Joey Carroll and Jack Lynch are professional comedians and the founders of comics for recovery. Creating venues for people of addiction to attend comedy shows and have a night out without the access to imbibe.
The younger generation seems to be willing to give up some of their freedoms to guarantee others. That is absolutely the guaranteed way you will lose all of them.
Gen Z is living within a space and time where they are told one thing, but the reality of the world "Boomers" and Gen Xer's have left for them is something completely different. So what's the actual complaint?
Being a parent is hard. Being the parent your child needs is a better decision than being the parent your child wants.
Do not fall for the idea that anyone other than you care for the mind, body and soul of your children.
Our past matters too much to leave in Hollywood's highly fictionalized hands. Accuracy and entertainment can live side by side, with just a bit more effort from creators.
I love my kids so much that I am willing to watch them struggle to be great. If other parents feel that entropy is the way to live in their own home, then by all means learn to love the chaos it brings, for you and your children.
Texas is only asking for The Feds to uphold the laws of immigration. Seneca once said: For a Kingdom founded on injustices can never last. What greater injustice to the land than to poison its womb?
When we stop buying the laziness the product of DEI aspires to, then all of this racism will return to its normally scheduled programing. But for now, we are one nation under God divisible, with waning liberty and devalued justice for all.
Dating in today's world is missing the Punch in the face.
A short little podcast for a big little holiday.
Victory in war gets achieved through the complete capitulation of the enemy. How that gets achieved is how it gets achieved. There are no laws in war. Laws are there to prevent war. Law of war get enacted after the war and the smoke clears and blame can be assessed and exacted buy the world community. But that does notchange the outcome of the war.
Continued investments in both conventional and alternative fuels can satisfy diverse needs today while fostering innovation.
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