
  • In our latest episode, "Sharing the Sacred Wisdom of the Grandmother's," I had an amazing conversation with Heather Hall Dudney about what it was like growing up the daughter of a world renowned medicine woman, Grandmother Flordemayo and how her mother’s teachings shaped who she became.

    We discussed the value of seeking wisdom from indigenous grandmothers, the importance of supporting elders, and the joy of sharing positive wisdom in today's chaotic world.

    Heather shares the story of “The Path”, Grandmother Flordemayo’s vision, their non-profit and the seed temple that is her mother’s legacy and we take you behind the scenes of our time together supporting these elders in Miami and Sedona. You’ll love how funny our stories are!

    We also invite you to come join us for a variety of events with the Grandmother’s this fall in Sedona, Santa Fe, Michigan and Rhode Island.

    Here are the key takeaways from our discussion:

    🔹 Seek Wisdom from Indigenous Grandmothers: Heather shared her experiences traveling with her mother and other indigenous Grandmothers like Grandmother Moetu who is Maori, and Grandmother Unci Rita who is Lakota. She emphasized the simplicity and effectiveness of the wisdom they share any why it’s so important to embrace one's cultural heritage and learn from the teachings of indigenous grandmothers.

    🔹 Support Elders: She offered us the respectful etiquette of offering support at events involving elders and indigenous groups, highlighting the significance of reciprocity, gratitude, and financial contributions. Additionally, we discussed promoting events and shifting focus to support wisdom keepers and their valuable teachings.

    🔹 Embrace Positive Wisdom: In today's world, it's crucial to spread acts of kindness, support elders, and share positive wisdom on social media to maintain a positive and connected mindset amidst chaos. Embracing the humility and resilience of the grandmothers can bring profound learning experiences and personal growth.

    If you're interested in learning more about indigenous wisdom, supporting elders, and embracing positive wisdom, listen to the full episode and join the movement of honoring and learning from these remarkable individuals! Let's celebrate the wisdom keepers among us and promote their impactful teachings

    Connect with Heather and Grandmother Flordemayo here:

    Instagram @grandmotherflordemayoBecome a Member of The Path or DonateSaturday August 24: Albuquerque, NM :Soul Renewal: Journeying Through Ancestral Trauma- A Wisdom Retreat with Mayan & Maori GrandmothersSeptember 6 - 8: Sedona, Az The Phoenix and Dragon Gathering ~ A Wisdom Retreat with Mayan and Maori Grandmothers

    October 11-20: Wickford RI

    :: Restoring Hope: A 10 Day Wisdom Event Series with Grandmother Esperanza

    If you enjoyed this episode, you will also like:

    Episode #94: Grandmother Moetu Taiha: Nurturing Authentic Connection

    Episode #96: Grandmother Flordemayo:Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living

    Episode #97: Grandmother Esperanza: Embracing the Spiritual Journey


    Become a Member of The Path or Donate



    Heather is Grandmother Flordemayo’s oldest child, only daughter, and personal assistant. She is an executive officer, program director and social media coordinator of The Path Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit that her mother started to preserve and protect sacred heirloom seeds. She produces many events around the world on behalf of her mother and other Wisdom Keepers she supports.

    A wife, daughter, mother, grandmother and disabled Navy veteran, Heather currently lives in Boise, Idaho with her husband Caleb. She has a bachelor’s degree in sociology and economics with minors in chemistry, economics and math.

  • In our latest episode, "Decluttering Is Change, and Change Is Confrontational," we're diving deep into the emotional rollercoaster of decluttering and the art of letting go.

    Get ready because today is real, raw and vulnerable. You'll join me on a journey through the challenges of confronting my own clutter and the impact it has had on my mental health. I'll share my personal struggles, insights, and the vital importance of embracing change, especially when it comes to the spaces we live in.

    Throughout the episode, I explore the weight of decision-making, the emotional hurdles of decluttering my late mother's estate, and the need to make space for growth and challenges in our lives.

    So, what can you take away from this episode?

    1. Embracing Change: I'll share with you the confronting nature of change and how it's an essential part of our growth. Let's consider together whether our belongings contribute to our well-being or hinder our lives.

    2. Support and Self-Compassion: Decluttering is a journey littered with emotion, and learning to provide support and compassion to yourself is crucial. I'll talk about the importance of seeking help and understanding your emotions as you take on your decluttering projects.

    3. Practical Tips for Decluttering: I'm excited to share some practical advice, including creating external accountability, setting realistic timelines, and finding the resources you need to successfully navigate the decluttering process.

    Thanks for joining me on The Robyn Ivy Podcast! I hope this episode inspires you to approach change with kindness and provides you with practical guidance for your own decluttering journey. Happy listening!

    Connect with Robyn Ivy here:

    Website:: https://robynivy.comInstagram:: https://www.instagram.com/robynivy

    If you enjoyed this episode, you will also like:

    Episode #33: Charlie Gilkey: How to Make your Productivity Flourish

    Episode #97: Grandmother Esperanza: Embracing the Spiritual Journey

    Episode #43: Mimi Sammis: The Art of Peace

    *RESOURCES - Check out:

    -Minimal Mom

    Want to improve your mental health or like you butt more? Us too. We love and support The Class: Try it Free for 30 days here with our Special Offer!

    Learn more about the Class: www.theclass.com


    Robyn Ivy sees people for a living.

    Artist, coach, podcast host and trusted intuitive Robyn is a masterful guide for soulful growth.

    She helps you get powerfully unstuck and more deeply connected, as she teaches you how to ride the magic carpet of your life.

    Having spent over 20 years as a commercial photographer she offers a unique toolkit to shift your internal and external lenses to look at things differently.

    Inner leadership comes from deep practices in mindfulness, creativity, shifting mindset and connecting deeply with nature.

    She mentors select clients 1:1, hosts the Robyn Ivy Podcast, offers private intuitive sessions, leads groups, circles and retreats. She has been hosting circles since 1998. robynivy.com

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  • She was 16 when we met. Her mom had asked me to encourage her to say yes to an exchange trip in France that she was on the fence about. Something about a boyfriend she didn’t want to leave behind.

    15 years later, after a million conversations, many road trips, hiking adventures, traveling the world, teaching English in Vietnam and Thailand, joining the Peace Corps then being sent home in the pandemic to figure out her next move, Meddie Reifsteck is here to talk about showing up for life’s unfolding, answering the call for adventure and opening to heal. Spoiler alert: she became a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.

    This is an inspiring conversation about the power and evolution of mentorship, personal growth, healing and resilience. In this heartfelt episode, we reflect on our 15-year journey together, exploring how our relationship has transformed through various stages of life the importance of mentorship and aunties.

    Main takeaways for the listener:

    Discover how the unique bond between Robyn and Medelise illustrates the transformative power of long-term mentorship and its impact on personal and professional growth.Medelise shares her journey from joining the Peace Corps to navigating the uncertainties of the pandemic, highlighting the resilience required to overcome life's unexpected challenges. Her story emphasizes the value of perseverance and the power of curiosity in finding new paths.Gain practical advice on building resilience and maintaining mental health through alternative healing methods, as Medelise shares her journey into acupuncture and holistic wellness.

    Thank you for joining us on this insightful journey. We hope these conversations inspire you to embrace life's complexities with resilience, curiosity, and an open heart.

    Connect with Meddie Reifsteck

    Website:: www.springlotus.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/medtheacu

    If you enjoyed this episode, you will also like:

    Episode #81: Kerra Bolton:Transform your pain into purpose through beauty and creative expression

    Episode #88: Victoria Albina:How to Calm Down

    Episode #97: Grandmother Esperanza:Embracing the Spiritual Journey with Grandmother Esperanza


    A recent graduate from the New England School of Acupuncture at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Medelise specialized in Japanese Style Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. During her three years of schooling, she had the privilege to participate in clinical internships at institutions including the Edith Norse Veterans Hospital and the Cleveland Clinic. Now, Medelise is deepening her practice by learning the arts of internal energy cultivation, Qi Gong and Nei Gong.

    Medelise grew up in South County, is an all season surfer and a food geek and is excited to return to the area and share her skills with the community.


  • It’s only been a couple weeks since I’ve been back home after being on the road traveling, learning and apprenticing my spiritual teacher, indigenous elder, Grandmother Epseranza since January (mostly).

    In today's episode, you’ll explore with me what it's been like, what practices and tools I am using and how I am returning, integrating what I have learned, who I have become and orienting to the new place in myself and life I am now standing in.

    So we are talking about what’s here now, why it’s important to acknowledge the transitions that are happening in our lives and to meet them with a renewed sense of intention.

    You”ll learn how to be open to change and practices to help you stay present, grounded and peaceful amidst the many overwhelming moments that come with you or your life getting different.

    I am sharing my personal journey of returning home, confronting all that is still here: bathrooms to clean, great friends to see, grief about mom, yard work, my feelings, biz to attend to etc.

    Hear how I am managing my expectations, speaking kindly to myself and inviting in more self compassion and less judgment during this heightened time of moving parts.

    If you are wanting to ground yourself in the present, you want to tune in today for insightful advice and practical tips to manage your life's transitions with greater ease and intentionality.

    Plus I am unveiling exciting news about a 10-day event with Grandmother Esperanza in October that you’re invited to join in for healing and transformation. More on that soon.

    Your Main Takeaways:

    Embracing Change: Acknowledge and embrace the changes and transitions in life, and give yourself the time and space to settle in and integrate.Integration Needs Time and Space: You will learn about the importance of integrating experiences and emotions, and not rushing through the process of change.The Importance of A Sit Spot: discover the benefits of establishing a "sit spot" in nature for reflection and presence, and how to build this practice into your routineHonoring Thresholds of Change: Acknowledge your personal threshold of change, declare how you are different, and stand in confidence and vulnerability while letting go of old habits and choosing new ones.Learning Wisdom from Your Elders: Don't miss out on the exciting news about the upcoming 10-day event featuring the incredible Grandmother Esperanza. From fire ceremonies to private healing sessions, this event promises to be a transformative experience for all.

    Connect with Robyn Ivy here:

    Website:: https://robynivy.comInstagram:: https://www.instagram.com/robynivy

    Episode #88: Victoria Albina: How to Calm Down

    Episode #97: Grandmother Esperanza: Embracing the Spiritual Journey

    Episode #106: "MOONS" Madison Farrish: Surrendering to Creative Unknowns

    Want to improve your mental health or like you butt more? Us too. We love and support The Class: Try it Free for 30 days here with our Special Offer!

    Learn more about the Class: www.theclass.com


    Robyn Ivy sees people for a living.

    Artist, coach, podcast host and trusted intuitive Robyn is a masterful guide for soulful growth.

    She helps you get powerfully unstuck and more deeply connected, as she teaches you how to ride the magic carpet of your life.

    Having spent over 20 years as a commercial photographer she offers a unique toolkit to shift your internal and external lenses to look at things differently.

    Inner leadership comes from deep practices in mindfulness, creativity, shifting mindset and connecting deeply with nature.

    She mentors select clients 1:1, hosts the Robyn Ivy Podcast, offers private intuitive sessions, leads groups, circles and retreats. She has been hosting circles since 1998. robynivy.com


    Back in 2020 I needed a refuge. There was nowhere to go with the despair I was feeling amidst what felt like my world crumbling around me and I was feeling weaker in mind, body and spirit by the day.

    Everything was quite existential and I was desperate for some sense of routine, a practice or any new suggestion to help stop the awful feeling of coming out of my own skin.

    The Class found me or I found it. Who knows. Either way. This movement practice, somatic journey, spiritual experience, therapy session and butt kicking workout rolled into one that Taryn Toomey created provides a sanctuary for your soul and a bikini ready body.

    Today’s conversation is with one of my all time favorite teachers of “The Class” and personal weekly go to for inspiration and motivation, Soeuraya Wilson.

    She is here to talk about the power of movement to heal, how to become a witness to yourself to better cope with fears and negative thought patterns.

    We touch on the complexities of mother-daughter relationships and stress the importance of showing up authentically in today's society and having the courage to embrace vulnerability

    Your Main Takeaways:

    1. Finding Inner Strength: Discover the significance of movement, mindfulness, and embracing one's true self in overcoming past experiences and navigating through challenging moments.

    2 Embracing Emotional Well-being: Explore the importance of allowing oneself to feel and express emotions, rather than suppressing them, as we reflect on the significance of emotional expression and the impact on personal growth.

    3.The Importance of Inhabiting the Body: The Class offers a space and place to acknowledge the body as a wisdom center and emphasizes the profound impact physical practices have on spirit and mind.

    Packed with practical tools and suggestions to deepen your relationship to your body’s wisdom, reset your nervous system and befriend yourself. Movement is medicine.

    Connect with Soeuraya Wilson here:

    Instagram:: https://www.instagram.com/rawbabysugar
    Try the Class Free for 30 days herewith our Special Offer! Learn more about the Class: www.theclass.com

    Episode #88: Victoria Albina: How to Calm Down

    Episode #97: Grandmother Esperanza: Embracing the Spiritual Journey

    Episode #106: "MOONS" Madison Farrish: Surrendering to Creative Unknowns


    As you join Soeuraya in Class, her intention is that you leave feeling grounded in your power. You will move through resistance, create contraction, and feel the release in expression as you experience The Class with Soeuraya. Prepare to sweat, shake, and let it be a returning to self. She hopes you leave feeling powerful, grounded, and tied to your purpose with strength in your body and discernment in your heart.

  • You might have gone to summer camp as a kid. If you loved it, you likely have wonderful memories of making new friends, being in nature, staying in cabins with bunkmates, doing crafts, swimming at the lake (pool, pond, river), singing around the campfire and maybe even showing off a special skill of yours at the talent show.

    There was a bit of anxious excitement wondering what it would be like, who you’d meet and what would unfold.

    No matter what age you are, chances are your inner child and full blown adult still crave simple pleasures and real old fashion fun!

    Today’s episode is an uplifting panel discussion about our need for connection, playfulness, making meaningful memories and new friends. It’s about how a summer camp for adults called "Camp in Your Heart '' can offer you a refuge for mind, body and soul this September when we take over a YMCA camp for a few days and have a blast.

    I am joined by co-founders Torey Ivanic, Heidi Klauber and Shannon Simmons who share it’s origin story, why camp matters to them and why you would be most welcome to join us.

    They discuss the camp's various workshops, transformative experiences, and the power of in-person, real life connections and time well spent in today's digital age. Stay tuned as we explore the magic and impact of "Campus in Your Heart" and the unique and empowering experiences it offers to its attendees.

    Your Main Takeaways:

    1. The power of in-person connection: This conversation emphasizes the profound impact of real-life interactions and forming deeper connections with others, especially in the context of the epidemic of loneliness the world is facing.

    2.Create a supportive and compassionate environment: The camp is an inclusive space where individuals from various backgrounds and experiences can come together to explore, play, create, be nourished, breathe, be still, find supportive community, meet new friends, bring your whole self and nurture your soul.

    3. Come get what you need. You belong and are welcome.

    Find out more about Camp Is in Your Heart or reserve your spot now www.campisinyourheart.com

    Connect with CIIYH here:

    Instagram:: https://www.instagram.com/campisinyourheart/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CIIYH

    If you enjoyed this episode, you will also like these from fellow Camp Glper’s:

    Jonathan Fields, Marsha Shandur, Laura Pena, Leisa Petersen, Rachel Gogos, Jeff Harry, Angie Cole, Paul Sockett, Cris Sgrott, Karen Wright, Jeffrey Davis, Charlie Gilkey, Cynthia Morris, Julia Gilmor, Dave Conley, Evan La Ruffa, Jen Louden, Cheryl Rickman, Aj Leon, Kerra Bolton,

    Episode #20: Alisa Barry: Curating a Beautiful Life

    Episode #31: Candita Clayton: The Prosperous Artist Paradigm

    Episode #73: Brian Lima: Listen with Your Eyes


    September 28 – October 1, 2024 Deckers, Colorado

    If you’re seeking personal growth, deeper self-awareness, and a more fulfilling life — Camp is in Your Heart has been created for you.

  • The multi-talented MOONS (Madison Farrish), a captivating artist, musician and songwriter is here this week to talk about her latest musical single “Oceans”, which she dropped just a couple weeks ago. It is now available wherever you hear your favorite music.

    Listen as she shares openly her unique insights on creativity, what she's learned leaning ever more into her creativity and the power of vulnerability.

    We dive into the importance of trust-both of self and of the process, why flexibility matters , and how the right collaboration can change everything. This conversation offers an inspiring perspective on the creative journey.

    Having been friends for many years now, we share our experiences together in Joshua Tree, the transformative nature of the desert, and the significance of having supportive allies in creative endeavors. Robyn shares her nomadic lifestyle and the lessons she's learned along the way, while MOONS discusses the impact of surrendering and embracing challenges in the creative process.

    Surrendering to Creative Unknowns:

    1. Importance of Vulnerability in Creativity: Moons emphasizes the importance of admitting not knowing as a way to grow and avoid forcing creativity, highlighting the value of being open and vulnerable in the creative process.

    2. Finding Inspiration in Unconventional Places: The transformative nature of the desert is discussed, illustrating how unconventional environments can inspire perspective shifts, creativity, and new forms of art and media.

    3. Embracing Playfulness and Fun: Moons sees her openness and connection to fun as part of her superpower, emphasizing the significance of embracing playfulness and fun in the creative process and personal growth.

    This episode is a joyful look through one wonderful artist’s lens. Enjoy!

    Connect with MOONS (Madison Farrish here:)

    Spotify:https://open.spotify.com/track/5uabzw1uF9bJfxDycxwu2ZInstagram:: https://www.instagram.com/madsofmoons

    If you enjoyed this episode, you will also like:

    Episode #20: Alisa Barry: Curating a Beautiful Life

    Episode #31: Candita Clayton: The Prosperous Artist Paradigm

    Episode #73: Brian Lima: Listen with Your Eyes


    Recording artist.

    Freelance graphic design.

    Intuitive Creation.

    Building virtual + local immersive events with global teams.

    Lives in the greater Los Angeles area.

  • In this episode, I invite you to join me on a deeply personal journey to Germany as I revisit my past experiences here and reflect on some of the many memorable moments of this trip so far; including a profoundly meaningful encounter with my host father Peter Dietze whom I lived with in 1989.

    Through my emotional adventure, I share insights into gratitude, humility, and the healing power of reconnecting with our roots. During my time here, I've come to understand even more the importance of addressing unfinished business and making amends.

    Hopefully, you feel encouraged to consider where you feel open to healing in your own life, where there is unfinished business still lingering and to acknowledge your strengths and learning.

    In this hour we will navigate through the complexities of spirituality, intuition, and personal growth through thought-provoking insights that may resonate with your own journey.

    The main takeaways for you include:

    1. The Power of Forgiveness and Healing: I share personal reflections on confronting shame, expressing gratitude, and seeking healing, inspiring you to embrace forgiveness and make amends in your own life.

    2. Embracing Feminine Energy and Spirituality: Explore the significance of feminine energy, intuition, and spirituality, and discover the empowering impact of connecting with a community of women for healing and personal growth.

    3. Cultural Differences and Personal Growth: Join me as I recount my teenage experiences in Germany and uncover the valuable lessons learned from cultural immersion and personal growth.

    Join me as I explore cultural differences, embrace personal growth, and nurture healing and connection. Through my experiences, I hope to inspire you to reflect on your own emotional encounters, seek understanding, and find the courage to confront shame and express gratitude.

    Connect with Robyn Ivy

    Website:: https://robynivy.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/robynivyFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/robynivy

    If you enjoyed this episode, you will also like:

    Episode #81: Kerra Bolton:Transform your pain into purpose through beauty and creative expression

    Episode #88: Victoria Albina:How to Calm Down

    Episode #94: Grandmother Moetu Taiha: Nurturing Authentic Connection


    Robyn Ivy sees people for a living.

    Artist, coach, podcast host and trusted intuitive Robyn is a masterful guide for soulful growth.

    She helps you get powerfully unstuck and more deeply connected, as she teaches you how to ride the magic carpet of your life.

    Having spent over 20 years as a commercial photographer she offers a unique toolkit to shift your internal and external lenses to look at things differently.

    Inner leadership comes from deep practices in mindfulness, creativity, shifting mindset and connecting deeply with nature.

    She mentors select clients 1:1, hosts the Robyn Ivy Podcast, offers private intuitive sessions, leads groups, circles and retreats. She has been hosting circles since 1998. robynivy.com

  • In today’s episode, recorded live in Sedona, I have the absolute pleasure of welcoming the incredible Roanna Jackson, a beautiful Hopi elder, to share her insights, experiences and teachings from her home on the first Mesa of the Hopi Reservation with us.

    Born, raised and schooled on the reservation, Roanna offers us a rare and intimate perspective on Hopi traditions and ways of life.

    We dive into the profound teachings of Grandmothers Flordemayo and Grandmother Mona Polacca, founding members of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Elders, whom we were supporting together when we met.

    From traditional practices to the importance of honoring elders, this episode is a heartwarming celebration of indigenous wisdom and cultural heritage.

    What you’ll discover:

    1. Honoring Elders: Learn about the significance of actively listening and learning from elders of different traditions, as Roanna and Robyn express their admiration and gratitude for the teachings of the grandmothers.

    2. Cultural Traditions: Explore the rich cultural traditions of the Hopi people, including the significance of pottery-making, language, and the traditional wedding process, offering a unique insight into indigenous heritage.

    3. Spiritual Teachings: Discover the powerful Hopi tradition of isolation for women after childbirth, fostering a deep connection to the earth and spirit, as Roanna shares her experiences and the strength derived from women's society teachings.

    Thank you for tuning in to The Robyn Ivy Podcast, where we celebrate the wisdom and traditions of indigenous elders, spiritual guides, creative mentors and thought leaders who embrace the beauty of cultural heritage.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you will also like:

    Episode #21: Erin Sharaf: The Intersection of Mindfulness and Magic

    Episode #96: Grandmother Flordemayo: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living

    Episode #97: Grandmother Esperanza: Embracing the Spiritual Journey


    Roanna Jackson is the Grandmother of the Walpi Village on Hopi First Mesa. She is from the Sand Clan and was born, raised and schooled traditionally on Hopi land. Grandmother Roanna is also a healer, a midwife, a storyteller and artist, carving Sacred Kachina Dolls. She is very active in the Woman's Society and loves to feed everyone. Grandmother Roanna is full of affection, joy, and enthusiasm as she shares her magical teachings on her traditions and the spirituality of the Hopi People.

  • This episode was recorded LIVE, together in real life, back in October 2022 in Sedona Arizona. I was on a month-long camper van experiment out West but that’s a story for a different day.

    This week’s guest, Erin Sharaf, is both a scientist and a mystic. A former primary care provider and university professor who became a mindfulness expert and shaman.

    Erin now helps cultivate healing for people and the planet through enhancing the connection between mind-body-spirit and nature. Her work draws on both traditions of modern science and ancient wisdom.

    We met up for a hike amongst Sedona’s red rocks, then sat down to talk about how her own mindfulness journey from a new student, a few decades ago, led her to become a fierce advocate for the planet.

    “I sit so we all can rise”. Let that sink in. Magic.

    What do we do with all that we become aware of when we get still, meditate and can see clearly once the dust of our minds settle?

    Do we have a responsibility to do anything about that which we see?

    For Erin, this is where her passion for social justice, peace and kindness came alive.

    Mindfulness Teacher 🌿Plant Powered Creatrix | Peaceful warrior | Health enthusiast | Shamanic Practitioner 🌟lover of life.

    An internationally certified mindfulness instructor, she has been creating transformative workshops for over a decade. Featured on NPR, in Mindful magazine and at conferences like SXSW, her greatest joy is getting to share transformative, heart-opening practices with others in the hopes that people will expand their circle of compassion to include all living beings.

    A free spirit, she splits her time between MA, Sedona and Hatteras Island. You can often find her gazing at the night sky, wandering slowly through the woods or dancing up a storm.

    Join her Mindfulness & Magic community at www.erinsharaf.com

  • This week’s episode is a must listen. Back in 2022 I sat down with Doniga Markegard, a visionary in regenerative ranching, as she shared her holistic approach to revitalizing the land, staying true to the teachings she learned in her youth from Lakota elder Gilbert Walking Bull and how we can use these principles to empower both our communities and restore ourselves.

    We met over 20 years ago in Washington State, when Doniga was only 16. Hear how her journey from a teen nature enthusiast to a global advocate for regenerative living can motivate us all to make more conscious choices, reminding us of our potential impact as caretakers of our planet.

    Together we explore how connecting deeply with nature can transform our lives and the planet and how each of us can adopt a regenerative paradigm for our own lives, increasing personal and global wellness. This discussion isn't just about agricultural methods; it's about a holistic lifestyle that respects and enhances natural cycles and processes.

    You will feel so inspired by Doniga’s story of resilience and change.

    Innovative Ranching Techniques: Learn about Donga's use of regenerative agricultural practices that not only enhance soil health and biodiversity but also actively combat climate change. Discover the cutting-edge methods she employs to restore the land she tends and the crucial role this plays in her mission.

    Spiritual and Community Growth: Dive into the rich tapestry of historical and spiritual lessons that have influenced Donga’s philosophy and techniques. Gain insight into how her work with sacred indigenous wisdom, especially from revered elder Gilbert Walking Bull guides her efforts in nurturing both land and community.

    Deepening Connection to Mother Earth: Experience the transformative power of forming a deeper bond with our environment. This episode delves into how Donga’s daily interactions with nature foster a profound sense of place and purpose, offering listeners pathways to their own connection with Mother Earth.

    This episode is more than just a captivating story of personal and professional evolution; it’s a call to action for each of us to consider our roles as caretakers of our planet. It serves as a powerful reminder of our interconnectedness with nature and the responsibility we bear to foster its health and our own.

    Connect with Doniga Markegard here:

    Website:: https://www.markegardfamily.com/Instagram:: https://www.instagram.com/dawn.again/

    Quick note, I just want to say thank you for listening to this episode. I know it means a lot to myself and my guests.


    Doniga Markegard is a wildlife tracker, regenerative rancher, speaker, and author of Dawn Again: Tracking the Wisdom of the Wild and Wolf Girl: Finding Myself in the Wild. Her teen years in nature school started her on a path that led to a career in animal tracking and then permaculture and ranching in at her farm in California, Markegard Family Grass-Fed, where she works to regenerate both soil and community through farming. Using the innovative, carbon-storing methods of regenerative ranching, she’s restoring the land she tends, bringing native grasses and wildlife back. Doniga is a consultant and guest instructor at Nature Awareness Programs around the country, has led retreats in places such as 1440 Multiversity, Canyon Ranch and is a regular speaker at events such as the Bioneers Conference, Food Inspiration Trendsummit, and The Grassfed Exchange. She is a certified educator with Holistic Management International. She has worked with companies such as Patagonia, Tesla and Google, and has been featured in articles from Civil Eats, FastCompany, GreenBiz, The San Francisco Examiner, and NPR. Most recently she has been featured in the film Kiss the Ground available on Netflix.

  • In this episode, allow me to take us on a reflective road trip from South Carolina to Miami, sharing upcoming travel plans brimming with workshops on indigenous wisdom in Sedona and an apprenticeship in Germany. The narrative weaves through the my thoughts on converting an SUV into a camper, reminiscing about past travel escapades, and the anticipation of attending a healer school in Santa Fe.

    Themes of simplicity in travel, adaptability, and the beauty of embracing uncertainty resonate throughout this episode. My musings touch on overpacking woes, the importance of aligning pace with intention, and the challenges of battling perfectionist tendencies while on the move. And our conversation expands to encompass individual perspectives, diversity, and alternative lifestyles, offering personal anecdotes that highlight the value of self-awareness and gratitude.

    Listeners are invited to embark with me on a journey of self-discovery and exploration, as the text encourages creating a sanctuary for self-reflection, confronting fears, and nurturing curiosity. Deep listening practices, collective breathing exercises, and the art of taking small steps into the unknown authentically are championed as pathways to growth and fulfillment.

    As the episode draws to a close, I'll drop some hints at the podcast’s upcomming episodes, diverse content offerings, and exciting Patreon announcements. Be prepared!

    Subscribers are urged to join the community, subscribe, and share their reviews to stay connected and engaged in this enriching journey of discovery and self-realization.

    Connect with Robyn Ivy

    Website:: https://robynivy.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/robynivyFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/robynivy

    Quick note, I just want to say thank you for listening to this episode. I know it means a lot to myself and my guests.

  • In this special 100th episode of the Robin Ivy Podcast, I want to expresses deep gratitude to the loyal listeners and inspiring guests who have been part of this incredible journey. The milestone marks a moment of reflection and celebration as we look back on the evolution of our podcast and the impactful conversations it has hosted.

    Growth through Conversations and Personal Development Throughout the Robyn Ivy podcast series, the focus has been on fostering growth through engaging and insightful conversations with a diverse range of guests. From discussing camper conversions to exploring indigenous spiritual healers in Sedona workshops, the podcast has delved into various topics related to personal development and self-exploration.

    Highlighting Meaningful Experiences and Unexpected Opportunities Our podcast has been a platform for sharing experiences on topics ranging from grief, suicide, creativity, spirituality, and personal growth. The host emphasizes the importance of building relationships and community through these meaningful conversations that inspire personal growth and positive change.

    New Adventures Exciting plans are in store for the future, I'll be announcing the launch of a YouTube channel and a Patreon account for a two-month adventure with indigenous spiritual healers. While upcoming travel plans are on the horizon, I also will be focussing on the importance of taking breaks for family time and community involvement.

    Celebrating Milestones and Building Relationships As the Robin Ivy Podcast reaches its 100th episode, I want to reflect on the journey so far, emphasizing the power of silence, introspection, and celebrating milestones.

    Connect with Robyn Ivy

    Website:: https://robynivy.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/robynivyFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/robynivy

    Quick note, I just want to say thank you for listening to this episode. I know it means a lot to myself and my guests.

  • Ever wondered what it takes to live life on your own terms? Join me as I chat with Chris Colbourn, whose journey from the skate parks of Vermont to professional skateboarding offers invaluable lessons on pushing through failure and embracing your unique path.

    P.S. Spoiler alert! He’s also my cousin. So we talk shop, pro skating, living life on your own terms and dish a bit on all things family.

    Three important takeaways for you.

    Embrace Failure: Chris shares how each fall and failure wasn't a setback but a stepping stone to greater achievements. His story is a testament to the fact that resilience can transform dreams into reality.Courage to Step Out: Discover the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone. Chris's experiences remind us that real growth begins at the end of our comfort zones.Living Unconventionally: Chris's life exemplifies the beauty of choosing an unconventional path. It's a call to listeners to pursue their passions boldly, irrespective of societal norms.

    This episode doesn’t just share a story; it invites you to reflect on your own journey, encouraging you to embrace resilience, welcome challenges, and pursue your passions with unwavering dedication. Chris's experiences offer invaluable lessons on not just surviving but thriving by staying true to oneself.

    🛹❤️ Tune in to be inspired to skate through your own life's challenges. Be sure to join me again for more inspiring conversations and valuable insights on The Robyn Ivy Podcast!

    Connect with Chris Colbourn:

    Website: https://www.chriscolbourn.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriscolbourn/

    If you enjoyed this episode, you will also like:

    Episode #39: Raghunath: Love and Service with a Punk Monk Mentor

    Episode #61: Robyn Ivy: Curious and Excited

    Episode #84: Nancy Barile: Get Schooled: Life Lessons From a Punk Maven


    Professional skateboarder from Vermont, currently living in San Diego, California. Also a passionate graphic design artist, nature enthusiast, foodie, and health conscious human.

  • When things get extra busy and I start to feel the overwhelm kick in, I thrash around, lose the thread, and then…I always turn to my momentum planner and Charlie Gilkey.

    A friend, productivity expert, former military strategist and compassionate mentor to the disorganized who crave feeling productive and want to get stuff done but in a way that feels sane and realistic. He’s my go to when I need to re-center the externals in my life.

    I have really been feeling caught in the swirl lately. So many things and plans changed after meeting the Grandmother’s that I got a bit lost in it all. It was time to sort myself out and create a schedule for the next 90 days. Stress less and enjoy more.

    Since I was listening to this episode from my 2021 Inspired to Life Summit with Charlie today anyway to help myself, I figured I’d offer it up here again to you, as a rerun, in case you also could use a little reorienting of your life.

    Enjoy this insightful and practical conversation about how to manage the challenges of today’s productivity, navigate all the personal growth options, and reclaim your personal power to feel sane, sovereign and productive.

    You’ll discover:

    1. It's okay to prioritize your well-being. Learn the importance of setting boundaries, identifying your needs, and managing your time effectively to prioritize your personal well-being and fulfillment.

    2. It's all about creating a successful support network. Understand the roles of mavens, connectors, and salespeople, and learn how to ask for and receive help without feeling indebted.

    3. Let's redefine what productivity and success mean to us. Challenge the traditional notions of productivity, embrace the art of letting go, and find meaningful choices that align with your personal aspirations and values.

    Thank you so much for tuning in. Be sure to join me next time for more inspiring conversations and valuable insights on The Robyn Ivy Podcast!

    Connect with Charlie Gilkey:

    Website:: https://www.productiveflourishing.com/

    If you enjoyed this episode, you will also like:

    Episode #96: Grandmother Flordemayo:Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living

    Episode #55: Jerry Colonna: Leading with Kindness

    Episode #79: Susannah Conway: Creating Joy


    Charlie Gilkey has advised hundreds of teams, from Fortune 100 companies to tiny nonprofits, through Productive Flourishing, the coaching and training company he founded. Charlie is the author of the critically acclaimed Start Finishing: How to Go From Idea to Done and his current book, Team Habits: How Small Actions Lead to Extraordinary Results. He is also a former Army logistics officer and a near-PhD in Philosophy. Charlie lives in Portland, OR.

  • In this heartfelt episode of The Robyn Ivy Podcast, we're honored to have Grandmother Esperanza here to share her enlightening journey into spirituality and connection with the unseen and natural world.

    Listen to her tell the story of her many powerful and rich life experiences as a medium from Central America. A 12th generation Mayan curandera espiritu, single mother and full time seamstress at Macy’s still at 89; her valuable insights into embracing your own spiritual path might just change your life.Here are three important takeaways for you:

    Embrace your dreams and intuition: Grandmother Esperanza reveals how dreams and intuition are vital tools for spiritual discovery. Her personal anecdotes about receiving premonitory dreams from a young age inspire us to explore and trust our inner guidance.It’s never too late for spiritual awakening: Regardless of age, the journey to spiritual awakening is boundless. Grandmother Esperanza's story is a powerful reminder that we can embark on or deepen our spiritual journey at any stage of life, uncovering profound truths and gifts along the way.Connect with nature's wisdom: A touching theme of our conversation, Grandmother Esperanza highlights the importance of our bond with nature. From speaking with plants to acknowledging animals as messengers, she invites us to recognize the intricate web of life and its spiritual teachings.

    Dive into the wisdom of Grandmother Esperanza as we explore what it means to live a spiritually enriched life, reminding us of the importance of intuition, the timeless nature of spiritual growth, and the profound connections we share with the natural world.

    Learn more about:

    Upcoming Workshops in Sedona:

    December Trip to Peru with Grandmother Flordemayo and the Shift Network

    Connect with Grandmother Esperanza

    Website:: https://givebutter.com/KebeDiHer Online Shop: https://www.loveandlightllc.net/Wikipedia:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Council_of_Thirteen_Indigenous_Grandmothers

    Quick note, I just want to say thank you for listening to this episode. I know it means a lot to myself and my guests.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you will also like:

    Episode #92: Robyn Ivy: Part 1 of My Miami Road Trip

    Episode #93: Robyn Ivy:Part 2 of My Miami Road Trip

    Episode #94: Grandmother Moetu Taiha: Nurturing Authentic Connection

    Episode #95:Robyn Ivy:Wisdom From Our Elders

    Episode #96: Grandmother Flordemayo:Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living


    Abuela Esperanza is an Intuitive and Dream Interpreter. As a dream intuitive, she can see and interpret dreams and has the ability to see other realms of color, light, and sound. In addition, she has the ability to see the effects of existing imbalances on the physical, emotional and spiritual realms within a person's energy system. Esperanza will empower you to begin the self awareness and self discovery of allowing yourself to become more in tune with your dreams.

    She was born in highlands of Central America in Nicaragua and is the oldest of 15 children. She is Grandmother Flordemayo’s oldest sister. Abuela Espranza is also a gifted garment designer, and designs all of Grandmother Flordemayo’s dresses and clothing.

    Esperanza has been designing women’s and men's garments and accessories for more than 60 years. As a young woman she discovered that she had the talent to create and design exciting designs using a needle and fabric. Esperanza studied with her mentor Mrs. Adele Adams, a German Master designer, in the early 70's. Esperanza’s vast professional experience has earned her the respect of many classic designers from across the country, including New York.

    Support Our Grandmothers' Pilgrimage to Peru



    Grandmother Moetu Taiha or listen to our podcast episode here

  • In this special episode of The Robyn Ivy Podcast, we journey into the heart of ancient wisdom with the extraordinary Grandmother Flordemayo. As a revered Curandera espiritu, spiritual elder and member of the Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, she brings to us insights from a life dedicated to spirituality, healing with ancient practices, and the profound power of self-love.

    Three Valuable Takeaways for you:

    Embracing Simplicity:Learn the profound value of simplifying life and living in the present moment, away from the distractions of the modern world. Grandmother Flordemayo's wisdom sheds light on the importance of finding contentment through simplicity and connecting with the innate wisdom of our ancestors.Cultivating Self-Love: Dive deep into the practices that foster self-love and healing. From the "murmurio" technique to "practica" exercises, learn how to connect deeply with your inner self and harness your innate energy source for personal growth and transformation.Connecting with Ancient Wisdom:Tapping into Ancient Knowledge: Gain insights into indigenous healing traditions, the art of curanderismo, telepathy, and the innate capacity for connection present in all of us. Explore the profound teachings of the Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and their mission to be a voice for the voiceless, protect the Earth, and bring people together in sacred circles for prayer.

    Uncover the timeless teachings that Grandmother Flordemayo offers, guiding us toward a life marked by deeper self-understanding, compassion, and connection to the world around us. Embrace this opportunity to shift your perspective and step into a space of healing and love.

    Learn more about:

    Upcoming Workshops in Sedona:

    December Trip to Peru with Grandmother Flordemayo and the Shift Network

    You're invited to join us in the Sacred land of Peru ! Watch this beautiful video from Grandmother Flordemayo and Grandmother Moetu-Taih as they invite you to join them in Peru ! Watch here : https://vimeo.com/916068568/7612d46b06

    Embark on a journey of healing, self-discovery, and transformation. Imagine reaching the frontier of your consciousness, opening your heart to new depths, and propelling your life to extraordinary heights by collaborating with sacred plant spirits, while retreating in a natural mountain sanctuary.

    Support Our Grandmothers' Pilgrimage to Peru



    Grandmother Moetu Taiha or listen to our podcast episode here

    Connect with Grandmother Flordemayo

    Website: https://www.grandmotherflordemayo.com/Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/grandmotherflordemayo/Her Online Shop: https://www.loveandlightllc.net/Wikipedia:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Council_of_Thirteen_Indigenous_Grandmothers

    Quick note, I just want to say thank you for listening to this episode. I know it means a lot to myself and my guests.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you will also like:

    Episode #94: Grandmother Moetu Taiha: Nurturing Authentic Connection


    Grandmother Flordemayo, born in the highlands of Central America as the youngest of 15, discovered her gift of Sight at an early age. Trained in curanderismo from childhood, she learned herbal healing and women's medicine from her mother, a midwife and healer. Now residing in New Mexico, Flordemayo is a renowned Universal Healer and speaker at global conferences. Founder of The Path, a 501(c)3, she preserves traditional knowledge and heritage seeds, emphasizing their vital role in our future. As the keeper of her family's sacred staff for 12 generations, Flordemayo travels the world, sharing healing gifts and fostering spiritual unity, contributing to various indigenous organizations.

  • Today’s episode marks the culmination of my incredible 6 week road trip from Providence to Miami and back. More importantly, you’ll hear me share many of the lessons taught to me by a few powerful Wisdom Keepers who are teachers, healers and indigenous Grandmothers from around the world.

    Part adventure, part magic carpet ride, part grind. This journey was rich in synchronicities, a newfound sense of belonging, unexpected encounters with sacred elders and spiritual mentorship from the most generous women.

    is not just an end but the beginning of an incredible chapter where I'll be touring extensively with the indigenous grandmothers throughout the year to support their work. It’s a mix of reflection, celebration, and anticipation for the wisdom we’re set to unfold together.

    The 3 main takeaways for you to consider:

    The Value of Slowing Down and Living with Intention: Discover the transformative power of slowing down and learn how living intentionally nurtures deeper connections, brings clarity, and cultivates tranquility in your life.Connecting to Higher Power and Living through Love: Hear insights about how impactful acknowledging a higher power of your choosing, on the daily, can be and how love is a powerful conduit for strength and spiritual connection.Acknowledging Personal Gifts and Limitations: Uncover the transformative power of self-care, embracing personal strengths, and acknowledging limitations as catalysts for growth and self-empowerment.Also I celebrated my 50th birthday while in Miami and I share what this milestone moment in my life is opening me up to and I know it will you too.

    Thank you for tuning in to "The Robyn Ivy Podcast!" I hope these insights inspire you to embrace positive changes and connect with your own inner wisdom. Stay tuned for more heartfelt and transformative discussions – there's so much more to come!

    Learn more about:

    Alissa Barry of Bella Cucina

    Grandmother Moetu Taiha or listen to our podcast episode here

    Grandmother Flordemayo

    Connect with Robyn Ivy

    Website:: https://robynivy.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/robynivyFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/robynivy

    Quick note, I just want to say thank you for listening to this episode. I know it means a lot to myself and my guests.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you will also like:

    Episode #20: Alisa Barry: Curating a Beautiful Life

    Episode #19: Dave Conley: Love, Loss and a Fake Shark Attack

    Episode #94: Grandmother Moetu Taiha: Nurturing Authentic Connection


    Robyn Ivy sees people for a living.

    Artist, coach, podcast host and trusted intuitive Robyn is a masterful guide for soulful growth.

    She helps you get powerfully unstuck and more deeply connected, as she teaches you how to ride the magic carpet of your life.

    Having spent over 20 years as a commercial photographer she offers a unique toolkit to shift your internal and external lenses to look at things differently.

    Inner leadership comes from deep practices in mindfulness, creativity, shifting mindset and connecting deeply with nature.

    She mentors select clients 1:1, hosts the Robyn Ivy Podcast, offers private intuitive sessions, leads groups, circles and retreats. She has been hosting circles since 1998. robynivy.com

  • In this episode of The Robyn Ivy Podcast, join host Robyn Ivy and her guest, Grandmother Moetu Taiha, for an insightful and heartwarming conversation filled with wisdom, cultural reflections, and moments of profound connection.

    Grandmother Moetu Taiha shares her experiences and insights, emphasizing the importance of feeling and spiritual energy over vocal language.

    Their discussion delves into traditions, love, slowing down, and the challenges of living authentically in today's fast-paced world.

    Main Takeaways:

    The Power of Feeling and Energy: Grandmother emphasizes the significance of recognizing and connecting with energy and feelings as tools for understanding and communicating, as opposed to solely relying on verbal language. Listeners are encouraged to explore the power of genuine feeling and energy in their interactions and relationships.Honoring Ancestral Heritage: Both Grandmother discusses the importance of understanding and honoring cultural heritage and ancestral connections. Listeners can reflect on the significance of their own heritage and consider how it shapes their identity and worldview.Embracing Authenticity and Presence: The conversation emphasizes the value of living authentically and fully present in each moment. Listeners are encouraged to prioritize being genuine, present, and actively experiencing life without being weighed down by past regrets or overthinking.Expressing Love Beyond Words: Grandmother explores the concept of love as a deeply felt emotion that extends beyond verbal expressions. Listeners may consider the resonance and power of emotions in their own relationships, valuing the feeling of connection over mere words.Slowing Down and Being Present: The conversation touches on the significance of slowing down, being present, and finding joy in life amid the fast pace of modern culture. Listeners are encouraged to embrace the experience of being fully present, feeling deeply, and finding moments of joy and connection in their lives.

    Thank you for listening to The Robyn Ivy Podcast. We hope you enjoyed this episode and gained valuable insights from Grandmother's heartfelt conversation.

    Stay tuned for more inspiring discussions and meaningful content in future episodes.

    About Grandmother Moetu Taiha

    Grandmother Moetu-Taiha, a beacon of wisdom and empowerment, dedicates her life to uplifting individuals and fostering profound connections within communities.

    With a focus on Women’s Empowerment Workshops, she guides women on a transformative journey to discover and embrace their unique purposes.

    From a young age, Moetu has been guided by her "Loved Ones"—ancestors and the divine force that she reverently refers to as the "Godforce." Through her purpose-driven work, or Mahi, she shares insights on why wechoose to incarnate in this pivotal time.

    Moetu's teachings emanate from a deep well of inner wisdom, empowering each soul to recognize their innate strength and purpose in the tapestry of existence.

  • Join me for part two of my road trip to Miami. In this episode, I am sharing my profound experience of being with, learning with and caring for 3 incredible Wisdom Keepers, indigenous Grandmothers and now family.

    I thought I would be attending a spiritual workshop featuring Moetu Taiha, a grandmother and spiritual healer from New Zealand, and Flordemayo, a Mayan elder from Nicaragua, along with her older sister, Esperanza..who, at 89 years old, is a powerful healer in her own right.

    You will hear about the deep impact the grandmothers' teachings have had on my life and hear why I wanted to document their events and photograph them as a tribute to their wisdom.

    I share my moving experience accompanying them to the land of the Seminole nation, who have a pre-existing relationship with Maori people, who knew? and witnessing their participation in a beautiful welcoming ceremony with the grandmothers.

    I go deep into my involvement in serving and caring for the grandmothers for the week, and the profound lessons she learned from their teachings and wisdom.

    Lastly you’ll hear my personal reflections on feeling deeply loved and cared for by the elders, as well as the impact of witnessing the love and care given to Flordemayo by her sister.

    The 5 main takeaways for you from this conversation:

    Embracing Synchronicity: My experience of finding out about a workshop featuring her beloved elder, grandmother Flor de Mayo, in Miami emphasizes the importance of recognizing and embracing moments of synchronicity in life.Profound Interactions: Reflecting on my experiences with the grandmothers and my nephew, I emphasize the impact of genuine, heartfelt interactions and the potential for deep connections with strangers.Importance of Elder Wisdom: my journey with the grandmothers underscores the significance of seeking wisdom from elders and spiritual healers, and the impact their teachings can have on personal growth and transformation.Healing and Love: My insights on feeling deeply loved and cared for, contrasting her experience with strained family relationships, highlight the power of healing and the nurturing bonds that can exist between individuals.Heartfelt Connections: I encourage listeners to open up to their communities, acknowledge each other as human beings, and engage in heart-to-heart and soul-to-soul interactions to create more meaningful and authentic connections in their lives.

    Thank you for listening, and I can't wait to share this insightful and inspiring journey with you!

    Connect with Robyn Ivy

    Website:: https://robynivy.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/robynivyFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/robynivy

    Quick note, I just want to say thank you for listening to this episode. I know it means a lot to myself and my guests.

    If you enjoyed this episode, you will also like:

    Episode #69: Ali Schultz: Rebooting Inner Leadership

    Episode #88: Kerra Bolton:Transform your pain into purpose through beauty and creative expression

    Episode #91: Nancy Jo Iacoi: Living in the Liminal


    Robyn Ivy sees people for a living.

    Artist, coach, podcast host and trusted intuitive Robyn is a masterful guide for soulful growth.

    She helps you get powerfully unstuck and more deeply connected, as she teaches you how to ride the magic carpet of your life.

    Having spent over 20 years as a commercial photographer she offers a unique toolkit to shift your internal and external lenses to look at things differently.

    Inner leadership comes from deep practices in mindfulness, creativity, shifting mindset and connecting deeply with nature.

    She mentors select clients 1:1, hosts the Robyn Ivy Podcast, offers private intuitive sessions, leads groups, circles and retreats. She has been hosting circles since 1998. robynivy.com