Ian Wargo is a first generation Montanan who is a member of the Region 1 FWP Citizen Advisory Council and FWP Mule Deer Citizen Advisory Council. He is an avid outdoorsman, hunter and concerned resident on the state of the land, herds and practices impacting wild spaces in Northwestern Montana.
We discussed potential common ground issues between the non-consumptive and hunting communities, including the sale of federal public land, changes to habitat management, and their impacts. Additionally, we explored topics such as studying predation and environmental easements.
**This is Part 2 of our 2-part discussion with Ian.**
Ian Wargo is a first generation Montanan who is a member of the Region 1 FWP Citizen Advisory Council and FWP Mule Deer Citizen Advisory Council. He is an avid outdoorsman, hunter and concerned resident on the state of the land, herds and practices impacting wild spaces in Northwestern Montana.
Ian discussed changes he's been witnessing on the landscape, practices that have impacted land management, wolves returning to the area, and how he feels there are ways to come together on common ground issues.
**This is Part 1 of our 2-part discussion with Ian.**
Back from the Brink: Montana's Wildlife Legacy (PBS)
Fire History in the Bob Marshall Wilderness (U.S. Forest Service)
Brenna Cassidy started her work with Colorado Parks & Wildlife as the Wolf Monitoring and Data Coordinator in late 2023. She had a pivotal role in both wolf translocations, bringing wolves from Oregon and B.C.
Brenna went into detail about her new position at CPW, the data she is looking for with the new wolves in Colorado, how she is able to track collar information, and what this data is going to be used for in their annual reports.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (Wolves)
Caitlin McLean is studying Ecology and Conservation Biology at the University of Stirling and recently returned from tracking predators with The Slovak Wildlife Society.
She explained the absence of predators in her home country of Scotland and the impacts on the landscape, her deep connection to nature, the experiences she had in Slovakia, and her engagement in conflict mitigation with groups in the predator coexistence space.
The Slovak Wildlife Society
Hannah Rheaume has been a professional photographer for 5 years. She has traveled the globe, sharing her stories through the lens of her camera, while aiming to explore the complexities of humans and their impact on the natural world.
She spoke at length on her process when preparing to go on photo shoots, how photography is unique to her vision, promoting wild places and human spaces to help with conservation and education, and sharing stories on a few selected photos with us.
**Go to the Wolf Connection Podcast Instagram to see photos we spoke about!**
Hannah's Website
Amy Porter is the Director of Conservation with Wolf Haven International and is part of the Wolf Advisory Group with the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife. She has done research in Congo, working with communities on conservation efforts and conflicts within the region.
She has translated much of her experience from that work in Congo, to her efforts in Washington state with wolves. Amy described in detail the knowledge she learned from her time in Congo, parallels in conflict areas with monkeys and wolves, and how she is able to advise and help conservation efforts with Wolf Haven International and the Wolf Advisory Group.
Wolf Haven International
Wolf Advisory Group
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Mike Koshmrl has been an environmental reporter and journalist for over a decade. He previously worked with Jackson Hole News & Guide and currently writes for WyoFile, reporting on environmental, conservation and natural issues concerning the state of Wyoming.
Amanda Eggert has been an environmental reporter with Montana Free Press since 2021. She has also written for other publications including Explore Big Sky, Explore Yellowstone & Mountain Outlaw.
Both shared their experiences in writing this combined piece, The Year of the Wolves documenting the first steps to wolves being reintroduced to the Northern Rockies. Read the story below at both publications websites.
The Year of the Wolves (Wyofile)
The Year of the Wolves (Montana Free Press)
Amanda Eggert Stories
Mike Koshmrl Stories
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KC York is the President & Founder of Trap Free Montana since its inception in 2013. They represent hikers, anglers, hunters, wildlife watchers, ranchers, pet owners and outdoor enthusiasts concerned about or adamantly opposed to trapping.
KC spoke about the updated trapping regulations for bears, wolves and other furbearers in the state of Montana, the issues that trapping and snaring bring to the recreational public, and upcoming bills being introduced into the Montana legislative session.
Trap Free Montana
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Courtney Vail is the Board Chair and Community Outreach Advisor for Rocky Mountain Wolf Project. As a wildlife biologist and social scientist with a deep background in environmental policy and psychology, she has provided leadership for the design and implementation of diverse domestic and international programs, campaigns, and initiatives.
Courtney spoke about recent events dealing with the wolf reintroductions in Colorado, coexistence measures that are being implemented on the ground, and campaigns she has launched to raise money to help continue reintroduction efforts in the future.
Rocky Mountain Wolf Project (Website)
Born to Be Wild License Plate
USFWS Seeks Information on Illegal Killing of Grey Wolf in Colorado
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Delia Malone is the Wildlife Chair for the Colorado Chapter of the Sierra Club, and an Ecologist for the Colorado Natural Heritage Program at Colorado State University. She has also been at the forefront of wolf reintroduction efforts for the state of Colorado.
Delia spoke at length on ecosystem balance, the roles wolves and other species play in the broader ecological picture, and how Colorado stands ecological from her perspective.
Delia Malone Sierra Club Colorado
Delia Malone Articles
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Angie Ruiz is a writer, director, and producer of award-winning documentaries Forever Faithful & Black Beauty Breed that can be seen on Apple+, Amazon Prime, and Vimeo On Demand. Her new film, Wonders of the Wolf, will be screening at film festivals in 2025.
Angie shared insights into the filmmaking process, the influences that shaped her work, and the message she hopes to convey through the film Wonders of the Wolf.
Angie Ruiz Website
Wonders of the Wolf Film
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Matt Hyde and Mauriel Rodriguez are both Postdoctoral Researchers helping with California Wolf Project. California Wolf Project seeks to develop a model for how to bring universities, government agencies, and local communities together around the science and practice of improving human-wildlife interactions on a shared landscape.
Matt and Mauriel described the research objectives and goals for the project, how they aim to bring their unique ecological and community engagement skills to the table, and what the future of wolves in California could look like.
California Wolf Project
Mauriel Rodriguez Research
Matt Hyde Research
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Ellen Dymit is a doctoral student at Oregon State University and is one of the researchers who has studied coastal sea wolves along the Katmai Coast in Alaska in 2021. The majority of her findings detail the prey base of these wolves and their hunting patterns in a coastal setting.
Ellen went into great depth describing her research on coastal sea wolf diet, how they are collecting data from scat samples, and the progression of the project since its initial inception.
@ellendymit (Twitter/X)
Wolves on the Katmai Coast hunting sea otters and harbor seals
Oregon State Researchers Observe Wolves on Katmai Coast
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Matt Metz has been a biologist with the Yellowstone National Park Wolf, Cougar, and Elk projects for over two decades. He specializes in studying prey dynamics among these species and their ecological impacts on the park.
Matt provided an in-depth analysis of the wolves' effects on prey species, highlighting shifts in the prey base and changes in the distribution of ungulates throughout the park. He also discussed how other carnivores influence the relationships between wolves and ungulates.
Matt Metz Research
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Madeleine Nyman is the Project Manager for LIFE BOREALWOLF, which conveys information about wolves and their behaviour, promotes local interaction and provides tools for the prevention of adverse impact and losses caused by wolves.
Mari Lyly is a Special Planning Officer with the Finnish Wildlife Agency, which romotes sustainable game husbandry, supports the activity of game management associations, and sees to the implementation of wildlife and game policy.
We spoke at length about wolf management and research in Finland, the delicate relationship between humans and wolves in the region, and the challenges that are faced when trying to mitigate conflicts with wolves.
Finnish Wildlife Agency Website -
Cassi Camara is an Environmental Education Specialist for the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. She works to bring conservation, stewardship and environmental education to younger generations both domestically and through her work with the European Union.
Cassi went into great detail discussing her environmental educational work in Virginia, bringing those insights to countries in Europe, how Europe and the U.S. differ in their coexistence strategies, and the current reintroduction in Colorado.
[email protected]
Wolves Across Borders
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Cecilia Di Bernardi is a post doctorate at Grimsö Wildlife Research Station, Department of Ecology, SLU, with a research focus in Ecology and Management of large mammals. The majority of her work with wolf populations is conducted within Scandinavia (Sweden & Norway).
Cecilia spoke about her background beginning in Rome, Italy. Her main focus of study is wolf diets, identifying individual wolves, and monitoring pack sizes. The majority of her research can be done by collecting scat samples and finding DNA that way.
Cecilia Di Bernardi Research Page
Scandinavian Wolf Project
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Dr. Jeff Reed is a computational linguist who is based just beyond the northern border of Yellowstone National Park. Working in tandem with the Yellowstone Wolf Project, the Cry Wolf Project records wolf sounds 24 hours a day from up to 60 recorders. One of the many goals is to explore wolf communication, what it may mean, and how we can better understand what they are relaying to one another.
Dr. Reed went into great detail about how he is able to decipher wolf sounds from other species, how to read those harmonics and frequencies on a spectrogram, the many types of sounds they've found thus far, and how the data collected could help research and coexistence in the future.
Languages of Life (Cry Wolf Project)
AI Powered Devices Track Howls to Save Wolves
A New Way to Help Save Yellowstone's Wolves
A Bioacoustics Study in Greater Yellowstone (Yellowstone Forever)
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Kayla Fratt is the Co-Founder of K9 Conservationists, whose mission is to unite highly trained conservation detection dog teams with researchers to collect scientific data. They aim to provide mentorship, education, and foster collaboration among scientists, novice handlers, and local communities.
We spoke about the process of selecting dogs for this research, the types of projects Kayla and her team are working on, how their teams collect data, and what types of research they are helping to shed light on.
K9 Conservationists Website
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Kurt Holtzen has been a Conflict Mitigation Specialist for around 20 years. He has spent the last 4 years in Colorado helping create relationships to foster coexistence and promote good conflict mitigation methods as wolves were set to be reintroduced to the state.
Kurt went into great detail about the conflicts and situations he witnessed during the first 9 months of the wolf reintroduction, conversations he’s had with multiple groups of people, new techniques for conflict mitigation and how he hopes to help when the next group of wolves are introduced into the state.
Western Wildlife Conflict Mitigation Website
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