
  • Agnes Olendrzynska (@montessori.mothering) is a mom of two, a positive discipline parent educator, and a Montessori enthusiast, who shares what realistic Montessori style parenting can look like.

    We delve into how to bring Montessori methods into your home day to day and how you don’t even have to have your child at a Montessori school to do all the things, all the time to get some of the benefits. This is what I like about Agnes, she has a realistic approach to Montessori ways and motherhood!

    We cover so many interesting topics in this conversation including her approach to floor beds, co-sleeping, favourite activities to do with kids, her use of screen time, how she practiced potty training using elimination communication, helpful tantrum tips, and her homebirth experience.

    You are going to enjoy this conversation!

    Highlights from this episode:

    Applying the Montessori approach at home Marni & Agnes share their experience with floor beds How to create a safe co-sleeping environment The #1 item you need in your kitchen for toddlers The Montessori approach to self-feeding How to safely involve kids in the kitchen Teaching kids self-care Open-ended and closed-ended play is needed Books that teach lessons The purpose of toy rotation Healthy ways to incorporate screen time The benefits of elimination communication How to approach temper tantrums Agnes shares her birth stories

    Show sponsors:

    Paleovalley - Save 15% off your 1st order of Paleovalley products, discount applied at checkout

    Needed - Save 20% off your 1st order of Needed Complete Plan when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    A Real Treat: Nourishing Grain-Free Desserts & Healing Elixirs - Get Your Copy today!

    Sunshine Mattress Co. - Save 10% off when you use the code Marni10 at checkout

    Related links: Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Agnes Olendrzynska - Montessori Mothering Superguide

    Follow Agnes Olendrzynska (Montessori Mothering) on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok

    Listen to TUB episode 040: Raise a Montessori Baby and Toddler with Simone Davies

    Simone Davies, Junnifa Uzodike – The Montessori Baby (book)

    Simone Davies – The Montessori Toddler (book)

    Simone Davies, Junnifa Uzodike - The Montessori Child (book)

    Maria Montessori (books)

    Lakeview Montessori School

    Solid Starts (app)

    The Global Fund for Children - Global Babies (books)

    Loververy (books)

    David LaRochelle - How to Apologize (book)

    Elizabeth Verdick - Calm Down Time (book)

    Yoto Player

    Agnes Olendrzynska - Montessori Toy Rotation Made Easy! (YouTube)

    Bluey Official Channel

    Trash Truck


    Mister Rogers' Neighbourhood

    Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood

    Yoto Daily Podcasts

    Ms. Rachel - Toddler Learning Videos

    Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids

    Hey Shayla

    Dr. Becky Kennedy (books)

    Agnes Olendrzynska (Montessori Mothering) - Our unmedicated HOME BIRTH Story! A positive birth with helpful tips. (YouTube)

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    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!

  • In this episode, Ryan McFarland founder of Striker Bikes shares how young kids can learn to ride bikes by starting on a balance bike. They can begin even before they can start to walk! With early exposure to a balance bike, kids learn the basics of balance, coordination, and gross motor skills but also gain other benefits that help with speech development, behavioral challenges, growth in social skills, and promote a physically active lifestyle.

    This conversation will inspire you to get your child on a balance bike as soon as possible if they aren't already!

    Highlights from this episode:

    The inspiration behind Strider Bikes The evolution of bicycling The rocking bike is safer than a rocking horse Why you need to ditch the training wheels How to convert your child’s bike to a balance bike How to properly introduce a pedal bike The incredible benefits of biking The Strider bike program for schools Scooters vs. balance bikes How to use a Strider bike

    Show sponsors:

    A Real Treat: Nourishing Grain-Free Desserts & Healing Elixirs - Get Your Copy today!

    Needed - Save 20% off Hydration Support when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Sunday Farms - Save 20% off your 1st two orders when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Related links:

    Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Strider Bikes

    Follow Strider Bikes on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube

    All Kids Bike

    Subscribe to TUBP in Apple Podcasts and Spotify

    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!

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  • I'm thrilled to have Nita Sharda on the show, the co-founder of Happy Healthy Eaters, a digital platform and community that supports parents to feed their children from a place of trust and confidence and none of the fear and judgment. Although this is such a tough area to navigate with your little ones, how, what, and when to feed them, Nita breaks it down to make this so much easier.

    In this episode, we get into what it's like to feed toddlers, how to help them navigate picky eating, how to create food resiliency, and how to reverse selective ways of eating that aren’t ideal. We also talk about the right things to say and not say at the dinner table, what to offer at the table, and how to approach it positively while still nourishing them.

    Nita shares tonnes of helpful tips and you are going to learn so much in this episode.

    Highlights from this episode:

    Selective eating is normal What is the division of responsibility? Creating a flexible routine How to tackle taste fatigue Nita’s approach to snack time Signs of iron deficiency How to shift mealtime to a positive experience The benefit of serving dessert with dinner Should you praise your child for eating? Serving deconstructed meals family style Food for play Feeding toddlers confidently

    Show sponsors:

    Needed - Save 20% off Digestive Enzymes when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Sunshine Mattress Co. - Save 10% off when you use the code Marni10 at checkout

    Lumebox - Limited Time Offer!!! Save 50% off Lumebox November 8th to 11th (discount applied at checkout)

    Related links:

    Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Happy Healthy Eaters - Save 15% off when you use the code ultimatebaby

    Follow Happy Healthy Eaters on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok

    Ellyn Satter Institute

    Ellyn Satter - Division of Responsibility (PDF)

    Sun Tropics - CocoRolls

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    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!

  • In this episode, I am chatting with Meredith Ethington (@perfectpending), an award-winning writer and author of the book Mom Life and her most recent book, The Mother Load. Meredith helps to normalize how hard parenting can be whether you are in your newborn days or dealing with toddler tantrums or feisty teens. Often moms don’t feel safe to talk about their struggles, and Meredith helps shed light on what is not talked about enough.

    We dive deep into the transition of becoming a parent overnight (without a manual), balancing the impact social media can pose on the reality of motherhood, how to find ways to regulate ourselves and our children, and how "mom brain” is a real thing! If you are ready to take the pressure off, feel heard, and relate to other moms then you don’t want to miss this empowering conversation.

    Highlights from this episode:

    The truth about motherhood It’s ok to have different parenting styles How Meredith embraced imperfection Letting go of unrealistic mom expectations A child’s personality can clash with yours The “good enough mother” theory What postpartum anxiety & depression looks like Talk to your kids about mental health Toxic positivity and social media Mom brain is real The importance of self-care

    Show sponsors:

    Paleovalley - Save 15% off your 1st order of Paleovalley products, discount applied at checkout

    Sunday Farms - Save 20% off your 1st two orders when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Needed - Save 20% off Sleep + Relaxation Support when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Related links:

    Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Meredith Ethington - The Mother Load (book)

    Meredith Ethington's website (Perfection Pending)

    Follow Meredith Ethington (Perfection Pending) on Facebook and Instagram

    Meredith Ethington - Mom Life (book)

    Listen to TUB051: How to Navigate Tiny Human Meltdowns, Tantrums, and Defiance with Alyssa Blask Campbell

    Alyssa Blask Campbell, Lauren Elizabeth Stauble – Tiny Humans, Big Emotions (book)

    Subscribe to TUBP in Apple Podcasts and Spotify

    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!

  • This conversation is with Lexi Miles Corrin (@leximilescorrin), where she shares her raw and traumatic birth story involving a cesarean section with twins. Lexi discusses her journey from the moment she found out she was pregnant with twins in her third pregnancy, which automatically doubled the number of children she would have. She then takes us through the stages of her pregnancy and recounts her traumatic delivery experience.

    However, Lexi also speaks about her empowering postpartum recovery, detailing all the steps she had to take to heal both mentally and physically. Additionally, as an entrepreneur, Lexi provides incredible insights into how she balances her life as a mother and a successful businesswoman.

    Highlights from this episode:

    Lexi finds out she’s having twins in her 3rd pregnancy! Comparing pregnancy stories Choosing your medical team for twin pregnancy Tips for preparing your body & mind for pregnancy and labour What is the goal gestation for twins? Lexi’s in labour: the twins are coming! The twin's birth stories The challenges with C-section recovery The power of postpartum care There’s no shame in childcare support Lean into your intuition

    Show sponsors:

    Lumebox - Save $250 off Lumebox, discount applied automatically at checkout

    Paleovalley - Save 15% off your 1st order of Paleovalley products, discount applied automatically at checkout

    Needed - Save 20% off Needed - Stress Support when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Related links:

    Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Follow Lexi Miles Corrin on Instagram

    Waxon: Laser + Waxbar

    We Go There Podcast with Lexi & Nikki

    Nikki Bergon's website (The Belle Method)

    Listen to TUB018: Pelvic Health: From Birth Prep to Recovery and Beyond with Nikki Bergen

    Uptown Midwives & Family Wellness

    GentleBirth Pregnancy (app)

    We Go There Podcast: S5 EP52 - The Twins Are Coming!

    Lexi Miles Corrin - I Have Two Nannies and No Apologies - Here’s Why (Today’s Parent article)

    We Go There Podcast - Episode #90 - Debunking Pregnancy "Food Rules" with Marni Wasserman

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    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!

  • After suffering from IBS for years, Autumn Smith (@autumnfladmosmith) eventually adopted a whole-food diet and transformed her health. With this new foundation of health, she wanted to share her passion and started Paleovalley with her husband. Through this endeavor, she has been dedicated to harnessing the power of whole foods to help others heal and thrive. She is also a mom passionate about raising her son on a nutrient-dense diet!

    In this episode, we get into Autumn's digestive health challenges, the incredible connection between the brain and gut, and how adopting a paleo diet transformed her mental health. We also discuss how Autumn maintained a healthy pregnancy and why she included organ supplements in her regime. She shares her postpartum experience, how she introduced nutrient-dense foods to her son at a young age, and how she navigated picky eating as he got older.

    Lots of incredible information for you to soak in on this episode! Enjoy.

    Highlights from this episode:

    Healing digestive issues with a whole foods diet Preconception & pregnancy nutrition Hypnobirthing reduces fear Key nutrients for mamas Starting your baby on an ancestral diet Autumn’s learning pod experience during lockdowns The birth of Paleovalley Defining regenerative farming Choose organic when possible

    Show sponsors:

    Needed - Save 20% off your 1st order or 3-month subscription of Needed Digestive Enzymes when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Sunshine Mattress Co. - Save 10% off when you use the code Marni10 at checkout

    Paleovalley - Save 15% off your 1st order of Paleovalley products, discount applied at checkout

    Sunday Farms - Save 20% off your 1st two orders when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Related links: Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Paleovalley - Save 15% off, use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Follow Autumn Smith on Instagram

    Wild Pastures

    Tracy Anderson

    Loren Cordain (books)

    Sally Fallon (books)

    The Greater Goods - Grain-Free Crackers

    Listen to TUHP episode 371: - Autumn Smith – Healing From IBS & Anxiety, Supporting Regenerative Agriculture, Organ Meats To Support Mental Health

    The Bionutrient Institute - Nutrient Density in Beef Project

    Dan Kittredge

    American Grassfed Association

    Into the Weeds: the Dewayne Lee Johnson Story

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    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!

  • Dr. Elana Roumell (@drelanaroumell) is a Pediatric Naturopathic Doctor on a mission to teach moms how to safely be a “Doctor Mom!” She loves to teach moms how to transform their fear, panic, and overwhelm when their child gets sick into feeling calm, competent, confident, and well-equipped with the right tools to prevent illness and treat it wisely!

    In this episode, you are going to learn about what to stock up on at home to reduce your child's chances of getting sick, but also when they do get sick (because they will) how to shorten the duration of their colds and how to stay calm and confident as a mom!

    We also talk about Elana's cross-country trip across the USA with her family and how they found a new place to live, her empowering home birth, and all the best homeopathic remedies to have on hand at home.

    I am so excited for you to listen to this incredible episode with Dr. Mom.

    Highlights from this episode:

    Elana’s 6-month family adventure Medical freedom is a choice Lessons in minimalism & travelling Balancing nature and technology with kids Navigating family meals on the road Elana’s challenging to empowering home birth stories Does your child get sick too often? How to build a healthy immune system The difference between viral and bacterial infections Top supplement recommendations to fight colds naturally Is mold toxicity affecting your child’s health? The benefits of humidifiers and nebulizers What is homeopathy? Build your own natural medicine toolkit + recommendations

    Show sponsors:

    Paleovalley - Save 15% off your 1st order of Paleovalley products, discount applied at checkout

    Needed - Save 20% off your 1st order of Needed Complete Plan when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Related links:

    Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Follow Dr. Elana Roumell on Instagram

    Med School for Moms

    Doctor Mom Podcast

    The Doctor Mom Membership

    Get The Doctor Mom’s DIY Medicine Kit Guide

    Listen to TUB017: How to Be Your Own Doctor Mom with Dr. Elana Roumell

    Listen to TUB052: Life Update with Marni Wasserman

    Thrive Market - Join Thrive Market today and get your FREE gift (up to $60) + 30% off your 1st order


    Indoor Humidity Meter

    CarePod Stainless Steel Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier

    Xlear Kids' Nasal Spray

    Wise Woman Herbals - Throat Mist

    Beekeeper’s Naturals Propolis Throat Spray for Kids

    Gaia Kids - Tummy Tonic Herbal Drops

    Active Skin Repair (use the code ultimatebaby to save $10 off your order of $100 or more)

    Boiron Canada (Boiron USA)

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    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!

  • In this episode, I want to give you a little glimpse into my life and update what has happened over the last few months. With sickness, injuries, birthdays, postponing our family vacation to Disney World, and starting a new online course my life has been hectic and very stressful. I wanted to take a moment to bring you up to speed and to let you know that more incredible episodes and interviews will be coming soon!

    Highlights from this episode:

    The never-ending cold season Hayden’s accident Postponing our Disney World vacation Night weaning strategies Work with me! New season starts in September

    Show sponsor:

    Needed - Save 20% off Stress Support when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Related links:

    Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Boiron Optique 1 - Homeopathic Eye Drops

    Lesli D. Mitchell - Sally Weans from Night Nursing (book)

    Oh Baby Nutrition - Want to become a Certified Nutrition Consultant for mom’s and babies please click this link to learn more!

    Listen to TUB042: Transitioning from Milk to Meals with Luka McCabe

    Luka McCabe - Boob to Food

    Contact Me for 1-on-1 Pregnancy, Postpartum & Baby Nutrition Coaching

    Listen to TUB017: How to Be Your Own Doctor Mom with Dr. Elana Roumell

    Dr. Elana Roumell aka Doctor Mom

    Autumn Smith co-founder of Paleovalley

    Paleovalley - Save 15% off all Palevalley products, discount applied at checkout by clicking this link: paleovalley.com/ultimatebaby

    Meredith Ethington (Perfect Pending)

    Nita Sharda from Happy Healthy Eaters

    Ryan McFarland from Strider Bikes

    Shelly Patularu (Twin Mom Guide)

    The Ultimate Health Podcast with Jesse Chappus Subscribe to Jesse Chappus/The Ultimate Health Podcast YouTube Channel

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    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!

  • This interview couldn’t be coming out at a better time when toddler meltdowns and tantrums have the potential to be at their peak over the holidays. With late nights, more sugar than usual, overstimulation, and just the excitement of the holidays. So there is no greater guest to have on the show than Alyssa Blask Campbell, author of Tiny Humans, Big Emotions.

    Alyssa has a master’s degree in early childhood education, is the the CEO of Seed and Sew, and is an established podcaster and influencer. She has been featured as an emotional development expert in numerous national publications.

    In this conversation, we share the best ways to navigate big emotions from the tiny humans in our life by using a collaborative approach and working with your little one rather than against them. Its not just about regulating their emotions but ours as well.

    We get into the nitty gritty of emotional intelligence and what that means, how to not react with our default mode when our child has a tantrum, how to respond with intention, the difference between guilt and shame, and how to find calm in your childs storm while setting healthy boundaries.

    You are going to get so much out of this episode.

    Highlights from this episode:

    Alyssa’s teaching experience to writing Tiny Humans, Big Emotions The 5 components of the Collaborative Emotion Processing Method How to move with regulation and respond with intention Setting boundaries = setting expectations How do we breed connection during difficult moments? Knowing when to shift a boundary to build trust & connection It’s ok to apologize and acknowledge your mistakes Pausing can transform stressful situations Building emotional intelligence kids How to navigate meltdowns and tantrums What is your child trying to communicate? Signs of dysregulation in a child It’s never too late to start shifting your behaviour

    Show sponsor:

    Needed - Save 20% off Stress Support when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Sunshine Mattress Co. - Save 10% off when you use the code Marni10 at checkout

    Sunday Farms - Save 20% off your 1st two orders when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Related links: Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Alyssa Blask Campbell, Lauren Elizabeth Stauble - Tiny Humans, Big Emotions (book)

    Alyssa Blask Campbell’s website (Seed & Sew)

    Follow Alyssa Blask Campbell (Seed & Sew) on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

    Voices of Your Village Podcast with Seed & Sew

    The Reggio Emilia Approach

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    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!

  • Kori Estrada, co-founder of RiseWell is disrupting the oral care industry with an all-natural, sustainable brand that prioritizes safe ingredients and transparency. Driven by her personal experiences with celiac disease and IVF struggles, Kori's dedication to overall health and wellness led her, along with two other partners to create dentist-formulated products that are free from harmful chemicals like fluoride, sulfates, and synthetic additives.

    In our conversation, we get into the details of Kori’s IVF journey, the importance of using clean wellness products in and on your body during pregnancy. We discuss the confusion about fluoride and why it's harmful to your health. Learn what hydroxyapatite toothpaste is and how it can transform your teeth and oral health. Also, learn why your toothpaste shouldn’t foam, how to choose a safer floss, and the importance of getting your kids to start brushing their teeth early and how you can support them!

    Highlights from this episode:

    A ketogenic diet improves PCOS & fertility Kori’s IVF journey Healthy tips to increase your IVF success Creating RiseWell non-toxic oral care products The negative effects of fluoride What is hydroxyapatite? Xylitol improves oral health Top ingredients to avoid in toothpaste! Is glycerin in toothpaste a concern? The challenge with clay-based toothpaste Brushing tips for babies to big kids Use teflon-free floss Spreading holistic oral care awareness

    Show sponsor:

    The Balanced Market - (use the code ultimatebaby to save $10 off your order of $100 or more)

    Needed - Save 20% off Egg Quality Support when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Related links:

    Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    RiseWell - Save 10% off when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout (US only)

    Follow RiseWell on Facebook and Instagram

    RMA IVF Clinic

    Dr. Stephen Wasserman

    Mountain Valley Spring Water


  • Michelle Henning is a certified Nutrition & Health Coach, writer, and graduate of the Irish Institute of Nutrition & Health. She is the author of “Grow Healthy Babies”, a practical, easy guide for expecting parents. Michelle is on a mission to help her clients raise happier, healthier, more cooperative, and more resilient children - who stay close to their parents as they grow.

    We had an amazing conversation discussing how to set a healthy foundation for your kids to help them avoid the most common ailments like allergies, asthma and eczema. We discuss what you can start doing while you are pregnant and in the early years when introducing solids to your little ones. We also get into the importance of building microbiome diversity, how and why we want to avoid antibiotics if we can, making it a priority to reduce household chemicals, which essential supplements to include for your kids, and how to prevent picky eating in toddlerhood.

    Highlights from this episode:

    Reducing toxins can improve allergies, asthma & eczema Doulas offer home birth support Baby wipes play a role in developing food allergies Michelle shares her premature birth story to teenage health struggles Friluftsliv: the Norwegian philosophy for health The importance of building a healthy microbiome The overuse of antibiotics + how it affects your immunity Introducing fermented foods into your child’s diet Practical tips for fussy eaters Start improving your child’s flavour memories Breastfeeding helps babies fight infections The peaceful parenting approach

    Show sponsor:

    Sunday Farms - Save 20% off your 1st two orders when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Lumebox - Save $250 off (discount applied at checkout)

    Sunshine Mattress Co. - Save 10% off when you use the code Marni10 at checkout

    Related links:

    Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Michelle Henning’s website (Grow Healthy Babies)

    Follow Michelle Henning (Grown Happy Kids) on Instagram

    Michelle Henning & Victor Henning Ph.D. - Grow Healthy Babies (book)

    Scott C. Anderson, John F. Cryan - The Psychobiotic Revolution (book)

    Dr. Laura Markham - Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids (book)

    Aha! Parenting

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    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!

  • Today I am chatting with Allison Evans and Kelly Love, co-founders of Branch Basics, Non-Toxic Cleaning Products. They are committed to helping families experience the power of pure living by removing toxic chemicals from the home. They will inspire you to swap out toxins in your home for simple, clean products that don’t negatively impact your health. Once you toss the toxins you will boost your fertility and improve all aspects of your health and well-being.

    Highlights from this episode:

    Allison’s fertility & health struggles Why Kelly tossed the toxins Symptoms are a warning sign Pesticides have no place in your home Where can you dispose toxic chemicals? Non-toxic is not a regulated term Synthetic fragrances disrupt hormones The 2 most toxic chemicals to ditch today! Educate kids to empower them How to create a healthy home It’s never too late to start healing What is Branch Basics made of? Allison & Kelly’s birth stories

    Show sponsor:

    The Balanced Market - (use the code ultimatebaby to save $10 off your order of $100 or more)

    Needed - Save 20% off your 1st order of prenatal supplements when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Related links:

    Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Branch Basics - Save 15% off when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Follow Branch Basics on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube

    Thrive Market - Join Thrive Market and get a FREE gift valued up to $60 + 30% off first order


    Environmental Working Group (EWG)

    Lesser Evil Popcorn

    Smart Sweets

    Toss the Toxins course

    Austin Area Birthing Center

    Subscribe to TUBP in Apple Podcasts and Spotify

    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!

  • Brittni Mella Cepeda is a certified infant sleep specialist and owner of Resting in Motherhood. She supports families with baby & toddler sleep without using any form of sleep training. Brittni is passionate about educating families on biologically normal infant & toddler sleep and helping them make changes in a gentle and respectful way.

    In this deep dive conversation, Brittni shares how to help your little ones get more sleep without using traditional sleep training methods. Brittni is on a mission to normalize infant sleep. She will help you understand that babies wake up multiple times at night and that is perfectly normal. Learn how to manage frequent night wakings and big emotions in the wee hours of the morning. You will also get a glimpse of what sleep looks like for us in our home with two toddlers.

    Highlights from this episode:

    Normalize baby sleep Babies wake up every 2-3 hours at night Debunking the fear of SIDS and bed-sharing Babies communicate through crying Supporting emotions is healthy Sleep (regressions) progressions are linked to brain development Brittni’s breastfeeding journey with her daughter When to start parent-led night weaning Strategies for night weaning while co-sleeping Consistency is important Baby-led approach to sleep vs. sleep training There’s no “perfect” bedtime routine Brittni shares her solo parenting experience

    Show sponsor:

    Needed - Save 20% off Sleep + Relaxation Support when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout (note: find under shop products)

    Sunshine Mattress Co. – Save 10% off when you use the code Marni10 at checkout

    Sunday Farms - Save 20% off your 1st two orders when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Related links:

    Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Brittni Cepeda's website (Resting In Motherhood)

    Follow Brittni Cepeda (Resting In Motherhood) on Instagram

    Robert Bucknam M.D., Gary Ezzo M.A. - On Becoming Babywise (book)

    Subscribe to TUBP in Apple Podcasts and Spotify

    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!

  • In this episode, I am chatting with Dr. Ana-Maria Temple (The Eczema Lady), a board-certified pediatrician. She has been treating kids for 18+ years, practicing in a traditional model for 10 years until transitioning to a holistic approach where she has changed thousands of children's lives. She is known for her extensive experience in the treatment of eczema and other childhood autoimmune diseases.

    In our conversation today, I am sharing my experience dealing with my son's eczema. We discuss all the factors we have control over in addition to the ones we don't. The impact of gluten, dairy, histamine-containing foods, antibiotics, and why topical steroids are not the answer to heal eczema long-term. You will learn so much from this conversation, and I hope it helps many families dealing with eczema.

    Highlights from this episode:

    Could mold and yeast be causing eczema? Hypochlorous acid is good for eczema Dr. Ana-Maria’s approach to cutting out dairy & eggs Foods high in histamines Supplement recommendations for eczema What age does eczema start in kids? Pregnancy is an inflammatory condition Steroid creams don’t heal the root cause The long-term impact of antibiotic use Red light therapy for treating eczema

    Show sponsor:

    Lumebox - Save $250 off (discount applied at checkout)

    The Balanced Market - (use the code ultimatebaby to save $10 off your order of $100 or more)

    Related links:

    Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Dr. Ana-Maria Temple - Ending the Eczema Epidemic (book)

    Dr. Ana-Maria Temple's website

    Follow Dr. Ana-Maria Temple on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube

    Listen to TUB039: Revamp Your Child’s Immune System and Prevent Chronic Disease with Dr. Ana-Maria Temple

    Dr. Ana-Maria's - Heal Your Child's Eczema Naturally (course)

    Active Skin Repair (use the code ultimatebaby to save $10 off your order of $100 or more)

    Entegro Health - Flourish Original (use the code ultimatebaby to save $10 off your order of $100 or more)

    Earthley - All Purpose Salve Stick (use the code ultimatebaby to save $10 off your order of $100 or more)

    Pure Encapsulations - Zinc

    Henry’s Homestead - Healing Salve

    Joovv (use our link to get a free gift with purchase)

    Lumebox - Save $250 off (discount applied at checkout)

    Subscribe to TUBP in Apple Podcasts and Spotify

    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!

  • This week I'm chatting with Laura Di Lorenzo, founder of Sunshine Mattress Co. an online organic mattress experience that focuses on solving individual needs, concerns, and preferences. Sunshine products are handcrafted locally in Canada at a family-run facility that specializes in manufacturing organic mattresses and other textiles. Laura's mission is to educate on the importance of high-quality and non-toxic products that you can feel good about sleeping in every night.

    In this informative chat, learn why big box store mattresses are not the way to go, and how polyurethane can negatively impact your health from allergies, eczema, fertility, and skin issues. You will also learn about what natural and non-toxic alternatives are available to start upgrading your bedroom and the quality of your sleep today!

    Highlights from this episode:

    How Sunshine Mattress Co. started Polyurethane foam (aka memory foam) is toxic What big box store mattresses are doing to your health Uncovering the deception in the organic industry Sleep is not a “one size fits all” approach Adjustable organic adult mattresses How a wool topper transforms your sleep Sleep hygiene tips for the whole family Sleep tips during pregnancy Why regular vacuuming is important

    Show sponsor:

    Sunshine Mattress Co. - Save 10% off when you use the code Marni10 at checkout

    Related links:

    Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Sunshine Mattress Co. - Save 10% off when you use the code Marni10 at checkout

    Follow Sunshine Mattress Co. on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube

    Dormio Organic Beds

    Dyson Vacuum

    Austin Air Filter



  • In this kickoff episode, I'm back to answer your thoughtful questions. After a long pause in podcasting, I'm excited to dive right into talking about how to increase your milk supply, the transition from one to two children, building healthy immunity, attachment parenting, postpartum must-haves, and so much more.

    Highlights from this episode:

    Preconception planning starts now How to live a non-toxic life Transitioning out of breastfeeding Challenges of weaning a toddler Simple ways to increase milk supply How to navigate boundaries with family The beauty of transitioning from 1 to 2 kids Potty learning tips for your toddler What we feed our 2 kids Our approach to dietary requests at daycare Navigating food at parties Build your child’s immune system Different ways to boost your child’s nutrient absorption Recommendations for toddler meal ideas Transitioning your baby or toddler to a floor bed Our attachment parenting approach to sleep Thoughts on freebirth The pros and cons of placenta encapsulation Childbirth stories are inspiring and empowering Postpartum must-haves Use screen time as a healthy routine tool

    Related links:

    Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Listen to TUB003: Natural Preconception Planning

    Listen to TUB019: How to Optimize Fertility with Andrea Grace

    Listen to TUB026: My Breastfeeding Journey & What I Wish I Knew Before

    Holle Goat Milk Formula

    Rumina Naturals - Milk Aplenty

    Listen to TUB043: How We Approached Potty Training

    Lovebird Cereal - Grain-Free O’s

    Siete Grain-Free Taco Shells

    Simple Mills Crackers

    Siete Grain-Free Tortilla Chips

    A Real Treat ebook

    Smart Sweets

    Little Warrior Nutrition - Calcium Crusade: Organic Kale and Collards Powder

    Little Warrior Nutrition - Zinc Shield: Wild Oyster Powder

    Little Warrior Nutrition - Iodine-O-Might: Organic Kelp Powder

    Listen to TUB014: Starting Your Baby on Solids & The Benefits of Baby-Led Weaning with Angela Wallace

    Listen to TUB029: How to Set Boundaries and Deal with “Fussy” Eating with Angela Wallace

    Listen to TUB020: Balancing Pregnancy and Postpartum As a Successful Entrepreneur with Nikole Goncalves

    Listen to TUB034: Creating An Adventurous Eater Right From the Start with Nikole Goncalves

    The BabyNut Cookbook - use the code Marni15 at checkout

    Nikole Goncalves - The HealthNut Cookbook

    Happy Healthy Eaters - Save 15% off when you use the code ultimatebaby

    Listen to TUB035: Floor Beds, Toddler Naps, and Baby Sleep

    Follow Dr. Ana-Maria Temple (The Eczema Lady)

    Somavedic (use the code ultimatehealth to save 10% off)

    Graceful Birth Doula Services (placenta encapsulation)

    Listen to TUB042: Transitioning From Milk to Meals with Luka McCabe

    Subscribe to TUBP in Apple Podcasts and Spotify

    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!

  • We are now on the other side of this exciting milestone, as our 3-year-old daughter is now potty trained. It wasn’t and (still) isn’t a linear process. We did so many things to encourage her to use the potty and so many things we didn’t do that are "typically" recommended. We ultimately followed her lead and our gut instincts and have no regrets about our approach.

    I am excited to share what this looked like for us and provide helpful tips and insights to guide you on your potty training journey.

    Highlights from this episode:

    Our decision to postpone daycare for Hayden How we approached potty training Sarelle’s introduction to potty training at daycare Pay attention to your child’s potty cues Explore your potty training options Sarelle’s decision to pee in the potty Why toddlers don’t want to poop in the potty Potty accidents are inevitable Talk to your child about going poop Tips to get started potty training Navigating public washrooms Hayden’s early exposure to potty training What is elimination communication?

    Show sponsor:

    Needed - Save 20% off Egg Quality Support when you use the code ultimatebaby20 at checkout

    Related links:

    Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Dreambaby EZY - Potty Training Seat

    BabyBjörn Smart Potty

    PeapodMats Waterproof Bed Mat

    Big Little Feelings

    Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Potty Time Toy

    ZOOCCHINI 100% Organic Cotton Potty Training Pants

    Sabrina Moyle & Eunice Moyle - Super Pooper and Whizz Kid (book)

    James Dean & Kimberly Dean - Potty Time with Pete the Kitty (book)

    Leslie Patricelli - Potty (book)

    Jim Harbison & Nicole Sulgit - We Poop on the Potty (book)

    Subscribe to TUBP in Apple Podcasts and Spotify

    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!

  • In this episode, we talk about transitioning your little one from milk to solid foods. There are so many things to consider when introducing your baby to whole foods and how to make sure they are getting what they need nutrient-wise.

    Luka McCabe provides so much knowledge and inspiration to mama’s to trust their intuition and choose the healthiest foods for their babe.

    Highlights from this episode:

    Luka’s inspiration for starting Boob to Food When to start solid foods Why Luka doesn’t recommend rice cereals for babies Introducing nutrient-dense foods The benefits of both baby-led weaning and puree foods Transitioning from puree to finger foods Is your baby gagging or choking? + What to do Supplement recommendations if your baby is being raised plant-based vegan Luka’s approach to weaning off breastmilk or formula The best sources of calcium Tips for an early introduction to allergenic foods Combining foods to make a balanced meal Understanding rashes, food sensitivities, and anaphylactic allergies Is food dropping/throwing a phase? What is an “I don’t want it plate”? The division of responsibility

    Show sponsor:

    Needed - Save 20% off Hydration Support when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Related links:

    Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Listen to TUB041: Twelve Lessons in the First Year of Two Kids Under Three

    Luka McCabe - Milk to Meals (book)

    Luka McCabe's website (Boob to Food)

    Follow Luka McCabe (Boob to Food) on Instagram

    Oh Baby Nutrition

    Solid Starts Solid Starts app

    Le Puree

    Marni Wasserman - Plant-Based Diet for Dummies (book)

    Subscribe to TUBP in Apple Podcasts and Spotify

    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!

  • As the year comes to a close, I figured it was a good time to share some lessons I have learned and some truths that have surfaced over the last year with two kids under three.

    Life with two kids is busy, crazy, exciting, and exhausting. I know all mamas will be able to relate to these twelve (+ two bonus) lessons. Whether you are about to become a first-time or second-time parent, I hope what I share in this episode gives you some insight into what life has been like for me.

    Highlights from this episode:

    An update on Sarelle’s potty training journey Making plans with two kids is hard Managing toddler emotions & expectations Selective eating challenges with an infant & toddler Finding time for self-care The challenging phase of a velcro baby The bond between siblings The differences between Sarelle & Hayden Weekends and sick days are marathons Spending strategically for kids + what I would do different Parental differences when raising children Appreciate the mundane moments Savour your free time Weaning a toddler while breastfeeding an infant

    Show sponsor:

    Needed - Save 20% off Digestive Enzymes when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Related links:

    Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Listen to TUB015: Twelve Takeaways From the First Year of Motherhood

    Big Little Feelings

    Paleovalley 100% Grass-Fed Beef Sticks - Save 15% off when you use the code ultimatehealth at checkout

    Lesser Evil - Paleo Puffs

    Ergobaby Embrace Baby Carrier

    Cococho Baby Carrier

    Baby Bjrn Carrier One

    Nuna Stroller

    Veer Gear Wagon

    Master Work Bench by Hape

    Kinderfeets Tiny Tot Plus Balance Bike

    Kinderfeets Tummy Glider

    Listen to TUB036: My Breastfeeding Journey Continued - Oversupply, Tandem Feeding, and Weaning

    Subscribe to TUBP in Apple Podcasts and Spotify

    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!

  • In this episode, I am chatting with Simone Davies, author of “The Montessori Toddler” and co-author of “The Montessori Baby” which are comprehensive guides to raising toddlers and infants in a Montessori way.

    I loved having these books on my nightstand over the last few years they have been excellent resources for our family. In today's conversation, we share the most amazing concepts with you on how to implement Montessori methods at home. We get into everything from how to set up your home before the baby arrives, the benefits of going slow and having less stuff, setting limits for your toddler, and using praise in a healthy way. You will learn so many simple and practical ways to start using Montessori principles with your family today.

    Highlights from this episode:

    How Simone got involved in the Montessori lifestyle 20 years What is Montessori? Introduce the Montessori philosophy during pregnancy and newborn stage Provide a simple environment for babies Incorporate daily life into your baby's activities Teach consent from a young age The idea of floor beds for babies and toddlers How to properly baby-proof the bedroom Set up a predictable daily routine Understanding toddler emotions from a Montessori perspective How to set healthy boundaries for your toddler in a positive way Provide a space for toddlers to climb and move Be the calm mediator your child needs How to bring the Montessori approach & activities into your home Allow your toddler time to process information Offer intrinsic motivation instead of external praise Have compassion for yourself

    Show sponsor:

    Needed - Save 20% off Sleep and Relaxation Support when you use the code ultimatebaby at checkout

    Related links:

    Follow @marniwasserman and @ultimatehealthpodcast on Instagram for Sarelle & Hayden updates

    Simone Davies website (The Montessori Notebook)

    Follow Simone Davies on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube

    Simone Davies, Junnifar Uzodike - The Montessori Baby (book)

    Simone Davies - The Montessori Toddler (book)

    The Montessori Notebook Podcast

    Dr. Maria Montessori (books)


    Dr. Dan Siegel (books)

    Junnifa Uzodike

    Nichole Holtvluwer - Radicle Beginnings

    Lovevery kit

    Subscribe to TUBP in Apple Podcasts and Spotify

    Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Making a purchase through these links won’t cost you anything but we will receive a small commission. This is an easy, free way of supporting the podcast. Thank you!