Hey Til Death Do Us Recappers ~ we have returned for one final episode recapping MAFS NASHVILLE, and we're covering Reunion Part 1 and 2! Surprise surprise, things were a bit anticlimactic and overwrought. We still have plenty to talk about, though. Jasmine came with the right energy, and we were here for it. Nicole and Chris are living happily ever after. Dominique was on our screens for way too long. And the MIXED MESSAGES Award goes to SHAQUILLE. He regrets his choice which was made for a million reasons and a prophet we're barely going to gloss over, but he will try to work on getting back with her but cannot say concretely he wants her back right now and will do anything. It's giving.... "I'm being pressured on national TV and have no intention of being w/ Kirsten after this." Which is really shitty for Kirsten. There is so much to discuss so let's get into it!
P.S. We'll be on hiatus until MAFS Denver starts airing, so go back and catch up on some old seasons of our show! Share us with your friends! Enjoy your summer!
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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Amazing how less climactic a season finale hits when the audience has been ready for it for a whole month. *SIDE EYE* Look, as predicted, Married at First Sight Nashville Season Finale (episode 23) was a lot of produced nonsense, with a side of audacity and absurdity. Why are the two people who lasted 11 days suddenly main characters on our televisions? Why does Shaquille feel entitled to Kirsten's friendship and vulnerability when he just asked her for a divorce on national television? Why did Dom think Gil would be impressed by her #MAFSexperience? It's all giving *AUDACI-TEA*
Join us as we rant and we rave on MAFS Season 16 for one of the last times!
*Reminder, we'll be off for a couple of weeks. We'll be back to cover Reunion Part 1 & 2 in one final episode!
ALSO, do you have a current romantic conundrum you want us to weigh in on? Email us at tildeathdousrecap@gmail.com ~ we'll give you our two cents and keep your name out of it!!
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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Oy, friends, where to begin with Married at First Sight Nashville episode 21 & 22? We laugh a whole lot in this week's episode but... what are we REALLY covering? Because aside from Shaq dumping Kirsten, and Jasmine getting her groove back, everything feels like highly produced, frivolous, fluff! That said, there are plenty of golden moments to dissect and WTFs to scream - be it Dominyque eating AT everyone at the group dinner, Clint describing his recent release as a NASA launch, Gina & Mack's pointless date, the list goes on and we keep it under an hour. Get to listening! :)
ALSO, do you have a current romantic conundrum you want us to weigh in on? Email us at tildeathdousrecap@gmail.com ~ we'll give you our two cents and keep your name out of it!!
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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Can you believe we're here? Can you also believe that there are somehow 6 more episodes of this season? We can't either. First things first, we have to apologize for the sound issues this week. Tim's mic was in and out so hopefully that isn't too distracting for you. We finally have some decisions, folks! Married at First Sight Season 16 episode 20 gave us final decisions on 3/4 of our couples, and although there weren't many surprises per se', we still have PLENTY to dissect and LOL about. Join us!
ALSO, do you have a current romantic conundrum you want us to weigh in on? Email us at tildeathdousrecap@gmail.com ~ we'll give you our two cents and keep your name out of it!!
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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Intro Song: Don't Go Home - Pet Dress
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WE DID IT! WE REALLY DID IT! We made it through what was often a slog of a season and Decision Day is finally upon us. Married at First Sight Season 16 episode 19 brought us last ditch efforts that felt like too little too late for most. Mack is still scheming and dreaming of a future with Gina and thinks he's fooling us. A kayak ride and some words aren't gonna save Airris and Jasmine no matter what the experts try and convince us. Shaquille is still ruminating on grievances from the week before and somehow Pastor Cal is calling them a power couple. HUH? Stop blowing smoke up THEIR asses AND ours, plz! We have some final guesses for these couples on Decision Day. Let's get into it!
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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Holy Moly, people. Married at First Sight Season 16 episode 18 brought us some audacity of the highest order. We're not sure what made us roll our eyes more: Mack pretending he cares about Clint when he really is just trying to snag Clint’s wife, Shaq acting baffled by Kirsten needing more connection after seeing that overhead cam footage, or Pastor Cal & Dr. Pep acting shocked that Gina and Clint could be saved by watching a movie. Also, remind us when Airris earned that pole dance? We are counting down the days til everyone gets REAL real, but we have plenty to laugh about along the way! Join us.
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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Okay ya'll, this week we are keeping it short and sweet and to the point. Let's be honest, the best things to come out of Married at First Sight Season 16 episode 17, were the LOLs over cringey moments like the saloon/wench role play, Clint on the verge of hurling, and a Dinosaur-dress-up pressure campaign. Outside of Airris' shock at missing someone, and Clint's bombshell about "off-camera Gina" vs. "on-camera Gina" on Afterparty, we didn't get a whole lot of new info! We're in the 9th inning of this wild and often arduous ride folks - we know we can make it to the end together!! Join us : )
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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We are only 9 days from Decision Day, friends, and this Couple's Retreat was a welcome way to break up the monotony. And even so, not a whole lot HAPPENED in Married at First Sight Season 16 episode 16. We're used to couples in the throws of big tensions and potential fights by now, and instead we've got more matter of fact discussion of the same problems they've all been talking about for most of the season. Our biggest shocker was Airris being crowned king. Our biggest question marks at this point are who, if anyone, will say yes on D-Day, in spite of not knowing whether this person is "the one". Based on some things said we might have wildcards in both Airris & Jasmine and Clint & Gina. There's also some growth to be discussed, as well as some LOLs. Let's get into it!
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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Hey there! We took a week off and let's be honest... we didn't miss a whole lot. Married at First Sight Season 16 episode 14 AND 15 reminded us of one thing - most of these couples are just too.far.gone. All the emergency therapy sessions in the world won't save these couples from themselves 12 days before Decision Day, and it's honestly getting hard to watch! Kirsten and Shaquille can't properly communicate with each other ... but at least they're having sex? Airris keeps screwing the pooch and Jasmine has had enough - WHY didn't they throw in the towel when Dr. Pep gave them the out? Clint and Gina couldn't be CLEARER that they don't ever intend to kiss let alone make love. It's just...more of the same. Praise be for couple's retreat next week.
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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Okay friends, this week's assignment on Married at First Sight Season 16 episode 13, was for the couples to dig deeper. To talk about childhood and reflect on how it makes them who they are today, as individuals, and in relationship. The thing is, we're worried the dynamics are stuck in second gear for... most of these couples. And a letter to your childhood self is just not gonna cut it here. Kirsten has Shaq on a see-saw, and the expectations are getting to be too much to keep up with. Airris is finally ready to bare his soul and Jasmine can't quite reciprocate (which has everything to do with him not having established any trust or safety up until now.) Clint and Gina are stuck firmly in the friend zone.... we're just not sure if these couples have a chance at going the distance. Let's talk about it!
*Don't miss special scoop from a cast member who reached out this week!
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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Hey folks, better late than never, right? Think of our recap this week as the perfectly timed refresher before we head into episode 13 of Married at First Sight, Season 16. Right out of the gate, we address the controversy over Crust as a metaphor for love. Leave it to a pizza savant to throw us for a loop as we realize maybe too many of us have been imagining the crust of a sourdough boule', when really we should have been visualizing a piece of pizza. Did the couples go as deep as this epiphany?! You're going to have to listen to find out what we think...
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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Okay people, Married at First Sight Season 16 episode 11 was Montheversary week. And we're not feeling so hopeful for anyone other than Chris and Nicole. Kirsten keeps moving the goalpost for what Shaq needs to do so that SHE can open up, and is taking little to no responsibility. Shaquille is getting tired of it and we are too. Surprise surprise, Airris had no contribution of value to his depressing montheversary date OR the group dinner. We started feeling hopeful for Clint and Gina only to remember there is tape of him kissing Domynique in the future. WTF. 4 more weeks of this?! Something has gotta give if we're gonna get to any crust. SOS - SEND THERAPISTS, Lifetime!
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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On Married at First Sight Season 16 episode 10 this past week, our couples are in week 3 of their marriages and trying to go deeper. Well, some of them are. Airris gives Jasmine a mediocre care taking grade after she MADE HIM SOUP FROM SCRATCH, and decides the deepest he wants to go is finding out if Jasmine has had orgies or cheated on people like him... all while PLAYING NEVER HAVE I EVER COMPLETELY INCORRECTLY. AND shaming her. Chris puts a big foot in his mouth and Nicole is anxiously awaiting, "I love you." Shaq and Kirsten are Bickery Betties and when he tries to go deeper she freezes. And Clint and Gina are BUSY BEES. Do we smell hope here?
All of this and so much more on this week's episode!
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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We are officially in the thick of it, folks. Married at First Sight Season 16 episode 9 brought some closer together, and some so far apart they've left the building. BUT FIRST, it must be said, we have had our SECOND MAFS Season 16 cast member slide into our DMs to share that they are pod listeners, AND expound a little on their perspective from past episodes. Listen here to find out who ;) We have a divorce. We have housewarming parties. We have a group meet up. Some bonds are growing stronger, and some bonds are withering. We have MUCH to discuss here.
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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Intro Song: Don't Go Home - Pet Dress
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Okay folks, Married at First Sight Season 16 episode 8 brought with it plenty of drama for us to dissect. Our cast is back home and the fantasy bubbles have popped. We were surprised to see how many of them were willing to defy the basic stucture and requirements of this social experiment. It's looking like two couples will not be moving in together at all, and one couple is already making future plans to live separately after the experiment. WTF is going on?! All of this and so much more. Let's get into it!
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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Married at First Sight Season 16 episode 7 wrapped up honeymoon time and takes us right into move-ins. Ginger-Gate shockingly resolves itself, and our biggest stressors are where Chris & Nicole's dogs will go, Mack and Dom's continual misunderstandings, and Airris being... Airris. Afterparty can not be slept on, as there's always at least one big nugget reveal. This week did not disappoint, and it appears Jasmine and Airris are up against much more than the episode let on. #InstagramDrama #AirrisisaHoe Let's talk about it!
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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Married at First Sight Season 16 episode 6 kicked it all up a notch this week!!! The group is coming together and things are getting more chaotic. If we have to hear the phrase back-break around sexual intercourse again, we're leaving. Where does Airris get off thinking he is a 12 for anyone right now? Same thoughts go for Cantankerous Clint. Mack and Dom seem doomed, Shaquille probably doesn't stand a chance with NFK (No Fun Kirsten) since she keeps moving the goal post, and the phrase "I specialize in redheads" is forever seared in our hearts and minds. We have MUCH to discuss. Join us!
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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Okay friends, we are finally in the juicy zone this week with Married at First Sight, Season 16 episode 5. These couples are thrust right into focused, quality one-on-one time and the results are.... mixed. Airris seems to be treating the experience like he's still just trying to pick someone up at the bar. And he can't stop BACON SHAMING Jasmine or asking to be fed. We're over it. Clint and Gina are awk and Gina might have sped up their demise with her attraction comments. Mackinley thinks he's hilarious and.... he's objectively not. Awkwardness abounds and we have lots to say about it. Join us!
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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Intro Song: Don't Go Home - Pet Dress
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Friends, we have made it. This week of Married at First Sight Season 16 episode 4 was our final step in the long ass journey we have been on to get to what we like to call... THE REAL JUICY STUFF (aka honeymoons, moving in, when the real shit goes down). We finish wedding night, witness everyone's morning glow, and watch everyone get varying levels of grilled by their new spouse's family. What in the hell happens between this day of Clint and Gina absolutely gushing over each other, and the dreaded douchey upcoming convo where Clint tells the group he's not attracted to Gina's body type?? Why couldn't Mackinley's mom just TRY to be warm towards Domynique out of basic human decency? What is actually going on in Kirsten's head when one minute she seems smitten with Shaquille and the next, revolted? Why was Airris so serious when he asked to be served grapes? The questions.abound. Join us for another week of ranting, raving, and LOLing!
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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Okay folks, we are back this week BURSTING with opinions about our latest episode of Married at First Sight Season 16. We were downloading information left and right this week, between things our cast members said about themselves, things they didn't, things their friends and family said about them, etc etc! We almost let ourselves get worried and sympathetic towards Airris and his animal shelter future, and then he went and said "Get on your knees." Clint thought he said something cute when he said "I've been searching for Mrs. Perfect for years" and we are here to beg to differ. Mackinley's mom was cold as ice towards Domynique, and the jury is still out on how old her soul *really is*. There's so much more to discuss. Join us!
Instagram/Tiktok: @tildeathdousrecap
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Intro Song: Don't Go Home - Pet Dress
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