Don't put the failure and fault of yesterday on today. Start today on a fresh note.
Don't stop planning because of failed attempt.
Try to make your day filled with not to many activities. It's not about how much is being done, it's about how well the thing you do is being done.
Planning alone doesn't get things done. Action does.
Don't be held down, blaming yourself just because you couldn't finish up the task you set for yesterday. Today is a new day, face it afresh.
Always have your plans in place ahead of time.
What you do in the morning plans a major role in what your your day will turn out to be. If your morning isn't on a good energy, this could affect the rest of your day.
In simple words, your environment plays a key role in helping you get work done. Even though we may not notice it, our surroundings determine our level of productivity and focus. The more cluttered our environment is, the less productive we tend to be.
What you do in the morning will likely set up your flow for the rest of the day. If you have trouble starting out, you can start your workday with the easiest tasks first. This way you are able to tick some items off of your to-do list and build momentum. You can then gradually move onto the not-so-easy tasks.
A time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s, the Pomodoro technique breaks down a task into time intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks (usually 5 minutes). Another variation of this technique is 52-17 minute variation (52 minutes of work followed by 17 minutes of break).
Once you have made your schedule and have your plan of action ready, it’s time to get granular. Take a pen and a notepad or notebook (if you use a digital tool for planning or task management, use an app like Bit.ai or Evernote) and write down the three most important things you need to accomplish in the day and in that order.
Writing down everything you need to do in the day makes sure that you always have a sense of direction and know what you are doing next. This removes all the guesswork from the process and prevents you from drifting away and wasting time just because you have no idea what to focus on next!
One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is not focus on the one task at hand. By having a list of priorities and tasks to be completed that day, you can eat your frog for breakfast and work through one task at a time, focusing all your attention in the moment. You must be present! The mind is focused on the current task when it knows that now is the time to work! What you are currently doing is exactly what you need to be doing! Keep your mind in the moment and not think about what needs to be done later, or start something else now. Stay present and stay productive!
Taking breaks helps you stay much more productive and ever active for more effectiveness.
PRODUCTIVITY HACK 003 - Prioritise your task
When you create and stick to a schedule, you’re establishing a routine. As a result, you have more structure and discipline in your life. That may not seem necessary
If you take time to reflect on your dreams and visions, the goals you set will focus on what is important to you.
Goal setting is important, and setting SMART goals is even more important to put in order the trajectory of your life. -
Being Deliberate is what only get the job done!
Get up today and do the Impossible. You own your mind.
Keep a goal oriented list of your daily activities
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