
  • Welcome to episode 557 of the Veg Grower Podcast! I'm Richard, and I'm here to encourage and inspire more people to grow their own food by sharing my 30 years of gardening experience. In this week's episode, we dive into refreshing the fruit garden, reflect on the 'Dig for Victory' campaign during WWII, share a delicious beetroot soup recipe from Chef Scott, and provide an update from the allotment. Let’s get started!

    In the Fruit Garden:

    In this segment, I take you to my front garden or fruit garden as its sometimes called. Where I grow a variety of fruit trees and bushes in pots. I discuss the importance of regular weeding, watering, and feeding to keep your plants healthy. I also explain the 'June drop,' a natural process where fruit trees shed some of their fruits to ensure the remaining ones are well-nourished. Learn about the benefits of thinning fruit and summer pruning to promote better growth and higher quality fruit and a better fruit garden.

    Key Points:

    Regular weeding and watering

    Understanding the 'June drop'

    Benefits of thinning fruit

    Summer pruning techniques

    Reflecting on WWII's Dig for Victory:

    Last weekend marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day, which got me thinking about the 'Dig for Victory' campaign during WWII. This initiative encouraged people to turn their gardens into food-producing spaces to combat food shortages. I reflect on what my garden might have been like back then and discuss the importance of self-sufficiency and community gardening in times of crisis. Could we survive if a similar situation arose today? Join me as I explore these thoughts and encourage you to think about how you could adapt your own gardening practices.

    Key Points:

    History of the 'Dig for Victory' campaign

    Importance of self-sufficiency and community gardening

    Adapting modern gardening techniques for crisis situations

    Chef Scott’s Botwinka Recipe:

    This week, Chef Scott has shared a delightful Botwinka recipe. Beetroots are not only nutritious but also versatile in the kitchen. Tune in to get the full recipe and tips on how to make this vibrant and delicious soup. It's a perfect dish to enjoy while reaping the rewards of your gardening efforts.

    In the Allotment:

    In the final segment, I update you on the latest happenings at the allotment. After the theft of our raised beds last week, we've rebuilt them and made significant progress. I planted out sweetcorn, tomatoes, and cucumbers into the new beds, something I had planned to do earlier but was delayed due to the theft. Additionally, I harvested broad beans, rhubarb, and our first early potatoes of the season. It's always rewarding to see the fruits of our labour, despite the setbacks.

    Key Points:

    Rebuilding stolen raised beds

    Planting sweetcorn, tomatoes, and cucumbers

    Harvesting broad beans, rhubarb, and early potatoes

    Supporters Club:

    If you’re enjoying the Veg Grower Podcast, please consider rating and reviewing us on your podcast provider. It only takes a few seconds, but it helps promote the podcast so others who might be interested in growing their own food can find it.

    For those who want to support us further, join our Supporters Club for just £5 a month. As a member, you’ll get access to exclusive behind-the-scenes podcasts, monthly seed collections, and our mini newspaper packed with growing tips and tasks for the month. This week in the Supporters Club, we’ve been sowing beetroot and carrots, both of which are delicious and staple vegetables. To learn more and sign up, Click the button below

    Discount codes

    Premier seeds direct: vegpod10 for 10% off your orders

    Auto pot: AUTO10rvg for 10% off

    Thank you for joining me in the garden today. Stay tuned for more gardening tips, historical reflections, and delicious recipes in future episodes. Happy gardening!

  • Welcome to another episode of the Veg Grower Podcast! In episode 556, we have a jam-packed programme designed to inspire you to grow your own food and share in the joys and challenges of gardening. From the excitement of this month's seed selection "Beetroot Boltardy" to the unfortunate incident of theft on my allotment, we cover a range of topics that every gardening enthusiast can relate to. Plus, we've got a delicious recipe from Chef Scott and tips on harvesting garlic. Let's dive in!

    Seed of the Month - Beetroot Boltardy

    This week, we kick off with our "Seed of the Month" feature, highlighting the versatile and reliable Beetroot Boltardy. In collaboration with Premier Seeds, we're excited to offer our listeners a 10% discount on orders using discount code vegpod10. Beetroot Boltardy is known for its excellent flavour and resistance to bolting, making it a fantastic choice for both novice and experienced gardeners. Don’t forget to use the discount code provided in the episode!

    Join Our Supporters Club

    Support the Veg Grower Podcast by joining our Supporters Club. Members enjoy exclusive benefits, including early access to episodes, special content, and more. Your support helps us continue to bring you the best gardening tips and advice.

    Theft on the Allotment

    In a more sombre segment, I discuss a distressing incident where someone stole four of my raised beds from the allotment. It's heart-breaking to see the fruits of your labour taken away, but I'm determined to rebuild and secure my garden better. I share my thoughts on how to prevent such incidents and the steps I'm taking to protect my allotment in the future.

    Chef Scott’s Recipe of the Week: Roasted Cabbage

    This week's mouth-watering recipe comes from Chef Scott, who teaches us how to prepare roasted cabbage. This simple yet flavourful dish is perfect for any meal. Be sure to check the link in the episode description for the full recipe and step-by-step instructions.

    Harvesting Early Wight Garlic

    As we approach the end of the episode, I talk about my success with the early Wight garlic. I explain how to tell when garlic is ready for harvesting and share tips on recognising the signs that other varieties are ready as well. Harvesting garlic at the right time ensures the best flavour and longevity, so you won't want to miss this segment.

    Thank you for tuning into episode 556 of the Veg Grower Podcast. Remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share the podcast with fellow gardening enthusiasts. Join us next week for more tips, stories, and inspiration from the allotment. Don't forget to follow us on social media

    If you want to get in touch you can click here or email me [email protected]

    Discount codes

    Premier seeds direct: use discount code vegpod10 for 10% off your order

    Autopot.co.uk: Use discount code AUTO10RVG for 10% off your order

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  • Join Richard in this week's podcast as he embarks on an ambitious quest: to produce enough compost to meet the demands of his allotment year-round. Additionally, Richard visits the stunning West Dean Gardens, a remarkable vegetable garden near Chichester, West Sussex, and announces the winner of the Belfast Sink competition.

    Allotment Update: The Compost Challenge

    This week, Richard has been diligently spreading compost on his allotment beds, particularly around his potato plants. This task sparked a thought-provoking question: can he produce enough compost to have it readily available whenever he needs it?

    Typically, compost is spread during the winter when beds are vacant. However, Richard aims to grow food all year round and needs compost at various times throughout the year. For instance, his garlic bed will soon be empty, and he plans to plant beans in its place. Before planting, he wants to enrich the soil with fresh compost.

    In this episode, Richard explores various strategies to achieve continuous compost production. One practical tip he shares is using a compost thermometer to monitor the composting process. You can purchase a compost thermometer here.

    Garden Tour: A Visit to West Dean Gardens

    Richard loves exploring public gardens, especially those with vegetable plots. This week, he takes listeners on a virtual tour of the walled gardens at West Dean, near Chichester. Having visited these gardens regularly in the past, Richard reflects on the changes over the years and seeks inspiration for his own garden.

    Vegetable Garden Update: Winner of the Belfast Sink Competition

    The Belfast Sink competition has concluded, and the winner is Veronica, with her brilliant idea of creating an edible flower garden in the sink. Taking advantage of the bank holiday, Richard has transformed the sink into a vibrant garden, planting:







    What would you plant in an edible flower garden?

    Support and Subscribe

    If you enjoyed this podcast, please rate and review it on your preferred podcast platform. To support the show, consider joining our supporters club by clicking the button below. Don't forget to use our exclusive discount codes:

    Premier Seeds Direct: Use code VEGPOD10 for 10% off.

    AutoPot: Use code AUTO10RVG for 10% off their self-watering systems.

    Thank you for listening, and happy gardening!

  • Join Richard in this weeks podcasts where the on going battle with slugs and snails continues but Richard thinks he has found out why. Richard has also been sowing some flower plants and is joined by Lee Connolly for national children's gardening week.

    Where are all these slugs and snails coming from?

    In most years Richard never has a problem with slugs and snails. This year however Richard has noticed a huge increase in the amount of slugs and snails at home. The wet winter and spring has of course made the slugs and snail population worse but Richard noticed that the allotment isn't suffering.

    So what's changed?

    In this segment Richard shares with you what action he has now taken.

    Sowing flowers.

    You probably thinking Richard doesn't grow flowers! And you would be correct. However Richard does grow edibles and some flowers can be edible and some can be beneficial to his edible crops.

    This week Richard has been growing some flowers that full into this category such as





    There's many more that can also be sown too.

    Chef Scott Recipe Of The Week.

    This week chef Scott shares a delicious Pasta with broad bean, pancetta and parmesan. Which sounds delicious but also uses broad beans that have just came into season.

    National Children's Gardening Week.

    And finally Richard is joined by Lee Connolly of the Skinny Jean Gardener where we are talking about National children's gardening week.

    Lee has offered a discount code for his book from his website using discount code veggrower

    If you have enjoyed this podcast then please rate and review on your podcast provider. If you would like to help support this podcast then please consider becoming a supporting member by clicking the button below to find out more.

  • Join Richard in this weeks podcast where Richard shares why he is not doing No Mow May. A couple of methods of easy irrigation and its time to sow some winter veg.

    Allotment update: NO No Mow May.

    Down on the allotment Richard has had to make a repair to his lawnmower. A belt change was all that was needed after his lawnmower seemed to not work very well.

    This has lead Richard to share his thoughts on why he is not doing No Mow May this year. No Mow May is a month where gardeners don't mow their grass areas in order to encourage wild flowers to grow and help our wildlife.

    In The Vegetable Garden: Easy Irrigation

    Irrigation is a time consuming part of growing your own food, but its a necessary task that helps our plants thrive.

    Because of this Richard has started to experiment with 2 methods that might help with irrigation

    Method one is an autopot system. The system is the 2 pot system which uses gravity to keep pots well irrigated and should lead to plenty of good growth and good veg.

    If you are interested in this autopot system then Richard has got a discount code for you use the code AUTO10RVG when buying from Autopot.co.uk

    Method two is an ancient method using a terracotta pot called an olla. This olla is submerged in the ground and slowly trickles water to the soil. It should be interesting to see how well this system works.

    In The Shed: Sowing Winter Veg.

    Winter might seem a long time away, but if we want to eat in winter there's some veg we need to sow now. These seeds include, winter squash, many brassicas and of course Parsnips

    This week Richard has been sowing lots of these seeds in order to keep growing and eating in the winter months.

    Chef Scott's Recipe Of The Week: Sweetcorn, Feta And Bean Salad.

    This week Chef Scott shares with us this delicious Sweetcorn, feta and black bean salad. Which not only sounds delicious but also is on the back of this months seed of the month.

    The seed of the month is in collaboration with Premier seeds direct. A fantastic supplier for plants seeds but also have given us a discount code VEGPOD10

    And finally.

    We hope you have enjoyed this podcast. If you have then please rate and review on your podcast provider.

    If you want to support this podcast then please consider becoming a member of our supporters club. Fond out more on the button below.

  • Join Richard in this weeks podcast where Richard has taken a trip to BBC gardeners world spring fair. An annual event at Beulieu motor museum in the new forest. Richard also shares the seed of the month a sweetcorn variety from premier seeds and he has been planting seed on the allotment.

    Gardeners world spring fair 2024.

    On Friday Richard headed to Beulieu motor museum, house and gardens for the annual BBC gardeners world spring fair. We have been attending this event for a few years and we always enjoy the show.

    Richard takes us through the kitchen garden at Beulieu as well as visits a couple of show gardens and finishes off with a bit of shopping.

    Always a thoroughly enjoyable event but if you went let us know your experience.

    Seed of the month: Sweetcorn Rising Sun.

    Each month we have a seed of the month in collaboration with Premier seeds direct. Premier seeds direct are a fantastic supplier of all your garden seed needs.

    This month we have a sweetcorn variety Rising Sun which is an early sweet variety of sweetcorn. Easy to grow and Richard considers sweetcorn to be a staple in any kitchen garden or allotment.

    Don't forget to use discount code vegpod10 for a further discount on already low prices at Premier seeds direct.

    Down the allotment.

    Down on the allotment Richard has been getting lots of plants in the ground. This year has been a tricky year and there's been a lot of worry about it being too cold or wet to get plants in the ground. Richard decided to get a few in the ground now and see how it works out but it seems to have worked well.

    Listen to the podcast to find out more.

    Support this podcast.

    If you have enjoyed this podcast, then please leave a rating and review on your podcast provider, but if you would like to support this podcast and keep the website running then please consider becoming a supporting member. Details on the button below.

  • This week on the veg grower podcast, Richard has been busy potting on young plants, sowing parsnips and tending to his Rhubarb.

    Potting on

    We start this week in the greenhouse, where Richard is potting on lots of young plants into bigger and bigger pots. Richard like to wait for the compost to have plenty of roots before potting up. That way the root ball comes out easily and the compost doesn't get wasted.

    Potting up is essential for encouraging growth in our young plants. Given the roots more space to stretch out and search for moisture and nutrients.

    Richard usually uses a large collection of plastic pots which get re used over and over again. However he is also using some biodegradable pots including some from wool pots.

    Support this podcast.

    Sowing parsnips.

    This week Richard has sown some parsnips. Parsnips of course being a fantastic tasty winter veg.

    But getting parsnips seeds to germinate can be tricky!!!

    Richard believes this to be due to the soil temperature. Parsnip seed germinates in soil above 12c. There's an old wives tail about how to test if the soil is warm enough but the best way to test is with a soil thermometer.

    Chef Scott's recipe of the week.

    This week chef Scott has a delicious Asparagus hummus recipe for you to try. A great way to make a healthy tasty dip from your asparagus harvests.

    Rhubarb check up.

    Inspired by the asparagus recipe Richard heads over to his asparagus and rhubarb to make a few pickings. Rhubarb is in plentiful supply currently but flower spikes have appeared.

    Flower spikes on Rhubarb is usually a sign of stress. Given the weather its not surprising and its easy to rectify.

  • Join Richard in this weeks episode of the veg grower podcast. This week Richard feels like its all coming together as he is is looking at making more space in his greenhouse by using cold frames. He plants out some cabbages and cauliflowers. Also the grass paths have had their first cut at the allotment. Chef Scott shares an rhubarb BBQ sauce recipe too.

    Making room in the greenhouse.

    Like many of us Richard has lots of seedlings in his greenhouse and on his windowsills. But at this time of year a greenhouse also needs to be used for the growing of food.

    Richard now turns to his cold frames as a way of making more room in greenhouses and to harden off his plants.

    Join the supporters club

    If you enjoy this podcast and would like to support the work we do, then please consider becoming a member of our supporters club.

    For just £5 a month you get access to extra behind the scenes podcast as well as a monthly pack sent to your door. This pack contains our mini newspaper and a collection of seeds to sow in that very month.

    Click below to find out more.

    Its all coming together.

    One thing we have to do to grow our own food is plant plants!

    This week Richard has planted out his summer cabbages and cauliflowers, two of the hardest vegetables to grow.

    Richard talks you through his process of preparing the ground and planting out the plants and how to protect from pigeons.

    Chef Scott's recipe of the week

    This week Chef Scott has a delicious BBQ sauce using rhubarb for you to try. BBQ season is just around the corner and there's plenty of Rhubarb being harvested.

    The first cut.

    And finally we end with the first cut of the grass paths on the allotment. But the grass clippings don't get wasted, they can be used to make compost or for mulching the brassicas planted out earlier.

  • Join us in this weeks episode of the veg grower podcast where Richard wants to guide you through his journey of growing hi s own food on his allotment and vegetable garden. This week we have the seed of the month from premiers seeds, A visit to the Vegepod garden and how Richard has won the battle with whitefly. Lets not forget the draw for the name that chicken is taken place.

    Seed of the month: Dragons egg Cucumber

    With Easter and the beginning of the month coinciding, it only seemed fitting that the seed of the month for April be a dragons egg Cucumber. This promotion is in collaboration with premier seeds direct a great resource for all your seed needs. Premier seeds direct sell very reasonably priced seeds but to save even more money use discount code VEGPOD10 when shopping with them.

    The Dragons egg cucumber is a white egg looking cucumber that looks stunning and produces plenty of cucumbers. Sow now for a summer harvest and in this episode you will hear how Richard grows his.

    Support this podcast.

    If your enjoying this podcast then please leave a review on your podcast provider. It'll only take you a few seconds but helps get this podcast discovered by more people.

    But if you are really wanting to support this podcast then please consider becoming a member of the supporters club. Hit the button below to find out mroe.

    The Vegepod Garden

    Its time to revisit the Vegepod garden. Richard's Vegepod garden is located on his patio and consists of 3 Vegepod. Small medium and large all of which has different uses.

    In this weeks podcast Richard takes you through his Vegepod and shares what's growing currently. he also shares what's next to do in his vegepod's.

    Chef Scott's recipe of the week.

    Each week chef Scott shares a delicious recipe and this week its a broad bean and apricot salsa. Just in time for our broad bean harvests.

    How we beat whitefly

    Whitefly has been a problem for Richard this year. And the loses have been mounting.

    However this did give Richard the chance to test out methods for tackling whitefly that sit with Richards ideology. The methods richard used that worked are

    Grazers g3 but this needs to be used before whitefly appears

    Natural predators such as lady birds

    A jet of water to blow of the whitefly

    Horticultural soap

    and now the whitefly is reduced.

    And the winner is.

    This month we launched a competition called name that chicken. There was lots of entries but there could only be one winner.

    And the winning name is Heggwig.

    Congratulations to the winner.

  • Welcome to this week's episode of the Veg Grower Podcast! I'm Richard, and my mission is to inspire and empower more people to grow their own food. Join me as we feel it is now time to spring clean the garden and allotment.

    Time to Spring Clean the Garden:

    As spring unfolds, it's time to rejuvenate our gardens. Learn how to integrate new chickens into your flock, tidy up neglected areas, and repurpose straw bales for mulching and composting. Discover the benefits of repurposing old structures, like transforming a quail cage into a hedgehog house. Plus, get insights into combating persistent pests like whitefly with organic solutions.

    Support this podcast:

    Support the Veg Grower Podcast by rating and reviewing on your podcast platform. Join our Supporters Club for exclusive content and monthly seed packs to boost your gardening journey. Find out more by clicking the button below

    Planting Potatoes and Combatting Couch Grass:

    Join me at the allotment as we plant potatoes and tackle couch grass. Learn the importance of soil preparation, spacing, and mulching for successful potato cultivation. Discover how potatoes can help suppress weeds like couch grass and the optimal timing for planting different varieties.

    Chef Scott Recipe of the Week:

    Stay tuned for Chef Scott's delicious recipe using fresh garden produce! This week its a delicious spring cabbage roll recipe which is just delicious.

    Maintaining the Fruit Garden:

    Explore strategies for maintaining a thriving fruit garden in limited space. Discover the benefits of container gardening and the importance of relocating potted plants for optimal sunlight. Learn how to protect delicate fruit trees from late frosts and diseases like peach leaf curl. Plus, dive into fruit propagation techniques like layering to expand your garden's bounty.


    As we wrap up, remember that spring cleaning isn't just about tidying up; it's about setting the stage for a fruitful season ahead. Join me next time as we continue our gardening journey together.

  • Join Richard in this weeks podcast in which Richard asks himself Why do we have so many plant feeds? Richard then takes us down the allotment where we find how the rain has affected the planting of potatoes and finish off with how the temperature in the greenhouse ahs freed up the kitchen worktops. Of course there's chef Scott's recipe of the week too!

    Why Do We Have So Many Plant feeds?

    Lately Richard has been asking himself why do we have so many plant feeds? Do we really need lots of different feeds and what do they do?

    With that in mind Richard looks in his shed to see what he actually has and does he actually use them in the garden or allotment.

    With so many different feeds it can be very complicated to work out just what is needed.

    Become a member of the supporters club.

    If you have been enjoying this podcast then please rate and review on your podcast provider. By rating and reviewing it helps give us important feedback and helps get us seen by new listeners.

    But if you are really enjoying this podcast, then please consider becoming a member of our supporters club. For just £5 a month you get access to extra behind the scenes podcast as well as a collection of seeds sent to your door each month. Click the button below to fond out more.

    Has the allotment dried out.

    This week Richard has been able to visit his allotment every day after work. This has really helped get on top of the weeds and make the allotment look tidier and prepped for growing. However the allotment is still very wet and after digging a small hole and monitoring the water Richard has postponed the planting of potatoes for a week in the hope the ground will dry out enough. Planting when so wet can lead to the potatoes rotting.

    Chef Scott's Recipe Of The Week.

    This week Chef Scott has this delicious asparagus, tomato and feta focaccia recipe. Asparagus season will soon be upon us and having this recipe ready for those delicious spears makes it all the more exciting.

    The Greenhouse Has Warmed Up.

    Over this last week, Richard has been able to move his pepper and aubergine seedling out into the greenhouse away from the kitchen worktops. Below 10c these plant go dormant. But as the temps in the greenhouse have exceeded that now, its safe for his seedlings to go into the greenhouse.

    Outside the new chickens are settling in well. It'll soon be time to mix the old and new together. Don't forget there's a chance to win tickets to gardeners world spring fair just by suggesting a name for the chicken.

    The seed of the month seedlings are also growing. These are the summer squash zephyr f1 in collaboration with premier seeds direct. Use discount code vegpod10 for even more savings.

    Don't forget to follow us on social media and rate and review on your podcast provider

  • Welcome back to another exciting episode of our podcast! In this instalment, we embark on a journey of transformation, from repurposing a Belfast sink into a herbal tea bed to exploring the veg gardens of RHS Hyde Hall. Join us as we delve into the joys of gardening and culinary delights!

    Creating a Herbal Tea Bed in an Old Belfast Sink

    We kick off the episode by diving into the process of transforming an old Belfast sink into a flourishing herbal tea bed. I was set the challenge to create a herbal tea bed. After doing a lot of research I decided to use a Belfast sink I was recently donated.

    There are lots of herbs we could use for making teas but the only herbs available at this time, are Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, Moroccan Mint and Lemon Balm. We would have liked to add Lavender, Chamomile and Bergamot to the mix.

    What herbs do you use for tea?

    Become a supporting member.

    If you enjoy this podcast then please rate and review on your podcast provider. Rating and reviewing only takes a few seconds but helps get this podcast seen by other people who might be interested in growing there own food.

    But if you really want to support this podcast, then please consider becoming a member of our supporters club. For just £5 a month you get extra behind the scenes podcast as well as a collection of seeds sent to your door each month. Click the button below to find out more.

    Exploring RHS Hyde Hall with Lee Connolly

    Next, we're joined by special guest Lee Connolly as we embark on a captivating journey to RHS Hyde Hall. We really enjoy visiting gardens, especially if they have a vegetable garden. RHS Hyde Hall certainly delivered on the vegetable garden front and looking around gave us many ideas of what we could incorporate into our own gardens.

    Lee Connolly of course is well know for his work getting kids into gardening. Find out more about lee here.

    Chef Scott's Recipe Of The Week

    Our resident chef, Scott, shares a mouth-watering recipe featuring our seed of the month Zephyr f1 summer squash. This recipe uses the squash to make a delicious pasta delicious which can be found here. Give it a try and let us know what you think.

    Premier seeds direct have also given us a discount code for you to use when shopping at their website. Use discount code VEGPOD10 when checking out.

    A Visit to the Allotment

    We wrap up the episode with a visit to the allotment, where we share updates and insights from our gardening adventures. Join us as we reflect on the joys of tending to our own patch of greenery.

  • Join Richard in this weeks veg grower podcast. This week Richard has been dealing with a few pests and got some new chickens. WE also have a new feature called seed of the month in collaboration with Premier Seed Direct.

    Pests are about

    Usually Richard gets very little problem with pests but this year slugs and snails have attacked his seedlings and aphids have started attacking his young plants.

    As a rule Richard hates pesticides, preferring nature to do its thing, but as these plants are in his kitchen Richard has used grazers g2 and g3 to tackle these pests.

    Mice or rats have also appeared in the garden, which is inevitable with chickens

    Become a supporting member

    If you enjoy this podcast then please rate and review, but if you want to support this podcast then please consider becoming a member of the supporters club. Click below to find out more

    Seed of the month

    We have launched a new monthly segment if collaboration with premier seeds direct. Premier seed direct offer fantastic price on seeds with very reasonable quantitys.

    This month seed of the month is the fantastic zephyr f1 and courgette like summer squash with a unique look and taste. Get your seeds from premier seeds direct

    Chef Scott's recipe of the week

    Each week chef scott brings us a delicious recipe of the week and this week its this delicious parsnip hash brown recipe.

    New chickens

    This week saw the arrival of 2 new chickens. Chickens are great in the vegetable garden for a wide range of reasons but mostly because of fresh eggs.

    However these chickens do need names and Amanda has named one egguinox but the other needs a name too. Submit your name suggestion and you could be in with a chance to win tickets to the Gardeners world spring fair. Details can be found here.

  • This week Richard attended the garden press event. A yearly event where garden media personalities come together and explore new trends and products for the coming year. Richard discusses what he discovered with Jenny and Scott.

    Allotment update: Flooding avoided

    Richard went to his allotment but with it being so wet there is little that can be done. This however did cause him to reflect on how no dig gardening may prevent flooding.

    While on the allotment Richard has been running the hoe through the beds, in order to keep weeds down.

    Garden press event

    Richard attended the Garden press event and discovered a huge selection of new products to get excited about including

    Gardeners world live events

    Andermatt potato mist with a 15% discount using code veggrower15

    Kent and stowe sure cut range with shock absorbers

    Envii plant feeds

    Germie seed starter kits

    The dipping tank

    You can hear our conversation on this products in todays podcast

    Chef Scott Recipe of the week

    This week Chef Scott shares with us this delicious Crispy Chilli Cauliflower With Tofu rice. Very popular at his place of work and sounds delicious.

    Garden update: Seed sowing and potting on

    In the garden Richard finds himself in the shed to stay dry and has been sowing a collection of seeds including radish, spinach and more. Also he tests the germie seed starter

  • In this weeks mailbag episode Richard has received a few correspondence that he wanted to share with you. Richard also has the latest from the allotment and garden and chef Scott has a delicious recipe using purple sprouting broccoli

    Veg garden update: getting ready for spring

    This week in the garden Richard has been busy getting ready for spring. The beds have been mulched and feed or lime. The hoe has been running through empty beds and the garlic, onions and daffodils are showing off in the February sun.

    Supporters members club

    If you enjoy this podcast then please rate and review on your podcast provider. by rating and reviewing you help get this podcast discovered by others.

    but if you really enjoy this podcast then please consider becoming a member of the supporters club. For just £5 a month you get extra behind the scenes podcast as well as a collection of seeds sent to your door every month. To find out more click the button below.

    Mailbag episode

    This week we have received a few messages. The first comes from Ellen. She shares how her turmeric and ginger harvest have performed as well as a tip for growing citrus through the winter. Stuart shares how he appreciates hearing us admit to mistakes. And Deborah is after some help with her chillies.

    Chef Scott's recipe of the week.

    Chef Scott has a delicious recipe this week which can be found here

    Allotment update: New compost bin and compost

    Continuing with the spring prep Richard has spread more compost on the allotment. But also wanting to produce more compost he has built a new compost bin. Built from old fridge doors this compost bin should last a while.

  • This weeks podcast is a little different as Richard was asked to participate in Seedy Sunday's local gardeners question time.

    Seedy Sunday

    Seedy Sunday is an annual event held in Brighton, East Sussex. Its Britain's oldest and longest running seed swop event

    The idea is a simple, you bring along some seeds you want to swop for seeds you want to go home with. Its held every year on the first Sunday in February.

    Local Gardeners question time

    This year Richard was invited to be on the panel answering members of the publics questions on gardening. Joining Richard on the panel was

    Kate Bradbury a well known wildlife gardener

    Ruth a founding member of brighton and hove organic gardening group

    Kate Harrison, the boss of Seedy Sunday and chaired this event.

    Questions asked incude

    How to save money agrdening

    How to rescue a poorly olive tree

    How to prepare for droughts

    and many more

    Richard mentions an olive feed for olive trees, the product he recommends is here.

  • In tis weeks podcast Richard has suffered a bit of storm damage. We have a new member with a new allotment join the team and we finish with a discussion on shed storage.

    Allotment update: Storm damage

    Last week the uk got hit with 2 storms, and Richards shed got blown over. Luckily the shed was due to be moved this weekend anyway and the damage wasn't to serious.

    With the shed sorted and moved this freed up space to move an apple tree. This apple tree when planted was squeezed into a space that wasn't large enough so it was time to give it the room to thrive.

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    Jenny's allotment: A new allotment adventure

    This week we have a new member to the team who has a new allotment.

    Jenny has taken on allotment with lots of plans to grow food but work with nature.

    We look forward to hearing plenty of updates in the future.

    Scott's recipe of the week: scotch broth.

    This week Scott has this delicious scotch broth recipe, one that his grandmother used to cook for him.

    Garden update: Shed organisation

    In the garden Richard is looking at how he organises his shed in order to make his life easier. Tools are hung using pegboard and stocking filled with pots make a good use of space.

    A good tidy shed makes gardening much easier.