
  • The tenacity and strength it takes to go against the grain in society, should be revered!

    Nicki Truesdell, was definitely meant to be on this earth.

    Although, her life may have never commenced based on a decision her 14 year old mother decided not to take…

    Some people are victims, and others are go-getters. Some let their environment get the better of them, and others are trailblazers. Some are stuck in fear, others are prepared to risk it all.

    The world should be thankful for people like Nicki’s parents, and Nicki too.

    They’ve dealt with the ridicule, the shame, challenged the authorities, and paved the way for future generations to have an alternative learning environment.

    She is an inspiring woman with a tough life story, and I also got to pick her brains on all things homeschooling!

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    Homeschooling and travelling Legacy of non-abortion Home-birthing 5 children Breaking generational cycles Impact of faith and religion Transitioning from public to homeschool Re-starting life with $300 Living in abusive relationships Motherhood on a shoestring All year homeschooling Society and deprived sleep Structure of a homeschooled day Socialisation of homeschooled kids Bullying at school Teaching kids to read

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

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    Connect with Nicki Truesdell:

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    Discussion Links

    Knowledge Keepers Bookstore

    People Discussed

    Jeanice Barcelo Alvin Irby

    Books Mentioned

    Anyone Can Homeschool - Nicki Truesdell

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  • One of the greatest gifts a human has, is the ability to create music. Just being able to sing a cappella, or pick up a guitar and strum some tunes, is a talent gifted to so few.

    Anne-Marie Smuts, always had a burning desire to make music, share her vibes with the world and play to large crowds.

    However, life had other ideas and that little fire burning in her tummy had to wait many years to finally get ignited!

    I’m always so impressed by the resilience of people, especially children. Anne-Marie, had a seriously tough childhood which started when her Dad had a serious car accident. From there, their lifestyle began to degrade.

    Fortunately, the South African spirit in her, means that she is a fighter!

    These days, her music career is ready to take off, and her beautiful voice is a gift to uplift us and encourage the weary.

    Like two buddies having a conversation. This was special!

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    The online world is not reality Difficulty in discussing taboo subjects Children’s access to information these days Raising your children to be leaders or followers When does life start feeling serious? The Fear that women live in The perils of social media Careful what you feed your mind Dealing with nasty people online Big life transformations Life as a musician How are you perceived in the world? Balancing life and motherhood How to put your thoughts into the world

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

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    Korsakoff Syndrome

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  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Brent, is an absolute diamond of a man.

    He has endured an extreme amount of hardship and suffering in his life. Dealing with physical, emotional and intellectual abuse as a child and adult.

    Yet, he is a man on a mission aiming to make the world a better place by not repeating the patterns of his past.

    Any parent or father listening, who has struggles of their own, is going to want to take notes of his resilience and ability to piece himself together by trying to understand life and the cards he was dealt.

    One of the smartest, self-taught guys I know. A curious human always aiming to understand and improve. A must listen!!

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    Weightloss journey. Down 52 pounds in 6 months Engaging positively on social media Intentional positivity Overcoming knee injuries Suffering physical and emotional childhood abuse Overcoming deep trauma How our bodies keep score Cruelty of the family court system Taking a chance on someone Paying it forward Is childhood care, net negative for kids? R vs K sexual selection Intentional fatherhood Sacrifices of parenthood Inspiration for starting a podcast Advice for people with ADHD

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    Discussion Links

    Salt Lake City Marathon Rhabdomyolysis R vs K Sexual Selection

    People Discussed

    Knees Over Toes Guy Jordan Goldstein Lindy Louise Dr. Gabor Matè Bruce Lipton Noah Ryan

    Books Mentioned

    In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts - Dr Gabor Matè

    Right Hook Request


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  • For a long time, my thoughts have been that the best education is provided through travelling. It opens you up to the reality of the world, and to the truth, because you see and experience things with your own eyes. You are exposed to the melting pot of world cultures and traditions.

    Jordan Urbs, is a well-seasoned traveller. After a brief stint working a 9-5, he decided to rather be broke, than sell his time! So he spent 12 years travelling the world making videos with people.

    He dove head-first into life without a care for the consequences. However, that all changed once he realised he was not living up to his self-worth and making excuses for his potential.

    He’s now experiencing the beginning of a new era of life in El Salvador, with his wife and two kids. A totally different man….wise, with purpose and drive.

    He is also going to show and teach us how to do the same for ourselves too!

    Top bloke. Deep Pod conversation!

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    Why live in El Salvador? Living off grid in Hawaii Having faith and hope in life Studying -> French style Travelling the world couch surfing Hitchhiking across Europe Finding self-love Overcoming victim mindset Integrating Ayahuasca experiences into daily life Travelling as a couple Reconnecting with past Ancestors Knowing your worth

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

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    Connect with Jordan Urbs:

    Website Twitter Authentic Video Club

    Discussion Links

    El Salvador Couch Surfing Iquitos, Peru

    People Discussed

    Max Kaiser Michael Ruiz - Sovereign Mindset

    Books Mentioned

    Vagabonding - Rolf Potts The Coddling of the American Mind - Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff

    Right Hook Request


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  • Growing up with an abusive alcoholic father often leaves scarring and has a lifelong impact on a child.

    In 2005, Amanda Carneiro, overcame her lifelong battle with depression and anxiety. She also shed the extra 30 pounds she had put on going through her traumatic experience.

    Completely transforming her body and my mind, spilled over to other areas of her life: Her career blossomed, relationships improved, and self-worth sky-rocketed.

    She is now a seasoned world traveller, teaching others how to overcome their health issues, how to better understand themselves and their bodies, and how to live more prosperous and full lives!

    I really enjoyed chatting with Amanda, tons to learn in this Pod!!!

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    Home luxuries you miss when in Central/South America The difficulty in being healthy in USA Importance of taking breaks from environments Dealing with life long depression and anxiety Growing up with an abusive alcoholic father Dealing with childhood trauma Healing bloating and gut issues Identifying you have gut issues Supplements - good or bad? How to avoid late night snacks Getting optimal sleep Homeschooling renaissance Travel being the greatest teacher

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

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    Connect with Amanda Carneiro:

    Website Twitter Instagram LinkedTree

    Discussion Links

    Matt Walker - Joe Rogan Podcast

    Books Mentioned

    The Second Brain - Michael D Gershon Why We Sleep - Matt Walker

    Right Hook Request


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  • Most people have trust issues in their relationships and they don’t even realise it. They fail at the first hurdle of Trust and never allow their relationships to flourish by getting to Trust level 4.

    Adam Lane Smith, is an Attachment Specialist and draws from his wealth of clinical experience and personal insight. His journey began helping the inmates of prisons to see themselves in a different light.

    Now, he is helping to re-write the belief about how human connection is supposed to function. Adam teaches honesty, direct communication, clear boundaries, and measurable levels of trust, to build secure and healthy relationships.

    This is one you will want to have on repeat. Great chat with a legend of a bloke!!

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    Being the sole consumer of news in his household Masculine role in relationships Secure attachment vs Insecure Attachment Untold consequences of fatherless families A personal live coaching session Why talking openly in relationships is a necessity The Four levels of Trust The purpose in fatherhood How to deal with fear and perfectionism Where does lack of confidence stem from? Dealing with avoidant people Difference between coaching men and women High performers and relationship issues Does couple therapy even work?

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

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    Connect with Adam Lane Smith:

    Website Instagram Twitter Youtube Email TikTok Linktree

    Discussion Links

    17 Ugly Truths Podcast Food Documentary - Grace Price Yellow Journalism

    People Discussed

    Chris Williamson Sal Di Stefano from MindPump Ali Covington from the BOD Grace Price Vin Zhang

    Music By

    Matthew Parker

    Right Hook Request


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  • Often, many problems in life are right under our noses….or our feet, in this instance!

    After many years of playing high level junior tennis and suffering from various injuries, Melker Svärd, associated these injuries to just playing tennis at a high level. Then he became super interested in feet and footwear.

    His company co-conducted the largest foot and shoe research study in the world, and their findings were quite staggering.

    Together with his brother, they are on a mission to change the footwear industry and get people healthier from the ground up!

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    Embracing Seasonality Creative vs Execution Seasons Relaxing your brain for creativity to flourish Being optimistically wired The overwhelming negative news cycles Influencing in your small capacity Trap of comparisonitis Tennis being the ultimate sport Sports and problem solving Reaching top 400 in world junior tennis rankings Lifestyle experimentation Your ultimate health profile Sun is the source of life and healing Problems with modern shoes Conducting the largest feet and shoe study Greatest challenges starting a shoe company

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

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    Connect with Melker Svärd:

    Website - Wyde Footwear Twitter Instagram

    Discussion Links

    Vivo Barefoot Shoes Vibram Shoes Gothenburg Becker and Edberg Wimbledon Grounding Mat My Foot Function Hallux Valgus

    People Discussed

    Boris Becker Stefan Edberg Roger Federer

    Books Mentioned

    Born To Run

    Music By

    Matthew Parker

    Right Hook Request


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  • Storytelling is fundamental to the evolution of humans and continuation of traditions and sharing deep wisdom.

    Jon Jon Park, is a man full of stories worth hearing. His Dad, Reg Park, was an iconic figure who greatly influenced the world of bodybuilding.

    Growing up with a father of his stature, provided Jon Jon with a unique outlook on life. He also learned the mindset of a champion.

    It’s a huge privilege for me to sit down and chat to a man like Jon Jon. Lots of relatable value packed into this conversation!

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    Struggling at school academically The conformity of the education model Belittling life events Lessons from competitive Olympic swimming Mental preparation of an elite athlete A champion's mindset Growing up with an iconic father figure How posing music started in Bodybuilding Hollywood hero and film sets ‘Going to work day’ with your father Importance of earning respect Life regrets Background stories of Reg Park

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

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    Discussion Links

    Legend of the Glass Mountain Arnold Classic Hercules Movies

    People Discussed

    Reg Park Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Music By

    Matthew Parker

    Right Hook Request


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  • Case Bradford is on a mission to elevate our vitality, through training outdoors and eating loads of ice-cream!

    He was once a podgy, and unhealthy chap, but turned his life around and now helps others to elevate their body-mind health and fitness.

    He is deeply connected to nature and you will often find him doing fitness trapeze acts on the beaches of California

    Take everything you have been programmed about fitness, throw it out the window, and give this Podcast a listen!

    You will want to change your fitness and life habits as a result. Case is a gem of a man. Super conversation!

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    Life chaos we are forced to deal with Inconvenience of technology Importance of “good light” Shamanic ability of making others laugh People forgetting how to have fun Dis-regulated nervous systems Introversion and low self-esteem Negative Ions Nature and vitality Why you need a standing desk Wearing natural fibers Is Ice cream a Superfood? Embracing regenerative farming Necessity of touch Morphic resonance Karmic Action

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

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    Connect with Case Bradford:

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    Discussion Links

    Negative ions Daylight - Computer Company Biggest Little Farm - Movie Ellipsis Earth

    People Discussed

    Adam Rossi Chris Williamson, Modern Wisdom Podcast Paul Chek Mark Sisson Robb Wolf Rafe Kelley Ellie Mackay Charles Eisenstein

    Books Mentioned

    Sacred Economics - Charles Eisenstein The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible - Charles Eisenstein

    Music By

    Matthew Parker

    Right Hook Request


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  • One day, Erik Kaiser, was worth $200m and the next day he was worth -$5m

    It was a moment which changed his perception of the world, changed his personality, and ultimately set him on a new trajectory.

    He has risen from the ashes, more times than he has been burnt to the ground. He shares the harsh realities of business, to offer a truly balanced perspective. Which is quite the opposite to the glitz and glamour so many entrepreneurs these days want you to think. His favourite pastime is debunking business tweets an X

    He solves problems through 30 years of self-funded startups and his latest venture, Crush The Memory, is the best idea I have seen in a long time!! Which we discuss at the end of our Pod conversation today.

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    Secrets to looking youthful Carnivore lifestyle Epigenetic triggers Truth v reinforced lying How negative thoughts age you Was Steve Jobs actually successful? Life changing impact of fatherhood EQ and leadership Losing $200m in a day Thoughts on mortality Designing Crush The Memory World’s best way to record Notes Complexity behind slick design

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

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    Background, Context & Reference

    Connect with Erik Kaiser:

    Website Twitter Website - Crush The Memory Twitter - Crush The Memory LinkedIn

    Discussion Links

    Kaiser Chiefs - Band Kaizer Chiefs - Soccer Team Epigenetics Suno AI Midjourney Chat GPT

    Books Mentioned

    Why We Sleep, by Matthew Walker

    Music By

    Matthew Parker

    Right Hook Request


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  • Kriss Berg, is just the type of man that the world needs more of!

    He epitomises the notion of being morally, spiritually and physically anabolic!

    He is the owner of a $15M portfolio of ecom businesses and also has multiple car wash locations. He uses nifty loop holes to reduce his tax bill to almost zero income tax.

    He shares a lot of his secrets on Twitter and in his weekly Newsletter, but in this Podcast we take things a layer deeper and draw out his life lessons, advice and worldviews. Cracker of a show and legend bloke.

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    Good immigrant stories Importance of helping fellow humans 3 critical life skills Leading through action How to keep your kids grounded Road trip memories Exploring boredom as kids Recording your stream of consciousness Planning ‘thinking time’ Jobs all kids should do Importance of soft skills Wild business stories Advice to new entrepreneurs with no capital Start-up cultures ‘big problem’ Dealing with adult loneliness Maintaining friendships as adults Listening better and asking deeper questions Psychedelics and retreats Setting intentions Letting your mind play Finding clarity in life

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

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    Background, Context & Reference

    Connect with Kriss Berg:

    Website - Breakthrough Website - Tax Free Twitter Newsletter - Sign-Up

    Discussion Links

    The Dorién Gap Crush The Memory Habitat for Humanity Jefferson County Sewerage Scandal

    People Discussed

    Erik Kaiser Adam Rossi

    Music By

    Matthew Parker

    Right Hook Request


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  • Chris Hellgeth, is a high school dropout, who turned a 10 cent cigarette sale into a $100MM/yr gas distribution business.

    He has enjoyed the absolute highs of being successful and also endured the absolute lows of going broke.

    Having his kids come home with no report card due to school fees not being paid and his wife’s credit card being rejected when buying groceries, are moments which defined him and made him the comeback king.

    He spends a lot of his time these days teaching and talking all things gas, convenience stores and real estate.

    Chris is an absolute legend of a man, who shares a mountain of life and business advice in this conversation. Not to be missed!

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    Being a Twitter celeb An ability to read the room Balancing life, family, business Being a present father Living in ’the middle’ Finding your tribe online School being a waste of time Losing confidence in school Always being a people person Having a chip on your shoulder Keeping your kids grounded Teachings of Randy Unique employee hiring tactics Ruthless business Going completely broke Solid advice for Entrepreneurs

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

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    Connect with Chris Hellgeth:

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    Music By

    Matthew Parker

    Right Hook Request


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  • Adam Rossi, is the type of man you want leading a country.

    He is a Philomath, with a well rounded knowledge and expertise, and that makes him a highly interesting person to be around.

    He’s experienced an extraordinarily successful career and is highly altruistic about our next generation.

    Mostly, he is a Husband and Dad with 3 great kids.

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    Entrepreneurship in the 90s How your kids are sponges The best way to lead Learning social skills as an introvert A life-changing trajectory Being altruistic about the next generation Ideologies impacting society Isolating effect of technology Advice to young Founders Trade-off for success Managing big life transitions Dark-side of social media The influence of internal dialogue Is tertiary education a necessity?

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

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    Connect with Adam Rossi:

    Website Twitter LinkedIn

    Discussion Links

    Virginia Tech University Virginia Tech Engineering Team Apex Entrepreneurship Center LawnStarter The Strangest Secret - Earl Nightingale

    Music By

    Matthew Parker

    Right Hook Request


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  • I’m a huge fan of people who ‘experiment’ with their lives to find out what they want to do

    Alex Moore is the epitome of someone getting after it.

    He is a different person compared to when he first appeared on the Podcast a few years


    Finding someone with not just one, but two jobs they love is incredible!

    Let this man inspire you to make changes in your life!

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    Taking calculated risks on yourself The Renaissance of the Men's Movement Cycles of Humanity Importance of Men’s Groups Maori healers How your body holds pain Metaphysical body blockages Benefits of a supportive wife Women’s needs in relationships What is Nice Guy Syndrome? Nice Guy covert contracts Importance of masculine energy Are you a “Bad Receiver” Nice Guy tendencies David Goggins tool set Why we need Accountability Nice Guy recovery

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    Background, Context & Reference

    Connect with Alex Moore:

    Website Instagram LinkedIn LinkTree Integration Nation Buffalos Food Truck

    Discussion Links

    Maori Healer - Hona Hona Wim Hof Dairy Queen 75 Hard

    People Discussed

    Dr Robert Glover Chris Williamson Andy Frisella

    Books Mentioned

    Man Uncivilized by Traver Boehm

    Music By

    Matthew Parker

    Right Hook Request


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  • Dr. Glover can be considered one of the GOATs in the Men's Work Movement.

    He is the Author of the edgy, No More Mr Nice Guy. With topics that can be hard to handle if you have ‘Nice Guy’ tendencies

    He has 40 years of expertise in bettering men and improving their relationships with themselves.

    A conversation with a man of this calibre is something I cherish.

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    How he became the GOAT of helping men Falling out with the church Why you should start saying “Yes” What is a mans highest purpose Do you believe in fate? Needing faith to believe in your fate Greatest reason for human suffering Why everything is about love Benefits of men’s groups Getting your energy levels charged What is Nice Guy syndrome? Social Media is feminine energy Being intentional with Social Media How to face your fears

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

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    Background, Context & Reference

    Connect with Dr Robert Glover:

    Website YouTube

    Discussion Links

    Integration Nation Rhythmia, Costa Rica

    People Discussed

    Alex Moore Chris Williamson

    Books Mentioned

    No More Mr Nice Guy - Dr Robert Glover The Big Stick - Dr Robert Glover Slaughterhouse Five - Kurt Vonnegut The Way of the Superior Man - David Deida Passionate Marriage - Dr David Snarch The Wisdom of No Escape - Pema Chodron The Road Less Traveled - Scott Peck Iron John - Robert Bly Irrational Male - Rollo Tomassi The Game - Neil Strauss

    Music By

    Matthew Parker

    Right Hook Request


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  • Jeremy Meeks aka Shiver King is not your average type of man.

    He quits things he enjoys. He starts things he doesn’t enjoy. This strategy is a recipe for sensational personal growth.

    His life was work, booze, smoking, watching sports….on repeat. Until he had that aha awakening moment and realised his life was flashing before him.

    A promise to walk his dogs everyday, turned into him running ultra-marathons. Running in -40 degree celsius is not unusual for him. He is built different.

    Channelling his addictive personality and traits into a different realm of alignment is changing his life and inspiring many others to join him.

    This is the pep talk you need!

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    The Time Travelling Tool Time wasted watching sport Losing friends due to your own growth Starting a Weed free support group Dreams returning after stopping marijuana Lessons managing an online community Losing his daughter Slipping into bad habits Best advice to give up addictions A life changing promise he made to his dogs Why addicts are special people The anti-mentor Meeting up in real life with digital friends

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

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    Discussion Links

    Tribal Training Prairie on Fire Backyard Ultra

    People Discussed

    David Goggins Jocko Willink Rich Roll

    Books Suggestions

    Extreme Ownership - Jocko Willink

    Music By

    Matthew Parker

    Right Hook Request


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  • Gaby Vivas is an exceptional human with an incredible story to share.

    Growing up under the regime in Venezuela was something a great novelist would struggle to think up.

    Her reality was so far removed from anything you would have heard and no doubt experienced yourself.

    She left home at 18 without telling her parents or friends.

    These days, she is a globetrotting entrepreneur teaching people languages and how best to live a sovereign lifestyle.

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    Growing up in Venezuela Current Venezuelan salary is $4 Is there hope for Venezuela’s future? Brokenness of Venezuelan society Information control of Government Close confrontations with Military An Exchange student in France Being unable to afford chicken Leaving Venezuela without telling parents An 83 year old mentor who changed her life Being introduced to Bitcoin What it’s like living in Russia Lessons from Russian culture Growing her own language school Strategies to learn a new language Language v Mathematical brain The beauty expressed in languages

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

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    Connect with Gaby Vivas:

    Portuguese - Website Spanish - Website Twitter Instagram FaceBook LinkTree

    Discussion Links

    Rotary Cognitive Science

    People Discussed

    Hugo Chavez Nicolás Maduro

    Books Mentioned

    Alter Ego Effect - Todd Herman

    Music By

    Matthew Parker

    Right Hook Request


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  • Brad Smith started selling garden benches when he was 15 years old. A life-changing car accident taught him one of his greatest life and business lessons.

    Brad and his wife are business partners and also homeschool their kids. They are a powerful couple, who are complete opposites in many aspects, and that’s why they operate so well together.

    A serial entrepreneur and seasoned coach with hands-on experience in launching, growing, and successfully building several companies.

    Recognising that the digital landscape can be daunting, Brad has coached over 5,000+ business owners & nonprofits on how to achieve online success.

    This conversation was a true blend of life and business and a cracking Podcast to kick off 2024

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    A life changing car accident Pivoting in life and business Why mentorship is important Your wife as a business partner Diverse personality types in business Honest communication with your kids Advice for Homeschooling Challenges building businesses Nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit Teaching kids the value of money Taking Social Media breaks Negative consequences of doom scrolling Removing toxic friends Need for tough conversations Leading through action Faith based leadership Becoming an online educator Relationship marketing 101

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

    Your fellow being



    Background, Context & Reference

    Connect with Brad Smith:

    Website Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube LinkedIn TikTok

    People Discussed

    Taylor Swift Dan Martell Alex Hormosi

    Music By

    Matthew Parker

    Right Hook Request


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  • Fascinating lessons I have learned this year from speaking to amazing people.

    LESSON 1: The importance of Campfires and Storytelling

    LESSON 2: Working on such a meaningful project with a friend provides a richness and deepness that is difficult to describe. Pretty much all good things must come to an end and that closure is an important part of any cycle

    LESSON 3: You find Purpose through taking action and doing things

    LESSON 4: Distinguishing between the Mind, Body, and Spirit….and understanding their interconnectedness

    LESSON 5: Most people are walking around with Trauma from birth, that they have no idea about

    LESSON 6: The importance of having deep conversations with your parents

    LESSON 7: How your passion and the energy you transmit is infectious

    LESSON 8: How our stated preferences don’t follow through with our revealed preferences

    LESSON 9: The benefits of being a tenacious Go-Getter and why you should use your trauma to propel you forward

    LESSON 10: The Four Burners Theory and being self-aware of your energy

    LESSON 11: Importance of playing hard as an adult

    LESSON 12: Fame does not last forever and you need to remain humble and grounded

    LESSON 13: Taking back your sovereignty, and question and research everything you put into and on your body

    LESSON 14: How disconnected we have become from nature and forgotten how to raise and grow our own food

    LESSON 15: Accepting the impermanence of everything

    LESSON 16: There is absolutely no point in worrying

    LESSON 17: You can do anything you put your mind to

    LESSON 18: Treat your talent as a daily commitment

    LESSON 19: Be Authentically Unprofessional

    LESSON 20: Comfort is a Gateway to Dependency

    LESSON 21: Meditate on your desired life


    Find out more here: www.ridic-human.com

    Episode Link: https://ridic-human.com/podcast/gareth-martin-21-lessons/

  • We have a choice to be the victim of our surroundings, or to fly and create new pathways.

    Even though she had the baggage of childhood trauma and negative subconscious beliefs about herself, Edi Csanalosi had the tenacity and bravery to always choose the path less travelled.

    Suffering from poor health and a stressful lifestyle, culminating with conventional medicine failing her, Edi was inspired to go on her WELLTH journey.

    Being told to live with her symptoms of IBS and panic attacks. She knew there was something better out there.

    These days, Edi is an expert Neuroscience Trainer and Coach, advising individuals and companies on the best way to get the most vitality and performance from their employees using a combination of eastern traditions and western neuroscience.

    Discussion Topics: What you will discover from listening to this Podcast:

    A life-changing operations at 8 years old Not being able to cry for 9 months Drawing about death The current spiritual renaissance Fighting with siblings Finding Buddhism Why to not make assumptions Being honest with yourself Growing up in Communism Realising you have a bigger calling in life Why people go back to old habits Being addicted to misery When business ideas don’t go to plan A life-shifting astrology report Science of Meditation and it’s benefits Meditating with 8,100 people Reflecting and judging others Survival v Creation mode

    I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.

    Your fellow being



    Background, Context & Reference

    Connect with Edi Csanalosi:

    Website Instagram LinkedIn Course - The Seven Energy Centers of Highly Effective People

    Discussion Links

    NLP Hypnotherapy Inner Child Work Buddhism The River of Change IBS Adrenal Burnout Joe Dispenza Walking Meditation Shumann Resonance Neuro Change Solutions Consultant Heart Math

    People Discussed

    Joe Dispenza Bruce Lipton

    Books Mentioned

    Becoming Supernatural - Joe Dispenza

    Music By

    Matthew Parker

    Right Hook Request


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