-life balance in Flagstaff, Arizona is shaped by her love for the area and her emphasis on building relationships. She cherishes the beauty and diversity of northern Arizona and finds fulfillment in helping clients achieve their dreams, whether it's finding a second home or assisting with the sale of a forever home due to a job opportunity. Her journey, including challenges such as having to short sell her own house in 2008, has led her to value work-life balance and build a supportive team around her. Join Bill Risser and Jacki Semerau Tait as they delve deeper into these topics on this episode of The Real Estate Sessions podcast.


    (00:00:00) "I think everything is relationships. I think if you're a small business owner, which as a real estate agent, you are a small business owner. And that's the first thing that any new agent needs to understand. This is not a job, this is a career. This is where you own your business. And if you're a small business owner, relationships are everything." - Jacki Semerau Tait

    (00:04:57) "I think the thing that people need to know is in northern Arizona, you do get four seasons, especially in the Flagstaff area. In Flagstaff, where it's 7000ft, so we have the same type of climate as what people typically associate with Denver, Colorado. And I think a lot of people forget that when they think Arizona, they think dry heat, 120 degrees, saguaro cactus. That's what they think. But no, we've got the Ponderosa Pines, the four seasons. Last year we had a brutal winter and had record breaking snow, 180 plus inches. So, yeah, that's what you need to know. And here's the thing. It's beautiful in northern Arizona. Once you get up north to about the 3000 foot level, there's so much to do, there's so much diversity. You've got the red rocks of Sedona, you have the old mining town in Jerome, you've got the pines and the snow up in Flagstaff. So there's a lot to see and do and it's beautiful." - Jacki Semerau Tait

    (00:11:03) "I fell in love with the process of real estate. I just fell in love, which is very odd because I'm a creative. And so for me to really grab onto the legalities and the intricacies, but to me, all these pieces that you have to put together, it's kind of like putting together a puzzle. And when you do it well, you get a great outcome. And it intrigued me." - Jacki Semerau Tait

    (00:18:00) "I became far more successful in my business by cutting down the amount of time that I made myself available to my business." - Jacki Semerau Tait

    (00:22:38) "Well, Bill, I'll tell you, the one thing that we all have in common as human beings is that we will face adversity. And I know that right now our society is trying to tell us like, hey, if you set up everything right, you can be safe and you can be secure and don't risk anything. Just stay safe. Stay safe. And that seems to be the messaging from our society at large. But honestly, you got to put some risk out there. No risk, no reward. The bigger the risk, potentially, the bigger the reward, but the bigger you can fall." - Jacki Semerau Tait

    (00:32:52) "Get a mentor. Get a mentor. It is that simple. Honestly, I think it's a disservice to new agents that it's not a requirement." - Jacki Semerau Tait


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