
  • “There are so many things, that as you're trying to grow a business or as you're working, that you really need help with. Asking for help is actually a boss move.” says Lisa Latimer. She is a mindset coach and host of the Personal Growth Lifestyle Podcast. She goes on to explain self-healing and the process of walking your mindset consciously.

    Emerging victorious after over a decade in the trenches of narcissist abuse, Lisa knows what it takes to cut through crippling low self-esteem and fear of failure. As a self-awareness facilitator/coach and author, Lisa helps women silence fear, gain clarity, and create the fulfillment they crave in life and business.

    As a human filter, she’s obsessed with flipping the script on ideas and conventional wisdom, dissecting it to understand how her clients and herself process it.

    Tune into this week’s episode of The Working Moms for an informative conversation between host Pam Maass and Lisa Latimer about how to increase your self-awareness, becoming Jedi Master-like in your ability to consciously filter out what doesn’t serve you, get to the roots of your false truths & self-limiting beliefs so that they’re no longer a threat (possibly becoming an asset), and creating new habits that will help you break through the most difficult walls.


    “There's no finish line. And that's okay. Because I think that when you look at it as an adventure, it really becomes more interesting. And it allows you to create this curiosity. And that's so much of what mindset is, is it's being curious. It's developing this ability to look at things from more than just one angle.” (3:44-4:05)“Your self awareness allows you to really process that information in a way that's going to lead you to success and fulfillment and all of the things that you want in life, versus leading you away from those things and having you in these self defeating patterns just kind of chasing your tail.” (4:35-5:20)“When you take accountability for things, you're actually allowing yourself the power, and the permission to say, you know what, I've got this, it doesn't have to be like this forever..” (10:50-11:30)“The more you question things, the more you start to dig and you dig up these gems. And so that's why I recommend journaling, because you're going to come up with so many random bits and pieces. And you need a place to put them so that you could sit down sometimes and just look at it all.” (13:32-13:51)“Our brains crave predictability, your brain wants to kind of ensure your survival. So it's really easy to survive situations that you are already comfortable with, and that you know what to expect. So those are the top two things that I like to have people ask themselves about their thoughts and their behavioral patterns and start to work their way with their journaling” (17:52-18:17)“I really believe in my heart that when we improve ourselves, when we increase our self-awareness, eventually our collective awareness will follow. And we are at such a point in time where self awareness is hard enough to find because we're being pushed and pulled in so many directions, right? We need to learn how to cut through all the noise and get that clarity.” (26:45-27:11)





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  • “We do business with people, and that’s really the foundation of LinkedIn,” says Benita Samuels, self-proclaimed LinkedIn junkie. She goes on to explain that LinkedIn rewards people for participating and being present in the platform’s community. While LinkedIn may have originated as a place to put your digital resume, Benita warns listeners that the platform has drastically shifted gears since Microsoft acquired it in 2016. Now, LinkedIn is a place where individuals and businesses should share who they are, what they do, and how they help. In this digital age, LinkedIn provides a new forum for networking...and who wants to actively connect with the person in the corner at a networking event, who never speaks their mind or shares their authentic self?Benita started out her career in corporate brand marketing, increasing the visibility of major brands from San Pellegrino to Nestle to Disney. She got started right as the digital world was starting to explode and has witnessed the evolution of marketing throughout the digital age. After many years in the corporate world, Benita decided to branch out and started her own business, Visibility Solutions Group, where she helps solopreneurs and small business owners boost their digital presence. Benita has also spent 19 years as a working mom and aims to set the foundation for her daughters to become strong, confident women and business people down the road.Tune into this week’s episode of The Working Moms for an informative conversation between host Pam Maas and Benita Samuels about how to create an intentional, thoughtful and engaging presence on LinkedIn. If you are a business owner looking to increase your digital visibility, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn from one of the most knowledgeable LinkedIn gurus out there!Quotes• “People always tell you that time goes by really quickly, and the truth of the matter: it is and it does. And so, where you are setting really wonderful examples for your children being a successful working mom, make sure you take the time to just sit and be with them, play with them….Take the time because you deserve it. Work is wonderful, I love my work, but those moments you can only capture when they’re happening, and you’ve gotta stop to appreciate them.” (0:51-1:48)• “As a small business owner or a solopreneur, you don’t have the same financial access to tools and individuals who have a level of experience that could benefit you as a small business owner….The truth of the matter is that everything I have over the years can easily be adapted to any different varying sizes of businesses. And so it just seemed to make sense to me.” (4:35-5:20)• “First and foremost, it doesn’t matter if you’re a solopreneur or a big business owner. Everybody should be on LinkedIn if you are in business. That is just the foundation because that is where people start.” (7:11-7:24)• “Let’s remember that LinkedIn is not your digital resume….Your LinkedIn profile should really be about who you are, what you do, and how you help.” (9:46-10:16)• “Social media gives this illusion that you have a relationship. So, people often say, ‘Oh, Benita, I know you! I see you on LinkedIn all the time.’ I may have never met them. But they have this belief system and a trust that they know me because I’m sharing content on LinkedIn.” (16:02-16:22)• “Start every day with a beautiful cup of coffee...and open up your LinkedIn and spend 15 minutes going through your feed and reading what people have to say and commenting and being part of the community. That will just start to help you practice that muscle.” (30:12-30:33)Linkshttps://visibilitysolutionsgroup.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/benita-samuels/ Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theworkingmoms Pamela Maass on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pamela-maass/ Law Mother Website: https://www.lawmother.com Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Meredith Andersen first discovered her passion for real estate after her husband read Flipping Houses for Dummies. At the time, Meredith and her husband were living on a sailboat off the coast of Mexico. They originally returned to the states to flip houses with the ultimate goal of collecting passive income to put towards future sailing adventures. And while Meredith’s dream of permanently living at sea never materialized, she nevertheless developed a love for real estate that has stuck with her to this day.After entering the real estate world, Meredith was originally working 24/7. She explains that this wasn’t a burden for her, since she truly enjoys what she does. However, once she started building a family, it became harder for her to balance real estate responsibilities with raising her kids. Meredith found a solution in building out her team, which now consists of four agents and a full time administrative assistant. Meredith describes this transition as entering a new season of her life. While she started in a season of full-time work mode, she has since moved to a season of leadership, in which she can help her agents get what they need to thrive AND take care of her two young kids. Meredith’s number one tip for working moms is to accept that life is a journey of balancing rather than finding finite balance. Viewing this balancing process as active and ongoing has helped relieve a lot of pressure for Meredith as she navigates the challenges of working motherhood.Meredith not only helps her clients buy and sell properties, but she also capitalizes on the benefits of real estate investment in her own life. When asked why real estate is a good investment for families, Meredith explains that real estate pays you in three ways: (1) equity, (2) passive income, and (3) tax write offs. She urges listeners to find a real estate agent they like, trust, and who knows the area well before entering the market. Tune into this week’s episode of The Working Moms Podcast to learn more about Meredith’s career in real estate, her recommendations for real estate investors, and her tips for working moms trying to achieve more balance in their lives. Quotes• “There’s a saying that you’re not trying to go for a completely balanced life. It’s not balanced; you’re balancing….You’re never going to be to this point where it’s done and I’m there. You kind of have that theory in your head sometimes or it’s kind of like you’re reaching for this unattainable ‘balanced.’ So I liked that idea that it’s ok...that I’m always balancing the things that I want to see in my life.” (0:42-1:22)• “I was working basically 24/7….It was because I love it. I love what I do, I want to hustle, and I want to grow and help people. So I found it really challenging because I have all that desire and I have all that drive and when you become a mom, there’s a sense of, ‘Do I still get to have those things? Am I still allowed to have that much drive and that much desire because I have these girls that depend on me now?” (10:16-10:45)• “I'm really passionate about helping people figure out what it is they want, realize that they deserve what they want (because a lot of times that’s a big hurdle – feeling deserving of everything that you want), and then getting it.” (24:02-24:20)Linkshttps://www.andersenhomegroup.com/ Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theworkingmoms Pamela Maass on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pamela-maass/ Law Mother Website: https://www.lawmother.com Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing

  • “Embrace the few things you can do, and do those things really well,” says Jenny Levine Finke, Certified Integrated Nutrition Coach and author of Dear Gluten, It’s Not Me, It’s You. In this episode of Working Moms, Jenny is sharing her insider knowledge on how to grow your blog -- and actually make money!

    Jenny started her blogging journey after she was diagnosed with Celiacs disease in her 30s. She decided to enroll in an online nutrition coach training to learn more about her disease and help people like her feel better, but she soon discovered she wanted to do more than help individual clients. So, she started a blog! In the many years since, she has grown her following, started communities on social media, written a book, and made an income from her passion project.

    If you have dreams of being a blogger, you are going to want to tune in to learn more about how Jenny made it happen, and all the lessons she’s learned along the way!


    “I just thought if I could soak in this knowledge, I could become successful too. I think of myself as my own case study.” “You need to think of your blog, not necessarily as this physical blog online, but as a community. And when you start to see things as a community -- so I see this as a gluten free community, I’m trying to build a real sense of community here -- and so I think if you are gonna come into this, think of it not as a blog but as building a community.” (17:57-18:27)



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  • “Be merciful with yourself,” says family lawyer Genet Johnson. In this episode of the Working Moms podcast, Genet is talking about effective communication in a family law case - and how setting goals for the important conversations you have about your case can help you get the best outcome.

    Genet reveals some of the lessons she’s learned from her time as a family lawyer, which she shares in this episode. Her top tip? Make a plan about what you want to get out of your conversation, and slow down. As she says, “When our hearts are beating fast and we’re agitated, it’s very easy to say things we don’t mean.” This is especially important when communicating with your loved ones, who are probably also dealing with strong emotions during this time.

    Genet’s actionable insights about communicating during a family law case are valuable for any difficult or emotional conversation. You’re going to want to listen in!


    “If this comes up again, will I be able to stand by that? Can I defend that? And if you’re not sure, that’s an internal conversation that should continue before you say something that you might regret.” (12:02-12:17)“When our hearts are beating fast and we’re agitated, it’s very easy to say things we don’t mean.”



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  • “Micro self-care really matters,” says Lori Mihalich-Levin, partner at a global law firm and founder of Mindful Return, an online community for working parents transitioning back from parental leave. In this episode of the Working Moms podcast, Lori is talking about all her tips and tricks for parents transitioning back to work -- from building community to buying noise cancelling headphones so you can work from home without going bonkers.

    Lori focuses the conversation around the four pillars of her Mindful Return program: mindset, logistics, leadership, and connection. Those pillars are based on her own experience as a working mom trying to go back to the law firm without any support or guidance. As Lori says, “There were a ton of classes about what my baby needs, but nothing about what I need as a parent.”

    Lori shares tons of amazing, tangible, practical tips that you can do, whether you are back in the office or still working from home in this week’s episode, so don’t miss it!


    “People since the dawn of time have been engaged their villages in caring for their children. What we do that’s weird is expect that it's just one person that’s supposed to be doing it.” (10:59-11:09) “My legacy is normalizing working parenthood. I blare it from the rooftops that I’ve got these kids and I’m a kickass partner at a law firm. It is possible to have the street cred and have babies as well.” (16:50-17:05)



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  • “You do not need to be a millionaire to have a millionaire mindset,” says financial life coach Annette Schmidt. This week, Pam is talking with Annette about cultivating a millionaire mindset and how to become an intuitive budgeter -- but this isn’t about spreadsheets and tedious tracking. It’s all about making financial goals for yourself, and then making sure your money habits are in alignments with those goals.

    Annette says she “grew up” in finance because she became a banker at eighteen. She left corporate America when she became a mom, but she never lost her passion for helping people manage and grow their money. Annette shares her philosophy on wealth, and reminds us that at the end of the day, money management can’t be separated from our other life goals. She talks with Pam about finding your “why,” getting out of three common money cycles, and learning how to align your spending with what you actually enjoy.

    This episode is full of incredible, actionable ways to change your relationship with money -- you are going to want to tune in!


    “I really wanted to start coaching to help women start to break the money cycles we get stuck in. (2:17-2:25)“The biggest piece when it comes to creating the millionaire mindset is going to be to start to look at money differently. And in order to start to look at money differently, you need to know how you look at it now.” (9:15-9:26)





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  • “We get 1% better every day,” says John Lee Dumas, better known as JLD of the award-winning podcast Entrepreneurs on Fire, which reaches over 1 million listeners per month. JLD is a major figure in podcasting, but his success didn’t happen overnight. In this episode of the Working Moms podcast, Pam is talking with JLD about his new book The Common Path to Uncommon Success,, and what he’s learned about achieving financial freedom from interviewing more than 3000 amazing entrepreneurs.

    Tune in this week to hear about:

    The difference between making a million dollars and achieving true financial freedomWhat it means to live in your zone of fireHow the five people you hang out with every day shape your life, ANDAmazing women leaders you need to know about!

    You won’t want to miss this interview with Pam and JLD about what it takes to really be free.


    “Become the best solution to a real problem”“Financial freedom, it’s all about getting down there and saying: ‘How can I, within my means, live the life I want to live, doing what I want to do?’ Which is what brings the fulfillment part, because when you’re fulfilled, you are living in your zone of fire.” (6:52-7:04)


    Bio: John Lee Dumas is the founder and host of the award winning podcast, Entrepreneurs On Fire. With over 100 million listens of his 3000+ episodes, JLD has turned Entrepreneurs On Fire into a media empire that generates over a million listens every month and 7-figures of NET annual revenue 8-years in a row. His first traditionally published book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success is available for pre-order now with 5 amazing bonuses at UncommonSuccessBook.com

    Entrepreneurs on Fire: https://www.eofire.com

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  • “If someone listens to you and they like, then they are going to seek you out and buy from you,” says Michelle Glogovac, host of My Simplified Life podcast and founder of The MSL Collective. Michelle is a podcast aficionado and PR expert, and she talks with host Pam Maass about her top podcast pitching tips for business owners at all stages of their career.

    Michelle spent most of her career in general aviation, though her childhood dream was law. But when she listened to her first podcast in September 2018, she was inspired to start looking for her passion. Ironically, the host from that first podcast asked her to pitch an interview, and Michelle realized how much she loved podcasting itself -- and the process of building relationships in the podcasting community.

    In this episode, Michelle talks about when and how to pitch, where to find the podcasts that will want to feature you, and how to know if it's time to start your own podcast. For all the podcast dreamers out there, this episode is for you!


    “It’s all relationship based. It’s growing that relationship, being authentic and genuine in how you're doing it...” (4:26-4:33)“First, I think that everyone has a story that needs to be shared. And it's our duty to share that story, because it can be life changing. You only need one person to be listening for it to effect someone” (5:34-5:45)




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  • “Don’t find a partner that’s like you,” says Lynn Power, Co-Founder & CEO of MASAMI. As a long-time marketing executive turned co-founder of a successful clean beauty company, Lynn knows what it takes to not only start a business, but reach your audience. In this episode of the Working Moms Podcast, she tells the story of her transition into entrepreneurship, and shares some amazing, inexpensive resources to help you spread the word about your business.

    After thirty years in marketing, Lynn wasn’t feeling fulfilled by her job anymore. She had lost that creative spark that got her into marketing in the first place. When she met her co-founder and his husband, Masa (the inspiration for MASAMI!) she knew she’d found something that would inspire her. She talks with Pam about her top tips for developing a killer marketing strategy, some free/cheap resources she’s used to make content and drive brand awareness, and how she balances motherhood and her life as a CEO by dragging her kids along, so they can get in on the action.

    Tune in this week to fast track your marketing plan and learn from the best -- while embracing the work that truly inspires you.


    “Don’t find a partner or founder/co-founder that’s like you. Don’t clone yourself thinking you can get twice as much done, because it actually doesn’t work that way.” (7:36-7:45)“You can really start to create chapters of your story once you know what the title of your book is.” (12:56-13:03)




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  • “What I love about being creative … is that space in risk, that beautiful space that you get to where you are scared out of your mind but equally excited, and there’s nothing saying no,” says Krista Gano, CEO Working Artist Group and Innovative Improv Solutions. As a working mom who has spent her career bridging the gap between creativity and business, specifically in the entertainment industry, Krista loves diving into new creative opportunities, whether she’s giving improv trainings to pharmaceutical executives or helping film writers refine their pitch.

    Krista moved from Los Angeles, where she was leading the world-renowned Groundlings Theatre, to Denver when her eldest son was just two months old -- and she started Innovative Improv Solutions at the same time. Now during the pandemic, Krista encourages other moms, and working artists, to give themselves grace, and make the most of this quiet time when we can’t fall into the typical American hustle.

    Tune in this week to the Working Moms podcast for words that will inspire quarantined moms, working artists, and entrepreneurs who want to honor the creative parts of themselves.


    “I want to design my life. And then I want to put my career around it.” (8:45-8:50)“What I love about being creative, and actually just being an entrepreneur, is that space in risk, that beautiful space that you get to where you are scared out of your mind but equally excited, and there’s nothing saying no.” (11:20-11:40)



    Will Rogers Foundation https://wrpioneers.org

    Working Artist Group https://www.workingartistgroup.com

    Innovative Improv Solutions http://innovativeimprov.com

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  • “Anything you have the power to imagine, you have the power to create,” says Clare Ochoa, Life Coach and leader of this vision-boarding workshop, hosted by the Working Moms podcast. On this episode, host Pam Maass lets Clare take the stage to showcase her unique vision boarding philosophy -- and share the common pitfalls that keep vision boards from changing our lives.

    What is the secret to Clare’s process? We have to practice believing in our vision. We hold the power to achieve our dreams -- but to do it, we have to believe they can come true. Clare reminds us: “To create something we’ve never created before, we have to think thoughts we’ve never thought before.” How do we do that? We use our imaginations. Anyone can put a picture of their dream life on a piece of paper, but not everyone spends time imagining the sensations and feelings they’ll experience when they get to that place. That’s the secret, Clare says, to manifesting your vision and overcoming the self-doubt that so often holds us back.

    Tune in to this episode to learn how to make the ultimate vision board, avoid pitfalls, and manifest your dream. And check out the links below for Clare’s free vision boarding workbook, which will help get you started!


    “Sometimes just allowing ourselves to want something will create the inspiration to start going after it.” (10:16-10:22)“To create something we’ve never created before, we have to think thoughts we’ve never thought before.” (15:32-15:39)“I believe we all have this inner drive to want something more.” (25:18-25:25)


    Clare L. Ochoa, Certified Life & Weight Coach

    [email protected]


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  • When it came to her weight, says Krista Olsen, MD, “I didn’t want to talk to anyone about it.” After a lifetime of struggling with her body, Krista began to realize that it wasn’t her diet that was killing her -- it was her thoughts about her diet. On this episode of The Working Moms Podcast, host Pam Maass talks to Krista about how to lose weight for good. But this isn’t another fad diet or unsustainable exercise routine - it starts with changing the way you think about yourself.

    Krista, an ob-gyn and certified life and weight loss coach, takes a medical approach to weight loss. In her eyes, it’s all about dopamine and insulin. She explains how to distinguish between emotional and physical hunger, and shares some tools, like intermittent fasting, to regulate insulin and promote a healthy weight. She also talks about how to work with your thoughts to navigate discomfort and shame -- the things that most often get in our way as we struggle to lose weight.

    For thoughtful advice on how to be kinder to yourself, keep enjoying the foods you love, and lose weight for good, tune into this episode of The Working Moms Podcast.


    “I was using food to numb some of the discomfort in my life.” (2:07-2:11)

    “We talk to ourselves in a way that we would never talk to anyone else.” (7:58-8:02)

    “It’s really about letting women know: you can live the life you want. And you get to decide what that is.” (28:12-28:16)






    New England Journal Article on IF: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmra1905136

    Book: Jason Fung, The Obesity Code

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  • “I am learning that a lot gets done even when you’re laughing,” says Kristen Gullickson, CEO of Omni Tracks, a sustainability-focused electric bike startup. Kristen talks with host Pam Maass about being a mom-entrepreneur, how her career has changed as her kids have grown, and how she embraced a new opportunity to join the startup world as a working parent.

    Kristen has had a unique career journey. Her husband is a trained chef, and they began their entrepreneurial endeavors in the food industry. But working in a restaurant wasn’t sustainable once they had children, and Kristen moved into the corporate world to find stability for her new family. But her passion for ESG (Environmental and Social Governance) Investing led her away from corporate American and into the startup world, where she found that she could balance her passion for business with her passion for sustainability, wellness, and accessibility.

    Kristen talks about her journey as both CEO and mom, and what it has been like for her to define her own success as she steps away from the corporate world. Along the way, she shares inspiring mantras for working moms everywhere who are looking for new ways to manifest fulfilling and balanced lives.


    “For me, when I came up for air after those seven and a half years, I realized there’s other things I want” (8:19-8:25)“Stay in tune with your heart, and don’t be afraid to continue to put it out there.” (21:15-21:19)“I am learning that a lot gets done even when you’re laughing and even when you’re gracious to yourself” (22:43-22:50)





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  • “Babies are individuals,” says Molly McDonald, Body Mind Parenting Expert, and there is no perfect way to treat your baby. Molly, who has worked with babies and new parents for over twenty years, talks to host Pam Maass about the power of spending quality time with your baby, and how her own path to business came when she was faced with life as a single parent.

    As a Body/Mind Parenting Expert, Molly often gets asked what exactly her work entails. In reality, Molly essentially founded her field, because she found that her work in clinical psychology and massage didn’t take her exactly where she wanted to go. Her fascination with the bond between parents and their newborn babies led her to create Touch-a-Day (TAD), a membership program for parents with new babies that provides insight on touching techniques, massage, and tips and tricks to better understand your baby and their needs.

    Molly tells fascinating stories about her experience teaching parents how to do modified massage on their premature babies in the NICU, and shares some mind-boggling statistics about the power of touch -- including the fact that babies who are massaged in the NICU gain weight faster and leave the hospital sooner. But when it comes to guidelines for parents looking to support their baby’s well-being, Molly is firm in her belief that each baby is different. She shares some cues to look for to guide your interaction with your baby in a way that respects who your baby is an individual.

    Along with at-home breast-feeding tests and infant massage and stretching exercises you can do with your baby, Molly shares her expertise on the mindful practice of being a parent. Molly reminds us that spending quality time with your infant isn’t just good for the baby - it’s good for you too. Just taking the time to breathe deep and soak up the joy of being with your child is a simple practice that can make everyday a little bit brighter.


    Quality time for me with a baby comes from first getting present (7:10-7:15)Following your baby’s lead is the key in everything (13:12-13:18)





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  • What is the empowered path? For Marta Spirk, Empowerment Coach, Speaker and host of the Empowered Woman Podcast, it starts with knowing yourself. Marta talks with host Pam Maass about her journey to becoming an empowerment coach, and what she’s learned as she guides women toward self-knowledge and self-love.

    It was becoming a mom that sparked Marta’s journey toward self-knowledge - specifically, becoming a new mom with triplets. She became a coach not just to help others, but to find her own purpose, and achieve not balance, but harmony between self, family, and business.

    What is Marta’s path to empowerment? It all starts with knowledge. As she says: “The more mindful I am of what I’m doing, the better of a job I’m doing.” But being knowledgeable is only the first step - you have to do something with it too. Marta talks about using self-assessment tools like the Enneagram that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and determine your core motivations. In her work with clients, she encourages women to spend time not just taking those tests, but reflecting on them, and working through the feelings of shame that may come when we struggle to acknowledge our faults. In fact, Marta argues, often our weaknesses go hand-in-hand with our strengths.

    Marta embodies her own mission, speaking openly and honestly with Pam about what drives her, and what she has learned about herself as she cultivates self-love and self-empowerment. Along with practical tips and a proven framework to guide her work, Marta embodies the spirit of her enterprise - she knows herself, and loves herself, and she wants you to do the same.


    “The more mindful I am of what I’m doing, the better of a job I’m doing.” (5:32-5:39)“Having a business and having a mom is similar in many ways - there is no text book” (5:55-6:03)“The empowered path is: I know all these things about myself, I will love myself through it, and I will work to become a better version of who I am.” (12:21-12:29)



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  • “Will you carry my baby?” is not an uncommon phrase in the life of Attorney Ellen Trachman, a specialist in Assisted Reproductive Technology law. As a reproductive lawyer, estate planner, and the co-founder of Colorado Surrogacy, the only local surrogacy group connecting Colorado intended parents with Colorado gestational carriers, Trachman is a busy woman -- and a mom of four herself.

    Trachman began her law career working on hedge funds, but once she discovered the complex legal issues around reproductive rights and surrogacy, she knew she’d found her calling. After a period of hardship in her own life, she took the plunge, left corporate law, and never looked back.

    Since then, Trachman has become an expert in the ins and outs of reproductive and surrogacy law, including legal support for LGBTQ parents who are using a surrogate to start their family. She talks with mom-to-be and host Pamela Maas about the costs and timeline of surrogacy, the impact of COVID-19 on surrogates in Colorado and around the world, and financial support options for low and middle-income families looking at surrogacy as an option.

    On top of her ongoing success as a legal advisor and surrogacy group co-founder, Trachman was part of a coalition that recently passed a bill that requires Colorado insurance companies to cover all fertility treatment costs, including up to three rounds of IVF, starting in 2022.

    Trachman is an advocate for families of all kinds, but she knows there’s still work to be done around access, cost, and legal support, especially for non-traditional families. She talks frankly with Pam Maas about what it means to be an advocate for surrogates and parents today, and how she does it all as a mom, lawyer, podcast host, and surrogacy group CEO.


    “We believe there are so many ways to form a loving family. We work with single parents, male, female, gender non-identifying. There’s a lot of ways to be a good parent.” 17:51-18:04“I get to go to these match meetings sometimes where it’s like a blind date introducing someone: ‘Will you carry my baby?’” 5:34-5:42




    Podcast: https://iwanttoputababyinyou.com

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    Pamela Maass on Linkedin

    Law Mother Website

    Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing

  • “Get sun, take a shower, and do something special for yourself.” Tara Duncan and Miki Tynan, Co-Founders of Hygge Birth and Baby, return to bring you empathetic guidance to help you care for yourself and your newborn baby. Join the conversation as Tara and Miki have open and authentic conversations regarding the beautiful discoveries you’ll find hidden like gems within the challenges of the fourth trimester.

    Tara and Miki have shared your fears and joys that exist within the uncertainties of what life looks like after your baby is born. In this episode, you’ll learn how Tara and Miki continue their course of constant support to mama, baby, and the family throughout pregnancy, the first six weeks after birth, and beyond. Tara and Miki crafted Hygge Birth and Baby to provide comfort and to help you cope with overwhelm. Tara and Miki’s support transcends the walls of Hygge Birth and Baby and encourages you even when you’re at home learning about the little human that was born.

    Get real advice from real mamas, Tara and Miki, who will help you as you meditate on and outline your postnatal support plan. The six-week period, or fourth trimester, after birth is a significant time for mama and baby. Tara traces the timeline and experience of how women go through a huge shift in mind and body with very little sleep. Additionally, Tara isolates the critical milestone of week three that often brings varying shades of depression from baby blues to the extreme.

    Later, Miki opens up and shares her journey of how she worked through feeling sad all the time. Miki expresses the practical steps she took to stay healthy mentally. Finding ways to give herself grace, Miki relied on those around her to support her, including her doctor. Listen closely to Miki’s warning to mamas who are contemplating using medication to help make themselves feel better in their normal.

    Tara continues the conversation by unraveling the personal struggle within as she felt pulled between her career and staying home with her baby. Tara’s encouraging guidance on how to have confidence in your decision aims to help you avoid feeling selfish or like you’re losing yourself. Additionally, Miki freely gives supportive reassurance for you to feel confident to ask and accept help along with ways to overcome worrying about perception.

    Tara and Miki understand that it can be hard to know which path is the right course to take when a baby is born. However, Miki’s reassuring words kindle conviction that when the baby is born, you will know what to do. To further empower you as you pick your path, Tara and Miki, take a deep dive into these additional topics:

    Advocating for yourself and others as a working mama in the officeWhen to reach out to a lactation consultantHygge Birth and Baby preconception, prenatal and post-conception care

    Don’t miss Tara and Miki’s special message to you, all mamas and soon to be mamas, as you look for supportive ways to feel confident in your normal.


    “Your normal is normal, let’s get you feeling good in your normal.”“Take those yeses and allow people to help you.”“Have confidence...your choice is your choice.”“It will become clear to you when the baby is born.”“Whatever choice you make, you will hear the opposite, but you will know.”


    Visit Hygge Birth and Baby's Website

    Email Tara and Miki and let them know you heard them on TWM podcast

    Take a virtual tour or meet and greet

    Visit Evidence Based Birth to research the pros and cons of different birthing paths

    Catch part 1 of Tara and Miki’s discussion in Episode 12

    Facebook Group

    Pamela Maass on Linkedin

    Law Mother Website

    Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing

  • “Forget what you’ve heard, let’s create your new belief of what birth really is.” Get to know Tara Duncan and Miki Tynan Co-Founders of Hygge Birth and Baby as they share meaningful guidance designed to replace negative thoughts about birth with positive imagery. Tara and Miki champion the power inside of women to give birth naturally. To support women through their journey, they’ve created a warm aesthetic and environment based on the coziest mindset of all: Hygge.

    Tara and Miki’s journey begins with a fast friendship. Sharing a path of internal and external research and development, Tara and Miki connected over the idea of finding something larger to do with their lives that would provide more meaning. Tara was at the peak of her game as a lawyer and Miki was making an impact in the world of corporate insurance and wealth management. Deciding to redefine what success meant to them, Tara and Miki shed the fear of leaving what they felt was supposed to be successful and embraced their own innate right to happiness. Passion and purpose aligned which propelled Tara and Miki into bringing Hygge Birth and Baby to life.

    What is Hygge? Tara explains the Danish origins of hygge (pronounced "hoo-gah") and paints a mental picture we can all comfortably fall into. While a literal translation into English does not exist, Tara highlights the essence of Hygge and its roots in creating surroundings that make you feel warm and fuzzy such as your favorite food or a cozy blanket. Miki continues the conversation by explaining how the principles of Hygge are infused with the comfort of a doula, or a professional birthing coach to meet the emotional and physical needs of the family.

    See inside a birth center as Tara and Miki introduce you to the process and personnel that await you. While Tara and Miki are not anti-hospital, their goal is to provide women with the opportunity to direct their own birth story. Tara and Miki have channeled their own experiences of feeling powerless to choose how to give birth and seek to empower other women through education. Listen in as Tara and Miki review enlightening statistics and results of natural birth success stories.

    Tune in and hear Tara and Miki express how they are contributing to changing the narrative around the natural birthing process and how they’ll support your journey to break down the stigma. Tara and Miki believe that society won't change unless our voices are shared and they want to support families as they make healthy decisions for their families, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Get to know Tara and Miki in this podcast episode as they encourage you to embrace your own right to happiness and freedom.


    “There’s finally a name for what we’ve been doing for our girlfriends our whole lives!”“When passion and purpose align, you just take off”“We’re gonna redefine what success means to us in this moment, in this time of our lives”“The philosophy behind birthing centers really is all empowerment through education.”“It is one of the most powerful things to be apart of to see a woman walk through that journey and come out on the other end like nothing ever happened.”


    Visit Hygge Birth and Baby's Website

    Email Tara and Miki and let them know you heard them on TWM podcast

    Take a virtual tour or meet and greet

    Visit Evidence-Based Birth to research the pros and cons of different birthing paths

    Listen to Amy Scerra’s birthing success story in Episode 2

    Facebook Group

    Pamela Maass on Linkedin

    Law Mother Website

    Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing

  • Meet Alexis King - Candidate for Jefferson & Gilpin County District Attorney in this episode of The Working Mom’s Podcast. In an environment underrepresented by women, Alexis has forged through the world of the District Attorney’s (DA) office and created a path for other women to consider undertaking running for office. There have been many surprises in Alexis’ career, yet she’s learned beautiful lessons that have shaped her into the experienced and personable leader she is today.

    Jefferson County is where Alexis raises her kids. Navigating and prioritizing her love for her children and her community has enabled Alexis to make decisions to help and protect both. While serving over a decade in the DA’s office, Alexis prosecuted everything that came in the door. However, when her life changed, Alexis bravely shifted her views of work in a paternalistic world to protect herself and her unborn child. Learn about the decisions Alexis made based on the needs of someone she hadn’t even met yet.

    Later, listen in as Alexis opens up about the emotions that motivate her to be a caring mother and empathetic leader. Alexis believes that emotions are strengths and feminine qualities are not weaknesses. In fact, Her vision of how women should be treated in the DA’s office embraces flexibility, empathy, kindness, and, building others up. Alexis admits that it is a hard job and there’s no fairy dust to make the job easier. But allowing people to be flexible, such as working from home, can give working moms the runway they need to support their family and their community.

    Alexis also provides further insight for working moms who may be thinking about running for office. Is balance a reachable goal or is it overrated? Tune in to hear Alexis’ expressions about balance, family buy-in, and the greatest gift of flexibility. You’ll also hear practical advice from Alexis on the programs she used to sharpen her leadership skills as well as what she does to stay present in the moments she spends with others while campaigning. Learning again and being at the bottom of the curve was a challenge for Alexis. However, she shares what she did to make herself anew and how practicing resiliency has been refined further during the campaign process.

    Don’t miss Alexis’ shared insights on how to look beyond the COVID-19 pandemic and see the silver lining. Alexis has grown closer to her children. Additionally, seeing Alexis in action has enhanced their understanding of why mom is so busy. Be sure to listen all the way to the end for fun book recommendations to help elementary-aged children understand what elections are all about.


    "The greatest gift that I can earn or have is flexibility."“I never thought I would run for office.”"There wasn't an obvious path for a woman to run for District Attorney"“I had to make a decision based on the needs of someone I hadn't met”“Give [women] the space to mature and go through life”

    Links Mentioned:

    Contact with Alexis on her website AlexisforDA.com

    Email Alexis

    Listen in and redefine the word balance in Episode 8

    Pamela Maass on Linkedin

    Maass Law, Life Legacy Firm

    Listen in and redefine the word balance in Episode 8

    Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing

    Facebook Group

    Pamela Maass on Linkedin

    Law Mother Website

    Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing