
  • How to break the cycle of relational trauma

    Today I'm talking to Abbey Williams, LSW about estrangements and healing to break the cycle of generational trauma.

    Abbey spoke at our recent Stepmom Summit (the Summit is over but you can still access the presentations for a few more days with an Ultimate Access Pass)

    About Abbey:

    Abbey is a Trauma Therapist + Estrangement Expert, Founder of You, The Mother, Coach, Co-Founder of The Estrangement Project, Co-Founder of The Parenting with Trauma Project, and mother of 4. For over 10 years, Abbey has provided direct clinical and coaching services to individuals seeking healing from relational trauma. She writes and speaks about various parenting, relational, and mental health topics.

    Abbey focuses on helping moms heal from their childhood wounding, navigate difficult family dynamics, estrangement, and breaking generational trauma. She is committed to supporting, empowering, and connecting with her community by providing accessible information on her podcast, "You, The Mother Podcast," social media platforms, coaching, support groups, healing book club, retreats, and webinars for people all over the world.

    She has been featured by PopSugar, Parents, SheKnows, and Romper, and was named a top 50 parenting podcast by Podcast Magazine.

    Abbey navigates her blended family/coparenting life in Cincinnati, OH with her husband, four kids, and two sister labs.

    You Can Find Abbey:

    On Instagram: @youthemother

    On her website, youthemother.com

    Links Mentioned In Today's Episode

    Get your Ultimate Access Pass and get access to the Stepmom Summit HERE!

    Got a question for me or something you're struggling with in your stepfamily life? Submit a question to be answered on a future podcast episode HERE

    Want to go deeper into coparenting, finding your own peace, and other blended family challenges? Join the Stepfamily Circle HERE

  • What happens when you realize you're in a high-conflict situation?

    All too often, stepmoms get into their stepfamily only to realize their spouse's ex is way more high-conflict than they realized or that there is some pretty nasty parental alienation happening. That's exactly what happened to Maarit Miller and we're talking all about her experience and how it led her to start coaching others through similar situations.

    Maarit spoke at our recent Stepmom Summit (the Summit is over but you can still access the presentations for a few more days with an Ultimate Access Pass)

    About Maarit:

    Maarit has been a mom for 20+ years, a stepmom for 15+, and was one of the founding moderators over at the stepparent support subreddit. She's been nominated for Best Stepmom Blog and named a Top 10 Blended Family Blog. Blended Family Frappé was also listed as one of the best blended family Instagram accounts to follow.

    And she says when she's running her site, she's probably eating tacos while watching Star Wars.

    You Can Find Maarit:

    On Instagram: @blendedfamilyfrappe

    On her website, blendedfamilyfrappe.com

    Links Mentioned In Today's Episode

    Get your Ultimat Access Pass and get access to the Stepmom Summit HERE!

    Got a question for me or something you're struggling with in your stepfamily life? Submit a question to be answered on a future podcast episode HERE

    Want to go deeper into coparenting, finding your own peace, and other blended family challenges? Join the Stepfamily Circle HERE

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries?

    If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!

    And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I’ll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It’s normally $49 and it’s a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you’ll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

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  • Does High Conflict Coparenting Ever Get Better?

    That's what we're talking about in today's episode with CEO and co-founder of the High Conflict Institute, Megan Hunter, another "three-peat" guest (Episode 27 and Episode 59) and speaker at this year's Stepmom Summit (which is coming up April 25-28th - you can get on the waitlist for doors to open HERE).

    Megan will give us a bit of a preview of what she and Bill Eddy will discuss when they appear together at the Summit in a few weeks - and, as always, some great tips for handling any high conflict personalities you may have in your life.

    About Megan:

    Megan Hunter, MBA, is the co-founder and CEO. She developed the concept of the Institute after 13 years in policy, legislation, and judicial training with the Arizona Supreme Court and five years with the Dawes County Attorney’s Office in Nebraska. She is founder and publisher of Unhooked Books, a U.S.-based media company.

    Megan has trained professionals in business, public service, law, education, and mental health in the U.S. and seven other countries. She holds an MBA from the University of Phoenix and a Business and Economics degree from Chadron State College. She has served as President of the Arizona Chapter of the Association of Family & Conciliation Courts, the Arizona Family Support Council and Nebraska Child Support Enforcement Association. She served five years on the Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiner, and is one of our experts serving on the Advisory board of Stepfamily Solutions.

    You Can Find Megan:

    On Instagram @highconflictinstitute

    On her website, highconflictinstitute.com

    Links Mentioned In Today's Episode

    Get your FREE ticket for the Stepmom Summit HERE!

    Got a question for me or something you're struggling with in your stepfamily life? Submit a question to be answered on a future podcast episode HERE

    Want to go deeper into coparenting, finding your own peace, and other blended family challenges? Join the Stepfamily Circle HERE

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries?

    If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!

    And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I’ll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It’s normally $49 and it’s a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you’ll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

  • Is it possible to stepmom without losing yourself?

    That's what we're talking about in today's episode with relationship crisis coach Jessica Frew - a "three-peat" guest (Episode 29 and Episode 65) and speaker at this year's Stepmom Summit (which is coming up April 25-28th - you can get on the waitlist for doors to open HERE). And spoiler alert, Jessica has some great advice.

    About Jessica:

    Jessica Frew is a wife, ex-wife, mom, stepmom, and BOLD action taker. She has a successful podcast called “Husband in Law” that she records with her husband, Matt, and her ex-husband, Steve. Together they are sharing their stories of love, marriage, coming out, divorce, remarriage and co-parenting to help others know they are not alone. She owns The BOLD Logic, a company devoted to helping people figure out the “What NOW?!” after crisis in their relationship or having a partner come out. Jessica is a firm believer that by knowing and understanding what it is you really want in life you can BOLDly create a life you love, no matter what your circumstances.

    You Can Find Jessica:

    On Instagram @heyjessicafrew

    On her podcast, Husband In Law

    On her website, theboldlogic.com

    Links Mentioned In Today's Episode

    Hop on the waitlist for the Stepmom Summit HERE

    Got a question for me or something you're struggling with in your stepfamily life? Submit a question to be answered on a future podcast episode HERE

    Want to go deeper into coparenting, finding your own peace, and other blended family challenges? Join the Stepfamily Circle HERE

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries?

    If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!

    And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I’ll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It’s normally $49 and it’s a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you’ll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

  • Let's Get Comfortable . . . In Your Own Skin.

    Today's episode is about getting more comfortable in your own skin. Specifically as it relates to your partner’s ex and comparing yourself to her. This is something that I hear ALL THE TIME from stepmoms. And it can take various forms.

    It can be overt, like wondering if your spouse thinks she’s prettier or smarter than you.

    But it can also be sneaky and lead to even more insecurities, like when you wonder why your partner married her to begin with.

    Whatever way it comes, you can find yourself down an unhealthy rabbit hole real quick. And you can find yourself obsessing over her. Her looks, her parenting skills, why she doesn’t like you. On and on and on.

    I'll walk you through some of the most common comparisons - and we'll talk about how you can reset your outlook the next time you find yourself wondering if you're measuring up.

    Links Mentioned In Today's Episode

    If you'd like more on this topic, you can check out Linda Black's piece in Stepfamily Magazine: Stepmoms, Quit Comparing Yourself To Your Partner's Ex.

    Got a question for me or something you're struggling with in your stepfamily life? Submit a question to be answered on a future podcast episode HERE

    Want to go deeper into coparenting, finding your own peace, and other blended family challenges? Join the Stepfamily Circle HERE

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries?

    If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!

    And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I’ll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It’s normally $49 and it’s a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you’ll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

  • Are you a people pleaser? If so, this episode is for YOU. Our guest today has been here before, back on episode 61. And she recently published her first book, The People Pleaser’s Guide to Coparenting Well.

    About Mikki:

    Mikki Gardner is a Certified Life and Conscious Parenting Coach, a mom, a speaker, host of the Co-Parenting with Confidence Podcast, and author of the People Pleaser’s Guide to Co-Parenting Well.

    Mikki’s personal struggles with divorce motivated her to become a “better mom” so that she could better help her son overcome the challenges of their new family dynamic. Drawing on her academic background, professional training, and personal experience, she empowers other moms to move beyond the overwhelming obstacles of co-parenting and thrive after divorce.

    Mikki strives to guide moms to navigate the divorce & co-parenting drama by becoming calm, confident co-parents, even without their ex’s participation.

    Mikki is on a mission to help children by helping their moms learn to handle the emotional and practical difficulties of divorce and co-parenting while creating an intentional, joyful, and ease-filled life for both themselves and their children.

    You can find Mikki:

    On her podcast, Co-Parenting With Confidence

    You can grab her book HERE

    Follow her on Instagram

    Visit her website: www.mikkigardner.com

    Links Mentioned In Today's Episode

    Listen to my first interview with Mikki back in Episode 61 HERE.

    Got a question for me or something you're struggling with in your stepfamily life? Submit a question to be answered on a future podcast episode HERE

    Want to go deeper into coparenting, finding your own peace, and other blended family challenges? Join the Stepfamily Circle HERE

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries?

    If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!

    And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I’ll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It’s normally $49 and it’s a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you’ll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

  • In today's episode, I'm answering your questions!

    I put out a call before the holidays for questions and boy, did you respond! I'm so excited to tackle these and hope today is just the first of many Q&A episodes.

    Today's question is from Lauren, who wants to know if feeling like an outsider ever really gets better and how she can cope with it.

    If you've got a question you'd like me to answer, head HERE and ask away!

    Links Mentioned In Today's Episode

    Submit a question to be answered on a future episode HERE

    Join the Stepfamily Circle HERE

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries?

    If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!

    And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I’ll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It’s normally $49 and it’s a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you’ll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

  • Today I'm talking to another veteran stepfamily coach, Amelia Lane, all about how to get "okay" with it when you realize your expectations do not line up with your stepfamily reality.

    Amelia has been a guest expert inside the Stepfamily Circle membership, which you can learn more about HERE. And she's got some great insights for you - no matter what stage of stepmom life you're in!

    About Amelia

    Amelia Lane is a Certified Stepparent Coach and the co-founder of The Art of Blended Chaos, based out of a small town in Ontario, Canada. As a {second} wife, mother of two, and stepmom of one, Amelia draws on 13 years of partnership, 8 years of marriage, and a lifetime of navigating stepfamily dynamics when working with clients.

    Her personal journey, from a child of divorce to a blended family maven, fuels her coaching. Amelia doesn't just bring certification; she brings a lifetime of lived experiences, having triumphed over jealousy, insecurity, parenting differences, communication blocks and a handful of other stepfamily challenges.

    Before coaching, Amelia spent 12 years in long-term care as a Personal Support Worker, caring for the elderly and assisting psychiatric patients in a group-homes. Now, with a continued passion for helping others, she leverages her unique insights to guide clients through the maze of stepfamily life.

    You Can Find Amelia:

    On Instagram @amelia.lane.stepparentcoach and @theartofblendedchaos You can learn more about all of the ways Amelia On her website www.theartofblendedchaos.com

    Amelia has offered listeners of the podcast 50% of her eBook: The {Un}Official Guide to Becoming an Empowered Stepmom. Just head HERE and use the code: STEPMOMDIARIES at checkout.

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries?

    If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!

    And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I’ll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It’s normally $49 and it’s a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you’ll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

  • Today I'm talking to a veteran stepfamily coach and one of last year's Stepmom Summit speakers, Mindy Kyle. We are talking about how it feels when you realize you've gone from dating to the deep end of stepfamily life and feel like you are barely staying afloat.

    Mindy has a wealth of experience in that very subject and some great insights for stepmoms who might be struggling right now.

    About Mindy

    Mindy Kyle is no stranger to the struggles that often come with the title of stepmom. She became a stepmom to 4 kids at the early age of 24. Because of her struggles through her own stepmom journey, she focuses solely on helping other stepmoms who feel they are barely surviving their stepmom roles and instead create the kind of deeply connected, harmonious, and purpose-filled lives they have always dreamt of living.

    You Can Find Mindy:

    At mindykylecoaching.com

    On Instagram: @mindykylecoaching

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries?

    If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!

    And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I’ll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It’s normally $49 and it’s a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you’ll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

  • In this episode, I’m talking to a rockstar in the influencer marketing world, but one who also happens to be a stepmom and has one of the best relationships with her stepchildren’s mom that I’ve ever seen.

    Sarah Boyd and I actually met sitting next to each other at a dinner hosted by a mutual friend, Susie Moore, in Miami. And the more I talked to her about her family life and what a rockstar she is, the more I thought, I’ve got to have her on the podcast!

    The mom of Sarah's stepkids is journalist and influencer Catt Sadler, and it’s amazing how they have navigated their situation. I can’t wait for you to hear from her.

    About Sarah

    Sarah Boyd is the Founder and creative force behind SIMPLY, a collective with one goal in mind: connecting. Sarah started her career in Fashion PR and in 2012, she decided to channel her expert industry know-how, her extensive list of contacts, and relationships into starting her own business.

    The SIMPLY 'Do What You Love' event is an annual Fashion and Beauty Conference in cities such as LA, NY, Chicago, and Dubai. Since 2012, SIMPLY has hosted tens of thousands of attendees.

    In 2016, with the rise of influencer marketing, Sarah started managing some of the most sought-after celebrity influencers. Her current/past clients roster includes Alessandra Ambrosio, Jamie Chung, Olivia Culpo, Julianne Hough, Lauren Bushnell Lane, Jana Kramer, and many more who look to Sarah to help them capitalize on their influential status in the entertainment industry to make their mark in the influencer world.

    Sarah’s reach is undeniable and she has been able to secure partnerships with prestigious brands like CITI, Topshop, Barney’s NY and many more. She’s been featured in Marie Claire, People Style Watch, Fox News, E!, LA Business Journal, to name a few, and she was named a "Female Founder to Watch" by Forbes and is now a Forbes Fashion and Beauty contributor.

    In 2017, Sarah completed a successful acquisition for SIMPLY with Socialyte (under the NYLON LLC parent company) and Sarah held the position of President of Socialyte.

    In 2018, Sarah co-founded the Moms + Babes Box with partner Jana Kramer which is a quarterly subscription box filled with 6+ full sized products for moms and their babes. In 2020, Sarah and Jana sold the business but remain advisors and the face of the brand.

    In 2022, Socialyte was acquired by Dolphin Entertainment and in 2023, Socialyte and Be Social merged to become The Digital Dept. where Sarah is currently the co-CEO.

    You Can Find Sarah:

    At The Digital Dept

    On Social:

    Instagram @sarahpboyd // @thedigitaldpt

    LinkedIn @sarahpboyd

    And don't forget to save your seat for the Jan. 24th Masterclass: 6 Simple Steps To Stepfamily Peace: The blueprint happy stepmoms use to achieve harmony in their stepfamily life - even when it feels like a chaos-free home is just a pipe dream.

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries?

    If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!

    And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I’ll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It’s normally $49 and it’s a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you’ll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

  • It's a brand new year and we're back with all new episodes! Today, we’re talking about the new beginnings that come with a new year. To include word of the year. And resolutions.

    We’re talking about the differences between stepfamily life and first-family life and why they matter.

    AND I’m going to fill you in on some big and exciting changes I’ve got going on for you.

    The first one - and the biggest - is that This Custom Life has officially merged with Stepfamily Magazine! We have formed Stepfamily Solutions.

    Stepfamily Solutions is the new home of The Stepmom Diaries podcast, all of the This Custom Life courses, Stepfamily Magazine, The Stepmom Summit, The Stepmom Retreat, and the Stepfamily Circle membership. With our curated content, research-backed tools, and expert advisory board, we are truly your one-stop shop for all of your stepmom and stepfamily needs.

    The other big news we've got is that our Stepfamily Circle membership is getting a huge overhaul. Later this month, we're launching a brand new custom site for our members. We're putting the finishing touches on the site, which will house our exclusive community off social media for stepmoms and stepfamilies to access experts, tools and resources, and coaching. Every single month.

    In addition to a brand new site and portal, we are launching a brand new custom app for the membership so that you'll have all of our resources on the go. It's honestly amazing and we're so excited to unveil it this month.

    AND to celebrate the new site and app, we're adding hundreds of dollars of additional exclusive courses and resources into the membership.

    Check out the site HERE and follow me on social ⬇️ to stay up to date on all the things!

    Links Mentioned:

    Stepfamily Solutions: www.stepfamilysolutions.com

    Stepfamily Circle membership: www.stepfamilycircle.com

    Instagram: @stepfamilysolutions

    Facebook: @stepfamilysolutions

    TikTok: @stepfamilysolutions

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries?

    If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!

    And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I’ll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It’s normally $49 and it’s a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you’ll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

  • Today I'm talking to Beth McDonough, my partner in Stepfamily Magazine, which includes the Stepmom Summit, the Stepfamily Circle Membership, and our upcoming Stepmom Retreat (we still have one spot for you if you're looking for a getaway!).

    In this episode, you'll get a sneak peek into how we work, as we shoot the breeze talking about all the things - especially what we'd go back and tell our younger selves as new stepmoms.

    About Beth:

    Beth McDonough is a badass stepmom coach and happens to be my business partner over at Stepfamily Magazine. We started our partnership when we co-founded The Stepmom Summit a few years ago and have been working together ever since to create more resources for stepfamilies. Beth runs The Inclusive Stepmom, where she takes stepmoms from hopeless to happy through 1:1 and group coaching and courses.

    Her work has been featured in NPR, Good Morning America, SheKnows Parenting, BabyCenter, Bustle, Romper, Mom2.0, and ParentMap. The Inclusive Stepmom was also named one of the best stepparenting blogs by Healthline in 2020.

    Beth has a Master of Arts degree in English Literature from Gannon University in Erie, PA. Currently, she works as the Director of Content at digital marketing agency &Marketing and serves on the Marketing Committee for the Crawford County Housing Coalition.


    On her website, theinclusivestepmom.com

    Instagram: @theinclusivestepmom

    Facebook: @theinclusivestepmom


    The 2023 Stepmom Retreat [November 9-11, St. George, Utah]

    Stepfamily Magazine

    The Stepfamily Circle Membership

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries? If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!

    And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I'll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It's normally $49 and it's a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you'll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

  • I am so excited about today’s guest. She is a family friend of my husband Craig’s and has become a friend and mentor of mine. She happens to also be a stepmom and a Kickass one at that.

    This post contains affiliate links. For more about what that means, click here.

    Gay Gaddis is an entrepreneur, author, artist, and trailblazer. She’s the founder of T3, one of the largest woman-owned independent advertising agencies in the U.S., which she led for over 30 years. She’s a popular speaker on women’s leadership, company culture, and entrepreneurship, and wrote the book Cowgirl Power: How to Kick Ass in Business & Life.

    She's a contributor to Forbes and founded Women Who Mean Business, a women’s development program that she co-teaches at the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas.

    Gay has received numerous awards including the 2022 Distinguished Alumni Award by the University of Texas, 2021 Hall of Fame Award by the McCombs School of Business, the Liz Carpenter Lifetime Achievement Award, Fast Company’s Top 25 Women Business

    Builders, Inc. Magazine’s Top 10 Entrepreneurs of the Year and C200’s Luminary Award for Entrepreneurial Excellence.

    Gay is also an amazing artist and her bold and vibrant paintings have been shown in a number of prestigious galleries around the country including New York City and Santa Fe. Texas Monthly magazine named Gay as one of “10 Artists to Collect Now.” Gay and her husband own and operate the historic Double Heart Ranch in the Texas Hill Country, home to Gay’s private art studio and gallery, Fossil Ridge.

    You can snag a copy of Gay's book HERE, and you can find Gay:

    LinkedIn: GayGaddis
    Instagram: @GayGaddis
    Facebook: @Gay.Gaddis

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries? If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!

    And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I'll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It's normally $49 and it's a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you'll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

  • In case no one told you, stepmom life can be really tough (duh, right?). But I’ve got your back in today's bonus mini-episode. I’m excited to tell you about this free bootcamp I’m doing NEXT WEEK. This is something I’ve wanted to do for a while and the time finally felt right, so I hope you’re excited too.

    I'll be helping you uncover:

    The 3 Steps that have helped stepmoms around the world understand their role in order to let go of the guilt, frustration, or shame that comes with being a stepmom in today's society. How to improve your relationship in blended, new, or complex families - even if you're dealing with a difficult ex, without sacrificing your relationships with your partner or your kids. The keys to dealing with conflict in the unique power dynamics that blended families create, without stepping on anybody's toes or creating more chaos.

    . . . and MORE!

    You can find out more and sign up here: www.thiscustomlife.com/bootcamp

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries? If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!

    And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I'll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It's normally $49 and it's a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you'll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

  • Today’s topic is one I haven’t talked much about before: stepmom infertility and the challenges around being a childless stepmom.

    Many stepmoms struggle with infertility and how to cope with being childless. I've spent a lot of time thinking about this over the years. And if I’m being honest, a lot of time trying to understand it all for myself. And coaching myself around my obstacles and mindsets, too.

    Childless stepmoms can be childless by choice or by circumstance. Either way, it can be a difficult experience. But in today's episode, I’m talking specifically about being childless by circumstance - meaning not because you chose to be.

    I'll walk through the challenges around stepmom infertility, including the challenges I have faced, and I'll discuss a few coping strategies that have helped me over the years. If you're struggling with being childless by circumstance, I hope this will help you, too.

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries? If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!

    And the best part about leaving a review? If you send me a screenshot of your review, I'll send YOU my 20-minute Stepmom Self-Care Blueprint. For FREE. It's normally $49 and it's a great tool to quickly set up a self-care plan you'll actually use. Just head HERE to send me your screenshot and grab your blueprint!

  • Stepfamily finances and the issues around them are some of the most important but least talked about (at least in advance) landmines that must be navigated in a new blended family.

    When I met my husband, Craig, we talked about all kinds of things when we were planning to marry and move in together. But you know what we didn’t talk about? Stepfamily finances. We did sit down right around when we got engaged to go through each of our assets and debts. And we talked about our philosophy around debt…But that was about the extent of it.

    There are a ton of things to consider around stepfamily finances. Way too much for just one podcast episode. So today I'm covering my top pieces of advice. These are things that are great to do before you tie the knot or merge your households, but if you're like me and didn't - it's never too late!

    Links Mentioned In This Episode:

    Stepfamilymoney.com: Snag your FREE copy of The Top 10 Conversations Every Stepmom Needs To Have About Money.

    Stepfamily Finances Can Get Sticky: 3 Tips for Parenting Peace, by Cameron Normand for CNET

    5 Must-Have Money Conversations Before Becoming A Stepmom, by Cameron Normand for Insider

    Episode 54, Raising Financial Grownups with Bobbi Rebell

    Episode 1442, So Money Podcast With Farnoosh Torabi: Financial Advice for Step Parents and Blended Families

    Financial Tips For Grownups Podcast With Bobbi Rebell: Money Tips For Complicated Families

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries? If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!

    And follow me on Instagram for even more stepmom content!

  • Dear stepmom, please know you are not alone when you’re overwhelmed by big life changes. Whether you've got kids moving away to school, you have a new job, or you're just changing in your season of life, transitions can be tricky for everyone - but especially when you factor in stepfamily dynamics.

    This episode is all about how to get through those life changes. And I'll walk you through a couple of recent life transitions I experienced this summer and how I dealt with them.

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries? If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!

    For more stepmom resources, visit me at thiscustomlife.com or follow me on Instagram!

  • Michelle Dempsey-Multack likes to say that her mission in life is to help her clients ensure their children have a co-parenting experience they won’t need to recover from. And as a child of divorce who experienced a fairly terrible coparenting dynamic, I so appreciate having her out in the world.

    About Michelle:

    Michelle Dempsey-Multack is a Certified Divorce and Co-Parenting Specialist, bestselling author, educator for divorce coaches, and top 1% podcaster known for her ability to inspire and empower moms through their divorce and co-parenting journeys.

    Michelle’s passion for “putting the child first” in the divorce process while helping everyone she reaches feel supported and empowered, makes her a sought-after coach by clients as well as divorce industry professionals from around the globe.

    Michelle has helped thousands of women find the permission to move on confidently after divorce as they move towards a more intentional and holistic co-parenting experience – one that their kids can be proud of one day.

    Michelle is the author of Moms Moving On: Real Life Advice on Conquering Divorce, Co-Parenting Through Conflict, and Becoming Your Best Self from Simon and Schuster.

    Michelle was also a speaker at this year’s Stepmom Summit, which if you missed it - it’s not too late. You can still access her presentation and all the others HERE.

    You can find Michelle:

    On her website: www.michelledempsey.com

    On Instagram: @themichelledempsey

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries? If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!

  • Last week, we talked about new stepmoms - This week, I'm chatting with one of the OG stepmom coaches, Barb Goldberg, about how to stepmom through life’s transitions.

    I’ve known Barb, aka the "evil stepmother," for several years. She's an accomplished writer, executive, and coach, and has been one of our most popular speakers at The Stepmom Summit every year. And when I was out in Arizona in May with Beth McDonough, we got to finally meet Barb in person and enjoy a wonderful dinner.

    We talked about stepmom life, our businesses, and everything in between. And you're going to get a sample of all her amazingness in this episode.

    About Barb:

    Barb Goldberg is the author and owner of The Evil Stepmother Speaks website, blog, book, and podcast. As the stepmother to three children and the biological mom to one son, Barb has been through the trenches and understands the challenges of stepmother life. Now, her children are grown and she can look back and teach practical solutions while keeping you laughing along the way.

    Barb has a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education, a Master’s degree in Business Administration, and is a certified Dr. Martha Beck life coach.

    Barb spoke again at this year's Stepmom Summit. [and by the way, if you missed the Stepmom Summit, you can still access presentations from this (and past) years HERE].

    You can find Barb:

    On Instagram: @evilstepmom

    At theevilstepmotherspeaks.com and StepmomSanctuaryRetreat.com

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries? If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!

  • If you're a new stepmom (or even a not-so-new stepmom) who has struggled, today's guest will speak to you. Because I'm talking to a stepmom coach about how to find your footing.

    My guest this week is Bee Chatman, a stepmom coach and Operations Manager at the Naja Hall Coaching Agency who helps her stepfamily clients with all the things.

    About Bee:

    Bee is an experienced coach and serves as Operations Manager at The Naja Hall Coaching Agency. With 6 years of dedication in the field of coaching, Bee is knowledgeable in life transitions, empathy, and reflective thinking. As a custodial stepmom and military spouse, Bee brings a unique perspective to her stepfamily coaching and has helped stepmoms worldwide.

    Bee also spoke at our third annual Stepmom Summit back in April about the "ABCs" of how to be an unbothered stepmom. [and by the way, if you missed the Stepmom Summit, you can still access presentations from this (and past) years HERE].

    You can find Bee:

    On Instagram: @chatwithbee

    On VIP Stepmom HERE

    Are you enjoying The Stepmom Diaries? If so, please consider rating and reviewing the show. It will help me reach more stepmoms just like you so they can get MORE out of stepmom life! It’s super easy – all you have to do is click HERE and scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “write a review.” Then just let me know what you like best!