Hey you!
Hey hey!
In this last episode of Where Are You From? here, John did ask local television anchor and local television host Ashlyn Hill to meet with him, and to think about, or to seriously, seriously wonder about what it may be like for someone to have to work, and work very, very hard to become a fixture or a staple, or a vital, vital and relied upon part or partner within a brand new community or town!
And the thoughts and the answers and the responses that did come up, or that were put forth will really, really, really make you think there!
Yes they will! https://www.valleynewslive.com/video-gallery/news/north-dakota-today/ (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://youtu.be/wnDuEAtWDso
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Hello hello!
Hello straight away, and let us get right down to business huh, ha, or small business here on this episode of this Where Are You From? series with John stopping by Replay Games Downtown Fargo, and chitchatting with owner Cassidy Schnase about some funny, and some nostalgic, and some totally, totally philosophical and ethical, and moral, and community-related or community-based, or sensitive issues or considerations!
Like, this entire episode was a huge, huge, huge win for communication, or for communicating our own thoughts and our own values, and for memory, or for remembering, and for not letting go of what it is that is supposed to be so, so very, very, very important to us!
Yes, it was!
It was! https://www.replaygames.us/ (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://youtu.be/xExjQE5w7g8
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Hey now!
And what a conversation that I was that John did have himself with Cassie Valenzuela, president of the Red River Valley Asperger-Autism Network in Fargo, and a parent of children with their own particular or specific and varying, varying needs!
Parenting and protecting our children or our kids was discussed or talked about, yes, yes, and the idea, or the concept or hope and hopes for fairness and equality and opportunity was emphasized as well!
And of course, like, of course John and Cassie did ponder what it is that life itself would be like if we all were immediately a little more like Batman y’know!
What is it that that would be like for sure! https://rrvan.org/ (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uV4pdsEV7RM
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Hi there!
And hey, hey, hey!
Artist and art educator and friend Chelsea Lee did virtually catch up with John some time ago now, while it was so that he was at his apartment in South Moorhead, Minnesota, and the two former classmates and coworkers and collaborators did discuss what fame and what celebrity and what popularity are, and how it is and where it is that they may begin in our society, and how often it is that some of us do chase after them, or seek them out, and try and try and try to be in the spotlight, and be seen! http://chelsealeeartist.com/ (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://youtu.be/vzcy7OdjDVk
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Hey hey there now!
John and Brian Clark, behavioral specialist and owner of Beyond Behavior did get together at Roasted Rail Coffee House in Dilworth, Minnesota, and the two of them did visit about how special it is and how valuable it is that John is himself, and how aware and how authentic, and how committed and supportive each one of us can be if we do mind our surroundings, and if we do mind our manners, and if we do practice mindful and respectful and kind, kind, kind and active and wise, and fulfilling types of behavior and conduct and methods of expressing ourselves, and interpreting the world and the circumstances around us!
Sure! https://beyondbehavior.org/ (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_NrblKbLtA
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Hey hey!
The director of Plains Art Museum Andy Maus did allow me to and you to down with him, and he and John did converse about the question that is the title of this series, “Where are you from?” And what it is that it can be like to appear to not fit in completely, and not be just like everyone else, and how invisible or unnoticed it can be that some people with physical and with intellectual disabilities can be!
And how it is that art itself does not have to be from one place in particular, or from one time or one context, or even from one city, state, or continent!
No, it does not! https://plainsart.org/ (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://youtu.be/dWYnX4tagu8
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Here in this first episode of this eighth season of the Where Are You From? web series, John does sit down with his father and with Ashley Thornberg on the local radio program Main Street, and the three of these inquisitive and creative and personable, personable, personable people do engage in a conversation about the exciting and the heartwarming and fanciful podcast Davey Bee’s Hit Song Vault that is being promoted and being supported by Prairie Public, Fargo-Moorhead’s own Public Broadcasting Service station, and just what it is like to be a family of entertainers and broadcasters, and really, really really very kind and courteous and original storytellers!
What a great, great, great, great way to begin the season here huh!
Whoa! https://news.prairiepublic.org/podcast/main-street (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoLFngXk4Rc
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Hey did you think that you would not be seeing anymore Where Are You From? episodes anytime soon?
Well forget about that, because here is the eighth season of the widely popular and very, very, very illuminating and fun web series produced by John David Berdahl!
In this season, John will be speaking to art museum directors and news anchors and friends, or fellow art educators, and behavioral health colleagues and small business owners, and jumping headfirst back into answering that really, really, really common question nowadays, “Where are you from?” (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://youtu.be/z4hyu7C4Ffs
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Hey hey!
Here is the final part, or here is the final or the last section or leg of the conversation that Hadlie Dahlseid and I had been having ourselves a little while ago, where it was that we had been talking about being diagnosed and about identifying ourselves as autistic adults, or as neurodivergent or neuroatypical people, and how it was that that had gone in school and in particular friendships of relationships that it was that we had had!
In this last chunk or piece of the overall conversation or did us soon, and in this last episode of this seventh season, Hadlie and I do talk about what it was like for me to present to and to train the Moorhead Police Department about how it is that they can engage individuals on the spectrum in a tense, or in a crisis situation!
Gosh that did go well there at their offices or at their division or branch!
It did!
It did!
It did! https://www.cityofmoorhead.com/departments/police (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://youtu.be/VurzU_ushLA
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Hey you!
Here is another section of the conversation that it was that Hadlie Dahlseid and myself did have some time ago now, about our own individual experience on the spectrum, and about the differences that can appear, or that can be noticed between boys and between girls who have been diagnosed or who do present with autism spectrum disorder!
And in addition to Hadlie and me conversing about those sort of subjects, an exchange that I did have with a social work and behavioral health and wellness colleague named Mary Rymanowski can be viewed and listened to as well!
It can! (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://youtu.be/CHw9ofODHiE
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Hey hey!
The conversation with Hadlie Dahlseid continues in this episode of Where Are You From? where we do cover the subject of progressing through school, and certainly, certainly progressing or proceeding towards living a life that is much, much, much more meaningful for ourselves and for others!
And we do acknowledge that the two of us had participated in an event in West Fargo, North Dakota titled Neurodiversity and Faith: Telling Our Stories, and Flame of Faith United Methodist Church there!
We do!
We do!
We do!
Yes, we do!
Indubitably! https://www.flameoffaithumc.org/ (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://youtu.be/oH-T6QeXK8s
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Hey now!
Hey hey hey!
Or hi!
During this episode of the Where Are You From? series, Hadlie Dahlseid do begin to have ourselves a conversation that does span four episodes or four segments or portions of this seventh season here!
Man like wow right!
And during this initial part of our conversation or chat, Hadlie and I do talk about how it was that you can find out that you are on the autism spectrum!
It is different for each of us!
It is!
It is, just like involving yourself in an autism symposium that is being conducted, or is being managed and put on by Pesi huh!
Absolutely it is!
Absolutely, it is! https://www.pesi.com/ (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://youtu.be/lt7TuLC6Id4
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--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/whereareyoufromseries/support
You can learn about so, so very much there!Yes!Yes you can!Yes!Haha!You can!During the visit or during the trip that I had made to the library, staff member Jeffrey Salinas-Jenni did assist me to find out as much as we could about sanitariums in Minnesota!Specifically, ones that had been near to Moorhead, way back when!Whoa!Whoa!Whoa!Do check out what it was that we had uncovered today!Oh do!Do! https://larl.org/locations/moorhead/ (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://youtu.be/5or8m4r45hE -
That’s a Story That Should Be Told… More than One Way
Hey so who are they who are Kari Dallmann and who are Beth Garland here in Fargo-Moorhead?
Well, together, they are the incredibly, incredibly, incredibly versatile acoustic duo called Fancy That!
Yes they are!
They are, and I did sit down with the two local musician or two local performers, and we did discuss just what it has been that it has been like performing so often and so, so, so well at home here, and elsewhere!
And you do know what!
There was some singing, and there was some strumming or some demonstrating of some skills, or of some expertise y’know!
Like, there was!
There was! https://fancythatmusic.wixsite.com/fancythat (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://youtu.be/H_deYwxBNsY
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Well hey hey again!
Here is the first episode of the seventh season of the Where Are You From? web series and golly!
What a way to kick off the season huh, visiting Dawn Robson at That’s the Dream Farm in Glyndon, Minnesota, and having such a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful conversation about feelings and about relationships, and about treating each other better, and about pride, and so, so, so much more y’know!
You gotta check this show out today!
You do!
You do! https://www.thatsthedream.farm/ (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://youtu.be/oxfyQ4CKIlo
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Hey hey!
Where Are You From? is back again with a brand new seventh season for you to watch, and for you to enjoy!
These episodes will inform you, and they will inspire you as they cover topics such as how it is that autism spectrum disorder can appear in boys and can appear in girls, and what resources they are that are at our own disposal to locate different types of information, or to learn much, much, much more about periods of history or of yesterday!
And they will introduce you to Hadley Dahlseid, and to the band Fancy That, and to the Moorhead Public Library and to Dawn Robson of That’s the Dream Farm, and to Dr. Temple Grandin to boot!
Stay tuned huh!
Do, do, do stay tuned! (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://youtu.be/_AYIyy1QGQ0
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Hey hey!
Matthew Schneider and I have been friends for a long, long, long, long time!
We have!
We have!
And through it all we have maintained a sense of connection or a sense of closeness and trust, and happiness, and humor that I have not had or that I have not found with any other person, no, no, including the woman that I had been married to!
Matt and I did get together not too, too long ago now, we did, and we did think about how good it was that we did have it as children, and how things have changed since the late 80s, and since the early 90s!
We did!
We did!
We did!
Check out it! (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://youtu.be/UZnmw5yeOT0
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Paul Erdmann and I had been in a band some time ago!
It was a band called GhostHandPunch, and it was very, very, very popular!
It was!
It was!
Paul did come over, and he and I did take a trip down the lane where it is that memories and where experiences and where our own successes do reside, and we did talk about what it was like to be moderately famous and well liked, and living a musicians and a singer’s and a songwriter’s lifestyle!
GhostHandPunch did record one final album before disbanding, and if you do follow the link below, you sure, sure, sure can hear it!
You can! https://ghosthandpunch.bandcamp.com/album/ghosthandpunch-2014 (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://youtu.be/-YKBvaj9knE
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Tara Lenertz and I have known each other for a very, very, very long time, we have!
We have!
But not until recently, when she and when I did join one another for a deliberate dive into who she had been at a certain age, and what it was that did shape our own views or our own perspectives and relationships with the world and with each other that I did learn so, so very much about who it was who she had been as a teenager, and as a young woman!
I did think, and I still do think that she is really, really cool y’know, and that she is totally, totally, totally the smartest and the most clever and considerate person that I do know!
I do!
I do! https://www.tarajolenertz.com/ (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://youtu.be/f-_7AVSjqu0
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Mackenzie Kouba is a local fine artist and women’s and disabled rights activist and friend, and I did ask her to come on over to the apartment that I do rent, and to shoot the breeze or to talk about what it was that we were doing and were thinking about when it was that we were younger!
I did!
I did!
For sure!
I did!
And you do know what!
The resulting exchange of ideas and memories and convictions is in no way disappointing or bothersome or boring!
No, it is not!
No! https://www.facebook.com/mackenzie.kouba (Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio!) https://youtu.be/AUZOaz5w2rM
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