Throwback to #data22 where we spoke to #tableau CDO Wendy Turner-Williams
Well it wouldn't be TC without the rockstar Francois Ajenstat on stage, so of course, we have to have him on the show. We talked about the conference, Devs on Stage and all the good stuff, including that photo from the keynote.
In this episode, Matt and Emily talked to Salesforce CMO Sarah Frankling about her experience of TC, the Salesforce family and how she feels about the #datafam
Today at #data22 we talked to Tableau CEO Mark Nelson about his thoughts on being back at conference, where Tableau is heading and how it feels to go from backroom coder to company front man.
In the first podcast live from #data22 Matt and Emily talked to Francis Dejonckheere about Tableau Blueprint and how it can be used to transform organisations to be data driven
In this episode of the Tableau World Podcast, Emily talks with Frank Elevasky on accessibility in dataviz, the Chartability tool, and his three wishes. Check out Chartability, a tool to help you determine the accessibility of a viz, by going to: https://chartability.fizz.studio/ Follow Frank at: https://twitter.com/frankelavsky?lang=en
This week Matt and Emily talk about some changes to the podcast, which is now called The Tableau World Podcast, with a shiny new logo too.
This week its all about new things, a New Tableau CEO, a new Tableau 2021.1 release and a new blog at www.mattsworldofviz.com
At the last in person Tableau conference we sat down with Francois, Andrew and Mark Nelson, little did we know he would become the big boss, or maybe we did.
What happens when someone who doesn't set goals chats to someone that likes to set them? This podcast! Today Matt and Emily talk about how to set goals both in personal and professional situations. The importance of rewarding yourself and ensuring that your goals are achievable.
In the final episode of 2020 we review the latest release of Tableau with Craig Bloodworth and discuss all the new features.
We also come up with the amazing idea of Francois on the Shelf, available in 2021.
This week we are joined by Eva Murray who talks about her new book, Empowered by Data: How to Build Inspired Analytics Communities and the new Womens Writers Club https://womenswritersclub.mailerpage.com/
We take a look back at TC20 and discuss some of the things we really loved about Tableaus first attempt at a virtual conference and we look forward to the original Tableau Virtual conference, TFF20
This week Matt and Emily preview Tableau #data20ish. The 2nd online tableau conference, after #TFF.
In this episode Matt and Emily launch the voting for the 2020 Tableau Podcast Community awards, the Vizzies. With special thanks to Kevin Flerlage. Think of the SAG awards, but for the Tableau datafam. You can find the voting form here bit.ly/2020vizziesnoms
This week Matt and Emily talk relationship noodles and what they mean for your data. Is this the end of joins? Of course, It depends.
Big News!
COVID-19 shifted the way we work and live and Iron Viz.
In this episode, Matt & Emily share about big news in the Tableau world;
• Racial Justice Initiative and commentary about what Tableau as a company is doing to be more diverse in their leadership Introspection and Action: An open letter from Tableau CEO Adam Selipsky | Tableau Software
• Iron Viz competition Ready to take your data skills to the next level? Iron Viz is back for 2020 with our biggest prizes yet | Tableau Software
• Tableau Ambassador nominations Nominations and Applications are now open for 2020 Tableau Ambassadors, Introducing DataDev Ambassadors! | Tableau Software -
We are back for our usual banter and chat. This week Em and Matt talked Lockdown, Covid, Data and virtual meetups
This week we talked to Paul Isaacs, one of the people beind the exciting new animations in Tableau 2020
A new release of Tableau means a new tech chat with Jmac and Craig. We talked animations, dynamic parameters and all the other gifts that Ajenstat has given unto us.
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