This is part 2 of the Cold Deep Sleep, or the story of Chuck Ditlefsen's disappearance.
Things get murky from this point on, but major questions are raised, and a few theories emerge about what happened to Chuck.
Were you one of those kids that dabbled with a Ouija board?
Told ghost stories around the campfire, or tried to spook your friends with tall tales of a bogey man under the bed?
Did you try to trade your soul with the devil for some riches or super power?
If you were like me, I'm sure you did.
Most people grow out of this phase at some point. They get a hold of themselves and their senses and abandon the juvenile supernatural.
In Thailand, ghosts and the world of spirits is for most just as real as my voice that you hear in your headphones now.
Mostly, that belief is harmless. Red fanta offerings to spirit houses, strings of talismans for safe travel, and the like.
But cross that belief with maliciousness, the thirst for power, jealousy, drugs, and mental illness, and you're holding a potent brew that I call "Thai Black Magic & Murder"
Expat Beef
"As time goes by, an eye for an eye, we in this together son your beef is mine."
Topics for this podcast:
Somebody has it out for me
Thailand's reputation for nasty expats
The Tripadvisor defamation case from the islands
Richard Barrow love/hate
Reposting lifted content
Sexpats, twat-packers, Cheap Charlies, broke teachers
Future crime podcasts: black magic murders, Chuck, Chinese triads, expat disappearances, Golden Triangle narcotics
The Cold Deep Sleep: A Fresh Look at the Murder of Charles E. Ditlefsen and the Crimes of Herbert Craig La Fon
The first write-up of this story I did in Jan. 2021 can be found here: https://truecrimethailand.substack.com/p/the-cold-deep-sleep-charles-e-ditlefsen
It has links, sources, photos, and more.
A murder-mystery for the ages landed in the laps of Thailand's expats in 2016: a frozen chopped up body; passport forgery gangs; and a man who claimed he was CIA.
As sordid details leaked to the press — crime scene photos of a decapitated head on Stickboy Bangkok’s site, even — from late September into early October, the sands of the story kept shifting so much that it was hard to tell truth from fiction.
Arm-chair sleuths hit the forums hard. ThaiVisa and TeakDoor lit up with comments from forum warriors who did a couple Googles and thought they’d cracked the case. Well, at least they were more competent than the BiB, am I right?
The story had it all. A frozen chopped up body of a California publishing exec. An FBI fugitive on the lam for nearly 4 decades who claimed to be CIA. A shootout with police. Truth serum, lots of meth, and fake passports that tied back to known terrorists working with Al Qaeda.
But around mid-October 2016, the story blinked out of existence. Nothing but radio silence from both the Thai and English language press until December 2017 when the main suspect was sentenced to 43 years in Thai jail for concealing a corpse, weapons charges, narcotics, and fraud
The story has sat since then in a cold deep sleep.
It’s been over 3 years since any life’s been given to the story.
After writing the stories of two Thai serial killers who liked to chop up their victims and send them down the water’s deep, a reader asked me to write this.
What I found has — and I say this with a dead straight face — given me chills.
Everything you thought you knew about the 2016 case of Charles E. Ditlefsen, the victim, and Herbert Craig La Fon, the man who concealed the body? Throw it out the window.
If you’ve got the balls, read on. It’s a doozy, clocking in at 15,000 words.
I pored over 100 sources to get the meat of the story — all the press; court records; home sales; archived website captures; forum and Facebook comments; and old magazine advertisements.
I establish timelines, I explore motivations, I separate the truth from the fact in this stunning mystery.
After you’re done, you won’t be able to think about this case the same way again.
Interview with Kevin about the following:
Help in the slums.
Is crime rising?
Hope in 2021.
The Boys in Brown.
Shady foreigner friends.
Giving up on Thailand.
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly on Social Media.
Thai swill or import beer?
True Crime Thailand decided to start a podcast.
This is the kick-off episode where I lay out what the podcast will be about. Enjoy!