Season eight's finale of Waves of Awareness welcomes Ashley Hart to the table. Together with John, Matt, and Staci, the group dives into conversation together covering everything from life updates to the impact volunteering has on everyone involved. Ashley has volunteered with Waves, Inc. through Cropssoint Church for years and has done an immeasurable amount of good for the community. From working on the homes a part of the Waves, Inc. Residential Program to spending time decorating Waves' Day Programs for the holidays, Ashley has organized countless groups through Crosspoint church to make a positive impact at Waves.
Matt picks Ashley's brain on her journey from beginning volunteer work to what she feels the impact made through volunteering can do for everyone involved. John also dives in and shares how different volunteer groups have helped work on his home in the Semi-Independent Residential Program with Waves. From planting a garden to clearing a walking path, there is no act a volunteer can do that is too small to make an impact.
To learn more about volunteering through Crosspoint go to: https://crosspoint.tv/get-involved/
To learn more about volunteering with Waves go to: https://wavesinc.com/volunteer/ or email emontelongo@wavesinc.com
This week we are joined by the Program Director of Backlight Productions, Jordan Scott. Jordan has been with Backlight for 5 years, starting first as a teacher and then growing into her current position as her passion for Backlight and its mission has grown. Matt Morre, John Lynch, and Staci Davis gather with Jordan to learn about Backlight Productions and what the nonprofit strives to do for the community. As a seasoned performer with Backlight Productions, Matt shares his love for Backlight Productions and his experience in various roles. As a nonprofit passionate about the arts, their mission is to "Providing opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to gain education in the arts and perform significant roles in integrated performances, enabling them to enhance their social skills through artistic expression and grow in confidence both on and off the stage."
Jordan also shares Backlight's newest venture, Backlight Kids. Offering classes for 11 and under, Backlight will be giving kids with IDD the opportunity to be introduced to performing arts. The group discusses everything from Backlight Productions to upcoming events for both Backlight Productions and Waves. Matt shares with the group what he'll be singing at the Brews & Grooves event on Sept. 19th, while Johnny Sunshine takes the conversation to the wildest animals in a safari. Listen to full episode and find out which animals Johnny thinks the group doesn't stand a chance against.
To learn more about Backlight Productions, go to: https://backlightproductions.org/
To sign up for classes with Backlight Productions, go to: https://backlightproductions.org/classes/
To learn more about Backlight Kids, go to: https://backlightproductions.org/blkids/
To learn more about Waves' Brews & Grooves event, go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/brews-grooves-a-concert-benefitting-waves-tickets-971143244587?aff=oddtdtcreator -
For families that care for a member with an intellectual or developmental disabilities, ensuring your child has an advocate after you are no longer able to is a top priority. At The Arc Davidson County & Greater Nashville they have created a new program centered around supporting families as they plan the care for their child after they are gone. Sharing about this program is Sheila Moore, the Executive Director of The Arc Davidson & Greater Nashville, and Donna Bryant, the Director of Program Development. Together with Staci, John, and Hannah Rose, the group listen to Donna and Sheila share how this program came to life and what exactly it means for a family. The Arc Lifelong Advocacy Program ensures a parent that their son or daughter will have an advocate for life. Listen to the full episode and learn if you or someone you know would like to be connected with this program.
To learn more about The Arc Davidson County & Greater Nashville, follow the link here
To learn more about The Arc Life Advocacy Program contact Sheila at smoore@arcdc.org
Can you guess what this week's episode covers? Staci, Eric, John, and Matt come together to talk about their favorite scenes from The Sandlot! Eric kicks the episode off with a re-cap for John and Matt, reminding the table about his favorite scenes and the characters that made The Sandlot great. Eric and Staci chat about the scenes in the movie that made it impactful. The group plays Fact or Fiction, learning about the details that came together to make The Sandlot one of a kind! John shares what's close to his heart including how his roommate and neighbors are doing. Matt gives some big life updates including his feature on the radio where he shares about his time with Backlight Productions. Listen to the full episode to catch the entire conversation!
This week of Waves of Awareness features Debby Rainey from United Way and our entire Fairview crew. WOA sets up shop at the Waves Fairview Day Program with Stephanie, Hannah, Jimmy, and Eric to chat about new projects United Way has on underway.
Debby shares news of the counties United Way has expanded to support, while getting serenaded by Eric. The crew also shares life updates covering everything from music, The Simpsons, Justin Bieber, Meals on Wheels, and the upcoming Food Truck Friday being hosted in Fairview. Listen to the full episode to catch Eric's musical debut and Debby Rainey's updates on all the ways United Way continues to support its community.
For details on the Fairview Food Truck Friday, click here: https://www.facebook.com/share/WGnNUUi7ih64zrEj/
For details on United Way, click here: https://www.unitedway.org/our-impact/mission
The end of summer vacation is coming close for a lot of families, which makes it a perfect time for our Waves Early Interventionists Cheryl Vooris and Kate Harris to join this week's episode of WOA!
Cheryl and Kate join Staci and Matt at the table to discuss how parents can help the transition from a summer schedule to a new school routine.
Matt asks the Interventionists everything from scheduling tips, specific areas that can be difficult, to tools and resources caregivers can use to make the transition positive for their child.
Cheryl and Kate provide so many useful strategies, tools, and techniques they've developed through their years of experience as Early Interventionists working with a range of behaviors. The group even highlights the importance of parents preparing themselves for a summer transition, keeping in mind that it isn't only the child facing changes.
Keeping on theme, Matt gives us the best updates on how his summer has been going and exciting things to come! Listen to the full episode and subscribe to Waves of Awareness for future updates.
To access the backpack giveaway mentioned in the episode, follow the link here: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/vVVEAcFDLBzfB6pd/?mibextid=WC7FNe To hear Kate's story with her son Hayden, follow the link here: https://wavesofawareness.libsyn.com/woa-lets-talk-about-adoption For details on Best Buy's tax free sale, follow the link here: https://corporate.bestbuy.com/shop-your-states-2024-tax-free-sale-at-best-buy/ For details on Tennessee's tax free criteria, follow the link here: https://www.tn.gov/revenue/taxes/sales-and-use-tax/sales-tax-holiday/sth-traditional.html
Waves of Awareness gathers around the table to hear the heartfelt story of Brittany and her daughter Isabella (Bella). Brittany and Bella have been receiving services with Waves Early Learning for 3 years and going through an inspiring journey of hard work and perseverance. Staci and Co-Host Tripp Abney are joined by Waves Early Learning Director Gina Wilson and Waves Early Interventionist Deana Rothwell, who supports Brittany and Bella.
Together the group listens to Brittany share her impactful journey through pregnancy with Bella and the fears and trials Brittany went through to make it to the hospital. Brittany shares her experience giving birth to Bella, the diagnosis she received for Bella telling her every struggle Bella may face in life, and how that has shaped Brittany as a mother today. The courage and strength Brittany has faced through motherhood is inspiring to everyone at the table and, as Brittany's story merges with Waves Early Learning, the group discusses with importance for a strong team connection. The group listens to how the support of Deana and her service coordinator was the support she needed to advocate for her daughter. Listen to Brittany, Deana, Gina, Staci, and Tripp all discuss the powerful story Brittany shares and how Early Learning and TEIS are important to families going through similar journeys.
If you believe your child may need services with TEIS, go to: https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/disability-and-aging/disability-aging-programs/teis.html
For more information on Waves Early Learning, go to: https://wavesinc.com/early-learning-program/ -
We wouldn't have an amazing season without an episode in Fairview! Staci, Matt, and Eric take a trip to the Waves Fairview Day Program for episode three. There we were welcomed by Adam, Stephanie, and Hannah for a whirlwind conversation that spans everything from favorite movies and TV shows to the Waves, upcoming Brews and Grooves event on Sept. 19th. Eric shares his excitement for the upcoming Despicable Me movie which leads Hannah to share about her newest figurine and facts she just learned. Adam makes his presence known throughout the episode with a signing debut, priming everyone to talk about the upcoming Brews and Grooves event with Waves. Stephanie shares her passion for Justin Bieber, inspiring Eric to pick a Bieber song for his performance! Listen to the full episode now for every exciting turn of the conversation.
To view Waves' upcoming events head to wavesinc.com/events for a list of future events scheduled. -
This week's episode features Kaci Fisher with Northwestern Mutual. Kaci works in Financial Planning at Northwestern and has personally been involved with the IDD community through her son. Matt, Eric, and Staci gather together to hear Kaci share her story about her family and personal journey over the years. Eric picks Kaci's brain about how she found herself in the world of Financial Planning. Kaci specializes in Special Needs Financial Planning, allowing her to help the community that has played a key role in her family's journey. As a parent who had to manage the financial stress that can come with accessing all the support needed for her child, Kaci is passionate about helping others navigate this process and find resources to relieve that financial stress. Kaci shares the #1 advice she would give families or caregivers who are looking to establish financial success. Listen to the entire conversation including life updates from Matt and Eric!
To contact Kaci for your own Financial Planning, you can contact her directly at kaci.fisher@nm.com or visit the Northwestern Mutual site at northwesternmutual.com
Earlier this season Waves of Awareness welcomed Chelsey Herron on to discuss the Extended Option with the Tennessee Early Intervention System (TEIS). We heard from a mother's perspective and now we welcome Angie Sexton from TEIS to discuss the state's perspective on this week's episode! Stacie Davis, Jimmy Parnell, and Hannah Rose host Angie along with Waves Early Learning Director, Gina Wilson, and Waves Early Interventionist, Jen Choate, to chat about TEIS and how the Extended Option has impacted thousands.
The group first learns about Angie's background working with children and how her passion led her to TEIS. Working at TEIS, Angie is able to connect with the IDD community at a young age and help them find the resources that will support them long past childhood. Jimmy and Hannah take turns asking Angie what the Extended Option is and how TEIS has seen a significant increase in referrals over the past few years. The Extended Option allows children who began services with TEIS before the age of 3 to opt for the Extended Option if they would like to continue receiving services through TEIS until the start of the school year following the child’s 5th birthday. Angie, Gina, and Jen all share amazing success stories of families who chose the Extended Option and are now celebrating so many milestones achieved because they were able to continue receiving services. Listen to the full episode and learn about the Extended Option with TEIS!
To learn more about the Extended Option with TEIS follow the link here or contact Angie Section Directly at Angie.Sexton@tn.gov. To learn about Early Learning services through Waves, follow the link here. -
Friends of Franklin Park's Development Director, Scout Hardin, joins this week's episode of Waves of Awareness. Staci Davis and co-host Matt Moore get to know Scout, how she came to build a relationship with the IDD community, and what Friends of Franklin Parks has in store for the future.
Scout shares her past working at a non-profit supporting adults with disabilities and how it educated her on the world of IDD in an amazing way.
Having joined Friends of Franklin Parks in the fall of 2023, Scout has enjoyed connecting with the community and learning about the rich history associated with their parks.
Looking to the future, Friends of Franklin Parks has been undergoing their Ellie G project which will become the first inclusive playground in Franklin, Tennessee. The park will be in memory of Elliot Grace, who was born with Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata (RCDP) and passed away at the age of 4 in 2019.Ellie G received services through Waves and has continued to impact so many families and individuals, being an example of strength and joy. The group discusses how Ellie G's playground is progressing now and when we can hope to celebrate its opening. Listen to this week's and learn how parks impact the community and how Friends of Franklin Parks aims to create more that will help make an inclusive community.
Listen to Waves of Awareness past episode with Elli G's mom here. To learn more about Friends of Franklin Parks and how you can get involved, follow the link here. -
This episode features the State Director of Enabling Technology, Milton Neuenschwander, from the Department of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (DIDD). Milton joins Waves of Awareness with Staci David, Matt Moore, and Marci Cohen to discuss what Enabling Technologies is and how it impacts individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (IDD). Matt asks everything from what Milton loves most about Enabling Technologies to where he thinks it's going in the future. The group discuss Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence, how it's already integrated in today's society, and how it has helped those with IDD live more independently today. Staci shares how Milton played a key role in the grant that made Waves of Awareness come to life! Listen to Matt share life updates and the whole group discuss superpowers on this week's episode of Waves of Awareness.
Waves Fairview Day Program joins another episode of Waves of Awareness for National Down Syndrome Day! Staci Davis leads the table with Hannah, Eric, Roger, Stephanie, Adam, and Matt "The Man" Moore into a great conversation. First, the group discusses "Stereotypes" and what they can look like not only in the IDD community but everywhere around us. The group then dives into National Down Syndrome Day and what important message that lies behind it. Listen to updates from the Fairview team including Roger's newfound love for cats after volunteering at the Williamson County Animal Center! Matt shares how his job at Best Buy came about and how he's doing now. Hannah discovers a new interest and potential work venture, Adam and Stephanie talk about their relationship, and Eric makes sure the conversation stays entertaining with his favorite jokes. This episode is full of life, humor, and spreading awareness.
Lance Jordan picks Dr. Harris' brain on how parents can first start gaining information on receiving Adult Services and where to even begin. Together the group go over where to gain information, what makes Adult Services so important, and how those services have evolved to become focused on the individual.
Staci takes the discussion into everyone's favorite movies, the movies we love and the movies we hate. The conversation dives deeper into how losing loved ones makes you value the good memories you have across the board. Roger takes the mic and leads us into his favorite topic ever, Elvis Presley.
Along with Staci Davis, Gina Wilson, Matt Moore, and Eric Wilson, the group begins by hearing Chelsey's story. Chelsey's daughter, Hazel, received a diagnosis of Down Syndrome during pregnancy and began receiving services from Waves Early Learning not long after Hazel was born. Because of Covid, however, Hazel's first sessions were done through a screen (as many families were during this time). By the time Hazel was able to transition to in-person sessions, there were still many goals set for her.
What is a Holistic Approach and how does it apply to Adult Services and Early Learning? This week's Waves of Awareness episode welcomes back Gina and Marci from the Waves Early Learning and Adult Services Departments to discuss how a Holistic Approach can positively impact the individuals Waves supports. Waves Development and Community Relations Director, Staci Davis, leads the table alongside Christy Webb, Eric Wilson, and Matt Moore to shed some light on Holistic Approaches and how it is incorporated into the services Waves offers. Learn about a person-centered approach to IDD and how looking at an individual as a whole can help them achieve their goals. Christy, Eric, and Matt share their own experience with Waves and what their favorite moments have been with Waves. Finish the episode by hearing our guests dream big and answer what everyone would do with Waves if money and resources weren't an issue!
This episode marks the start of season 7 for Waves of Awareness! To kick start the season, we welcome guests from both Waves Early Learning and Adult Services Departments to speak on goals. Gina Wilson and Marci P. Cohen join the table alongside our host Trent Denson. Additionally, WOA welcomes Matt "the Man" Moore, Eric Wilson, Tripp Abney, and Christy Web! With the table packed, the group dives into their goals for the year and what they hope to work on in the coming months. We hear everything from work goals to personal health, as well as a few off-the-mic tips from our season 6 regular Izzy! Gina and Marci also share their personal goals as well as what the Early Learning and Adult Services Departments aim to focus on this year. The group chats about the importance of goals and how setting them gives us something to look forward to and focus on. Enjoy the first episode of the season and let us know if it inspired you to add anything to your own goals!
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