@sam_gilbert_360 -
In this episode Sam speaks to Japanese fitness industry legend Chuck Wilson about his remarkable journey, his lifelong quest to help people improve their lives, and his views and experience with the Japanese medical system.
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The Tokyo Living Podcast is hosted by Sam Gilbert https://www.instagram.com/sam_gilbert_360/
And proudly brought to you by:
Club 360 - changing lives through health and fitness
Elana jade - your oasis in the heart of Tokyo -
Weight loss drugs such as ozempic and mounjaro have gathered a lot of popularity in the last few years. In this episode, our resident physician Dr Tom Lomax is back on the show to provide an update on his experience prescribing these medications, the differences between the new drugs, and the importance of maintaining exercise and activity during treatment.
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To register for our FREE webinar on children's nutrition on October 2nd at 7pm, sign up via the link below:
https://www.club360.jp/event-details/the-basics-of-childrens-nutrition-free-webinar-by-club-360 -
On this episode our resident physician Dr Tom Lomax is back on the show to discuss the science, treatment and testing recommendations for prostate cancer
On this episode of the injury edition, Sam discusses the topic of running footwear.
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On this episode of the injury edition, Sam discusses the topic of sports related concussion.
On this episode dietician Victoria Lindsay is back on the show to discuss artificial sweeteners, with a specific focus on aspartame, which has recently be controversially reclassified by the world health organisation.
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In this clip I address a common diagnostic label in Japan, the "flat" or "straight" neck. WE discuss whether this is actually problematic and it is something that should be addressed.
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