
  • Nick and Sarah dive deep into the upcoming general election and its implications on the property market, specifically focusing on the housing policies proposed by the main political parties in the UK.

    They discuss the policies of the Conservative Party and the Labour Party, highlighting the impact on property investors, and analyse the similarities and differences in the housing policies of the two major parties, emphasising the need for a long-term view in property investing amidst changing political landscapes.


    The Conservative and Labour parties have similar housing policies, focusing on building more homes and reforming the rental sector. However, the Conservatives are less biased towards tenants compared to Labour. The example of rent caps in Scotland highlights how poorly thought-out policies can lead to unintended consequences, such as a 30% increase in rents. This demonstrates the importance of understanding the market dynamics before implementing regulations. Property investing is a long-term wealth-building strategy that requires taking a 10 to 20-year view. By buying the right type of property and understanding the market, investors can ride out short-term fluctuations and policy changes. Property investors need to adapt to market changes and government policies. While it's essential to stay informed and react to new regulations, having a solid understanding of the fundamentals of property investing can help navigate uncertainties.


    "You can't officially change it I don't think. So many governments have tried to control housing, you can't, you have to let it just be as it is."

    "You've got to take a free market approach, you can't, so many governments have tried to control housing, you can't, you have to let it just be as it is."

    "It's a pity that the social housing market that is not the private part doesn't have to adhere to the same standards as the private rental sector."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

  • Sarah and Nick delve into the topic of inflation in the property market on their podcast episode, and discuss how inflation can actually be a friend to property investors.

    They emphasise the positive relationship between property and inflation, highlighting how inflation can lead to increased rental income and property values over time. By sharing their own experiences and insights, they aim to dispel common myths and fears surrounding inflation in the property industry.


    Don't fear inflation in property investment; it can lead to increased property values and rental income. Utilise leverage in property investment to benefit from inflation eroding the real value of debt. Stay informed about swap rates and mortgage rates to secure good fixed rates with your broker. Regularly review rents to ensure they align with market rates and wage inflation. Consider potential impacts of rent controls and government policies on the housing market.


    "I get a lot of questions about, oh, aren't you worried about high inflation? My answer is, I love it. Basically, my entire business and life plan almost depends on it."

    "It's very much a long-term strategy and it doesn't happen overnight. We are talking about years of holding portfolios."

    "But what it's also meant is that inflation is in the system now. And it was always going to happen if you look back at all the money that's pumped into the economy to keep it afloat during the last 10 years."

    "It's a win-win. It's you get the property, the inflation erodes the real value of the debt, your equity rises as the years go through."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • This time, we look into the world of property investment and explores the use of AI tools in property careers. Sarah and Nick talk about their personal experiences with AI in their property portfolios, including using AI for marketing, guest communications, and property location research. They highlight the time-saving benefits and creative structuring capabilities of AI tools, emphasising the importance of combining AI efficiency with boots-on-the-ground research and human interaction in property investing.


    Using AI tools like OpenAI and ChatGBT can help streamline tasks, create content, and provide valuable insights in a fraction of the time it would take manually.

    AI tools can help structure ideas, brainstorm content, and provide suggestions that can spark creativity and improve the quality of work.

    AI can provide valuable information and insights to help in making informed decisions, such as property investment locations, rental rates, and investment strategies.

    While AI can be a powerful tool, it is essential to remember that it does not replace the need for boots-on-the-ground research, talking to people, and taking action in property investment.

    Embracing AI tools, learning how to use them effectively, and continuously adapting to new technologies can help property investors stay ahead in the industry.


    "I think it's real powerful. Property investors are saving a load of time on things like marketing, like you described. But you can be really simple."

    "It's not going to help you implement it, haven't you? You've got to get off your bum, get out there."

    "I use it all the time. I use it now instead of Google. I don't really Google anything anymore."

    "Time efficiency is huge. And for me, in the hotel hospitality industry, the cost savings are immense."

    "Hopefully, for those who haven't tried using AI in their property business, or in any business, hopefully, we've inspired you to just go on and start that process."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

  • This week, the team talk about the reasons why people fail in property investment and how they can overcome these challenges. Caroline and Nick look into the importance of having a clear vision, seeking help from mentors, and prioritising property investment in one's life. They also discuss the need to embrace failure as a learning opportunity and to take action despite the fear of failure.


    Having a clear vision and understanding of why you are pursuing a goal is crucial to success in property investment. Acknowledging the need for assistance and building a strong network of mentors and professionals can accelerate progress and prevent costly mistakes. Embracing failure as a learning opportunity and understanding that it is a necessary part of growth can help individuals move forward and achieve their goals. Focusing on cash flow properties rather than getting distracted by other investment opportunities is essential for sustainable financial success. Taking consistent action, staying focused on the end goal, and persisting through challenges are key factors in achieving success in property investment.


    "I think the biggest mistake is attitude going in is, you know, I want to be wealthy now, rich now, well, okay, property probably isn't for you."

    "I love psychology. And I love like human studying human behaviour and why we do what we do and take the actions that we take."

    "Life can throw you curveballs and knock you off course."

    "I think that word failure, if you can reframe that in your mind, will help you as well to just take the baby steps."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

  • In this podcast episode, we talk to Dan, Director of Your Save Management, who shares his journey in the property industry, starting from his teenage years when he initially got into property investment.

    Dan discusses his experiences with various property strategies, including rent to HMO and service accommodation, and emphasises the importance of work ethic, integrity, and reputation in achieving long-term success in the industry.


    Building a strong reputation through honesty, integrity, and delivering on promises is crucial for long-term success in the property industry. Traits such as a strong work ethic, a willingness to do whatever it takes, and a focus on helping others are essential for success and longevity in the industry. Success in the industry comes from solving people's problems, which leads to long-term relationships and financial rewards. Your Stays offers comprehensive service accommodation management services to help property owners maximize income and reduce management headaches.


    “The biggest advice I'd give around that subject is that your first couple of years is so incredibly difficult to get off the ground if you're starting with very little capital."

    "I think the glory days of opening something up, chucking it on one of the portals and sitting back and watching that money roll in, that was a short time frame."

    "If you can solve someone's problem, then there's longevity in that and everything else will come along as a result of it."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

  • In this episode, Nick and Caroline delve into the topic of couples working together in business while maintaining romance.

    They discuss the importance of having a shared vision and goals as a couple, drawing from their own experiences in property investing. The conversation touches on the challenges of balancing work and romance, as well as strategies for communication and alignment in relationships where one partner may not be fully on board with the property business


    Maintaining a shared vision and goals as a couple is crucial for working together in business and keeping the romance alive. Communication dates, where couples set aside time to talk about feelings and personal matters, can help strengthen the relationship. Personality differences can complement each other in a partnership, leading to successful outcomes in property investing. It is possible to pursue property investing even if one partner is not actively involved, as long as there is support and alignment in the life plan. Networking and being part of a like-minded community can provide valuable support and guidance for individuals pursuing property investing on their own.


    "It's very challenging though to actually remain a married couple with the romance as well as all the business and talking vision and all of that stuff."

    "I think the message here is very clear that you can absolutely do this on your own, without your partner helping you or hindering you in some cases. And equally, you can get the partnership aligned, ultimately, if the vision is in the similar vein."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

  • In this podcast episode, Sarah Blaney and Nick Claydon discuss the importance of having a clear vision and taking action to achieve success in property investment and life. They share personal experiences and recommend books and podcasts that have influenced their mindset and approach to achieving their goals, highlighting the significance of setting non-negotiable goals, doing the necessary work (referred to as "doing the reps"), and seeking help and resources to accelerate progress


    Before making any changes or pursuing any goals, it is essential to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. Success comes from taking consistent action, doing the necessary work, and not expecting results to magically appear. Listening to podcasts and reading books can provide valuable insights, inspiration, and practical strategies for achieving success. Re-evaluate daily tasks and consider outsourcing to focus on strategic aspects of the business, working smarter rather than harder. Surrounding yourself with mentors and coaches can provide guidance, hold you accountable, and accelerate your progress towards your goals.


    "You have to know what it is you're trying to do, why you know, what are non-negotiables? How do you want things to change?“

    "I loved The Four by Scott Galloway. It really delves into Facebook, Amazon, Apple, and Google, and talks about their identity, their marketing, the way that they're run, and the very ethos of those companies."

    "It's about lifestyle. It's not about how many properties you got or what your portfolio looks like. It's about, you know, we have one life, it can be short, you know, things can happen. You've got to make the most of it."

    "So get the vision, do the reps, make the plan, get it done, do more reps."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

  • In this podcast episode, Sarah Blaney and Nick Claydon address questions from coaching clients, focusing on the importance of having a side hustle in addition to building a property portfolio. They emphasise the need for passion, skills, and monetization when choosing a side hustle and delve into the concept of resilience and how it plays a crucial role in overcoming setbacks in property investment


    Building resilience is crucial for success in property investing. It involves overcoming setbacks, staying focused on goals, and surrounding oneself with positive influences. When feeling stuck or overwhelmed, taking small, consistent actions like viewing properties, networking, and setting clear goals can help regain momentum and motivation. Setbacks are inevitable in property investing. It's important to reflect on past experiences, identify what worked, and use that knowledge to navigate through challenges. Connecting with the why behind property investing and having a clear vision of goals can help maintain focus and drive, especially during tough times. Surrounding oneself with a supportive network of mentors, peers, and like-minded individuals can provide valuable insights, guidance, and encouragement in times of difficulty.


    "You've got to find that fire and the passion for getting out and getting over all these obstacles, because I wish I could say there aren't any when you get more advanced, but you know, they just, the obstacles just get bigger."

    "Expect the worst but hope for the best. Yeah, that's probably a good mindset to go in with, you know, expect that things are going to go wrong. But sometimes they don't. That's okay."

    "You fall back on the experience of, well, when I felt like this last time, what did I do? And, you know, if it was okay, well, a funding problem, then what I did was I picked up the phone and spoke to XYZ and got more answers and more information which would help me through this."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

  • In this podcast episode, Caroline Claydon is joined by Andrea Carrington to discuss various aspects of the property industry during International Women's Month. Andrea shares insights into her property business, including buying properties for herself and sourcing deals for clients. She talks about the challenges and successes she faces in the market, particularly focusing on HMOs and social housing. The conversation also delves into the timeframes for securing deals, the importance of building relationships with builders, and the challenges faced by women in a male-dominated industry


    Consider starting with buy-to-lets before moving into social housing or HMOs to build a strong foundation for your property investment journey. Embrace a mindset of confidence and assertiveness to navigate through challenges in a male-dominated industry, such as dealing with old-school landlords or patronising builders. Don't hesitate to leverage the support of others, whether it's finding a safe person to accompany you to meetings or seeking advice and encouragement from experienced investors. Focus on changing the internal dialogue to boost confidence and overcome self-doubt, remembering that growth comes from stepping out of your comfort zone.


    "I'm getting calls pretty much every day from different charities asking if I've got some stock for them, because there just isn't enough."

    "I love the viewings, I love the hustle, I love the networking, I love all of the aspects. Because I just, it's just my thing."

    "I think possibly leveraging off someone else time or space or whatever it is that you need. I think that's why yesterday I met that one of our students when she was like, because she's doing it on her own."

    "Last week, I can't, you know, I'm not good at raising money. You won't be because you've just told yourself you're not."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

  • In this podcast episode, Caroline Claydon is joined by property investor Jordan Kynoch, who shares the details of a successful flip he recently completed. Jordan discusses the strategic decisions and challenges he faced while turning around a distressed property in a village between Perth and Dundee


    Jordan's property flip resulted in a profit of over 80,000 pounds, exceeding his target and showcasing the potential for success even in a challenging market. Jordan's ability to secure off-market deals highlights the importance of networking and leveraging contacts in the industry to find lucrative opportunities. Listing the property during the Christmas period, typically considered a slow time in the market, proved to be a smart move as it attracted serious buyers and led to a quick sale. While the primary goal was a flip, Jordan had a secondary exit strategy in place, considering the option of renting the property if needed, showcasing the importance of having backup plans.


    "I was aiming at least doing, trying to get at least 40 grand across from the flips."

    "It's a really exciting time and it's hard for people to understand how much opportunities are out there when you read the media, right?"

    "I bought it off market again and I've not touched it. I'm putting it back on to sell it straight away because I bought it at such a good price."

    "I always like to do something a bit different to the norm, because it means that you've got that extra step ahead and you've got that jumpstart."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.

    James D’Souza started investing in property from a young age and now owns a significant portfolio of buy-to-let properties, professional HMO’s and commercial developments. Whilst actively growing his own property business, James helps countless other people start and scale their own property journey.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

  • In this podcast episode, James Horgan shares his journey in property investment, from dabbling in different property types to scaling up to larger projects. He discusses his recent ventures, including a hotel conversion and a commercial to residential development.

    James emphasises the importance of having a clear vision, taking consistent action, and building resilience in the face of challenges


    Focus on long-term investment: The importance of considering ongoing maintenance and refurbishment costs to maintain property value is emphasised. Emphasise preparation: Listeners are urged to calculate and prepare for future refurbishment costs to avoid financial surprises. Practical advice: The episode provides practical suggestions for mitigating refurbishment expenses, offering actionable steps for investors. Always consider the implications of maintenance in your investment strategies.


    "I think it's just about immersing yourself and taking action. It's not difficult, but it does require discipline, persistence, and resilience."

    "It's just a question of having that vision of where you want to be and then taking action towards it. It sounds simple, but I know it's not easy."

    "I'm doing this to create my own autonomy in my life. I want to make the most out of those future days, months, years, hopefully with my new family."

    "I enjoy it. It's so rewarding. Overcoming these problems and challenges and seeing the results and the people that you work with, the relationships are so real and tangible."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.

    James D’Souza started investing in property from a young age and now owns a significant portfolio of buy-to-let properties, professional HMO’s and commercial developments. Whilst actively growing his own property business, James helps countless other people start and scale their own property journey.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

    James Email: [email protected]

    James Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-d-souza-552342104/

  • Sarah Blaney interviews Thomas Landen, the CMO of RoomPrice Genie, a pricing automation system for hotels and short-stay rentals. Thomas discusses the global reach of their company, which is based in Amsterdam but operates remotely with teams all over the world. He explains how RoomPrice Genie helps hotels optimise their prices based on market demand, competition, and internal factors.

    Thomas also shares insights on the current state of the hotel industry, the growing trend of dynamic pricing, and the blurring lines between hotels and apartments.


    RoomPrice Genie is a pricing automation system that helps hotels, apartments, and short-stay rentals optimise their prices based on market demand, internal factors, and competition. The rise of digital nomads and remote workers is a growing trend in the industry, leading to an increased demand for flexible accommodations like apartments. The line between hotels and apartments is blurring, with new concepts emerging that offer a mix of hotel-like services and apartment-style accommodations. Technology plays a significant role in the industry, making it easier for operators to manage their properties remotely and provide a seamless guest experience. However, the personal touch and hospitality are still crucial for guest satisfaction.


    “I'm always a little disappointed by the whole tech forward companies."

    "We must remember that this is a hospitality industry and being a host is one of the most important things, not necessarily always in person, but the experience that you give."

    "And I think there's the frustration of like going to a chatbot and just talking to a robot and not going anywhere is worse than anything you can... Yeah, that's not a place where we should focus on."

    "And that is always what makes and breaks his day, in my opinion."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.

    James D’Souza started investing in property from a young age and now owns a significant portfolio of buy-to-let properties, professional HMO’s and commercial developments. Whilst actively growing his own property business, James helps countless other people start and scale their own property journey.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

    James Email: [email protected]

    James Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-d-souza-552342104/

  • Caroline Claydon and Sarah Blaney discuss various questions and topics related to property investment and management, covering issues such as handling auctions, dealing with severe down valuations from lenders, valuing HMOs, regulations in the serviced accommodation market, and window furnishings for rental properties.

    Caroline also shares updates on her upcoming co-working space projects and the challenges of securing financing for unique ventures.


    When participating in auctions, it is important to have the necessary deposit money ready for each lot you bid on. If you lose the bid, the money will be redeposited back into your account. If you experience a severe down valuation from a lender, contesting it may not be successful. It is often more effective to start a new finance process with a different lender that uses a different surveyor. Valuing an HMO can vary depending on location, lender, and other factors. It is important to consult with other landlords in the area and work closely with your broker to understand the valuation process. When dealing with a property that has a strong odour, using bicarbonate of soda and vinegar can help remove the smell


    "There are enough deals to be had under normal buying conditions where you don't need to have those deposits sat there."

    "I think take a step back and make sure that you're really talking to your broker. Try a couple of different brokers."

    "I think people often ask when it's your first one and you don't have a recipe of what you did last time."

    "I think it's just being a little bit more flexible, I guess. And that's one thing about being a small operator."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.

    James D’Souza started investing in property from a young age and now owns a significant portfolio of buy-to-let properties, professional HMO’s and commercial developments. Whilst actively growing his own property business, James helps countless other people start and scale their own property journey.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

    James Email: [email protected]

    James Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-d-souza-552342104/

  • Nick Claydon talks to Danny, and Katie, who discuss their journey in the property industry, reflecting particularly on their initial meeting and mentorship, as well as the challenges they faced, including personal and relationship changes.

    Despite these obstacles, they remained positive and committed to their goals, and here they share how they pivoted their strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic and successfully raised a million pounds in private finance, as well as their approach to scaling their portfolio, including buying 12 houses in 12 months!


    There is always a need to adapt and pivot quickly in order to overcome challenges and continue moving forward. By being authentic and sharing their journey, Katie and Danny were able to attract investors who believed in their vision and wanted to be a part of their success. When it comes to working with spouses or partners, Danny and Katie stress the significance of being on the same page and working together towards a common vision. Problem-solving is a key attribute of a successful property investor. We need to navigate challenges, find solutions, and overcome obstacles that arise throughout the investing journey.


    "We're trying to break through and are breaking through that sort of generational wealth, glass ceiling, if you like."

    "We've raised a million pounds and bought 12 houses in 2021."

    "We stopped raising money for a little while because we thought we've actually got this all lined up and it's comfortable."

    "Don't stop, just keep doing it all the time, whether you think you need it or not, because the likelihood is you will."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.

    James D’Souza started investing in property from a young age and now owns a significant portfolio of buy-to-let properties, professional HMO’s and commercial developments. Whilst actively growing his own property business, James helps countless other people start and scale their own property journey.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

    James Email: [email protected]

    James Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-d-souza-552342104/

  • Sarah Blaney interviews Nick Claydon about the many challenges faced when a project nears completion, including the importance of marketing and building relationships with local businesses, as well as the frustrations of dealing with utilities and infrastructure.


    Start early and be proactive in dealing with utilities and infrastructure when launching a project. There’s huge value in networking and being part of a community of like-minded individuals in the property industry. There’s a great need to retain control and stay involved in important aspects of the project, rather than outsourcing everything to others. There are benefits to be found in marketing and collaboration with local businesses to enhance the guest experience and attract customers.


    "Anything relating to public sector interaction is a challenge, I think. And you have to build in extra time, and a lot of extra time, I think, to deal with that."

    "So yeah, it's all good fun doing that. I like that angle, that part of it”

    "When you're doing a big project like a hotel or like a co-working space, where you know you have a wide audience at the end who can use your service, the other thing that it's not a challenge, it's just part of the process is…"

    "When you're working on a big project which does need these infrastructures put in, it's something that, whilst you can say, oh, I've allowed eight months for this, it's one of those things where it can astound you how long it can take."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.

    James D’Souza started investing in property from a young age and now owns a significant portfolio of buy-to-let properties, professional HMO’s and commercial developments. Whilst actively growing his own property business, James helps countless other people start and scale their own property journey.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

    James Email: [email protected]

    James Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-d-souza-552342104/

  • Nick Claydon talks to Babs Elscome, who shares her journey into property investing and how she overcame challenges along the way. As someone who works in risk management, Babs initially struggled with the idea of investing in property. However, her desire for more time with her daughter and the tangible nature of property led her to take the leap. Babs discusses her first property deal, a block of flats in Morecambe, and how she has since expanded her portfolio through creative financing and finding angel investors.


    Babs initially had reservations about approaching family and friends for investment, but she learned to overcome this block by networking with professionals and building trust with potential investors. Babs demonstrated persistence in finding opportunities, such as writing a letter to a vendor and reaching out to potential investors on social media. This persistence led to successful deals and partnerships. You can never underestimate the importance of building relationships based on trust and likability. By establishing trust and rapport with potential investors, Barbara was able to secure funding for her projects. There is a need for ongoing learning and development in the property industry. Barbara sought out coaching and mentorship, which helped her expand her knowledge and skills, enabling her to tackle more complex projects and overcome obstacles.


    "But yeah, I think it was a, I'd been a bit accidental landlord a few years before and sold at a loss and just kind of thought, yeah, I just didn't know what I was doing."

    "So yeah, I think it was just the training and Caroline and realising that I was in a pain point."

    "So, OK, so tell us a little bit about, you know, you came on some training and you got started. I know you got started straight away. You kind of got the spark, didn't you?"

    "So, um, yeah, I think, I think cause it was always still that, you know, tenancies and the properties that were already had in the background. And then, um, yeah, I think it was just, uh, yeah, I really enjoy property."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem

    To enter the competition, make sure you follow or subscribe to the podcast and leave a review, LIKE the Property Wealth System page on Facebook (SEE LINK BELOW), and then TAG 3 friends on the competition post you'll find there!


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.

    James D’Souza started investing in property from a young age and now owns a significant portfolio of buy-to-let properties, professional HMO’s and commercial developments. Whilst actively growing his own property business, James helps countless other people start and scale their own property journey.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

    James Email: [email protected]

    James Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-d-souza-552342104/

  • Sarah Blaney interviews James Horgan, a seasoned investor who successfully manages a full-time job, a young family, and investments in both in and out of his local area. James shares his focus on investing in Wales, discussing the strong demand for rental housing and the unique opportunities and challenges presented by the Welsh government's regulations.

    He also talks about his latest project, a closed hotel that he plans to convert into a smart hotel/apart hotel, catering to mountain bikers and tourists visiting the Brecon area. James emphasises the importance of discipline, maintaining a full pipeline of deals, and leveraging a team as key behaviours for property investors.


    Keeping a full pipeline of deals is a key behaviour that James highlights. He stresses the importance of continuously searching for new opportunities and not becoming complacent with current projects. Leveraging a team is essential for success in property investing. There is great value to be found in building relationships and working with others who can contribute their expertise and skills to different aspects of the business. One must never believe that can do it all. It’s crucial to seek help and support from others when we need it. "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki is a transformative book that focusses on developing an investment mindset and understanding money. Jamese also mentions other resources such as podcasts, YouTube channels, and property magazines that provide valuable information and updates on the industry.


    "There’s a wave of new compliance and regulation at the moment for buy select."

    "It enables you to bring a bit of creativity to a deal, doesn't it? And looking at the problem creatively”

    "Dismantling my ego has been the most valuable thing I've done as an individual."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem

    To enter the competition, make sure you follow or subscribe to the podcast and leave a review, LIKE the Property Wealth System page on Facebook (SEE LINK BELOW), and then TAG 3 friends on the competition post you'll find there!


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only in the last 12 years that she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.

    James D’Souza started investing in property from a young age and now owns a significant portfolio of buy-to-let properties, professional HMO’s and commercial developments. Whilst actively growing his own property business, James helps countless other people start and scale their own property journey.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

    James Email: [email protected]

    James Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-d-souza-552342104/

  • Sarah Blaney interviews Ken Riley, a property investor based in York, who shares his journey in property investing, starting from his initial property purchase in 2007 to his decision to pursue property investing seriously three years ago.

    He discusses the challenges he faced, including the shiny penny syndrome and the importance of focusing on a specific strategy and area. Ken also emphasises the importance of honesty, being true to oneself, and building strong relationships with investors and tenants.


    Focus on consistency and mastering a few key strategies rather than trying to do everything mediocrely. This will lead to better results and success in the long run. Be honest and transparent in your dealings with others, whether it's investors, tenants, or business partners. Building trust and maintaining integrity is crucial in the property investing business. Be yourself and play to your strengths. Trying to be someone you're not or taking on tasks that you're not good at will only lead to frustration and inefficiency. Focus on what you excel at and find ways to leverage your strengths. Leverage other people's money and explore different funding options. Don't be afraid to take on investors or seek out creative financing solutions to fund your property investments. This can help you scale your business and achieve your financial goals faster.


    "I was a property investor. I thought I knew it all back then because I had the one property, right?"

    "I just focused on one thing, which was buy-to-lets in my home area. And then once I'd done a couple of them, I started looking at HMOs."

    "I just think you just gotta be fair. Some of these people, you know, just treated unfairly from a lot of rogue landlords. And I just don't want to be known as one of those."

    "I think, you know, if you're just getting started, look at the strengths you have, write all the things you want to achieve down and then manipulate them."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem

    To enter the competition, make sure you follow or subscribe to the podcast and leave a review, LIKE the Property Wealth System page on Facebook (SEE LINK BELOW), and then TAG 3 friends on the competition post you'll find there!


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.

    James D’Souza started investing in property from a young age and now owns a significant portfolio of buy-to-let properties, professional HMO’s and commercial developments. Whilst actively growing his own property business, James helps countless other people start and scale their own property journey.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

    James Email: [email protected]

    James Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-d-souza-552342104/

  • Nick and Caroline Claydon discuss the difference between a mentor and a coach in the context of property investing, and share their experiences as mentors, including stories of helping students overcome blocks and achieve their goals


    A mentor is someone who has been successful in a specific field and can guide and lead others through their own process, while a coach helps individuals draw out their own answers and focuses on accountability. A mentor provides intensive guidance and support, typically through a two-day intensive program in the field. They help students overcome blocks, take action, and learn from their mentor's experience. Mentoring sessions often involve deep dives into the goals and vision of the mentee. It is crucial for couples or partners to align their strategies and life plans to avoid conflicts and ensure a successful partnership. Mentoring sessions help students overcome various blocks and fears, such as fear of taking action, fear of speaking to agents, imposter syndrome, and fear of money. Mentors provide guidance and support to help students push through these obstacles.


    "A mentor is someone that has by necessity been there and done what you're looking to do."

    "Money won't come if you don't have a deal to start with."

    "I love mentoring people. I like to help people. I like to see the moment when they get it."

    "A mentor should be completely independent."


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem

    To enter the competition, make sure you follow or subscribe to the podcast and leave a review, LIKE the Property Wealth System page on Facebook (SEE LINK BELOW), and then TAG 3 friends on the competition post you'll find there!


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.

    James D’Souza started investing in property from a young age and now owns a significant portfolio of buy-to-let properties, professional HMO’s and commercial developments. Whilst actively growing his own property business, James helps countless other people start and scale their own property journey.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

    James Email: [email protected]

    James Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-d-souza-552342104/

  • Nick Claydon and Sarah Blaney discuss the importance of having a strong "why" in property investing, and share their own personal reasons for getting started in property and how their motivations have evolved over time.

    They also highlight three key behaviours of successful property investors, including persistence, following the advice of experienced investors, and overcoming assumptions about money, and why it’s vital to celebrate your wins along the way!


    Having a strong "why" is crucial in property investing. It provides motivation and helps overcome obstacles. Three key behaviours of a successful property investor are resilience, not taking things personally, and finding enjoyment in the process. It is important to listen to and follow the advice of experienced property investors who have achieved success. Raising money for investments is not as difficult as it may seem, and it is important to remove assumptions and approach potential investors with confidence. Celebrating success along the way is important to acknowledge achievements and stay motivated in the property investing journey.


    "If you're not connected with your why, when something tries to derail you, it's easier to give up."

    "Persistence is one of the most important things. Keep turning up every day, keep taking action."

    "Don't take things personally. In this business, you will meet lots of big personalities”

    "Follow advice of people who've been there and done it before. Why make the same mistakes that you know someone else has made?"


    This Property Life - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/this-property-life-podcast/id1540075591

    Property Wealth System YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/PropertyWealthSystem

    To enter the competition, make sure you follow or subscribe to the podcast and leave a review, LIKE the Property Wealth System page on Facebook (SEE LINK BELOW), and then TAG 3 friends on the competition post you'll find there!


    This Property Life is hosted by the team at Property Wealth System. We are a collective of experienced active investors passionate about all things property.

    Caroline Claydon Caroline Claydon has over 22 years experience in investing in property but it’s only the last 12 years she’s operated as a professional investor. Her and her husband have built their portfolio throughout the UK covering strategies from buy to let’s, social housing, HMOs, developments and more recently a hotel. She has travelled the world training people for the last 10 years on how to invest, scale and accelerate their UK property businesses regardless of where they are based. Caroline loves helping people reach their full potential by changing their mindsets to money, debt, property and investing.

    James D’Souza started investing in property from a young age and now owns a significant portfolio of buy-to-let properties, professional HMO’s and commercial developments. Whilst actively growing his own property business, James helps countless other people start and scale their own property journey.


    You can join Caroline and James along with a whole host of other like-minded investors in the Property Wealth System Facebook Community:


    Caroline Email: [email protected]

    Caroline Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-claydon-property/

    James Email: [email protected]

    James Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-d-souza-552342104/