

    My experiences are anecdotal at best.  You should always do any extreme form of exercise or activity with great caution and be certain you are in good health or consult a doctor prior to attempting cold water swimming.

    At the time of this recording, the World is in a state of chaos from the Coronavirus.  Aquatic facilities and pools are closed but so far open water swimming is still an option for some people. 

    Depending on where you are in the Northern Hemisphere, water temperatures might still be cold but also warming up enough for you to consider an early start to your open water swimming season.

    Here are 7 tips I have learned from two seasons of cold(er) water swimming.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/theswimsquad/message
  • A common conversation I have with first year triathletes is… “If I am riding my bike I can slow down, stop, or get off the bike.... If I am running, I can walk. But what about if I get tired or out of breath while swimming…? I’ll sink!” Here is what Craig, one of our online Academy members, figured out this week during one of his long endurance swim sessions.


    Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/theswimsquad/message

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • This is the recording from that December 20, 2019 "Ask Me Anything" session in the Swim Squad Facebook Group.

    There were TONS of great questions covering topics such as:

    Recommended gym equipment for getting stronger and faster USRPT Training When do seek medical attention (for injuries, etc.) Why some swimmers do not like using a pull buoy Pro tips for getting back in the water after an extended hiatus Finding your ideal stroke rate

    P.S. Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help you with your swimming:

    1. Join our free Facebook community

    This is where aspiring triathletes and open water swimmers hang out in an encouraging and supportive environment that is loaded with swimming tips and swim workout modules. — Click Here

    2. Not sure how to get the most out of your swim workouts?

    Download 6 of our swim workouts for free and give them a try for yourself. — Click Here

    3. Join our case study program and Swimming Academy

    I’m putting together an online group coaching program called The Swim Squad Academy this month.  If you'd like to work with me on your swimming remotely... just send me an Email ([email protected]) with the word “Academy” in the subject line and I will get back with you and let's see if it's a fit.

    4. Work with me and our Squad in Louisville, KY

    If you’d like to work directly with me and our Squad in Louisville, KY... just send me a message or email ([email protected]) with the word “Squad” in the subject line... tell me a little about your swimming and what your biggest challenges right now, and I’ll get you all the details!

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/theswimsquad/message
  • This is a live recording on-location at our local open water swim venue near Louisville, KY.  I interviewed three athletes and asked each of them to share their #1 tip when it comes to gaining more confidence in the open water.

    Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help you with your swimming:

    1. Join our free Facebook community

    This is where aspiring triathletes and open water swimmers hang out in an encouraging and supportive environment that is loaded with swimming tips and swim workout modules. — Click Here

    2. Not sure how to get the most out of your swim workouts?

    Download 6 of our swim workouts for free and give them a try for yourself. — Click Here

    3. Join our case study program and Swimming Academy

    I’m putting together an online group coaching program called The Swim Squad Academy this month.  If you'd like to work with me on your swimming remotely... just send me a message or Email ([email protected]) with the word “Academy” in the subject line and I will get back with you and let's see if it's a fit.

    4. Work with me and our Squad in Louisville, KY

    If you’d like to work directly with me and our Squad directly in Louisville, KY... just send me a message or email ([email protected]) with the word “Squad” in the subject line... tell me a little about your swimming and what your biggest challenges are when it comes to swimming right now, and I’ll get you all the details!

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/theswimsquad/message
  • Once in awhile inside our free facebook community, I will do an 'Ask Me Anything' session.

    In other words, post any swimming question you can think of and I will do my best to answer it for you.

    Well, it's been a while since we have done one of these and last week we had some great questions.

    I like responding to these in a follow-up Facebook Live session inside the group in case more questions pop up during the broadcast.

    Check out the recording from the most recent AMA session.  Questions are time-stamped below so you can skip ahead if there's something similar you have been meaning to ask.

    0m27s - What is the difference between the Javelin Drill and Broken Arrow Drill?

    6m29s - What are the best drills for learning to use your legs less/kick properly?

    8m18s - The reason we do the Sculling Drill?

    9m01s - What is the minimum I should be swimming each week to maintain fitness?

    10m00s - Balance issues and earplugs

    11m38s - How to get faster

    14m32s - How do you stay motivated to keep swimming after a big event?

    17m53s - My arm does a swooshy thing underwater.  I just want to pull/press straight back, but don't know why this is happening...?

    I hope you find the answers to these questions helpful.

    What questions do you have?

    Jump into the Facebook group or send me an email at [email protected]

    Chat soon!

    - Coach Mike

    P.S. Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help you with your swimming:

    1. Join our free Facebook community

    This is where aspiring triathletes and open water swimmers hang out in an encouraging and supportive environment that is loaded with swimming tips and swim workout modules. — Click Here

    2. Not sure how to get the most out of your swim workouts?

    Download 6 of our swim workouts for free and give them a try for yourself. — Click Here

    3. Join our case study program and Swimming Academy

    I’m putting together an online group coaching program called The Swim Squad Academy this month.  If you'd like to work with me on your swimming remotely... just send me a message or Email ([email protected]) with the word “Academy” in the subject line and I will get back with you and let's see if it's a fit.

    4. Work with me and our Squad in Louisville, KY

    If you’d like to work directly with me and our Squad directly in Louisville, KY... just send me a message or email ([email protected]) with the word “Squad” in the subject line... tell me a little about your swimming and what your biggest challenges are when it comes to swimming right now, and I’ll get you all the details!

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/theswimsquad/message
  • These are the exact 3 steps I use with athletes who struggle with breathing while swimming... ... And how I help those who struggle to swim more than just one lap of the pool (even though they are super fit land athletes)   Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help you with your swimming:   1. Join the free Facebook community This is where aspiring triathletes and open water swimmers hang out in an encouraging and supportive environment that is loaded with swimming tips and swim workout modules. — https://www.facebook.com/groups/theswimsquad/   2. Not sure how to get the most out of your swim workouts?   Download 6 of our swim workouts for free and give them a try for yourself. — Click Here: https://www.swimsmoothlouisville.com/swimworkouts   3. Join our case study program and Swimming Academy I’m putting together an online group coaching program called The Swim Squad Academy this month.  If you'd like to work with me on your swimming ... just send me a message or Email ([email protected]) with the word “Academy” in the subject line and I will get back with you and let's see if it's a fit.   4. Work with me and our Squad in Louisville, KY If you’d like to work directly with me and our Squad directly in Louisville, KY... just send me a message or email ([email protected]) with the word “Squad” in the subject line... tell me a little about your swimming and what your biggest challenges are when it comes to swimming right now, and I’ll get you all the details!

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/theswimsquad/message
  • Here are three strategies that one of our local athletes used to break free from a performance plateau he had been experiencing:

    1) Video your stroke

    2) Have a qualified swim coach help you make technique adjustments

    3) Commit to a long-term plan for developing stroke technique, specific fitness, and open water skills

    Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help you with your swimming:

    1. Join our free Facebook community

    This is where aspiring triathletes and open water swimmers hang out in an encouraging and supportive environment that is loaded with swimming tips and swim workout modules. — Click Here

    2. Not sure how to get the most out of your swim workouts?

    Download 6 of our swim workouts for free and give them a try for yourself. — Click Here

    3. Join our case study program and Swimming Academy

    I’m putting together an online group coaching program called The Swim Squad Academy this month.  If you'd like to work with me on your swimming remotely... just send me a message or Email ([email protected]) with the word “Academy” in the subject line and I will get back with you and let's see if it's a fit.

    4. Work with me and our Squad in Louisville, KY

    If you’d like to work directly with me and our Squad directly in Louisville, KY... just send me a message or email ([email protected]) with the word “Squad” in the subject line... tell me a little about your swimming and what your biggest challenges are when it comes to swimming right now, and I’ll get you all the details!

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/theswimsquad/message
  • Today I received an email from a local athlete who started swimming a couple of weeks ago. He asked about how to balance training and technique/form. In this episode, I will talk about my coaching philosophy on how to balance your swim training.   

    In other words, how much should you focus on form and technique?  How much should you focus exclusively on building endurance? What has worked for you?  What 'periodization' method(s) have you heard of or used successfully? 


    -Coach Mike 

    Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help you with your swimming: 

    1. Join our free Facebook community This is where aspiring triathletes and open water swimmers hang out in an encouraging and supportive environment that is loaded with swimming tips and swim workout modules. — Click Here 

    2. Not sure how to get the most out of your swim workouts? Download 6 of our swim workouts for free and give them a try for yourself. — Click Here 

    3. Join our case study program and Swimming Academy I’m putting together an online group coaching program called The Swim Squad Academy this month.  If you'd like to work with me on your swimming remotely... just send me a message or Email ([email protected]) with the word “Academy” in the subject line and I will get back with you and let's see if it's a fit. 

    4. Work with me and our Squad in Louisville, KY If you’d like to work directly with me and our Squad directly in Louisville, KY... just send me a message or email ([email protected]) with the word “Squad” in the subject line... tell me a little about your swimming and what your biggest challenges are when it comes to swimming right now, and I’ll get you all the details!

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/theswimsquad/message
  • This is the audio replay from the Ask Me Anything session recorded in the Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/theswimsquad/) from Nov 22, 2019.
    Topics covered include the following:
    2m15s -- Level 3 of the Stroke Correction Hierarchy.
    9m44s -- When you hand exits the water, at what point does the other hand start moving back through the water? 
    16m44s -- Guidance on getting back in the pool after a long hiatus
    21m54s -- What are the most common technique errors that can cause shoulder pain?
    23m10s -- If Michael Phelps started at one side of a 1000m pool and Coach Mike Jotautas started at the other end, at what point would they hit each other?
    25m28s -- When does a triathlete reach his/her peak swimming fitness? 
    30m01s -- Applying the Doggy Paddle Drill to your full stroke freestyle.  How long does it take to warm up and find your swimming 'mojo' during a training session?

    P.S. Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help you with your swimming:
    1. Join our free Facebook community
    This is where aspiring triathletes and open water swimmers hang out in an encouraging and supportive environment that is loaded with swimming tips and swim workout modules. — Click Here
    2. Not sure how to get the most out of your swim workouts?
    Download 6 of our swim workouts for free and give them a try for yourself. — Click Here
    3. Join our case study program and Swimming Academy
    I’m putting together an online group coaching program called The Swim Squad Academy this month.  If you'd like to work with me on your swimming remotely... just send me a message or Email ([email protected]) with the word “Academy” in the subject line and I will get back with you and let's see if it's a fit.
    4. Work with me and our Squad in Louisville, KY
    If you’d like to work directly with me and our Squad directly in Louisville, KY... just send me a message or email ([email protected]) with the word “Squad” in the subject line... tell me a little about your swimming and what your biggest challenges are when it comes to swimming right now, and I’ll get you all the details!


    Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/theswimsquad/message

  • In this first episode, Coach Mike will talk briefly about his swimming and coaching background and share how his coaching evolved and got him to where he is today.
    Join the free Community on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/theswimsquad
    To work with Mike personally and inquire about the online group coaching program called The Swim Squad Academy, send an email to [email protected] with the word "Academy" in the subject line.  Coach Mike will respond with more information to see if the monthly program is a fit for you.

    P.S. Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help you with your swimming:
    1. Join our free Facebook community
    This is where aspiring triathletes and open water swimmers hang out in an encouraging and supportive environment that is loaded with swimming tips and swim workout modules. — Click Here
    2. Not sure how to get the most out of your swim workouts?
    Download 6 of our swim workouts for free and give them a try for yourself. — Click Here
    3. Join our case study program and Swimming Academy
    I’m putting together an online group coaching program called The Swim Squad Academy this month.  If you'd like to work with me on your swimming remotely... just send me a message or Email ([email protected]) with the word “Academy” in the subject line and I will get back with you and let's see if it's a fit.
    4. Work with me and our Squad in Louisville, KY
    If you’d like to work directly with me and our Squad directly in Louisville, KY... just send me a message or email ([email protected]) with the word “Squad” in the subject line... tell me a little about your swimming and what your biggest challenges are when it comes to swimming right now, and I’ll get you all the details!


    Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/theswimsquad/message