

    This episode is such a special one!!! Not just because I'm answering one of my most commonly asked questions...but also because I finally get to share the title of my book with you!


    CHOOSE YOUR SELF SNEAK PEEK: get instant access to a PDF excerpt sneak peek of the book - https://megansherer.kartra.com/page/CYSbook

    JOIN AWAKEN LOVE: spring cohort begins February 18th, get a gifted signed copy of my new book when you join! Book your enrollment call here: https://calendly.com/megansherer/awakenlove

    JOIN ME IN IRELAND!: 6-day somatic healing retreat for women from July 13-18, 2025



    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@healwithmegs

    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/megansherer

    YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/@lovewithmegs

    PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/well-then/id1482678110


    I am a holistic therapist and relationship coach, a speaker, author and facilitator with 11+ years of experience leading women back to their most authentic self. I’m the creator of the Love Alignment method and The Self Care Space, and have helped thousands of women create transformation in their lives and relationships.

    I’m an expert in all things healing with training and certifications in somatic trauma healing, hypnotherapy, life coaching, energy healing, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness-based therapy.

    You can learn more about me and my offerings at www.megansherer.com


    Alignment is a bit of a buzz word, but what does it really mean? This episode explores how we can build a relationship with our most authentic self, and make choices that are in integrity with our values.


    JOIN MY 'BELONGING IN YOUR BODY' COURSE: 4 phases of self-guided somatic healing to help you learn to speak the language of your body: https://megansherer.kartra.com/page/body

    JOIN ME IN IRELAND!: 6-day somatic healing retreat for women from July 13-18, 2025



    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@healwithmegs

    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/megansherer

    YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/@lovewithmegs

    PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/well-then/id1482678110


    I am a holistic therapist and relationship coach, a speaker, author and facilitator with 11+ years of experience leading women back to their most authentic self. I’m the creator of the Love Alignment method and The Self Care Space, and have helped thousands of women create transformation in their lives and relationships.

    I’m an expert in all things healing with training and certifications in somatic trauma healing, hypnotherapy, life coaching, energy healing, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness-based therapy.

    You can learn more about me and my offerings at www.megansherer.com

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Aimee Batuski and Ellie Montgomerie, are the team behind Desire on Fire — an international organization and movement devoted to helping heal the divide between men and women.

    For 7 years, Aimee & Ellie have helped thousands of women globally embrace their feminine essence and create thriving romantic relationships.

    They’ve recently joined forces with two incredible men — Ellie’s husband, Robert Montgomerie, and men’s coach, Mikaal Bates. They’re honored and excited to be facilitating healing work to accelerate and steward the conscious evolution of women and men across the planet in our lifetime.

    Desire on Fire website: http://www.desireonfire.com

    Aimee's Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/aimeebatuski

    Desire on Fire's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/desireonfire/


    JOIN MY 'BELONGING IN YOUR BODY' COURSE: 4 phases of self-guided somatic healing to help you learn to speak the language of your body: https://megansherer.kartra.com/page/body

    JOIN ME IN IRELAND!: 6-day somatic healing retreat for women from July 13-18, 2025



    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@healwithmegs

    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/megansherer


    This episode is a dive into the place most people get stuck in their healing journey: feeling your feelings.


    JOIN MY 'BELONGING IN YOUR BODY' COURSE: 4 phases of self-guided somatic healing to help you learn to speak the language of your body: https://megansherer.kartra.com/page/body

    JOIN ME IN IRELAND!: 6-day somatic healing retreat for women from July 13-18, 2025



    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@healwithmegs

    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/megansherer

    YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/@lovewithmegs

    PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/well-then/id1482678110


    I am a holistic therapist and relationship coach, a speaker, author and facilitator with 11+ years of experience leading women back to their most authentic self. I’m the creator of the Love Alignment method and The Self Care Space, and have helped thousands of women create transformation in their lives and relationships.

    I’m an expert in all things healing with training and certifications in somatic trauma healing, hypnotherapy, life coaching, energy healing, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness-based therapy.

    You can learn more about me and my offerings at www.megansherer.com

  • Connecting to Your Intuition & Channeling Loved Ones with Karen Docherty:

    Since the discovery of her abilities, Karen has worked tirelessly to bring the word of Spirit to those who need it most. From the UK to the USA, from Asia to Australia, clients from all over the world meet with Karen to receive readings, enroll in mentorships and share a space for discussions on the power of Spirit.

    A woman with spirit and a breath of fresh air, Karen offers a contemporary approach to psychic work and mediumship based on traditional principles. Filled with love and compassion, she stands as one of the most reputable and skilled mediums in modern times.

    Karen’s website: https://www.karenpsychic.com


    JOIN ME IN IRELAND!: 6-day somatic healing retreat for women from July 13-18, 2025



    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@healwithmegs

    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/megansherer

    YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/@lovewithmegs

    PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/well-then/id1482678110


    I am a holistic therapist and relationship coach, a speaker, author and facilitator with 11+ years of experience leading women back to their most authentic self. I’m the creator of the Love Alignment method and The Self Care Space, and have helped thousands of women create transformation in their lives and relationships.

    I’m an expert in all things healing with training and certifications in somatic trauma healing, hypnotherapy, life coaching, energy healing, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness-based therapy.

    You can learn more about me and my offerings at www.megansherer.com


    I'm back!! The first part of this episode is a catch-up on what I've been up to this summer in my podcast hiatus. Updates on health, retreats, programs, and the book!!

    Then we get into one of my favorite topics, and the foundation of my work as a holistic therapist: parts work!

    JOIN MY 'BELONGING IN YOUR BODY' COURSE: 4 phases of self-guided somatic healing to help you learn to speak the language of your body: https://megansherer.kartra.com/page/body

    WORK WITH ME 1:1: Core Wound Alchemy is a 3-6 month program where we dive deep into transforming your patterns and reaching your goals



    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@healwithmegs

    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/megansherer

    YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/@lovewithmegs

    PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/well-then/id1482678110


    I am a holistic therapist and relationship coach, a speaker, author and facilitator with 11+ years of experience leading women back to their most authentic self. I’m the creator of the Love Alignment method and The Self Care Space, and have helped thousands of women create transformation in their lives and relationships.

    I’m an expert in all things healing with training and certifications in somatic trauma healing, hypnotherapy, life coaching, energy healing, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness-based therapy.

    You can learn more about me and my offerings at www.megansherer.com


    This episode is a deep dive into the treatment & healing process after getting diagnosed with chronic illness, and how it ultimately led me to feel more like myself than I ever have before. This experience was such a lesson in navigating pain, transitions, and lessons with grace.

    JOIN MY 'BELONGING IN YOUR BODY' COURSE: 4 phases of self-guided somatic healing to help you learn to speak the language of your body: https://megansherer.kartra.com/page/body

    JOIN ME IN IRELAND!: 6-day somatic healing retreat for women from July 13-18, 2024



    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@healwithmegs

    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/megansherer

    YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/@lovewithmegs

    PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/well-then/id1482678110


    I am a holistic therapist and relationship coach, a speaker, author and facilitator with 11+ years of experience leading women back to their most authentic self. I’m the creator of the Love Alignment method and The Self Care Space, and have helped thousands of women create transformation in their lives and relationships.

    I’m an expert in all things healing with training and certifications in somatic trauma healing, hypnotherapy, life coaching, energy healing, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness-based therapy.

    You can learn more about me and my offerings at www.megansherer.com

  • Welcome to a whole new way of understanding your body!! This conversation means a lot to me, because we're exploring a topic that was PIVOTAL in helping me heal from chronic illness.

    My guest today is Katherine Housh and our topic is German New Medicine's approach to healing chronic symptoms.

    Katherine Housh is a Board-Certified Nurse Coach, German New Medicine Consultant, and Somatic Practitioner. She helps women with chronic symptoms learn to listen to their bodies with love, rediscover their authentic selves, and return to wholeness (without obsessing about symptoms and supplements). She is the Creator of the Autoimmune Resolution, Whole Self rEvolution, and Integrative Resolution Coach Certification programs.Find her here:[email protected] ----more----

    JOIN MY 'BELONGING IN YOUR BODY' COURSE: 4 phases of self-guided somatic healing to help you learn to speak the language of your body: https://megansherer.kartra.com/page/body

    JOIN ME IN IRELAND!: 6-day somatic healing retreat for women from July 13-18, 2024



    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@healwithmegs

    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/megansherer

    YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/@lovewithmegs

    PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/well-then/id1482678110


    This episode is a deep dive into the chapter of my life leading up to getting sick in 2020, and some of the factors that contributed to my chronic illness. I share about the process of getting diagnosed and the symptoms I struggled with, as well as a new perspective that started to change everything for me.

    In part 2 I'll dive deep into the treatment & healing process!

    JOIN MY 'BELONGING IN YOUR BODY' COURSE: 4 phases of self-guided somatic healing to help you learn to speak the language of your body: https://megansherer.kartra.com/page/body

    JOIN ME IN IRELAND!: 6-day somatic healing retreat for women from July 13-18, 2024



    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@healwithmegs

    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/megansherer

    YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/@lovewithmegs

    PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/well-then/id1482678110


    I am a holistic therapist and relationship coach, a speaker, author and facilitator with 11+ years of experience leading women back to their most authentic self. I’m the creator of the Love Alignment method and The Self Care Space, and have helped thousands of women create transformation in their lives and relationships.

    I’m an expert in all things healing with training and certifications in somatic trauma healing, hypnotherapy, life coaching, energy healing, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness-based therapy.

    You can learn more about me and my offerings at www.megansherer.com

  • This episode is an exploration of how functional nutrition and embodied wellness can support those who are struggling with chronic symptoms.

    Our guest Andrea is a Functional Medicine Nutritionist and educator, who has led thousands of clients, and now teaches even more coaches and clinicians around the world in a revolution reclaiming ownership of both their own and their clients’ health.

    After losing her young husband to a brain tumor in 2002, she discovered a passion for using food as personalized medicine and is now regularly consulted as the nutrition expert for the toughest clinical cases in the practices of many world-renowned doctors. She trains nearly four thousand practitioners each year in her methodologies so that they too can become the last stop for their clients and patients as well as a trusted referral partner for doctors in their area.

    Andrea's Website & Instagram @andreanakayama


    To learn more about working with me, visit www.megansherer.com.

    To explore somatic healing through my 1:1 Core Wound Alchemy program, visit www.megansherer.com/corewoundalchemy

    Follow me on Instagram @megansherer for updates on all of my latest programs, retreats and offerings!


    In this episode I'm going to share with you one of the biggest lessons that I wish I'd known prior to starting my self-healing work. Understanding that there are going to be periods of loneliness, and that doesn't mean that you're doing it wrong, is key. Tune in to hear more!

    GET MY FREE LOVE BLUEPRINT GUIDE: https://megansherer.kartra.com/page/loveblueprint

    JOIN MY BREAKOPEN COURSE: 6 weeks of healing heartbreak, getting clear on what you want, and starting your next chapter as the most aligned & authentic version of you: https://megansherer.kartra.com/page/breakopen

    JOIN ME IN IRELAND!: 6-day somatic healing retreat for women from July 13-18, 2024



    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@healwithmegs

    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/megansherer

    YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/@lovewithmegs

    PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/well-then/id1482678110


    I am a holistic therapist and relationship coach, a speaker, author and facilitator with 11+ years of experience leading women back to their most authentic self. I’m the creator of the Love Alignment method and The Self Care Space, and have helped thousands of women create transformation in their lives and relationships.

    I’m an expert in all things healing with training and certifications in somatic trauma healing, hypnotherapy, life coaching, energy healing, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness-based therapy.

    You can learn more about me and my offerings at www.megansherer.com

  • How to be empowered as a single woman in your 30's

    Tune in to hear from TikToker and podcaster Julia Mazur on her journey of embracing single hood (and battling some internet trolls along the way!)

    Tune into's Julia's Pretty Much Done podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pretty-much-done/id1644967912

    And follow her on IG and TikTok @pmdpod


    GET MY FREE LOVE BLUEPRINT GUIDE: https://megansherer.kartra.com/page/loveblueprint

    JOIN MY AWAKEN LOVE PROGRAM: 12 weeks of healing relationship patterns, getting clear on what you want, and starting your next chapter as the most aligned & authentic version of you:


    JOIN ME IN IRELAND!: 6-day somatic healing retreat for women from July 13-18, 2024



    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@healwithmegs

    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/megansherer

    YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/@lovewithmegs

    PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/well-then/id1482678110


    I am a holistic therapist and relationship coach, a speaker, author and facilitator with 11+ years of experience leading women back to their most authentic self. I’m the creator of the Love Alignment method and The Self Care Space, and have helped thousands of women create transformation in their lives and relationships.

    I’m an expert in all things healing with training and certifications in somatic trauma healing, hypnotherapy, life coaching, energy healing, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness-based therapy.

    You can learn more about me and my offerings at www.megansherer.com

  • How do you deal with being ghosted?

    The truth is, rejection hurts. Someone else not being able to manage and communicate their emotions/preferences hurts, whether we're taking in personally or not. Tune into this episode to learn what to actually do about it!

    GET MY FREE LOVE BLUEPRINT GUIDE: https://megansherer.kartra.com/page/loveblueprint

    JOIN MY BREAKOPEN COURSE: 6 weeks of healing heartbreak, getting clear on what you want, and starting your next chapter as the most aligned & authentic version of you: https://megansherer.kartra.com/page/breakopen

    JOIN ME IN IRELAND!: 6-day somatic healing retreat for women from July 13-18, 2024



    TIKTOK: www.tiktok.com/@healwithmegs

    INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/megansherer

    YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/@lovewithmegs

    PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/well-then/id1482678110


    I am a holistic therapist and relationship coach, a speaker, author and facilitator with 11+ years of experience leading women back to their most authentic self. I’m the creator of the Love Alignment method and The Self Care Space, and have helped thousands of women create transformation in their lives and relationships.

    I’m an expert in all things healing with training and certifications in somatic trauma healing, hypnotherapy, life coaching, energy healing, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness-based therapy.

    You can learn more about me and my offerings at www.megansherer.com

  • We may not always want to admit it, but how we were raised and what we experienced in our childhood has a huge impact on our adult relationships (for better or worse). There's so much power in taking radical accountability to do a bit of exploration and healing here.

    Let's dive deep together in this solo episode!


    Learn more about working with me or joining my Awaken Love program at www.megansherer.com/awakenlove.

    Follow me on Instagram @megansherer and on TikTok @healwithmegs.

  • This episode goes out to anyone who is healing from heartbreak! Whether you were the one to end it or they were, or it was mutual. Whether it happened yesterday, a month ago, or years ago and you're still struggling to move forward. Whether it was a healthy relationship or unhealthy one.

    Heartbreak is a uniquely human experience, and can trigger some of our deepest fears and core wounds. This episode will guide you in the direction of how to heal while keeping your heart open to more love.

    *JOIN MY NEW BREAKOPEN COURSE: a 6-week heartbreak healing course. {click here to join}

    Follow me on IG @megansherer and on TikTok @healwithmegs for more guidance and updates on my upcoming programs, events and retreats!

  • If you love combining science and spirituality, this episode is for you.

    Today's guest Lisa Tahir is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) for over 20 years certified in EMDR level I, Reiki level II, and as a Thought Coach through the Institute for Transformational Thinking. She's also the author of The Chiron Effect, a guide to using astrology as a diagnostic tool to identify one of 12 core wounds, and heal them utilizing a prescription of psychology, spirituality, and taking personal responsibility. Lisa reveals how to transform your wounds, also experienced as areas of vulnerability that you may edit or hide from others from fear of being rejected or judged, and unconscious patterns that block self-empathy and forgiveness, and prevent you from living your most true and authentic life.Lisa is the host of the weekly podcast All Things Therapy which she began in 2016. Dedicated to Changing Consciousness One Conversation at a Time, Lisa’s show promotes personal growth and transformation, advancing the conversation on emotional, psychological, physical, financial, and spiritual development.

    Follow Lisa on Instagram @nolatherapy.


    Follow me on Instagram @megansherer and on TikTok @healwithmegs.

    Learn more about working with me and joining my upcoming programs at www.megansherer.com

  • One of the more common concerns that women come to me with is how to get out of the cycle of situationships and emotionally unavailable partners. So this episode might call you out a bit, but I'm going to share one of the biggest keys to putting an end to this pattern and finally getting what you want in your love life.

    Spoiler alert: you deserve a love that fully chooses you, and anything less isn't it.

    Tune in and let me know what this episode brings up for you!


    Book your free intro call here:


    Learn more about the program (starting NOV 21 & 22!!) here:


    Follow me on IG @megansherer and on TikTok @healwithmegs

  • I always LOVE when I get to interview friends on mine on the podcast, especially when those friends happen to be brilliant healers in their own right. My friend Whitney (aka Dr. Dicterow) is such an incredible woman, therapist, mother, friend, and so much more.

    As you'll see in this episode, we have LOTS to talk about, including body image, somatic healing, working through past trauma, connecting more deeply to yourself, and how music and movement play such a big role in our healing process.

    Tune in to hear the rest! And make sure you are on my email list (www.megansherer.com) so you can be the first to know when Whitney and I finally announce our retreat!!

    Dr. Whitney Dicterow is a licensed clinical psychologist specialized in evidence-based treatments including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC), and Internal Family Systems (IFS) for patients diagnosed with a variety of mood, anxiety, and adjustment disorders. Her clinical specialties include working with women struggling with the transition into motherhood, development of self-compassion and mindfulness, life transitions/stressors, low self-esteem, body image issues, perfectionism, and emotion regulation difficulties. Dr. Dicterow works collaboratively with clients in a non-judgmental, supportive environment to help them move through painful seasons of life and reconnect to themselves. She has also been trained by Psychedelic Coalition for Health (PCH) in Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP), which can be a beautiful tool to help clients break through stuck points or barriers to healing.

    You can contact her at https://www.drwhitneydicterow.com/contact

    Be sure to follow @megansherer on Instagram and @healwithmegs on TikTok for free daily content and program/retreat updates!

  • There are few people in this world who will learn to choose themselves fully in a period of being intentionally single. Often, people feel single against their will, like it's not a choice they could make...or they avoid relationships altogether out of fear of getting hurt.

    There is so much power in the nuanced in between, where you choose to show up for yourself in new ways and build your relationship with self before choosing a partner. This episode teaches you how to do that artfully.

    Learn more about working with me or joining my Awaken Love program at www.megansherer.com.

    Follow me on Instagram @megansherer and on TikTok @healwithmegs.

  • This episode is SO special! I go into conversation with an incredible woman who is taking a stand for the beauty of single hood, and you know I'm all about that.

    Khaylah Epps is the host of the podcast "I Might Die Alone". "IMDA" celebrates women who are defining their lives beyond their relationship status and dives deep into the dichotomy of wanting romantic love but also not letting that absence consume us. When she's not recording a podcast episode you can find her entrenched in her work - improving health outcomes for underserved communities. In her spare time she loves to travel, try new restaurants, and spend time with her incredible community.

    Follow Khaylah on TikTok @imdapodcast

    Follow me on TikTok @healwithmegs