
  • William Ramsey returns to Wake the Dead to teach us about the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, formally known as Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta. A sovereign entity under international law, the Knights of Malta are the continuation of the Knights Hospitaller, a chivalric order founded in 1099. This order still maintains its power ordained by the Holy Roman Empire. William reveals the history & members of this elite group.

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  • Ed Mabrie joins us for his 1st appearance on Wake the Dead to discuss the spiritual laws of this world. Ed is a Christian who uses logic & reason to arrive at the truth. He is not religious or dogmatic, Ed is a thinking man who cares. Whether looking at the laws of this world from a dark occult perspective or from a Christian perspective, the laws are universal. What is the significance of blood? Why does the dark occult speak their will before they act? How does morality fit? Was Jesus' magic due to his unflinching moral nature? Why do demons give authority to Jesus Christ? Many questions are examined here today, please enjoy the conversation.

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  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Sean McCann's recent appearance on Tommy's Podcast hosted by Tommy Carrigan. A wide ranging discussion focusing loosely on the themes of Stanley Kubrick's filmography. This is the 1st time Sean & Tommy have met. Two very different podcast hosts with very similar points of view of this spiritual battlefield we call Earth.

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  • Carrie Olaje returns to Wake the Dead to continue peeling the Satanic Ritual Abuse onion to deeper levels. This discussion focuses on the Mothers of Darkness cult & Carrie's induction ceremony grooming her for her role as a queen consort reigning over a portion of New World Order territory. With watercolor sketches from her journal, she shares with us the scenes & feelings she experienced. Please enjoy this delightful & informative conversation.

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  • Max Lowen is our guest here on Wake the Dead for the first time, to discuss the big picture of Satanic Ritual Abuse & how it is utilized to facilitate world domination. The New World Order is the same as the old one, total mind control. Since Babylon the elite 'death cult' has used trauma based mind control to wield those in power & the masses. A very simple mechanism in our brains works to occult the worst evil imaginable. Hiding the truth in plain sight, we are blind to see it. Max describes how trauma is the key to total domination of individuals & entire cultures. She effortlessly encapsulates what we have been learning for years on this show into a few perfect sentences. We are very honored & delighted to have her voice here on Wake the Dead for your ears to hear. This is probably the best recording ever to appear on this show. No one says the truth like Max. Please like & share!

    Find Max Lowen here:

    website: https://unbroken.global

    rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-4209578

    bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/j8PnqTf0TyRv/

    brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/unbroken

    facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unbrokenglobal

    instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unbroken.global/

    telegram: https://t.me/Unbroken

    substack: https://maxlowen.substack.com

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  • Sean McCann returns to speak with William Ramsey about his latest discoveries in his exploration into the work of Stanley Kubrick. Sean has discovered a key to decipher Stanley's films. From 2001 to Eyes Wide Shut, Kubrick's films align on the same timeline to give us a new message about compliance with evil & the loss of our souls. The Fidelio Experiment (Eyes Wide Shut synchronized with itself at one hour intervals) is the master key to decode Stanley's work. Sean has aligned many of Kubrick's films with the Fidelio Experiment & has discovered they synchronize at key moments to tie the films' themes, scenarios & even dialogue together. Undergirding many theories speculated by viewers over the years. Stanley has carefully constructed his films to align this way. The least we can do as fans is see it & recognize what a genius it was who created them.

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  • Etienne de la Boetie² returns to Wake the Dead to remind us that no matter what happens, government is not the answer. Wanna-be cop & psyop engineer Stew Peters is at it again with his new documentary Occupied. This production, much like his last psyop Died Suddenly (see our breakdown of that here... https://onegreatworknetwork.com/sean-mccann/wtd-ep-72-etienne-de-la-boetie-the-died-suddenly-documentary-psyop) this latest production uses truth to lure in the viewers but wraps that truth in poop to poison the well & discredit the believers in the audience. Ultimately, this documentary intends to cause division & hatred in the audience & to place blame for true evil onto our neighbors. All while inculcating the 'need for government' & allegiance to a strong-man dictator if one happens to arrive. "Hitler was a good guy" is never a solid argument, no matter how many germans voted. Voting is immoral & it leads to evil like the Nazis. Let's not forget that. Etienne is a voluntaryist who logically destroys the psyop put forth in Stew's latest creation. Please enjoy the conversation.

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  • William Ramsey returns to Wake the Dead to continue his exploration into The Pilgrim Society & their connections to world domination & the occult. Ranging from the king of England to Tucker Carlson, The Pilgrim Society is in control today & has roots that stretch back to the Knights Templar.

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  • Stanley Kubrick's 1962 film Lolita synchronized with Eyes Wide Shut (synchronized with itself at one hour intervals). Seeing these films juxtaposed together on the same timeline reveals infinitely more information relevant to the true message Kubrick was giving us with his artwork. Lolita's themes of pedophilia, Hollywood's dark occult & even Samiramis & Pan dovetail perfectly with Eyes Wide Shut. These films are built to compliment each other & give us a more complete picture overall. See how certain moments line up precisely. These films were meant to be seen like this. Please enjoy and share...

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  • Mark Ireland is our guest on Wake the Dead to discuss mediums, spirit visitations & afterlife communication. It has been proven that our souls continue beyond the death of our physical bodies. Mark comes from a family of psychics & has always known this to be true. His father Richard was a famous psychic who performed demonstrations of his abilities on television. This inherited tradition wasn't of interest to Mark until tragedy struck his family with the loss of his youngest son Brandon. Now Mark is walking the path he was born into. He is working to connect grieving parents with certified mediums to heal the broken hearts of family members who lost their loved ones. Mark has written two books, composed music, speaks in interviews like this & runs a website with tons of information & links. This is very important work & we are honored to have him join us for this conversation.

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  • Stanley Kubrick's depiction of our future society, A Clockwork Orange (1971) synchronized with the Fidelio Experiment (Eyes Wide Shut [1999] synchronized with itself at one hour intervals) all displayed on 4 screens in surround sound. Sound confusing? ...you'll be pleasantly surprised to see it all makes total sense. Frederick wears robes & a masky too. This juxtaposition allows us to see where the films align on the same timeline. Using these two films Stanley depicts how the Cult hires it's psychopaths like Milich.

    Alex is a highly sought after individual for the cult of death. Frederick, working for the government in corrections, is the perfect scout for the big leagues of "Ultra-Violence". His petty droogs end up as policemen, while Alex the 'violence artist' becomes "friend" to the cult. Clear as an unmuddied lake, we learn how the mind of a psychopath really works.

    Now taking into account the cult brainwashed & performed surgery on Alex's brain, we see how the cult focusses so much attention to the minds of those it wishes to control. A little glimpse at the horrors which Helena & Alice have endured. Trauma Based Mind Control creates a perfect slave like Alice. A slave who is trapped forever in helpless obedience to evil masters. One who will give her daughter away to the same cult that destroyed her & laugh in her husband's face while she deceives him.

    The Shining taught us about the nature of evil & demons. A Clockwork Orange taught us about the humans who work for them. Eyes Wide Shut is all those stories shown to us unflinching. Kubrick is fully dissecting psychopathy, evil & mind control. This synchronization allows us to view these films as Stanley intended.

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  • "Sean McCann returns to Psyop Cinema to unveil the Fidelio Experiment—which, we are quite confident, is not only the state-of-the-art in occult Kubrick studies but the key to unlocking the final secrets of the cinematic master. Sean first takes us through his long investigative journey, including his previous milestone, “The Butterfly Net,” and explains how he finally cracked the Kubrick code. After applying the password to Eyes Wide Shut internally as well as to the bulk of Kubrick’s filmography, Sean and Brett then compare this grand unified theory against the information provided in Jasun Horsley’s The Kubrickon regarding Kubrick’s early relationships with the deep state and the core Thelemite circle in Hollywood. Finally, Brett highlights the almost completely ignored direct link between Kubrick and the Third Reich, revealing who “the Nazis” really were for Kubrick."

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  • John Fell Ryan is an artist, film maker, musician, writer & father. John has been on the main nerve of the Kubrick discussion for years. He ran a blog titled 'KDK12' & he was featured in the documentary film Room 237 (2012). You will recall John revealed to us that The Shining (1980) synchronizes with itself when we mirror the film & project it on top of itself. Each projection at 50% opacity, one playing the film forwards & the other playing the film backwards. We are able to see much more information & our brains can process it in a totally new way. This was a major influence on Sean's thinking when creating the Fidelio Experiments, where we can dissect Eyes Wide Shut (1999) in a similar way.

    John is here for an informal discussion about Stanley Kubrick's work. Hopefully John will join us again someday to discuss Repo Man (1984). Please enjoy the conversation...

    Find John Fell Ryan's work here:

    “Overlooks: The Stanley Hotel and Environs” video: ⁠https://vimeo.com/1019759232⁠

    KDK12 video art channel: ⁠https://vimeo.com/kdk12⁠

    Original KDK12 blog: ⁠https://www.tumblr.com/kdk12⁠

    Excepter youtube channel: ⁠https://www.youtube.com/excepter⁠

    Excepter bandcamp channel: ⁠https://excepter.bandcamp.com/⁠

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  • Stanley Kubrick's legendary horror film The Shining (1980) synchronized with the Fidelio Experiment (Eyes Wide Shut [1999] synchronized with itself at one hour intervals) with added commentary by Sean McCann.

    If you thought the Fidelio Experiment was interesting, just wait till you see it synchronized with The Shining. Stanley created these films to sync up at key moments allowing we the viewers to see relations between the films as they are displayed on the same timeline.

    Notice the significance of the drinks & the kiss. Jack is Tereus on a murderous rampage with his ax as Philomela escapes to become a Nightingale. These two films are so intricately intertwined you will be amazed.

    Please enjoy and share with everyone who loves these films.

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  • Julia, host of Cosmic Peach podcast returns to Wake the Dead to discuss Satanic Ritual Abuse cases that have been documented in the news. She has been digging down this rabbithole to show us that SRA is real & there is tons of evidence for it, if we only cared to look. This show does care, so let's take a look.

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  • Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece Eyes Wide Shut (1999) synchronized with itself at one hour intervals. Accompanied by a timer & commentary by Sean McCann. Sean helps to highlight the key moments & scenarios which relate one frame to the others. Stanley has intentionally created his film to align precicely with itself. He even made a cameo at 57 mins to help us pay attention to the password, “fidelio”. When we press play on the second screen at exactly 1:00:00 on the timeline, we have successfully been admitted to higher levels of understanding the film which Stanley has given to us. When we see the three screens all align we can see exactly how they relate to each other. These three frames allow us to peek into the three phases of the goddess’ lifespan… maiden, mother & crone are depicted as Maiden portrayed by Helena/Leelee/Domino/Nuala/ritual women, etc.. Mother played by Alice & Crone, being the decay stage, is Mandy dead in the morgue. This film is ultimately about the total mind control which Alice is under. Fitting it right alongside A Clockwork Orange & Full Metal Jacket. Alice’s brand of mind control is that of an MK Ultra, Beta Sex kitten trauma based mind control slave. Otherwise known as a victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse. Alice suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder & the cult who ‘owns' her has programmed each multiple to have no will of their own and to be a total slave to their handler. You can read about this phenomenon extensively if you wish. Look up Fritz Springmeier, Cathy O’Brien, Carrie Olaje, Brice Taylor, Fiona Barnett, Jay Parker, Kerth Barker, Nathan Reynolds, Laura Worley, Max Lowen, Anneke Lucas & countless others for more information. Also find Wake the Dead podcast episodes regarding Satanic Ritual Abuse.

    Find Wake the Dead here: https://onegreatworknetwork.com/sean-mccann

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  • Heidi Luv of Unfiltered Rise Podcast joins Wake the Dead to take us deeper down the rabbithole of occult Mormonism investigations. Heidi is an ex-Mormon & she's here to teach us the hidden truths of the cult she escaped from. This is information even most Mormons are unaware of. Please enjoy the conversation.

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  • Chant it Down radio #279 Election Madhouse

    There's always so much hype concerning every presidential election in the United States. We're here to show you a different picture. We're here to show the history of how this great divide came about in America. How much mind control, culture creation, and stages world events that have got us to this point in history. We're here to show the gradualism that brought humanity to low standards, and dumbed down enough to except our current reality.

    Sean McCann and William Ramsey have been in the game a long time and see through the smoke and mirrors of this illusion of choice.

    For many people at the moment, Trump seems like the obvious choice to battle what the lunatic left has brought the world through in the last 4 years, but it would be wise to second think everything you're being given. The dark occult runs the entire chess board, look at the sorcery and lies they work with. If they are to bring in the most chaos, they will allow Trump to be president and still advance their agenda.

    Please listen to this show in its entirety, to truly let it all sink in. This your pre-election - check yourself- show.

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  • Jon Uhler L.P.C. returns to Wake the Dead to bring to our attention a very important point that is often overlooked by design. The 'Trans' deception is actually reframing how society views the obvious signs of child abuse. Before the Trans-movement perverted American psychology, when a child was exhibiting behaviors like depression, anxiety, agitated depression, eating disorders, self-harm (serious cutting or burning), shifting of moods (diagnosed bipolar), borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, adjustment disorder or dissociation, these behaviors would be considered red flag indicators of child abuse. Any state licensed teacher or counselor who notices these indicators was mandated to report signs of abuse. Now these signs have been reframed as symptoms of gender dysphoria. Then the child gets shoved down the road to genital mutilation. Effectively covering up the evidence of abuse, allowing criminals to abuse children more easily. This is the real reason for the Trans-movement being forced onto our society. The pedophiles & satanists who are in control of our government have been changing society's perception towards child rape ever since Alfred Kinsey. It has been the same operation throughout.

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  • Robert Frederick returns to Wake the Dead to discuss his recent studies into the origins of Freemasonry. His previous study of Francis Bacon gives him a unique perspective when considering the historical facts. Robert gives us many threads to follow & a reading list to get us started on where to look. This conversation actually dovetails with our last episode of Wake the Dead featuring William Ramsey discussing The Pilgrim Society. Please enjoy the conversation.

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