In dieser Podcast-Episode tauchen wir gemeinsam in die Welt von RENTR ein und lernen die Gründerin und Co-CEO Meret und mich, euren Podcast-Host Lea, kennen. Wir erfahren, wie RENTR entstand, tauschen Geschichten aus und sprechen über viele andere Dinge rund um die App. Außerdem gewährt sie uns einen Blick hinter die Kulissen des Büros und stellen das Team vor. Lasst uns gemeinsam in die Zukunft von RENTR blicken und entdecken, was uns noch alles erwartet. Freut euch auf eine spannende und unterhaltsame Episode!
In this week's episode, Meret is discussing the problematic job of a fashion assistant. Wait - problematic? - yes, assisting is more than attending fancy celebrity photoshoots and going shopping. But what exactly is a fashion assistant, how do you become one and why is this position ironically so necessary and important but on the other hand hardly paid and pushing people towards burnout and depression? Furthermore, Meret is reading a few examples of crazy experiences other assistants shared on Twitter and the Instagram account @fashionassistants. Spoiler alert: apparently crying closets for interns are a thing and so is lightning a cigarette for the head stylist - but see, or rather, hear it for yourself and please share your thoughts on how to protect young talents in the fashion industry.
"what a fashion girly in tech can tell you so far" BLOG
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@meretiktok_ on TikTok
Meret Scheppach on LinkedIn
@RENTR on Instagram
This week's episode is an intro to everything that is coming up at "what a fashion girly in tech can tell you so far" and it is literally me telling you everything that I did so far so you know who and what you are dealing with. I worked in various positions in the fashion industry e.g. styling, personal shopping and creative consultant and now founded my start-up RENTR. What it does and when it will launch, will be revealed in the episode. I am talking about the mental health aspect of being an independent girlboss, which is often more glamorized as it probably should be and also my motives for stepping back with styling for now and approaching the tech world.
POV: you're 20-something living in Berlin and you've been working for over 7 years in all sorts of fashion jobs - as a stylist, creative consultant, personal shopper, fashion magazine editor and so on. Then one day you wake up and think it would be a good idea to start a fashion start-up, even though you don't know anything about tech (but you will!). Now you know who I am and I hope you are curious and want to listen to something new every Sunday about careers in the fashion industry and my start-up called RENTR. If you wanna check it out, click here.
@meretgram on Instagram
@meretiktok_ on TikTok
Meret Scheppach on LinkedIn
RENTR on Instagram
In her first podcast episode of "what a fashion girly in tech can tell you so far", Meret hosts a panel talk at Soho House to discuss the profession of a fashion stylist with 6 colleagues. They talk about how to become a fashion stylist, the up- and downsides of working I the fashion industry, their goals and achievements and the mental health aspect of being a freelancer. This episode is for everyone who wants to make it as a stylist and wants to hear insights from industry professionals. The panel talk consists out of Meret Scheppach (@meretgram), Smilla Marcussen (@smilmarc), Alina Kossan (@alina_kossan), Lucas Avid Hübner (@lucasavid), Marian Schlicker (@marianschlicker), Anastasia Scheel (@Anastasia.she) and Irini Mpantis (@_irini_styling).
"what a fashion girly in tech can tell you so far" BLOG
@meretgram on Instagram
@meretiktok_ on TikTok
Meret Scheppach on LinkedIn
@RENTR on Instagram