
  • Betty Xie Guest to the YANNIS LOBAINA PODCAST “ We Should Talk” bilingual(Spanish_English) podcast ⁠

    ABOUT Betty Xie

    Betty Xie is a filmmaker, consultant, and career and business coach. Her film and media work have been exhibited in film festivals around the world and featured on CBC Gems. As a consultant, Betty supports small to medium-sized charities to develop focused and effective fundraising strategies. As a coach, she partners with creatives and arts leaders to shift their career practices so that they can live more and work more purposefully. Her podcast The Everyday Talent Podcast features fresh insights on creative careers and won the 2023 Golden Cranes Award for Best Show for Arts and Creativity. Check out her work at xiebetty.com and take the free quiz to discover your creative career archetype.

    See my work at: xiebetty.com

    Listen to my podcast at: everydaytalent.buzzsprout.com/

    Uncover Your Creative Career Archetype — BETTY XIE - Career Coach & Fundraising Consultant

    UPROOTED: THE PLANTEMIC https://gem.cbc.ca/plantemic

    About The Yannis Lobaina Podcast: ⁠"We Should Talk is a bilingual(Spanish_English) podcast ⁠series that aims to inspire and empower individuals from all walks of life. Our host and producer, Yannis Lobaina, founder of We Should Talk and ⁠AlbART Global Collective ⁠brings together a variety of voices to share their anecdotes and experiences. Through our interviews with authors, artists, and individuals in the literary and art communities, we explore diverse topics related to motherhood, art, crafts, diversity, inclusion, and belonging.

    More community events here:

    ⁠Website: https://enlareddeltiempo.com/⁠



    Listen to my podcast at: ⁠https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5EIuVsJRQXG9uBC4ud-HhQwOyXFoGtAs&si=i8zeHe5phEZI_o3H

    In this episode, we dive into:

    🎯 Building Your Craft and Career: Mindset and Action.

    🎯 The Importance of Mentorship in Career and Creative Development

    🎯 Reclaiming Life Beyond Passion: Balancing Identity and Profession

    🎯 Confidence and Survival: A Newcomer Artist's Advice on Overcoming Economic Barriers.

    🎧 Tune in now on YouTube or your favourite podcast platform

    My gratitude, Betty Xie, #weshouldtalkpodcastyannislobaina #theyannislobainapodcast

    #BettyXie #EverydayTalentPodcast #welcomenovember #november #videopodcast #podcaster #artpodcast #society #community #listentothis #weshouldtalkpodcastyannislobaina #theyannislobainapodcast #theyannislobainapodcast

    #gratitude #theyannislobainapodcast
    #newepisode #staytuned #authortalk #authorssupportingauthors #poetrycommunity #gratitude #heartbasedliving #weshouldtalkpodcastyannislobaina #podcastersofcolor #podcastersunite #spotifypodcast #talkthattalk

  • From Mailroom to Agent: Sandy Lieberson's Journey in Hollywood.

    #weshouldtalkpodcastyannislobaina #newepisode #filmproducers Sandy Lieberson Special Guest "We Should Talk" Podcast Hosted and Produced by Yannis Lobaina.In this episode, we dive into:🎯 From Mailroom to Agent: Sandy Lieberson's Journey in Hollywood.🎯 How discovering European Cinema in the 60s: Neorealism, New Wave, and Fellini changed his mind as a film producer. 🎯 The Skills and Responsibilities of a Movie Producer and beyond. Sandy Lieberson / sandy-lieberson-b76a712a I have worked in the film and TV industry in the U.S.A. and Europe since 1957, having acted as an agent for Peter Falk, Richard Harris, Sergio Leone, Peter Sellers, Lindsay Anderson and the Rolling Stones. Etc. After producing Performance and Rolling Stones Rock & Roll Circus I formed Goodtime/VPS with David Puttnam in 1970, going on to produce a number of significant British films of the 1970s and 1980s.President of Production 20th Century Fox, V.P. MGM International, Ladd Co. (W.B.) Supervising development and production of Alien, Blade Runner, , Thelma and Louise, Once Upon A Time In America, Nosferatu, etc. Producer of Mahler, Jabberwocky, Stars and Bars, Rita, Sue and Bob Too, Bugsy Malone, Swastika and 22 other films and documentaries and TV. Founder and Chair of Film London, responsible for establishing Film London’s groundbreaking Microwave Film Fund for micro budget feature films, The Production Finance Market and Artists Moving Image. National Film & Television School, designed curriculum and established the Producing Department.Co-founder, Consultant and organizer for The Berlin Talent Campus.Escuela Internacional de Cine & TV Habana, Cuba: Head of Producing. Executive producer of British Legends of Stage & Screen for Sky Arts/Sundance Channel. Executive Producer: Ipcress File. Six part TV series for ITV/ AMC.Currently: developing TV series based on space race between Russia/U.S.A.,China, SpaceX,Virgin GalacticHollywood Babylon TV series in development About ⁠"We Should Talk" a bilingual(Spanish_English) podcast ⁠series that aims to inspire and empower individuals from all walks of life. Our host and producer, Artist Yannis Lobaina, founder of We Should Talk and ⁠AlbART Global Collective ⁠brings together a variety of voices to share their anecdotes and experiences. Through our interviews with authors, artists, and individuals in the literary and art communities, we explore diverse topics related to motherhood, art, crafts, diversity, inclusion, and belonging. More community events here:⁠https://enlareddeltiempo.com/⁠ / yannis-lobaina-80a74194 ⁠https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/yannis-lo...⁠ / ⁠

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • #weshouldtalkpodcastyannislobaina #newepisode #filmproducers Sandy Lieberson Special Guest "We Should Talk" Podcast Hosted and Produced by Yannis Lobaina.In this episode, we dive into:🎯 From Mailroom to Agent: Sandy Lieberson's Journey in Hollywood.🎯 How discovering European Cinema in the 60s: Neorealism, New Wave, and Fellini changed his mind as a film producer. 🎯 The Skills and Responsibilities of a Movie Producer and beyond. Sandy Liebersonhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/sandy-lieberson-b76a712a/ I have worked in the film and TV industry in the U.S.A. and Europe since 1957, having acted as an agent for Peter Falk, Richard Harris, Sergio Leone, Peter Sellers, Lindsay Anderson and the Rolling Stones. Etc. After producing Performance and Rolling Stones Rock & Roll Circus I formed Goodtime/VPS with David Puttnam in 1970, going on to produce a number of significant British films of the 1970s and 1980s.President of Production 20th Century Fox, V.P. MGM International, Ladd Co. (W.B.) Supervising development and production of Alien, Blade Runner, , Thelma and Louise, Once Upon A Time In America, Nosferatu, etc. Producer of Mahler, Jabberwocky, Stars and Bars, Rita, Sue and Bob Too, Bugsy Malone, Swastika and 22 other films and documentaries and TV. Founder and Chair of Film London, responsible for establishing Film London’s groundbreaking Microwave Film Fund for micro budget feature films, The Production Finance Market and Artists Moving Image. National Film & Television School, designed curriculum and established the Producing Department.Co-founder, Consultant and organizer for The Berlin Talent Campus.Escuela Internacional de Cine & TV Habana, Cuba: Head of Producing. Executive producer of British Legends of Stage & Screen for Sky Arts/Sundance Channel. Executive Producer: Ipcress File. Six part TV series for ITV/ AMC.Currently: developing TV series based on space race between Russia/U.S.A.,China, SpaceX,Virgin GalacticHollywood Babylon TV series in development About ⁠"We Should Talk" a bilingual(Spanish_English) podcast ⁠series that aims to inspire and empower individuals from all walks of life. Our host and producer, Artist Yannis Lobaina, founder of We Should Talk and ⁠AlbART Global Collective ⁠brings together a variety of voices to share their anecdotes and experiences. Through our interviews with authors, artists, and individuals in the literary and art communities, we explore diverse topics related to motherhood, art, crafts, diversity, inclusion, and belonging. More community events here:⁠https://enlareddeltiempo.com/⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/yannis-lobaina-80a74194/⁠https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/yannis-lobaina-17119986860⁠⁠https://www.instagram.com/yannislobaina/⁠

  • Guest Author Chelene Knight special guest on the “We Should Talk Podcast” Hosted and produced by Yannis Lobaina.

    In this episode of WE SHOULD TALK PODCAST, I’m speaking with Chelene Knight, an acclaimed author known for her novel "Junie" and memoir "Dear Current Occupant." Chelene is also the founder of Breathing Space Creative, a literary studio focused on creative sustainability and coaching for writers.

    Chelene Knight is the author of five books including Let It Go: Free Yourself From Old Beliefs and Find a New Path To Joy (HarperCollins Canada 2024). Over the past decade, Chelene has meticulously cultivated a robust portfolio of workshops, editorial services, and custom support systems for authors. Her unwavering commitment to nurturing the community has birthed an empathetic editorial approach and a mentorship-driven ethos that aids emerging writers in their development. Chelene’s reputation in Canadian Publishing is growing significantly. Chelene was the previous managing editor at Room magazine, festival director for the Growing Room Festival in Vancouver and worked as a literary agent with the Transatlantic Agency for multiple years. She has also worked as a professor of poetry at the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia. She is the founder of The Forever Writers Club, a membership for writers focused on creative balance, and is now the founder of her own creative studio, Breathing Space Creative through which she’s launched the Thrive Coaching Program where busy creatives can learn how personal development creates the mindset needed to better manage their energy and make space for all the things they are passionate about.


    5 ways to Rethink Writer’s Block (and Why it’s Outdated) Listen here:


    Upcoming Workshop


    About Say NO with Love.


    About "We Should Talk" a bilingual(Spanish_English) podcast series that aims to inspire and empower individuals from all walks of life. Our host and producer, Yannis Lobaina, founder of We Should Talk and AlbART Global Collective brings together a variety of voices to share their anecdotes and experiences. Through our interviews with authors, artists, and individuals in the literary and art communities, we explore diverse topics related to motherhood, art, crafts, diversity, inclusion, and belonging.

    More community events here:




  • Music as inspiration to write poetry: Author Beatriz Hausner Guest “We Should Talk” Podcast Host and Producer By Yannis Lobaina. About the AuthorBeatriz Hausner was born in Chile and immigrated to Canada with her family when she was a teenager. She has published many poetry books, including The Wardrobe Mistress (2004), Sew Him Up (2010), Enter the Raccoon (2012), and Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart (2020). Her prose and poetry have been published in many chapbooks and included in several anthologies, and her books have been published internationally and translated into several languages, including her native Spanish, French, Dutch, and Greek. She is an active participant in the international surrealist movement and a respected historian and translator of Latin American surrealism. Hausner, who is trilingual, served three terms as President of the Literary Translators’ Association of Canada and was Chair of the Public Lending Rights Commission. She was also a founding publisher of Quattro Books (⁠http://quattrobooks.ca/)⁠. Hausner lives in Toronto where she publishes The Philosophical Egg. "We should talk" Video Podcast Bilingual( Spanish_English) ( • PODCAST “We Should Talk” Podcast Bil... ) Host and Producer By Yannis Lobain ( • PODCAST “We Should Talk” Podcast Bil... ) a We should talk about Life, Language, Motherhood, Dreams, Art, and success.My gratitude, Beatriz, @beatrizhausner ⁠#newepisode⁠ ⁠#staytuned⁠ ⁠#authortalk⁠ ⁠#authorssupportingauthors⁠ ⁠#poetrycommunity⁠ ⁠#gratitude⁠ ⁠#newbooks⁠ ⁠#womentranslators⁠ ⁠#womenempowerment⁠ ⁠#heartbasedliving⁠ ⁠#weshouldtalkpodcastyannislobaina⁠ ⁠#podcastersofcolor⁠ ⁠#podcastersunite⁠ ⁠#spotifypodcast⁠ ⁠#talkthattalk⁠

  • “We Should Talk” Podcast Guest Author Beatriz Hausner

    About the Author

    Beatriz Hausner was born in Chile and immigrated to Canada with her family when she was a teenager. She has published many poetry books, including The Wardrobe Mistress (2004), Sew Him Up (2010), Enter the Raccoon (2012), and Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart (2020). Her prose and poetry have been published in many chapbooks and included in several anthologies, and her books have been published internationally and translated into several languages, including her native Spanish, French, Dutch, and Greek. She is an active participant in the international surrealist movement and a respected historian and translator of Latin American surrealism. Hausner, who is trilingual, served three terms as President of the Literary Translators’ Association of Canada and was Chair of the Public Lending Rights Commission. She was also a founding publisher of Quattro Books. Hausner lives in Toronto where she publishes The Philosophical Egg.

    "We should talk" Video Podcast Bilingual( Spanish_English)

    Host and Producer By Yannis Lobaina We should talk about Life, Language, Motherhood, Dreams, Art, and success.

    My gratitude, Beatriz, @beatrizhausner #newepisode #staytuned #authortalk #authorssupportingauthors #poetrycommunity #gratitude #newbooks #womentranslators #womenempowerment #heartbasedliving #weshouldtalkpodcastyannislobaina #podcastersofcolor #podcastersunite #spotifypodcast #talkthattalk

  • Reflections on the End of the Group Exhibition at ETOBICOKE CIVIC CENTRE #curatedgroupexhibition #albartexhibition #yannislobaina AlbART COLLECTIVE, Group Exhibition, Curated by Yannis Lobaina. Shinrin Yoku: The Healing Art of Forest Bathing at Etobicoke Civic Centre Art Gallery. Yesterday was the day to take down the group exhibition. It was a bittersweet moment after two years of dreaming, researching, planning, producing, inviting artists, curating, visualizing, and exhibiting this project. I spent the day reflecting on this journey, asking myself thoughtful questions, and finding inner peace.I’m grateful to everyone who participated in and supported the exhibition. My ongoing gratitude to the 5 artist participants: Nami, Nathan, Carole, Kim and Noel, my husband and daughter, Andrea and Daniel, and the gallery for all the support.Now, I’m ready for new opportunities that life will bring me, and new projects with my AlbART Collective. I’m ready to keep dreaming, unlearning, learning and building the healthy and sustainable community I envisioned. Now is the time to rest, reset, restart, and remain guided by the universe’s energy. #gratitude #imready #imgrateful #curatedgroupexhibition #albartexhibition Do you have a chance to visit the exhibition? #albartexhibition #albartforestbathing #eccartgallery #toartists #yannislobainaphotography #visualart #artshowopening #canadianartist #artgallery #artcollector MEDIA ABOUT THE EXHIBITION:https://akimbo.ca/listings/albart-glo...https://www.blogto.com/events/shinrin...https://enlareddeltiempo.com/https://www.instagram.com/p/C-nHxsWty...What Next?I am currently working, learning, and exploring across diverse media. I am grateful that my first piece, a Miniature 3D sculpture, received positive feedback from visitors at the Etobicoke Civic Centre Art Gallery. This piece, titled “Fairy Bonsai Tree with Cuban Snail and Canadian Acorn,” is part of a series of seven mixed-media artworks. I would like to express my gratitude for the funding support received from the Ontario Arts Council and the Government of Ontario. 🙌🏿👌🏿🙏🏿♾️📸 for helping me make this possible. 😊 ! You can currently view my ongoing series “Catch and Release,” which consists of 10 artworks, at North York Central Library. This Solo Exhibition Ongoing event is from Fri, August 2, 2024, to Fri, August 30, 2024. Thanks so much, Branch Art Exhibit: Catch and Release by Yannis LobainaOngoing event running from Fri Aug 02, 2024 - Fri Aug 30, 2024LocationNorth York Central Libraryhttps://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/d...See you soon at another event! #gratitude #yannislobainaphotography #yannislobainalandscape #newwork #newseries #wip #learningexperimenting #unlearnandrelearn #mixedmedia #enjoythelittlethings #enjoythejourney #enjoytheride #artistlife #neverstopexploring #exploringart #playandlearn #joyfullearning #minisculpture #naturephotography #repourposed #bonsai #bonsailovers #naturalsculpture #odetomyplant #contemporaryart #cubanartist #landart #ecoart #rrr #ontarioartscouncil

  • This title is inspired by one of my recent poems “SHINRIN YOKU” Spanish version, Published in a Book collection by Feria Iberoamericana del Libro en Canadá · 1 Sept. 2023.

    Shinrin Yoku: The Healing Art of Forest Bathing Poem by Yannis Lobaina Read By Amélie (My Beloved Daughter). This is a self-translated English version.

    Please take note that the exhibition will be open to the public from July 10 to August 15. Admission is free during this time. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 6 PMSaturday: 10 AM - 6 PMSundays and Statutory Holidays: CLOSEDVisitors are encouraged to take photos and share them using the hashtags #AlbArtexhibition and #AlbartForestBathing to contribute to the conversation about reconnecting with nature and the healing art of forest bathing.No reservation is required to attend the opening exhibition. We invite you to join us in the celebration. Thank you, Gracias, Merci.

    Shinrin Yoku: The Healing Art of Forest Bathing. Group art exhibition by AlbArt Global Collective, curated by Yannis Lobaina.

    Immerse yourself in nature with the group art exhibition “Shinrin Yoku: The Healing Art of Forest Bathing” by AlbArt Global Collective, curated by Yannis Lobaina. Through photography, ceramics, and mixed media, six contemporary artists with diverse backgrounds and art styles explore the significance of connecting with the natural environment and concepts such as identity, home, and belonging.

    📅 Exhibition Open to Public: July 10 — August 15, 2024

    🖼️ Group Art Exhibition by AlbArt Global Collective, Curated by Yannis Lobaina
    🥂 Opening Reception: Saturday, July 13, 2–4 PM. RESERVE YOUR SPOT HERE.

    🎤 Artist Talk, Live Music and Surprises!

    📍Location: at Etobicoke Civic Centre Art Gallery

    399 The West Mall, Etobicoke, ON M9C 2Y2, Canada

    🎟️ Entry: Free

    📅 Exhibition Open to Public: July 10 — August 15, 2024

    🕜 Gallery Hours:

    Monday — Friday 9–6 PM

    SATURDAY 10- 6 PM

    SUNDAYS and Statutory Holidays: CLOSED.

    Exhibiting artists:

    Nathan Cole https://www.artworkarchive.com/profile/nathan-cole

    Nami Ueno https://www.artbynami.com/

    Noël Yardley https://www.noelyardley.ca/

    Kim Foster Yardley https://www.kimfosteryardley.com/

    Carole Milon https://carolemilon.com/

    Yannis Lobaina https://www.instagram.com/yannislobaina/


  • 1/5 Miniseries Behind the Scenes: CREATIVE JOURNEY
    Group Art Exhibition by AlbArt Global Collective, Curated by Yannis Lobaina.
    Carole Milon! #gratitude

    Carole Milon’s artistic practice explores the intricate, fragile, beauty of landscape through abstract, mixed media works on paper. By hiking in Ontario river valleys and forests her knowledge of and connection to nature is continually deepened. Her work has been included in juried shows in Toronto at Leslie Grove, John Aird, Propeller and Riverdale ArtWalk, as well as at Haliburton’s Rails End Gallery and Orillia Museum of Art and History. She’s had three solo exhibitions. Her UnEarthed series is featured in Wander Magazine, Nature 2023. She received an OAC Exhibition Assistance Grant in 2020. Her work is included in private collections.
    Carole Milon https://carolemilon.com/
    #AlbArtexhibition #contemporaryartist #canadianartist #latinxartist #immigrantartist
    #ArtShowOpening #artexhibition #enviromentalart #landscapephotography
    #TOartists #yyz
    #artgroup #torontoevents #artforthesoul
    #ECCArtGallery #AlbartForestBathing #collaboration
    Open to Public
    July 10 - August 15, 2024
    Gallery Hours:
    Monday - Friday 9-6 PM
    SATURDAY 10- 6 PM
    SUNDAYS and Statutory Holidays: CLOSED.
    Where: Etobicoke Civic Centre Art Gallery
    399 The West Mall, Etobicoke, ON M9C 2Y2, Canada
    Cost: Free
    Open to the public from Jul 10–Aug 15, 2024.
    Etobicoke Civic Centre Art Gallery Etobicoke Civic Centre Art Gallery (ECCAG). Exhibiting artists Nami Ueno
    Nathan Cole
    Noël Yardley
    Carole Milon
    Kim Foster Yardley
    Yannis Lobaina

  • Invitation: Art Exhibition. Shinrin Yoku: The Healing Art of Forest Bathing. OPENING.Curated by Yannis Lobaina.

    Opening Reception: Shinrin Yoku: The Healing Art of Forest Bathing.Group Art Exhibition by AlbArt Global Collective, Curated by Yannis Lobaina.

    Join us for the opening reception of this unique exhibition curated by Yannis Lobaina. Immerse yourself in the healing power of nature as you explore the art of forest bathing. Through photography, Scratchboard, mixed media, and ceramics, six contemporary artists with diverse backgrounds and art styles explore the importance of connecting with the natural environment and contemplating ideas of space and belonging. Come and experience the magic of Shinrin Yoku trouthroughArt with us at this in-person event. Discover the beauty of connecting with the natural world and its benefits to your well-being.

    Date: 📅 Exhibition Open to Public: July 10 - August 15, 2024

    🖼️ Group Art Exhibition by AlbArt Global Collective, Curated by Yannis Lobaina.

    🥂 Opening Reception: Saturday, July 13, 2-4 PM.

    Light refreshments.

    🎤 Artist Talk, Live Music and Surprises!

    📍Location: at Etobicoke Civic Centre Art Gallery

    Etobicoke Civic Centre Art Gallery
    399 The West Mall
    Etobicoke, M9C 2Y2

    🕜 Gallery Hours:

    Monday - Friday 9-6 PM

    SATURDAY 10- 6 PM

    SUNDAYS and Statutory Holidays: CLOSED.

    Date: 📅 Exhibition Open to Public: July 10 - August 15, 2024.

    Free admission

    Exhibiting artists:

    Nathan Cole https://www.artworkarchive.com/profile/nathan-cole

    Nami Ueno https://www.artbynami.com/

    Noël Yardley https://www.noelyardley.ca/

    Carole Milon https://carolemilon.com/

    Kim Foster Yardley https://www.kimfosteryardley.com/

    Yannis Lobaina https://www.instagram.com/yannislobaina/

    Opening Reception: Shinrin Yoku: The Healing Art of Forest Bathing.Group Art Exhibition by AlbArt Global Collective, Curated by Yannis Lobaina.



    🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻

    I wish you all an amazing and safe weekend, 🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿

    Thanks @contactphoto @albart_globalcollective @nami.u.art @coletop10 @kimfosteryardleystudio @noelyardley @carole_milon

    #culturetoronto #torontoartist #contemporaryart #groupexhibition #emergingcurator #bipocartist #communityartproject #yannislobainaphotography

    #torontogallery #torontoartists #toronto events #torontolife #toronto living #toronto #artoftheday #artcollector #artlovers #artgram #artgallery #arttoronto #canadaart #contemporaryart #visionaryart #spiritualpractice #zenpatience #keepmovingforward #spreadloveandlovewillspread

  • "The Joy of Street Photography" (01:05) Short Clip

    Invitado Alejandro Malowicki a We Should Talk Podcast By Yannis Lobaina.Alejandro Malowicki director de cine y docente⁠https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alejand...https://youtu.be/u1tBKzsQl74?si=lzBDH...(Buenos Aires, 1944) es un director de cine, investigador y docente argentino, especializado en el cine para la infancia. Autor, director y productor de largometrajes como Pinocho, Pyme y Las Aventuras de Nahuel. Es fundador y presidente de la Asociación de Cine para la Infancia (APCI), del Observatorio Nacional del Audiovisual para la Infancia y la Adolescencia y también es el creador de las cátedras de Dirección y Producción de Cine y Televisión para Niños y Jóvenes en la carrera de Diseño, Imagen y Sonido, Facultad de Arquitectura⁠, ⁠Diseño y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y de Dirección y Producción de Cine y Televisión para Niños y Jóvenes, en la ENERC, Escuela de Cine del INCAA y del Taller de Producción y Realización de Cine para las Infancias en la Escuela Internacional de Cine y Televisión en San Antonio de Los Baños, Cuba.We talk about it:The Importance of Digitalization in PhotographyTelling Stories to ChildrenThe Advantages of Using a Cell Phone for Street PhotographyStreet PhotographyThe Joy of Street PhotographyChallenges of Creating Films for ChildrenThe Joy of Street PhotographyPhotography as a MediumENJOYING THE POD? LEAVE US A FIVE-STAR RATING AND REVIEW ON⁠ ⁠APPLE PODCASTS OR⁠ ⁠⁠SPOTIFY!⁠ YOU CAN ALSO FIND ALL OUR PAST EPISODES ON⁠ ⁠APPLE PODCASTS,⁠ ⁠GOOGLE PODCASTS, ⁠SPOTIFY ⁠OR ANYWHERE YOU GET YOUR PODCASTS. Available on ⁠iTunes,⁠ ⁠Spotify,⁠ or wherever you find your podcasts.We Should Talk, podcast host and producer by Yannis Lobaina. It is a podcast about Life, Motherhood, Dreams, Art, crafts, success and so on every episode Interviews authors, artists, and people in the literary community and art business.Thank you for listening, and please share with your friends if you enjoyed it. Listen to the Full video podcast here on my YouTube Channel: ⁠https://youtu.be/0rqL2L7EeEE?si=AFXVf...

  • Invitado Alejandro Malowicki a We Should Talk Podcast By Yannis Lobaina.

    Alejandro Malowicki director de cine y docente


    (Buenos Aires, 1944) es un director de cine, investigador y docente argentino, especializado en el cine para la infancia. Autor, director y productor de largometrajes como Pinocho, Pyme y Las Aventuras de Nahuel. Es fundador y presidente de la Asociación de Cine para la Infancia (APCI), del Observatorio Nacional del Audiovisual para la Infancia y la Adolescencia y también es el creador de las cátedras de Dirección y Producción de Cine y Televisión para Niños y Jóvenes en la carrera de Diseño, Imagen y Sonido, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y de Dirección y Producción de Cine y Televisión para Niños y Jóvenes, en la ENERC, Escuela de Cine del INCAA y del Taller de Producción y Realización de Cine para las Infancias en la Escuela Internacional de Cine y Televisión en San Antonio de Los Baños, Cuba.

    We talk about it:

    The Importance of Digitalization in Photography

    Telling Stories to Children

    The Advantages of Using a Cell Phone for Street Photography

    Street Photography

    The Joy of Street Photography

    Challenges of Creating Films for Children

    The Joy of Street Photography

    Photography as a Medium

    Available on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you find your podcasts.

    We Should Talk, podcast host and producer by Yannis Lobaina. It is a podcast about Life, Motherhood, Dreams, Art, crafts, success and so on every episode Interviews authors, artists, and people in the literary community and art business.

    Thank you for listening, and please share with your friends if you enjoyed it. Listen to the Full video podcast here on my YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/0rqL2L7EeEE?si=AFXVf2toJ5jz3LGz

  • Invitada Silvia Alfaro. We Should Talk, Podcast Host and Producer By Yannis Lobaina. Season 4, Episode 29. About Silvia AlfaroGestora cultural. Vive en Canadá desde 1996.​Actualmente es la directora de la Feria Iberoamericana del Libro en Canadá de la cual es cofundadora y coorganizadora.Desde el 2004 Silvia Alfaro se ha dedicado a promover en Canadá, el arte, la literatura y demás expresiones artísticas a través de publicaciones, exhibiciones de arte, conciertos, encuentros literarios y talleres, además de promover y apoyar actividades de artistas y organizaciones culturales. Dirigió la editorial Mapalé del 2004 al 2020. Edita y diseña libros. Ha escrito ensayos y artículos sobre arquitectura y sobre literatura latinocanadiense. Ha escrito cuentos cortos y microrrelatos. Uno de sus cuentos fue publicado en la antología Thirty Stories, Thirth Years del Ottawa Independent Writers (2016). Gestora culturaL & directora de la Feria Iberoamericana del Libro en Canadá de la cual es cofundadora y coorganizadora .https://www.silviaalfaro.com/Welcome to "We Should Talk", a bilingual(Spanish_English) podcast series that aims to inspire and empower individuals from all walks of life. Through our interviews with authors, artists, and individuals in the literary and art communities, we explore diverse topics related to motherhood, art, crafts, diversity, inclusion, and belonging. Our host and producer, Yannis Lobaina, founder of We Should Talk and AlbART Global Collective brings together a variety of voices to share their anecdotes and experiences. Join us each month as we delve into the complex world of immigration, motherhood, and art, and discover the power of sharing and learning from each other's stories.

  • Writing in the Chaos: Author Nadja Lubiw Hazard first Guest at WE SHOULD TALK, Podcast Host and Producer by Yannis Lobaina#weshouldtalkpodcastbyYannisLobaina#podcasting #authorpodcast About Author Nadja Lubiw Hazard. Nadja is the author of the adult novel The Nap-Away Motel, and the upcoming children's chapter book TIZZY & ME: Fifteen Ways to Love a Mink. Before turning to full-time writing, Nadja worked as a veterinarian, most recently at the Toronto Humane Society. She is currently working on several children's books about animals, and a second novel, Saving Seraphina. A lifelong animal lover and long-time vegan, her writing often explores themes related to the natural world. She lives with her wife, their two daughters, and a feisty, fluffy cat in Toronto. Nadja facilitates a weekly creative writing workshop with the Writers Collective of Canada. She also facilitates therapeutic writing groups for pet loss and eco-grief through CAMH Collaborative Learning College. Find more about her at www.nmlhazard.comAbout We Should Talk, podcast host and producer by Yannis Lobaina. A podcast about Life, Motherhood, Dreams, Art, crafts, success and so on. Every episode Interviews authors, artists, and people in the literary community and art business.Available on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you find your podcastshttps://pod.link/1554565511 / yannislobaina


    Nadja is the author of the adult novel The Nap-Away Motel, and the upcoming children's chapter book TIZZY & ME: Fifteen Ways to Love a Mink. Before turning to full-time writing, Nadja worked as a veterinarian, most recently at the Toronto Humane Society. She is currently working on several children's books about animals, and a second novel, Saving Seraphina. A lifelong animal lover and long-time vegan, her writing often explores themes related to the natural world. She lives with her wife, their two daughters, and a feisty, fluffy cat in Toronto. Nadja facilitates a weekly creative writing workshop with the Writers Collective of Canada. She also facilitates therapeutic writing groups for pet loss and eco-grief through CAMH Collaborative Learning College. Find more about her at www.nmlhazard.com.

    Available on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you find your podcasts

    "We Should Talk" is a series of bilingual (Spanish-English) podcasts hosted and produced by Yannis Lobaina. The podcasts cover a range of topics including life, motherhood, art, crafts, and success. Each episode features interviews with authors, artists, and individuals in the literary and art communities.

    Available on ⁠iTunes,⁠ ⁠Spotify,⁠ or wherever you find your podcasts

    “We Should Talk” Podcast Bilingual (Spanish-English) Host and Producer By Yannis Lobaina

    Spotify for Podcasters - The easiest way to make a podcast


    What's the book you read this year 2023?

    ¡Hey Booklovers!

    I would love to share a few more recommendations and reviews of some of the books I‘ve read this 2023 so far, some are waiting for me to finish

    What are your favourite books of the year so far?

    ____ Books Mentioned ____

    ____ To support my channel and bookshop.

    Bookshop: https://bookshop.org/shop/Lobaina_Yannis

    Podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yannis-lobaina

    Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/yannislobaina


    ____ FOLLOW ME!! ____


    Bitácora and Website: https://enlareddeltiempo.com/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/yannis_lobaina

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yannislobaina/

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Yannis-Lobaina/author/B0BDT3SJS3?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true


    ____ Where I buy books online! ____

    Support local, independent bookstores https://bookshop.org/shop/Lobaina_Yannis

  • How to navigate the art world with restraints. Guest artist Lyla Rye, appeared on my podcast "We Should Talk".

    Hello, Everyone!

    Happy Monday!

    Here's a fragment from my guest artist Lyla Rye, who appeared on my podcast "We Should Talk". During our conversation, we discussed “how navigating the art world with restraints helped us grow as artists and learn new things”... Thank you for listening, and please share with your friends if you enjoyed it. Listen to the Full video podcast here in my YouTube Chanel: https://youtu.be/0rqL2L7EeEE?si=AFXVf2toJ5jz3LGz

    I host and produce a bilingual (Spanish-English) podcast series called "We Should Talk". Our podcast covers a wide range of topics including life, language, motherhood, dreams, art, and success. We focus on interviewing female artists and discussing the creative process, creative business, career development, and inner work. If you're a creative person, our podcast is perfect for you!

    You can connect with Lyla Rye @lylaRye through the following links:




  • Embracing the Journey and Building Roots: We Should Talk Podcast by Yannis Lobaina, Guest is Lyla Rye (Mini episode 3.4.1).

    Good Morning, I’m so grateful, that my new Episode of the We Should Talk Podcast is Ready! My Guest is Lyla Rye. We had an amazing conversation! Thanks again, and please tell a few friends if you feel like it. Many Blessings,
    Listen here is available on all the online platforms.
    🎧✅Podcast: https://pod.link/1554565511
    Connect with LyLa Rye:
    #creativeprocess #creativebusiness #careerdevelopment #artistsupport ⁠ #careerpodcast #creativepeople #creativeminds #CreativesOfInstagram #spotifypodcast #podcaster #newpodcastepisode
    #keepgoing #keepmovingforward #collaborativeart #artistlife #ownvoices

  • We Should Talk Podcast By Yannis Lobaina Guest Lyla Rye.

    “We Should Talk” Series of Bilingual (Spanish -English) Podcast host and producer by Yannis Lobaina. We should talk about Life, Language, Motherhood, Dreams, Art, and Success.



    #creativeprocess #creativebusiness #careerchange #careerdevelopment #artistsupport ⁠ #innerwork #selfacceptance #careerpodcast #creativepeople #creativeminds #CreativesOfInstagram


    Lyla Rye is a Toronto-based artist who began her studies in architecture. She works in installation, sculpture, video and photography to explore our experience of architectural space. Rye studied at the University of Waterloo, York University and the San Francisco Art Institute. For over 30 years her work has been exhibited in galleries and screenings across Canada and internationally including New York, San Francisco, Adelaide, Auckland, Paris, and Berlin. She has exhibited at The Power Plant, The Whitney Museum of American Art, Prefix ICA, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, The Textile Museum of Canada and Olga Korper Gallery among others. She has worked in the public collections of the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, York University, Cadillac Fairview Corporation, The Tom Thomson Art Gallery, The Robert McLaughlin Gallery and as part of Ways of Something at The Whitney Museum of American Art, NY.

    Connect with LyLa Rye:




    About the Yannis:

    Yannis Lobaina is an award-winning artist from Cuba who currently resides in Toronto, ON. With over a decade of experience as a published author, creative visual storyteller, and art facilitator, Yannis boasts a diverse portfolio as a filmmaker, photographer, podcaster, and producer, offering a unique perspective on immigration, diaspora, and motherhood. Her excellent work ethic and passion for her craft have earned her numerous accolades, including being twice awarded the Toronto Arts Foundation's Space award for 2020-2022 and recognition from the Toronto Arts Council (2017, 2019) and Ontario Arts Council (2021). Yannis's current focus on minimalist photographic storytelling showcases her creativity and talent in capturing the fleeting moments and unusual beauty found in nature.

    Connect with Yannis:

    Instagram: / yannislobaina

    Bitácora and Website: https://enlareddeltiempo.com/

    Podcast: https://pod.link/1554565511


  • Invitation to my Upcoming events in October 2023

    #october #yannislobaina #communityevent#yannislobaina #october #communityevent I would love to invite you to these two Upcoming events in October.8, 9 Public activities.#yannislobaina #october #communityevent REGISTRATION HERE🌻https://culturedays.ca/en/events/68bd...🌻https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/brainstor...🌻Spread the word AND GOOD VIBES!🌻 Thanks, Gracias, Merci!🌻🌻🌻🌻SOCIAL MEDIA:https://lnkd.in/g5-3FeqNhttps://lnkd.in/eJAByT5lobaina1979.redbubble.comhttps://lnkd.in/gyMYBfp7https://lnkd.in/gSz3Xa4hhttps://lnkd.in/gT2ViFN7https://lnkd.in/d3Fm8nDRhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/yannis-lo...https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/5...https://www.flickr.com/photos/yannis_...https://yannis79.medium.com/https://linktr.ee/Yannislobaina