Life is freaking hard. We are all doing hard things every single day – things like loving and losing; caring for children and parents; forging and ending friendships; battling addiction, illness, and loneliness; struggling in our jobs, our marriages, and our divorces; setting boundaries; and fighting for equality, purpose, freedom, joy, and peace.
On We Can Do Hard Things, Glennon Doyle, author of UNTAMED; her wife Abby Wambach; and her sister Amanda Doyle do the only thing they’ve found that has ever made life easier: Drop the fake and talk honestly about the hard things including sex, gender, parenting, blended families, bodies, anxiety, addiction, justice, boundaries, fun, quitting, overwhelm . . . all of it.
We laugh and cry and help each other carry the hard so we can all live a little bit lighter and braver, free-er, less alone. -
Heartbreak coach, Claire Byrne, breaks down exactly how you can finally STOP wanting your ex back on this podcast that is unlike any other heartbreak podcast out there!
Heartbreak is messy, painful and overwhelmingly daunting at times, but it can also be the gateway to embark on a new journey beyond your wildest dreams if you LET it. You will laugh, you will cry, and have your own mind BLOWN, by how POSSIBLE it will be for you to THRIVE from heartbreak, versus barely survive.
After years of enduring toxic relationships, and being at a loss on how to navigate through the pain, Claire is now dedicated to helping other women like her, not only STOP wanting him back, but become the best version of themselves, BECAUSE of the heartbreak.
PLEASE NOTE: Claire refers to her exes and the listener’s ex as a “he,” based on her own personal experience as a heterosexual female, but this work can be applied to ANYONE going through heartbreak. ALL genders and sexual orientations are encouraged to listen and apply Claire’s tools into their own lives! -
The days of one size fits all dating advice are done. For single women ready to release insecurity, anxiety, and self-doubt in dating, this podcast is for you! Get ready to date differently and watch your love life transform. Find out how to unleash your irresistible factor, and attract your perfect match.
En podkast om L I V E T og våre mest sentrale følelser! Hva er meningen med livet?
Hva er egentlig følelser?
Når våre historier og erfaringer møtes, så skapes det rom for mer kjærlighet, større åpenhet, og en rausere forståelse for hverandre. Jane har siden hun var liten jente vært fascinert over alt som skjer på innsiden. Og med innsiden mener hun sitt indre landskap. Alle følelsene, kapasiteten til å lagre alt på godt og vondt, og evnen til å overleve. Jane ønsker å invitere sine gjester inn til trygge, rause, og åpne samtaler om livet.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Denne podcasten er for deg som syns at alt du finner om bryllup online går litt i det samme. Hør unike perspektiver fra både norske og utenlandske brudepar som gir deg råd om hvordan du kan gjøre bryllupet ditt mer personlig og hva de i ettertid syns var viktig og ikke.
Andre eksperter i bryllupsbransjen gjester noen av episodene hvor vi diskuterer sider av bryllup som du kanskje aldri har tenkt på før.
Jeg heter Eirik Halvorsen og har jobbet som bryllupsfotograf siden 2009. Med hundrevis av bryllup i inn- og utland i forskjellige kulturer og religioner har jeg dannet meg mye erfaring om det å gifte seg. I denne podcasten vil jeg dele mine erfaringer med deg.
Følg @bryllupspodcasten på Instagram og TikTok. -
Bäm - da sind wir! Der Podcast von und für Kinderfreie Frauen, Frauen, die sich in der Kinderfrage noch nicht entschieden haben und alle weiteren Menschen, die sich für dieses Lebenskonzept interessieren. Wir wünschen dir viel Freude und Inspiration mit diesem Format.
Wir - Nadine Brotschi und Corinne Küng - sind deine Co-Hosts. In unseren eigenen Prozessen mit der Kinderfrage fehlte es uns an Vorbilder: Sichtbare, kinderfreie Frauen. Frauen, die sich bewusst für ein Leben ohne Kinder entschieden haben. Wir beschlossen deshalb, selbst unseren Beitrag zur Sichtbarkeit von Kinderfreien Frauen zu leisten und in unserem Podcast Plus gemeinsam mit Gästinnen verschiedenste Aspekte von kinderfreien Lebenskonzepten zu beleuchten. -
Kunnskap og åpenhet om barnløshet til de som kjenner seg igjen og til alle andre. Alle vet vi om noen som ikke har barn men sjelden historiene bak. Dette temaet må vi kunne snakk åpen om! Selv er jeg strevd med å få barn i ti år. Her intervjues forskere, folk som reflekterer og andre som deler sine egne erfaringer. Vi lever i et samfunn som er veldig familiesentrert, det å ikke ha barn kan føre til et utenforskap. Jeg vil bidra til å fjerne fordommer, forventninger og tabu. En hjelp til deg som strever med å få barn og økt innsikt om et sårbart, viktig og samfunnsaktuelt tema til alle dere andre.
Min store drøm er at flere mennesker skal våkne opp og innse kraften av sin mentale verden.
Og jeg vil gjøre treningen lett tilgjengelig. Selv har jeg hatt den tilgjengelig siden jeg fikk min første coach da jeg var 13. Ikke fordi det feilte meg noe, men fordi det er da jeg innså at jeg kunne trene tankene mine, og jeg elsket effekten av det. På landslagsnivå klamret jeg meg fast i coachene der, og lærte meg teknikker og vaner jeg bruker den dag i dag.
Vi har et sted mellom 60-80 000 tanker hver eneste dag, og 90 % av dem er dem samme som i går... Dersom vi ikke utfordrer dem.
Og min påstand er at vi nå står i fare for å skap litt mentalt platt samfunn. Et samfunn der det å virkelig føle oss BRA er noe vi ikke tillater oss å gjøre særlig mye av. For hva vil folk si? Eller hva har vel jeg gjort for å fortjene det?
Ganske mye. Og kanskje enda mer fremover.Gro Hammerseng- Edin (en dame jeg liker bittelitt) og jeg kjemper for et rausere og sterkere samfunn. Der du forstår at din stemme betyr noe. Der du vet hva du kan gjøre for å bygge mental styrke, og også for å finne ro når det stormer.
Det er trenbart. Og det er verdt det.
Håper episodene er styrkende for deg.
Jeg heier stort!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Good Is In The Details is hosted by Gwendolyn Dolske, Ph.D and Rudy Salo. We believe that being curious and satisfying your curiosity is the key to happiness. Every episode is a discussion with an expert where we are learning what we didn't know we didn't know. Join us in gaining a bit of wisdom, health tips, lessons on self-improvement, and some laughter in between.
Hosted by Laura Cathcart Robbins, a writer and a recovery thriver and survivor, Laura found herself in an all too familiar position. In September 2018, she was the only black woman in the room at Brave Magic, a famed writer’s retreat. After it was over, she wrote about her “only one” experience in The Huffington Post and comments started flooding into her DM. These comments were from people from all races, ethnicities, creeds, and nationalities who had felt “othered”. Laura beautifully interviews a person about their Only One story each episode and addresses as many of those DM’s as possible in the process. In this podcast, you’ll hear raw, vulnerable accounts from people who are, like most of us, just eager to connect. Our hope is that The Only One In The Room will inspire a change of perspective in how we all see and hear each other’s stories. We want you to think twice before judging the person standing next to you at a party, in the pick-up line at school, or in a crowded subway car. This is a podcast for anyone who has ever felt alone in a room full of people – which is to say, that this podcast is for everyone.
The Lone Doctrine podcast was founded with the understanding that we all need real, positive, and constructive "Food For Thought." The Lone Doctrine specializes in thought exploration to create the life skills needed to find balance, motivation, betterment and to continue to "Fight The GOOD Fight" towards a full and abundant life. Our purpose is to give listeners a dose of actionable and practical life changing ideas in order to make TODAY better than YESTERDAY.
Wisdom delivered for the 21st century. Interviewing someone different every episode, some average, some not. Our goal is to be of service to everyone, men especially, to identify actionable wisdom received from out ancestors and/or role models and then share that info with others to encourage us to be the best possible versions of ourselves and thereby set an example to those around us. Join us as we learn about relationships, fatherhood, responsibilities, beliefs, and how we might be better for those we care about.
Join Reclaim your Inner Throne founder Eivind F. Skjellum on his walks in nature, where he takes you into a world of myth, current world events and masculinity.
An authority on the King, Warrior, Magician, Lover archetypes, Eivind takes esoteric ideas and translates them for you to grounded daily Lessons on Life, Love & Leadership.
Welcome to an inspiring and empowering conversation, designed to help you rise in life.
Note: Starting May 2021, the podcast episodes are launched once per week, on a Friday. (Prior to this, there is an episode every day) -
Har du tenkt over hvordan dine valg påvirker livet ditt? Programmleder og eventyrer Samuel Massie prater med ulike fagpersoner og eksperter om hvordan gå frem for å leve et godt liv. Du får konkrete tips og råd om hvordan skape din egen lykke, ta vanskelige valg, holde deg frisk og skape økonomiske trygghet.
Fox News Senior Meteorologist Janice Dean brings the sunshine on her new podcast, The Janice Dean Podcast.
Every week Janice focuses on a person, place, or thing that deserves attention because it makes the world a better place.
Janice will be sharing stories of triumph, inspiration, and good deeds of those who make her "Dean's List."
Subscribe to The Janice Dean Podcast on FOXNewsPodcasts.com, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts
Episodes are available every Sunday. -
Exploring the psyche, one spiral step at a time. Psyche Design is a podcast about all things individuation. The journey back to the Self is the process of casting light upon our shadows, over and over again. The goal is to have conversations that empower 1) stronger integrity within individuals and 2) greater solidarity between people and groups. Topics include Jungian personality theory, as well as general spirituality, philosophy, and psychology.
psychedesign.substack.com -