"Gettin Peggy Wit it" is an interview podcast where Peggy learns all about the things she already knows. She asks the hard hitting questions you never knew you needed answered (and probably didn't have the balls to ask). Interviewing today‘s "Broadway Stars", designers, and creative types alike, Peggy does as little research about her guests as possible. Listen as Peggy navigates the modern world with a 50's sensibility. Donning her saddle shoes and gingham dress, she will dive into the world of your favorite performers as only Peggy can. Listener discretion advised. *The views of Peggy are for sure not associated with anything or anyone at the Broadway Podcast Network, we aren't actually sure who gave her a microphone, but here we are. ENJOY!
Hello, and welcome to Monster Theatre: The Podcast. For 20 years the team of creators at Monster Theatre have been creating original plays and touring them to theatre across Canada, and now we’re bringing our work to the world. Our work is always inspired by history and mythology. We make comedies that excite intellectuals, histories that shock teenagers, and theatre for young audiences that makes adults roll on the floor laughing. Our mission is to tell stories that embody the way of the Monster; strange, twisted and bizarre on the outside, but always with a noble heart.
Each season will focus on a different story. For the first season, we present a radio play version of our tribute to the world's most famous mystery writer, Agatha Christie. We took every play and book that Agatha wrote and borrowed characters and storylines and plot twists, and recombined them into what you are about to hear. -
A lot of us grew up listening to CBS Radio Mystery Theater in the 70s and 80s. I started forcing my wife to listen to them, and she decided that we should make our own as a special for every holiday.
I've done everything I can to steal most of the music, commercials and news breaks. If you'd like to listen to real episodes of the show, go to my favorite site: https://cbsrmt.com/
Enjoy some modern Old Time Radio for adults. -
Very famous and frustratingly handsome comedians Nick Plackis and Blake Opper tackle the intricate, exhilarating, and downright treacherous world of Improv Comedy. Together they take on hot button issues like: "What is Improv," "Why is Improv," and "Am I the Annoying One On My Improv Team?" In answering these questions they also make discoveries about life, love, morality, and what is means if someone texts you "hey" with three y's.
TTRP Theater is a growing community of actors, artists, & gamers, that collaborate to present a wide array of unique & compelling stories to the world through a variety of styles using new media formats like live-streaming, podcasts, & video content creation. We are a diverse group who loves playing a diverse array of games in a diverse range of styles. We support beginning creators and allow them to grow and become great talents.
When Last I Left is an improvisational storytelling comedy podcast where the hosts don't know what the show will be about...but you do! Navigating through listener-submitted plot points and rules, Jenny Curtis, Chris Porter, Micky Shiloah, and Kuali'i Wittman have to make up a story on the spot that begins with a small social faux pas and ends in a major cataclysmic event. Laugh with them or at them while they desperately try to keep the narrative on track as it inevitably spins wildly out of their control! Oh, and there will be goats. Still don’t understand what’s going on? Neither do they...
From CurtCo Media -
"Absolutely not" to legitimately everything.....Comedian Heather McMahan creates a safe-space for us to tell-all and bitch about the rest. No topics are off-limits as we break down the everyday struggles of doing the most, and the least, at the same damn time. Come for the humor, authentic discussion or call in the Hotline or should we say "Absolutely NOT-Line" with your life complaints. We will discuss it all. It's a joyful take on life's craziest moments.