In which Spanks and the Dude discuss how to frame a pathological need for fixing things into a call to ministry, with the help of beloved voice actor Alan Tudyk's character in the Will Smith film, I, Robot.
Find all things WTHIAP at www.wthiap.com.
In which Ethan and Jo discuss a couple of incidents around the churches.
Find all things WTHIAP at www.wthiap.com.
In which Spanks Rebok and the Dude discuss the important work of the church secretary, with important, firsthand stories.
Find all things WTHIAP at wthiap.com.
In which Ethan asks Jo about justice work: what stops us from doing it, where we can start, and what we can achieve.
Interested in the resources Jo mentioned in the episode? They're here: https://wthiap.com/resources/
Find all things WTHIAP at wthiap.com.
In which Spanks Rebok and the Dude discuss true crime and procedural TV shows.
Find all things WTHIAP at wthiap.com.
Recorded before Trump's inauguration, a conversation about January 6, Christianity, and what we must do in order to stand against fascists, nationalists, and people who want to divide us.
Read the bishops' letter here.
Find all things WTHIAP at wthiap.com.
In which Nick visits the podcast once again, giving updates on his work, perspective on volunteer-run ministries and networking, and practical advice about caring for folks on the street.
Find ways to support the Beacon, including purchasing items off its wishlist, here: https://fnofpa.org/the-beacon/?
Find all things WTHIAP at wthiap.com.
In which Ethan and Jo talk about freedom, the new world, and responsibility in the work of Carl Michalson, a twentieth-century Methodist theologian with some cool ideas who died in a plane crash.
Want to follow along with our reading? It's Worldly Theology, Chapter 11, which you can read here: https://archive.org/details/worldlytheologyh0000mich
Find all things WTHIAP at wthiap.com.
In which Ethan and Jo talk about preaching and tips about reading the dense stuff in the work of Carl Michalson, a twentieth-century Methodist theologian with some cool ideas who died in a plane crash.
Want to follow along with our reading? It's Worldly Theology, Chapter 11, which you can read here: https://archive.org/details/worldlytheologyh0000mich
Find all things WTHIAP at wthiap.com.
In which Ethan and Jo discuss the idea of "the World" in the work of Carl Michalson, a twentieth-century Methodist theologian with some cool ideas who died in a plane crash.
Want to follow along with our reading? It's Worldly Theology, Chapter 11, which you can read here: https://archive.org/details/worldlytheologyh0000mich
Find all things WTHIAP at wthiap.com.
In which Ethan and Jo conclude their thoughts on a topic from season 1.
Find all things WTHIAP at wthiap.com.
In which Ethan and Jo revisit a topic from season 1.
Find all things WTHIAP at wthiap.com.
In which Rev. Diane Kenaston joins Jo to talk about her journey into ordained ministry, her time in the local church, and the Good Friday Collaborative, an ecumenical partner for those doing the sacred work of congregational endings.
Links from this episode:
You can find the GFC at https://www.goodfridaycollaborative.com/. You can read Diane's piece on https://faithandleadership.com/how-avoid-falling-the-stained-glass-cliff-when-leading-dying-church Find more of Diane's work here: https://www.dianekenaston.com/ Read a reflection from a GFC collaborator in Fidelia Magazine here: https://youngclergywomen.org/a-ministry-of-ending/ Hooked already? Sign up for the GFC's newsletter here: https://bit.ly/GoodFridayNews What is this YCWI Jo and Diane keep talking about? Learn more here: https://youngclergywomen.org/Find all things WTHIAP at wthiap.com.
In which Ethan, Jo, and Ian continue to discuss the tragic story of the Benoit double-murder and suicide, and what we can learn from it.
Support disaster relief efforts in Western North Carolina:
1. BeLoved Asheville: https://belovedasheville.com/
https://www.paypal.me/BeLovedAsheville2. MANNA Food Bank: https://donate.mannafoodbank.org/. 3. UMCOR: https://advance.umcmission.org/p-620-umcor-us-disaster-response-and-recovery.aspx.
UMCOR flood buckets: https://umcmission.org/umcor-cleaning-kit/
WNCC direct hurricane relief donations: https://bit.ly/WNCCHurricaneReliefDonations.
Find all things WTHIAP at wthiap.com
In which Ethan, Jo, and Ian discuIn which Ethan, Jo, and Ian discuss the tragic story of the Benoit double-murder and suicide.
Support disaster relief efforts in Western North Carolina:
1. BeLoved Asheville: https://belovedasheville.com/
https://www.paypal.me/BeLovedAsheville2. MANNA Food Bank: https://donate.mannafoodbank.org/. 3. UMCOR: https://advance.umcmission.org/p-620-umcor-us-disaster-response-and-recovery.aspx.
UMCOR flood buckets: https://umcmission.org/umcor-cleaning-kit/
WNCC direct hurricane relief donations: https://bit.ly/WNCCHurricaneReliefDonations.
Find all things WTHIAP at wthiap.com
In which Ethan and Jo discuss the election.
Support disaster relief efforts in Western North Carolina:
1. BeLoved Asheville: https://belovedasheville.com/
https://www.paypal.me/BeLovedAsheville2. MANNA Food Bank: https://donate.mannafoodbank.org/. 3. UMCOR: https://advance.umcmission.org/p-620-umcor-us-disaster-response-and-recovery.aspx.
UMCOR flood buckets: https://umcmission.org/umcor-cleaning-kit/
WNCC direct hurricane relief donations: https://bit.ly/WNCCHurricaneReliefDonations.
Find all things WTHIAP at wthiap.com
CN: mention of child death and discussion of death by suicide.
In which Ethan and Jo discuss the 2023 film starring Zac Effron and Jeremy Allen White, The Iron Claw.
Support disaster relief efforts in Western North Carolina:
1. BeLoved Asheville: https://belovedasheville.com/
https://www.paypal.me/BeLovedAsheville2. MANNA Food Bank: https://donate.mannafoodbank.org/. 3. UMCOR: https://advance.umcmission.org/p-620-umcor-us-disaster-response-and-recovery.aspx.
UMCOR flood buckets: https://umcmission.org/umcor-cleaning-kit/
WNCC direct hurricane relief donations: https://bit.ly/WNCCHurricaneReliefDonations.
Find all things WTHIAP at wthiap.com
In which Ethan and Jo continue to discuss Anthony Towne and William Stringfellow's book, Suspect Tenderness.
Support disaster relief efforts in Western North Carolina:
1. BeLoved Asheville: https://belovedasheville.com/
https://www.paypal.me/BeLovedAsheville2. MANNA Food Bank: https://donate.mannafoodbank.org/. 3. UMCOR: https://advance.umcmission.org/p-620-umcor-us-disaster-response-and-recovery.aspx.
UMCOR flood buckets: https://umcmission.org/umcor-cleaning-kit/
WNCC direct hurricane relief donations: https://bit.ly/WNCCHurricaneReliefDonations.
Find all things WTHIAP at wthiap.com
In which Ethan and Jo discuss Anthony Towne and William Stringfellow's book, Suspect Tenderness.
Support disaster relief efforts in Western North Carolina:
1. BeLoved Asheville: https://belovedasheville.com/
https://www.paypal.me/BeLovedAsheville2. MANNA Food Bank: https://donate.mannafoodbank.org/. 3. UMCOR: https://advance.umcmission.org/p-620-umcor-us-disaster-response-and-recovery.aspx.
UMCOR flood buckets: https://umcmission.org/umcor-cleaning-kit/
WNCC direct hurricane relief donations: https://bit.ly/WNCCHurricaneReliefDonations.
Find all things WTHIAP at wthiap.com
In which Ethan and Jo discuss theodicy, responsibility, and the challenge of doing everything everywhere all at once.
Support disaster relief efforts in Western North Carolina:
1. BeLoved Asheville: https://belovedasheville.com/
https://www.paypal.me/BeLovedAsheville2. MANNA Food Bank: https://donate.mannafoodbank.org/. 3. UMCOR: https://advance.umcmission.org/p-620-umcor-us-disaster-response-and-recovery.aspx.
UMCOR flood buckets: https://umcmission.org/umcor-cleaning-kit/
WNCC direct hurricane relief donations: https://bit.ly/WNCCHurricaneReliefDonations.
Find all things WTHIAP at wthiap.com
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