Hogwarts: a bastion of magical learning or a safety hazard?
Irvin, Sophia, and special guests Karoline and Andrew Sims examine the safety and security concerns within the castle walls. From dangerous creatures to questionable portkeys, we analyze the measurements to keep the school a safe place.Join the Discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-56-safety-and-security-at-hogwarts-the-master-carrot/
In this episode:
Making sense of portkeys Why can house-elves teleport in and out of Hogwarts? Who knows what body parts can go through the Floo? Hogwarts Castle knows what’s best! Wizards are canonically bouncy Sophia has a PSA about helmets Madam Pomfrey is the MVP Gringotts would make a much better school for kidsPoll: During Chamber of Secrets, was the timing correct for closing Hogwarts?
Resources: Did Umbridge Have a Point: Punishment and Safety by Irvin
Find Andrew's other podcasts here:
MuggleCast Millennial Podcast What the HypePub's Jukebox: Hogwarts Lullaby by the Veelas
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/@ThreeBroomsticksPodcast -
This week, Aureo, Ev, Sam, and special guest Geoff (our social media wizard!) tackle the iconic Marauder's Map chapter in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. We're plunging into the darkness of dementors, exploring the secrets of the Marauder's map, and laughing along with the Weasley twins' hilarious antics. And, of course, no trip to Hogsmeade is complete without a butterbeer at our favorite pub: The Three Broomsticks.
Grab a butterbeer and join us for a fun-filled episode, capped off with a discussion of the chapter's shocking finale.
Join the Discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-55-poa-chapter-10-some-of-you-will-die-but-dumbledore-was-willing-to-make-this-sacrifice/
In this episode:
This is not Harry slander this is Harry realism Thanks to Ev we learn about real-life Grims in English churchyards When can magical children form memories? Sending dementors out in the country to find Sirius Black is just baffling Does Hogwarts effectively turn into a prison by the Dementors being stationed outside of the grounds? Some of you will die but Dumbledore was willing to make this sacrifice Lupin’s secret is that he’s always sad Madam Pomfrey needs more staff Passing down the map is actually a sacrifice by Fred and George Harry Potter and Wizarding Building Maintenance How does muggle tech impact magical inventions? Stockpiling chocolate keeps Dementors awayPub's Jukebox: Marauder’s Map by The 8th Horcrux
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/@ThreeBroomsticksPodcast -
Join hosts Ev, Irvin, and Sierra, for our annual Valentine's tradition of discussing fandom's favorite ships: we dish on Draco Malfoy's love life and potential pairings from the Harry Potter fandom.
Join the Discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-54-shipping-draco-malfoy-full-throated-redemption/
In this episode:
Draco would look great in a periwinkle blue dress! Ev gets a Fanfiction Theory Godmother In Draco’s love life, the Grass is always Greener We get Ginny’s Valentine for Draco Draco is a secret fan of Madam Puddifoot’s Who’s going to tickle this sleeping dragon? Any other Weasley! Canon but Nott The only rock bottom we want to hit Drapple, IYKYKFanfiction: Draco Malfoy and the Goblet of Fire by AllWordsAreMagic
Pub's Jukebox: Draco Malfoy by Swish & Flick
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/@ThreeBroomsticksPodcast -
Join hosts Irvin, Sierra, Sophia, and guest Leah Jamison as they discuss the 14th chapter of the Harry Potter series: Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback
Join the Discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-53-ps-ss-chapter-14-well-well-well-we-are-in-trouble/
In this episode:
Why wasn’t Ron bullied? The obvious HP/Mean Girls crossover Norbert’s real mother gets her revenge in Book 4 What are the logistics of failing Hogwarts classes Hermione’s manipulative side emerges Ron really idolizes Charlie, to the point of memorizing laws! We want so much more of Charlie Weasley Draco is an evil man with an evil planPub's Jukebox: Charlie in Romania by Ollivander
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/@ThreeBroomsticksPodcast -
Join hosts Sam, Sierra, Sophia, and guest Matthew as they discuss the magic behind wizarding portraits and paintings.
Join the Discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-52-wizarding-portraits-paint-me-like-one-of-them-french-girls/
In this episode:
Differences between paintings and photography How does distance work in paintings? Are wizard paintings the magical version of AI? 2 years in, we have now introduced the “podcast canon” Gilderoy Lockhart’s paintings obliviate the other paintings Is it possible to create fantasy characters in paintings? Argus Filch, the painting restorator and curatorContact:
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/@ThreeBroomsticksPodcast -
Join all the hosts and special guest and editor Patrick Musilek as they discuss chapter 23 from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Christmas on the Closed Ward.
Join the Discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-51-ootp-chapter-23-part-2-teddy-bear-in-a-barrel-of-eels/
In this episode:
The distressing holiday of the London Underground Is sewing up skin a good idea? Should people be expected to recognize Devil’s Snare among Christmas gifts? Where does it go? Into the barrel of eels! Gold bribes below St. Mungo’s We’re all in our feelings for the Longbottoms We are the seven ingredients!Listen to the Pub's Jukebox here
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/@ThreeBroomsticksPodcast -
Join all the hosts and special guest and editor Patrick Musilek as they discuss chapter 23 from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Christmas on the Closed Ward.
Join the Discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-50-ootp-chapter-23-part-1-the-harry-exception/
In this episode:
Sam has a lot of feelings about this chapter and the summary shows it Animagi are always the solution - until they’re not The Dursleys are Harry’s tasty snack Who is the MVP of this chapter? Phineas lives to sass people We all feel sad for Hermione’s parents We’ve all lived different 90s … and lives How do different types of possession work? This podcast is a sitcom! We need to know more about the perfumeListen to the Pub's Jukebox here
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/@ThreeBroomsticksPodcast -
Join hosts Irvin and Sophia and special guests Dr. Beatrice Groves and Dr. Louise Freeman as they compare the main characters of the Harry Potter and the Cormoran Strike series.
Join the Discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-49-strike-crossover-robin-is-a-free-elf/
In this episode:
Robin and Hermione fighting for the underdog Whoever Strike doesn’t sleep with is the murderer! The ins and outs of Hermione’s dating life Higher test scores: the Ravenclaw’s ultimate mic drop The protagonist’s quest for fame Is Lucy the Snape of the series? A book series all about Mad-Eye Moody! Pat and Dumbledore are in a class all their own Midge is going to play for the Holyhead HarpiesContact:
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/@ThreeBroomsticksPodcast -
Join hosts Ev, Sam, Sierra, and guest Liz Wade Stueckle as they discuss chapter 5 from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: Weasleys Wizard Wheezes.
Join the Discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-48-gof-chapter-5-thickness-where-it-matters/
In this episode:
Fred semantics, walking that thin line of Muggle baiting “No other word for it… cool” The true meaning of wheezes Justice for Veelas The worst thing Ginny has ever done The man, the myth, the legend: Barty Crouch Cauldron bottom themed songs It all comes back to the butt Dumbledore and Dobby sock exchange Pig adopted Ron Lupin is in Tibet handling his moon sicknessListen to the Pub's Jukebox here
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/@ThreeBroomsticksPodcast -
Join hosts Aureo, Irvin, Sophia, and guest DJ (Denis James) as they discuss the short-lived and abrasive Minister for Magic: Rufus Scrimgeour.
Join the Discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-47-rufus-scrimgeour-sophia-for-minister/
In this episode:
The dangers of shallow bottoms Rufus Scrimgeour, you had one job! Is the wizarding world a democracy? Doubtful… Scrimgeour lasted for seven Liz Trusses We all become Minister of Magic and come up with the perfect Gryffindor plan Scrimgeour is stubborn, even in the face of death Best gossip is always served at the Three Broomsticks All could be solved if Scrimgeour was better with people As Minister, you need the tea! Imagine Minister Mad-Eye Moody!Resources:
The comments on Episode 14 Ministers for Magic by J.K. RowlingMore from our guest, DJ:
DJ's novel: Tobias (The Arcane Rebellion) DJ's fanfic: No Parting of the Ways Find DJ on the webListen to the Pub's Jukebox here
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/@ThreeBroomsticksPodcast -
Join hosts Ev, Irvin, Sophia, and guest DJ (Denis James) as they discuss everyone's favorite bowler hat-wearing Minister for Magic: Cornelius Fudge.
Join the Discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-46-cornelius-fudge-traditional-dependable-and-lime-green/
In this episode:
How much is Dumbledore to blame for Fudge’s Book 5 behavior? Ev and Lucius Malfoy have something in common! Voldemort clearly reads the Quibbler Ministers we would rather have lunch with Three flavors of FudgeMore from our guest, DJ:
DJ's novel: Tobias (The Arcane Rebellion) DJ's fanfic: No Parting of the Ways Find DJ on the webListen to the Pub's Jukebox here
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/@ThreeBroomsticksPodcast -
Join hosts Irvin, Sierra, Sophia, and guest Margarete as they discuss chapter 20 from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Dementor’s Kiss.
Join the Discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-45-poa-chapter-20-the-werewolf-blame-game/
In this episode:
A lengthy discussion of chapter length Human Balloon Parade Sophia learns how moons work! Let's play the blame game! Crookshanks is the real protagonist Why does Hermione struggle so much with the Patronus Charm Dementors compare soul status Chilling lines and descriptions - Happy spooky season!Listen to the Pub's Jukebox here
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/@ThreeBroomsticksPodcast -
Join hosts Irvin, Sam, and Sierra, as well as special guest and Hogwarts Legacy Lead Writer Adrian Ropp, as they dive deep into the writing journey for the Hogwarts Legacy video game.
Join the discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-44-hogwarts-legacy-interview-with-adrian-ropp-lead-writer/
In this episode:
How to ensure compliance with the canon? Phineas Nigelus Black as a lynch point of the game Does Sebastian Sallow need fixing? Can he be fixed? What we’ve always wanted: a Weasley professor! Why the spiders? Scoop: the original purpose of Natty’s animagus storyline Our first visual representation of Peeves Is an unnamed Malfoy the real villain of Hogwarts Legacy?Listen to the Pub's Jukebox
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@3broomstickspod Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks -
Join hosts Sam and Sierra and guest Neiha Khan (Dramione Diaries) as they delve into the many what-ifs of Severus Snape book-by-book.
Join the discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-43-what-if-severus-snape/
In this episode:
Pretty privilege, does it always work? Snape caring for Harry changes everything, or does it… Rogue bludgers for Snape no matter what Snape killing Lockhart would be chef's kiss Let the people talk! Snape surviving Azkaban has many forms Everything changes if adults don’t act like children Harry failing at Occlumency is actually good No awkward hugs, just death Snape could change everything or nothingContact:
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@3broomstickspod Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks -
Join hosts Aureo, Irvin, Sierra, and guest Karoline as they discuss chapter 5 from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: The Whomping Willow.
Join the Discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-42-cos-chapter-5-a-twelve-year-olds-perfect-plan/
In this episode:
Ranking the Weasley chaos year by year What if the diary never made it to Hogwarts? The Weasleys are clearly bad parents Only magical trains can leave on time The flying car would never happen with Hermione RIP Chess Master Ron Follow the owl instead of the spiders We need to understand magical car physics and magical tree biology Snape seems weirdly obsessed with Harry and Ron This episode’s theme: Sierra has questions!Listen to the Pub's Jukebox here
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@3broomstickspod Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod -
Join hosts Aureo, Sam, and Sierra and guest Tiffany as they discuss the depiction of dragons in Harry Potter and other media.
Join the discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-41-dragons-those-darned-extra-legs/
In this episode:
Dragons are insects We want our own dragon lore Dinosaurs were the origin of dragon myths But what if it was a phoenix? We want to see more dragons in the new Harry Potter TV show Ron is now a lion animagus Another win for ring theory How to Train Your Dragon is perfect if you like dragons Dragons and cats are both magical creatures Pokemon needs to do better Dungeons and Dragons has all the dragons and you should avoid themContact:
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@3broomstickspod Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks -
Join hosts Aureo, Sam, and Sierra and guest Christian as they discuss the titular chapter of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows where Harry turns into a mad scientist and debates between Hallows and Horcruxes.
Join the discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-40-dh-chapter-22-it-all-fits/
In this episode:
The lying and conniving Hermione Granger Does Ron know where Australia is? Hermione really is ridiculously close-minded Harry goes full-blown mad scientist Look at my invisible cloak Is Harry being obsessed with seeing dead people? Harry and Dumbledore together are the masters of death Why can no one multitask? Weasleys are always there to lighten the mood Using the Taboo to hunt SnatchersContact:
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@3broomstickspod Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks -
Join hosts Aureo, Irvin, Sophia, and our guest Charles Boyd as they discuss law and order in the Wizarding World.
Join the Discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-39-law-amp-order-wanted-kissed-or-alive
In this episode:
Deep dive into wizarding law Who is your second - we try to understand duels We need more lawyers Trials seem to be just an act, but at least they’re done by lunch Differences between jail and prison explained The Wizarding World seems to mirror… Muggle Russia? Dumbledore will not be stopped by Fudge Wand snapping seems to be a logistical nightmare Always ask for consent before administrating a dementor’s kiss! Fudge, the evil mastermind Crookshanks will be the best prison wardenResources:
Harry’s Mercy by IrvinListen to the Pub's Jukebox here
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@3broomstickspod Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks -
Join hosts Ev, Irvin, and Sophia and guest Sam Ommen as they discuss the titular chapter of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince where Hogwarts pretends to be a school.
Join the Discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-38-hbp-chapter-9-snapes-dedicated-decorating/
In this episode:
McGonagall is dropping mics all over Neville and Augusta The ins and outs of Hogwarts class scheduling How authentic is Lavender’s interest in Ron? Katie Bell is a savage! Snape is eating crackers… The million-galleon idea of an Amortentia perfume A cozy little slice of life The Three Broomsticks of Errors Snape vs Slughorn’s teaching styles Is the Half-Blood Prince’s textbook cheating?Listen to the Pub's Jukebox here
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@3broomstickspod Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks -
Join hosts Ev, Sam, Sierra, and our guest Hayley as they discuss all the journeys from Hogwarts in the Harry Potter books.
Join the Discussion: https://threebroomstickspod.com/episode-37-journeys-from-hogwarts-man-dobbys-owl-beginning-second-white-flaw/
In this episode:
Bird Facts Man, Dobby’s Owl Beginning Second White Flaw! For A Well Organized Mind, Ending is Just a New Beginning Special Guest, PIG! Hoot Hoot! Sam Gets Cancelled Because of Shoulders Malfoy gets hexed every… two times?! Hermione is in Greece with Centaurs Every Summer Should Have Ridden the Hogwarts Express Instead of Camping Sam’s motto: I will die on every hill. Time Travel Under Penalty of DeathListen to the Pub's Jukebox here
Website: https://threebroomstickspod.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threebroomstickspod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/threebroomstickspodcast/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@3broomstickspod Twitter: https://twitter.com/threebroompod Email: 3broomstickspod@gmail.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/3broomsticks - もっと表示する