I detta avsnitt av vår podd samtalar vi med Karin Ahlzén, projektchef för Fokus Järva inom Stockholms stad.
Fokus Järva är en omfattande satsning på stadsutveckling i Järvaområdet, med målet att skapa en socialt och ekologiskt hållbar stadsdel genom nya bostäder, förbättrad utemiljö och stärkt kommunal service.
Under intervjun pratade vi om bakgrund och mission, samt vilka specifika områden och aktiviteter som prioriteras. Vi får insikt i hur Stockholms stad samarbetar med lokala aktörer och inkluderar medborgare i utvecklingsprocessen. Karin delar också med sig av lärdomar från tidigare projekt, såsom Fokus Skärholmen, och hur dessa erfarenheter tillämpas i Järva.
I den personliga delen av samtalet berättar Karin om sina utmaningar och favoritmoment som projektchef, samt vilka ledarskapskvaliteter hon värdesätter hos samarbetspartners. Hon delar även sina visioner för projektet och vad som står på agendan för 2025.
Avslutningsvis ger Karin råd och medskick till lokala aktörer, boende i området och branschkollegor, med syftet att inspirera till engagemang och samarbete för Järvas framtida utveckling.
För mer information om Fokus Järva och dess satsningar, besök Stockholms stads officiella webbplats.
https://vaxer.stockholm/omraden/stadsutvecklingsomraden/fokus-jarva/Läs rapporten återblick på skillnadernas i Stockholm
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
How can urban planners address climate change while creating cities that thrive socially, economically, and environmentally? In this episode of About Buildings and Cities, we talk to Cléa Daridan, Head of Arts and Culture at Community Jameel, about integrating climate actions into urban planning. Cléa shares insights into the challenges and opportunities of embedding sustainable strategies into long-term planning processes, the immediate and long-term impacts of these actions, and the critical mistakes cities should avoid.
We also explore how Community Jameel is driving innovative projects at the intersection of arts, culture, research, and policy to support communities worldwide. Cléa discusses the highlights and hurdles of her role, offers examples of impactful initiatives, and gives us a glimpse of what’s on her agenda for 2025. Tune in for an inspiring conversation on the future of cities and climate action!
Links :
Jameel C40 Urban Planning Climate Labs
Climate Action Guide for Urban Planners Launch
Climate Action Guide for Urban Planners
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Lina Dahlander (General Manager Bolt Rides, Sweden)
In this episode, we explore the story behind Bolt, a global leader in shared mobility with a presence in over 600 cities across 50 countries. Founded to revolutionize urban transportation, Bolt offers a range of services such as ride-hailing, micromobility, car sharing, food delivery, and more. We’ll discuss the concept and rise of shared mobility, its benefits for cities, and its social impact.
Join us as we dive into Bolt’s journey: how it started, the challenges it faces, its focus areas for expansion, and how cities can be designed to embrace shared mobility. We also explore the role of technology in driving this sector forward and what the future holds for shared urban transport solutions and for car-free cities.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
في هذه الحلقة الخاصة من البودكاست، نتحدث مع منى جابر، طالبة هندسة معمارية شجاعة ومتميزة، عن تطبيقها العملي في مشروع الراحلة زها حديد في مبنى البنك المركزي العراقي.
حلقة ملهمة تسلط الضوء على الشجاعة، الطموح، ودور العائلة في دعم الأحلام. استمعوا لتجربة منى لتتعرفوا على قيمة مواجهة التحديات وتحويلها إلى فرص نجاح.
أبرز المحاور:
🌍 البداية:
تعرفنا على منى، خلفيتها الدراسية، وتجربتها بين طلاب من دول وثقافات متنوعة في مجال الهندسة المعمارية.
🛠️ تجربة التطبيق العملي في العراق:
لماذا اختارت منى العراق للتطبيق العملي بدلاً من الخارج؟كيف تمكنت من التغلب على التحديات وتغيير الصورة النمطية عن العمل في بلد يواجه صعوبات؟تفاصيل التجربة: الإنجازات، التحديات، وأجمل اللحظات.
✈️ العودة إلى قبرص:
كيف تعاملت الجامعة وزملاؤها مع تجربتها؟الانطباعات، والدروس المستفادة من العمل في بيئة مغايرة.🌟 النظرة المستقبلية:
مشاريع منى القادمة وطموحاتها بعد التخرج.رسائلها للطلاب في الداخل والخارج، وللشركات الهندسية لدعم مواهب الشباب.
🎧 استمعوا الآن!
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. -
Rosa Danenberg (PhD, Stadsplanerare, Stockholm, Sverige)
Vilken roll spelar bottenvåningar och hur kan planering, design och förvaltning främja skapandet av anpassningsbara och resilienta huvudgator?
Rosa pratar om sin doktorsavhandling "Main streets as resilient public spaces: Zooming in on ground floors in Stockholm". Avhandlingen försvarades vid KTH i fjol, vid avdelningen för urbana och regionala studier.
I avhandlingen redovisas resultatet av en djupgående social och rumslig socio-spatial analys av hur bottenvåningar på huvudgator i Stockholm förändrats mellan 2009 och 2018 och deras anpassningsbarhet och resiliens, i syfte att förstå hur planering, design och förvaltning kan stödja huvudgatornas fortsatta existens i framtiden.
Läs mer om Rosas forskninghttps://www.studiodanenberg.com/publications
Mer om Rosahttps://www.kth.se/en/som/nyheter/congratulations-rosa-danenberg-1.1303252
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Helena Godotter Karlberg (Expert inom platsinnovation, Professionell föreläsare och moderator med journalistbakgrund inom press, radio och TV I Topp 100 - Sveriges populäraste föreläsare och moderatorer 2024)Platsinnovation är ett begrepp och koncept för designdriven helhetsutveckling av attraktiva samhällen, besöksmål, regioner och andra sorters platser.
Platsinnovation väver samman de komponenter, processer och intressenter som är centrala för att en plats ska upplevas som attraktiv, med avstamp i platsens specifika identitet. Identiteten bygger på platsens historia, geografi, natur, kultur m.m. Platsinnovation skapar synergier mellan tre centrala komponenter på en plats: dess fysiska gestaltning, dess innehåll av kommersiella, offentliga och ideella tjänster och aktiviteter, samt dess marknadsföring. De utvecklingsområden som kopplas ihop är exempelvis stadsplanering, centrumutveckling, destinationsdesign, företagsetableringar och kultur/fritid. För att åstadkomma detta länkar platsinnovation ihop intressenter och processer i olika samhällssektorer (privat, offentlig, ideell sektor), i olika branscher (handel, kultur, turism, industri m.fl.) och inom olika målgrupper (befintliga och potentiella invånare, besökare, företagare och investerare).
Läs mer på
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Aytan Huseynli , an architect with over 13 years of experience in Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Sweden, has built a career marked by excellence and perseverance. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Architecture from Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, supported by the prestigious Azerbaijan Government Education Grant, a Master's degree in Architecture from Izmir Institute of Technology in Turkey, funded by the Turkish Government Scholarship, and a Master's degree in Design and Construction Project Management from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, where she was awarded the SI -Swedish Institute Scholarship for Future Professionals.
Her professional journey includes notable Swedish roles at NCC and Göteborgs Stad, alongside working on complex architectural and construction projects. Aytan is also the founder of Architecture Insights, a WordPress blog where she shares interviews, industry perspectives, and reflections on urban design and sustainability.
Driven by her mission as a woman in architecture, Aytan is committed to continuous growth, pushing boundaries in her career, and contributing to a better, more inclusive world through her work. She is looking forward to expanding her professional network, collaborating on innovative projects, and continuing to make meaningful contributions to the architectural and construction industry.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
في هذه الحلقة، نستكشف مفهوم "إشراك المجتمعات" في عملية تطوير المدن، ودوره في بناء مدن أكثر عدلاً واستدامة. سنناقش أبرز الآليات التي يمكن استخدامها لإشراك المجتمعات المحلية في اتخاذ القرارات المتعلقة بالتخطيط الحضري، وكيف تختلف هذه الأدوات بناءً على طبيعة وحجم المجتمع.
نتعمق في التحديات التي تواجه إشراك المجتمعات في العالم العربي، مع تسليط الضوء على الواقع في سوريا. كما نتحدث عن أهمية تعزيز الوعي لدى الأفراد حول هذا النهج ودور مخططي المدن والمتخصصين في تصميم أدوات فعالة لتحقيق مشاركة حقيقية.
سنجيب عن أسئلة مثيرة مثل: هل يمكن لإشراك المجتمع أن يقدم حلولاً أفضل لتحديات المدن مقارنة بخبرة المهندسين والدولة؟ وما القيمة المضافة التي يقدمها هذا الإشراك؟
وأخيراً، نتناول أمثلة ملهمة من مشاريع محلية وعالمية ناجحة، ونتساءل: هل يكفي إشراك المجتمعات وحده لإحداث التغيير المطلوب؟ أم أن هناك عوامل أخرى يجب أن تتكامل لتحقيق النجاح؟
انضموا إلينا في هذه الحلقة لاستكشاف أهمية إشراك المجتمعات في رسم مستقبل المدن العربية.
Massa Al Moselly is an architect and urbanist with a deep passion for fostering inclusive and sustainable communities. Driven by a belief in the power of placemaking to create positive social change, Massa is committed to leveraging her skills to build more just, equitable, and resilient cities.
Her journey has been marked by a commitment to both technical expertise and social impact. She holds a degree in Architecture from Damascus University and is currently pursuing a Master's in Building Information Modelling and Management from the Syrian Virtual University. Beyond her academic pursuits, Massa has immersed herself in workshops on placemaking for peacemaking and social spatial justice, underlining her belief in the transformative potential of design for positive societal change.
Links to Massa social media:
Sara C. Bronin is a Mexican-American architect, attorney, Cornell University professor, and policymaker whose interdisciplinary work focuses on how law and policy can foster more equitable, sustainable, well-designed, and connected places. She is the author of Key to the City: How Zoning Shapes Our World, and she founded and directs the National Zoning Atlas, which aims to digitize, demystify, and democratize information about zoning in the United States.
Read moer and order the book here
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Fabrice Mary (Tennies coach, VD och Grundare till Dome Sweden)
Vi pratar om projetket The Dome Sweden, en arena för framtidens idrott ochkultur.
Idrottssektorn och alla som hör talas om projektet inser att det kan ge ett stort bidrag till socialt välbefinnande genom både personlig utveckling och utveckling av lokala samhällen. Sport och sociokulturella evenemang skapar en rad positiva sociala effekter.
Ta kontakt med Fabrice
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
About the initiative: Celebrate Your Local Jane Jacobs, a campaign dedicated to acknowledge and honour women who have made substantial hands-on contributions to their communities. In a world where the recognition of women’s achievements is often limited, we believe that those who have devoted themselves to civic engagement, participatory planning, enhancing their communities and constructing better towns for future generations deserve appreciation. We see their influence as not only inspiring but also capable of extending to other communities.
Amir Gohar (Senior Lecturer & Programme LeaderSenior Lecturer & Programme Leader University of the West of England, Bristol, England, United Kingdom) Yasmine D'Alessandro (Senior Development Expert, Cairo, Egypt)Links:
Website: https://celebrateyourlocaljanejacobs.org
LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/celebrate-your-local-jane-jacobs______
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
We are excited to have @charles_landry Landry back at Placemaking Week Europe! Known for introducing the Creative City concept in the late 1980s, Charles has been a key figure in urban transformation. His work focuses on how cities can foster creativity to address challenges and unlock potential. This idea has since evolved into a global movement, revolutionizing how Cities view their potential and resources. He’s also the mind behind the Creative Bureaucracy movement, highlighting the role of public servants as drivers of change.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Laska Nenova (General manager BG Be Active Association/Placemaking Europe board member)
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Episode 3 of 3, in collaboration with Podcasts Urban Acupuncture.
About Podcasts Urban Acupuncture:
Acupuncture works with energy flows (Qì), and is mainly about distributing energy and restoring connections in the flow of energy in someone. By placing small needles or vacuum bulbs in specific places on the body, a person regains balance.
Urban acupuncture essentially works the same. Through targeted interventions in certain places by residents, entrepreneurs, developers, government, or anyone else, connections in cities and towns are strengthened and the energy starts flowing again. Not only at the location itself but also in the energy channel of which that location is part. This intervention has an impact on the environment! Part of the city is brought back into balance! This is often a physical-spatial intervention by investors (bricks/stone or public space), but it can also be periodically recurring events such as a festival, markets, etc.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Episode 2 of 3, in collaboration with Podcasts Urban Acupuncture.
About Podcasts Urban Acupuncture:
Acupuncture works with energy flows (Qì), and is mainly about distributing energy and restoring connections in the flow of energy in someone. By placing small needles or vacuum bulbs in specific places on the body, a person regains balance.
Urban acupuncture essentially works the same. Through targeted interventions in certain places by residents, entrepreneurs, developers, government, or anyone else, connections in cities and towns are strengthened and the energy starts flowing again. Not only at the location itself but also in the energy channel of which that location is part. This intervention has an impact on the environment! Part of the city is brought back into balance! This is often a physical-spatial intervention by investors (bricks/stone or public space), but it can also be periodically recurring events such as a festival, markets, etc.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Episode 1 of 3, in collaboration with Podcasts Urban Acupuncture.
About Podcasts Urban Acupuncture:
Acupuncture works with energy flows (Qì), and is mainly about distributing energy and restoring connections in the flow of energy in someone. By placing small needles or vacuum bulbs in specific places on the body, a person regains balance.
Urban acupuncture essentially works the same. Through targeted interventions in certain places by residents, entrepreneurs, developers, government, or anyone else, connections in cities and towns are strengthened and the energy starts flowing again. Not only at the location itself but also in the energy channel of which that location is part. This intervention has an impact on the environment! Part of the city is brought back into balance! This is often a physical-spatial intervention by investors (bricks/stone or public space), but it can also be periodically recurring events such as a festival, markets, etc.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Tayana Panova, PhD, is a psychologist and researcher turned urbanist. She previously worked at Strong Towns and is now contributing thought leadership at the Social Life Project, collaborating with Placemaking pioneers Fred Kent and Kathy Madden. Tayana advocates for better urbanism and healthier places through her TikTok account, @dr.tpanova, and is currently writing a book on the importance of the built environment for health and well-being.
Follow her on:
Twitter: @DrTPanova Instagram: @Dr.TPanova YouTube: @Dr.TPanovaIn collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Rosanna Vitiello (Bureau Chief + Founding Director, The Place Bureau, London, England, United Kingdom)
Links to Collective Place Futures
Toolkit: https://www.theplacebureau.com/toolkit Natural Futures book: https://www.theplacebureau.com/insights/natural-futures-is-liveShort about Rosanna's workshop during Placemaking Week Europe in Rotterdam:
Waterfront Worldbuilding: Creative Foresight to tackle Critical Coastal Challenges
The future of our waterfronts and coastal regions will determine the future of our world. Flooding and sea-level rises will impact billions around the world. Drawing tools from the world of speculative design and filmmaking, a cohort of 20 placemakers from around the world joined us to gaze out across the water, imagining a world on the shores of a distant future where the waterfront shapes new ways to experience nature and culture in the city. Using a playful ‘dispatches from the future’ worldbuilding method tackle critical challenges facing waterfront regions, we introduced placemakers to the value of building long term futures-thinking into their process, providing tools to become more critical, confident, and imaginative.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Marcello Cabezas (Placemaker/Experience Architect, The Fifth Group, Canada)
During Placemaking week Marcello presented cases from Canada. Short BIO about his presentation:This was a 30-minute presentation that highlighted exciting, award-winning lifestyle placemaking projects and destinations that have changed the game in Canada. They successfully achieved community engagement and business development goals simultaneously. The key insight was that there is a massive human desire for multiple experiences in one place. The examples highlighted delivered thoughtful and exciting amenities, programming, and experiences in all aspects of lifestyle, including food & beverage, art, culture, festivals, play, shopping, making, sports, learning, discovering, and watching. These projects inspired longer and repeat visits by guests, leading to historic commercial growth. The goal was to inspire attendees of the presentation to take away key learnings to apply to their current and future projects.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Betty Chemier - ReURBE – Panamá - https://www.reurbe.org/@reurbe_
Milagros Hurtig - Urbanismo Vivo – Argentina www.urbanismovivo.com.ar@urbanismo_vivo @milihurtg
Ma. Elena Rodríguez - PLURAL / Asilvestrar – Ecuador www.ciudadesmasverdes.com
Adriana Sansão Fontes - LabIT-PROURB – Brasil
About their panel in the placemaking week:The panel will present different perspectives on the actions of the Placemaking Latin America Network, established in 2017, which brings together more than 300 professionals, activists, and academics, and has already held 6 international meetings.
The panel focuses on the views of different stakeholders regarding the possibilities of small-scale transformation of the Latin American reality, a continent marked by enormous social contrasts where citizen urbanism is a powerful tool for altering the status quo. In this context, the particularities of placemaking in Latin America are highlighted in relation to the Global North. Citizen urbanism will be discussed by different voices - academia, civil society organizations, government, international organizations - from different countries - Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Ecuador, Panama - a plurality of contexts that, however, reveal common challenges and weaknesses.
Challenged by great inequalities and scarce resources, citizen urbanism emerges as a tool for local transformation, within the reach of the communities themselves. A small-scale action, carried out in collaboration with citizens in less favored contexts, has the potential to go far beyond "space activation”.
From the South, we come to open the conversation about the political potential of citizen urbanism, exploring from different cases what is the capacity for social, environmental, economic, and cultural transformation.In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
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