Charisma is a podcast with the intent of sharing the stories of amazing athletes to inspire the listener to stay active and positive. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/tylor-gwin/support
My name is Lea. I’m on my weallness journey for about a year and I want to share some tips with you and help you with self growth, and I hope you will like it. Lea talks about wellness, habits and how to change your life. All about how to become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself. Love you, Lea.
Pregnancy and Parenthood are the two choices we make for life. For some of us it's a smooth ride. For the rest of us, it's difficult to even begin. Still, we find it worth our while. So much so that we opt for all kinds of fertility treatments. One of the most notable being IVF.
On Ask the IVF Expert doctors from all over India are interviewed to cover all kinds of questions you, as a would-be-parent might have.
This podcast is brought to you by Parents of Fertility powered by Merck. -
Tento podcast je venovaný všetkým nadšencom silového tréningu, výživy, fyzioterapie a zdravého životného štýlu.
Ak sa Ti náš podcast páči, môžeš nám pomôcť rásť pozitívnym ratingom na ktorejkoľvek platforme, zdieľaním na sociálnych sieťach, odporúčaním kamošom či klientom ale aj konštruktívnou kritikou. Je nejaká oblasť, o ktorej by si nás počul rád rozprávať? Napíš nám!
A ak Ťa zaujíma viac o tom kto sme a čo robíme, nájdeš nás tu:
Tréning a výživa: www.sgfitness.sk
Fyzioterapia: www.comphy.sk
Vzdelávací tréningový projekt: www.getjacked.sk -
The Happy Hippie Podcast is a show hosted by Amanda McCormack ( RYT 200 , CPT, CNC) . We are here to explore all the areas in life that contribute to bringing us greater happiness! We take deep dives into different wellness topics, methods, products and talk to experts in the field to discover what YOU can bring into your life to feel better mentally, physically, and spiritually! Solo episode or guest interview- This is an open forum for discussion on these topics. You'll walk away with advice, knowledge , and some entertainment! Check out our insta: @HappyHippie_Fitness