
  • This is the beginning of the second part of Bonnie's Story. She became very ill and in this episode I describe what we did to save her. It was a very expensive experience.

    I also provide some advice as to how you could possibly afford such a situation as well as a possible way to avoid trouble.

    My Standard Myth deals with the overall looks of males vs females.

    I also suggest some AKC articles. (see below for links)

    New Puppy Checklist
    LINK: https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/puppy-information/new-puppy-checklist/

    New Puppy Owner Questions
    LINK: https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/new-puppy-owner-questions/

    Is Your Dog Stubborn?
    LINK: https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/is-your-dog-stubborn/

    Questions from the Internet:
    Please remember to ask questions. I’d much rather answer questions from my listeners. There’s a page on our woebgonbassets.com website where you can either record a question or send one by email.

    “Do Your Ears Hang Low”
    By Trygve Larsen or “Nesrality” available royalty free from Pixabay.

    This video and all material contained therein is Copyrighted© by Donald Bullock all All Rights Reserved. It cannot be edited, copied, printed or rebroadcasted in part or in full without his expressed written permission.

  • We attempted our first breeding between Mandy and Moose. As I explain in the podcast, things didn’t go well. You’ll discover that breeding isn’t as easy as some think.

    In this episode I explain why Pam and I decided to become breeders of basset hounds. It’s not for the reasons that many of you think.

    T-shirts and a custom mug are available through our website http://www.woebgonbassets.com

    To help you out with asking questions I've decided to provide my email address to you here. It's [email protected]. The YouTube Comments have been opened up as well. They will remain open unless I start receiving inappropriate or fraudulent or SPAM comments or ads for bassets. I don't have time to constantly delete inappropriate comments as I have to do on other places on the Internet.


    “Do Your Ears Hang Low”

    By Trygve Larsen or “Nesrality” available royalty free from Pixabay.

    This podcast and all material contained therein is Copyrighted© by Donald Bullock all All Rights Reserved. It cannot be edited, copied, printed or rebroadcasted in part or in full without his expressed written permission.

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • We added a puppy from Moose to our pack. I also introduce the concept behind the first competitive dog shows and how they developed. Someone asked why their basset hound has longer legs than most others. Those stories and more in this episode of WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast.

  • In this episode I share what techniques scammers use to hook people. I also include true examples of people who have been scammed. Fortunately these people have either contacted a local news organization or the Better Business Bureau with their stories. They were willing to admit that they fell for a scam.

    Internet fraud is rampent. Scammers will do anything they can think of to get your money. I’ve concentrated on puppy scams but have also included examples from rescue. Scammers don’t care who’s contacting them or anything about them. All they care for is scamming people out of their hard earned money.

    Getting a dog from anyone is a highly emotional experience. People lose sense of reality and fall for these scams. They are also greatly hurt emotionally. That’s why it’s important to share this episode or at least the information to others. The more we share the fewer people will suffer from these scams.

    Woebgon Bassets website:
    [email protected]

    Basset Hound Club of America Website:

    There is a website, PetScams.com, that lists alleged scammer’s websites. Unfortunately, due to the large number of these websites, they do not include rescue or Social Media suspected scams.

    Online puppy scams: How to protect yourself against fake online dog breeders

    Potential dog owners fall prey to fake breeder websites

    Beware of puppy scams in San Diego County

    Education about our breed is a key to avoiding any of these scams. That’s one reason I decided to create this podcast. Your goal should be to know more about basset hounds than the scammers. do. That’s your best protection in this and many others of getting and caring for your basset.

    A future episode of WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast will concentrate solely on rescue both legitimate groups and those that aren’t. It’s become a big business in many countries.

  • While I’m using a fraudulent breeder website as an example there are also fraudulent rescue websites. In this episode of WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast I’ll be sharing how to spot one of these websites. I use an actual alleged puppy scammer’s website as an example.

    I need to make sure to say all this is alleged. In our country people are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

    In this episode I share ways to spot websites created by fraudulent breeders and rescue groups on the Internet.

    There is a website, http://www.petscams.com, that lists alleged scammer’s websites. Unfortunately, due to the large number of these websites, they do not include rescue or Social Media suspected scams.

    News Programs on Puppy Scams:

    Online puppy scams: How to protect yourself against fake online dog breeders
    LINK: https://youtu.be/O1HufKMDEoI?si=ARXNfXm9pi7aN2NA

    Beware of puppy scams in San Diego County
    LINK: https://youtu.be/UurWc_axu2s?si=TIvrfqXvLfs41aPv

    Education about our breed is a key to avoiding any of these scams. That’s one reason I decided to create this podcast. Your goal should be to know more about basset hounds than the scammers. do. That’s your best protection in this and many others of getting and caring for your basset.

    A future episode of WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast will concentrate solely on rescue both legitimate groups and those that aren’t. It’s become a big business in many countries.

    Episode 11 of the podcast will provide more on Internet fraud. I’ll be sharing why people fall for these scams and provide actual examples of cases where people were scammed.

  • This episode of WOEBGON explains how we acquired our first girl and information on how good breeders and rescue groups can work together. There's a lot of rhetoric these days that tries to make it look like breeders and rescue are opposites. In this episode I include information on how they actually work together. We're BOTH interested in maintaining our breed.

    Acquiring our first girl for breeding purposes is documented in this episode. I explain the process we went though. While it wasn't as difficult as we thought it would be that's because Pam and I had already established a good reputation in the breed. As you see we still had to make some difficult decisions.

    As for good breeders and rescue groups working together BOTH are extremely important to any breed. Good breeders should be producing good examples of our breed that don't end up in need of being rescued. Without them we wouldn't have a breed. The rescue groups are needed to clean up the mess of those breeders who aren't responsible for the dogs they breed. In this episode I explain an excellent example where both groups work together for the benefit of our breed. In doing so I provide an excellent place to start for those who wish to rescue a basset hound. Both groups Compliment each other and help maintain our wonderful breed.

    T-shirts and a custom mug are available through our website http://www.woebgonbassets.com

    Daphneyland Video


    To help you out with asking questions I've decided to provide my email address to you here. It's [email protected]. The YouTube Comments have been opened up as well. They will remain open unless I start receiving inappropriate or fraudulent or SPAM comments or ads for bassets. I don't have time to constantly delete inappropriate comments as I have to do on other places on the Internet.

    “Do Your Ears Hang Low”
    By Trygve Larsen or “Nesrality” available royalty free from Pixabay.

    This video and all material contained therein is Copyrighted© by Donald Bullock all All Rights Reserved. It cannot be edited, copied, printed or rebroadcasted in part or in full without his expressed written permission.

  • Episode 8 of WOEBGON

    Pam and I decided that we would like to breed our own basset hounds. I tell the story on how we went about selecting our first stud dog.

    Heavy bone is an important feature of the breed. I include information on this feature of basset hounds including why it's important, where the idea for heavy bone came from, etc.

    Where the breed, basset hound, came from is somewhat a mystery for some. I include information that should help clear up that mystery and provide some facts surrounding their origin.

    Listener, Susan, asked some important questions that I think all of you can relate to. Hopefully you'll find my answers helpful.

    To help you out with asking questions I've decided to provide my email address to you here. It's [email protected]. The YouTube Comments have been opened up as well. They will remain open unless I start receiving inappropriate or fraudulent or SPAM comments or ads for bassets. I don't have time to constantly delete inappropriate comments as I have to do on other places on the Internet.

    “Do Your Ears Hang Low”
    Available royalty free from Pixabay
    Music by Trygve Larsen or “Nesrality”

    Inspirational Background
    Available royalty free on Pixabay
    Music by AudioCoffee: https://www.audiocoffee.net

    This video and all material contained therein unless otherwise stated is Copyrighted© by Donald Bullock all All Rights Reserved. It cannot be edited, copied, printed or rebroadcasted in part or in full without his expressed written permission.

  • Episode 7 WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast

    In this podcast I tell about our first AKC Champion basset hound, provide an early description of basset hounds and more including information on splenic tumors and an answer to a listener's question about adding another basset to the family.

    This podcast includes the second part of Buddy's story that I started in Episode 6. It tells how he became our first AKC Champion. It's a fascinating story with a lot of twists and turns. I also include information on splenic tumors which is what caused us to have buddy put dow.

    The beginnings of our breed is covered in this episode as well. Included in that is an early description of the breed from a man who is often referred to as the Father of Basset Hounds.

    A listener asked a great question. It's one we get often. Her question is regarding adding a second basset hound to the family. I present a very detailed answer.

    T-shirts and a custom mug are available through our website http://www.woebgonbassets.com

    To help you out with asking questions I've decided to provide my email address to you here. It's [email protected]. The YouTube Comments have been opened up as well. They will remain open unless I start receiving inappropriate or fraudulent or SPAM comments or ads for bassets. I don't have time to constantly delete inappropriate comments as I have to do on other places on the Internet.

    “Do Your Ears Hang Low”
    By Trygve Larsen or “Nesrality” available royalty free from Pixabay.

    This video and all material contained therein is Copyrighted© by Donald Bullock all All Rights Reserved. It cannot be edited, copied, printed or rebroadcasted in part or in full without his expressed written permission.

  • Episode 6 of WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast
    Getting Our First Champion (Buddy's Story Part 1) - Bassets Eating Habits

    As those of you who have been listening to the podcast know we had some issues trying to show our first bassets to an AKC Championship. In this episode I share the first part of his store. It included how we got our first Champion and some of the issues we faced in showing him.

    One of the issues we faced was anal glands that wouldn't express themselves. So in this episode I share what they are, how to possibly determine if your dog has anal gland problems and how avoid the issue and how to treat them.

    Mt Standard Myth for this episode deals with the size of a basset hound. Are they truly a large breed?

    For the history of the breed I share some of the beginnings of the breed we call basset hounds today.

    I included a question from the Internet:

    Since I didn’t receive any questions from listeners I selected two that I found recently on the Facebook that I felt fit into this podcast episode.

    Please remember to ask questions. I’d much rather answer questions from my listeners. There’s a page on our woebgonbassets.com website where you can either record a question or send one by email.

    To help you out with asking questions I've decided to provide my email address to you here. It's [email protected]. The YouTube Comments have been opened up as well. They will remain open unless I start receiving inappropriate or fraudulent or SPAM comments or ads for bassets. I don't have time to constantly delete inappropriate comments as I have to do on other places on the Internet.

    “Do Your Ears Hang Low”
    By Trygve Larsen or “Nesrality” available royalty free from Pixabay.

    This video and all material contained therein is Copyrighted© by Donald Bullock all All Rights Reserved. It cannot be edited, copied, printed or rebroadcasted in part or in full without his expressed written permission.

  • Episode 5


    In this episode I tell the story of the first basset hound we bought for showing. His story is somewhat tragic but he was a wonderful member of our family.

    The medical condition of canine bloat or Gastric dilatation-volvulus is something that can quickly kill your dog. I discuss what it is, what it does and how to possibly prevent it. This topic is important to all dog owners, especially those with deep chests. This definitely included bassets. I’ve included some important links on this topic below.

    The beginning of our breed is one that not everyone is clear on. I explain where the breed came from and how it was named. It’s not what most people think.

    While I’ve mentioned how to find a good breeder in earlier episodes in this episode I present my criteria for one. In my opinion good breeders must be both reputable and responsible. I define those term as they relate to breeders in this episode. There are some important links from the AKC on this topic below.

    One of my listeners asked some great questions recently. In this episode I address this listener’s question about how to improve their showing skills. I address by answer to anyone who is interested in showing a basset hound and give away some of my secrets in the process.


    Our website


    BHCA website


    Bloat (Gastric Dilation – Volvulus) Powerpoint Presentation on Canine Bloat by Dr. Guillaume L. Hoareau of the University of California, Davis


    Gastric dilatation-volvulus in dogs - New Zealand Veterinary Journal Pages 275-283 | Accepted 10 Oct 2003, Published online: 22 Feb 2011


    Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus from The American College of Veterinary Surgeons


    Analysis of risk factors for gastric dilatation and dilatation-volvulus in dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 01 May 1994, 204(9):1465-1471


    Gastric Dilatation Volvulus: Surgical PreventionVeterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice Journal


    A Quick Reference Guide for Canine Bloat from the Basset Hound Club of Southern California

    https://www.bhcsc.com/basset-info/ewExternalFiles/Bloat Chart 2013 copy.pdf

    Canine Bloat Information on WoebgonBassets Website


    Responsible Breeders

    Woebgon Bassets Video - Responsible Breeders Explained


    BHCA Health Policy


    Important AKC Links

    Responsible Breeders


    Signs of a Responsible Breeder


    What is a responsible breeder?


    AKC Guide to Responsible Dog Breeding


    Questions from the Internet:

    Since I didn’t receive any questions from listeners

  • In this episode I share Chili's story and the health issue of glaucoma in basset hounds. Yes, Chili is a basset that developed glaucoma. His story includes how he and and we coped with his loss of eyesight. Since glaucoma is prevalent in the breed I'm also including information on the disease. It's information that all Bassett hound owners should know about.

    Since I encouraged everyone to attend some dog shows in Episode 3 I give ideas on what to expect and do at dog shows in this episode. They are great places to meet other basset hound owners, breeders and, more importantly, see beautiful examples of the breed. I've explained when it's best to approach those who are showing their bassets at a show as well as other tips when you attend a show.

    The issue of bites in basset hounds is also discussed. While this isn't a big problem for those who own bassets it is important information. The bite of your basset hound may be why the breeder was willing to sell him or her.

    Important Internet Links for this Episode

    A Bit on Bites: Judging Canine Dentition


    The Basset Hound Club of America Main Health Information Page


    The Basset Hound Club of America Glaucoma in Basset Hounds Veterinary health video seminar


  • This is Episode 3 of WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast, Finding a Good Breeder. In this episode I share how we found our first reputable/responsible basset hound breeder, Attending dogs shows, The beginning of bassets and dog shows. some AKC News, answering a listener's questions and more.

    Website Sources:
    Woebgon Bassets- http://www.woebgonbassets.com
    Basset Hound Club of America- http://www.basset-bhca.org

    Pam and I had no idea how to find a good breeder. Remember this was long before the Internet. All that was available was newspapers and magazines. We decided that perhaps attending a dog show was a good place to start our search. In this episode I talk about that experience.

    I also present the beginning of bassets and dog shows. Both are extremely important to our breed. They introduce where basset hounds came from.

    The terms "Championship Bloodlines" and "French Bassets" are often touted by basset hound breeders and owners. I explain the origins of these term and why they aren't important factors in basset hounds.

    There's also some AKC news about disaster relief trailers and I answer a listener's questions.

    Please remember to ask questions. I’d much rather answer questions from my listeners. There’s a page on our woebgonbassets.com website where you can either record a question or send one by email.

    Dog Show Superintendents:
    Jack Bradshaw: http://www.jbradshaw.com
    Infordog: https://www.infodog.com
    Jack Onofrio: http://www.onofrio.com
    List of Dog Show Superintendents:

    “Do Your Ears Hang Low”
    By Trygve Larsen or “Nesrality” available royalty free from Pixabay.

    This video and all material contained therein is Copyrighted© by Donald Bullock all All Rights Reserved. It cannot be edited, copied, printed or rebroadcasted in part or in full without his expressed written permission.

  • WOEBGON the basset hound Podcast is for anyone to owns or loves basset hounds. In episode 2 I talk about our basset, Lucy, European vs American Bassets, A newly discovered disease in basset hounds AKC news, information on basset hound rescue, a listener's questions and more.

    Website Sources:
    Woebgon Bassets- http://www.woebgonbassets.com
    Basset Hound Club of America- http://www.basset-bhca.org

    I’ve owned basset hounds for over 45 years. In this podcast I share my experiences and important information about our breed.

    Personal Story:
    The story of our first, and only pet store dog, Lucy

    Lucy was our very first puppy. She taught us a lot about raising puppies, the AKC Standard for Basset Hounds and why it’s important, She was a wonderful girl and a very important member of our family.

    OH!!!!! And yes our kennel name and the name of this podcast harken back to the Woebegone in Lucy’s name.

    History Of Basset Hounds:
    I’ve already covered some information on the History of the Breed and the AKC Standard in my discussion of Lucy so I thought I’d do something different this time.

    I’ll just combine the some historical information in my Standard Myths segment, the term European bassets. This is a term that many Internet breeders today to sell their bassets.

    AKC News:

    2023 marks AKC GoodDog Helpline’s tenth anniversary. This is a service designed to assist people with issues or behavior problems they have with dogs of all ages that is offered through the American Kennel Club (AKC).

    Plus more about the AKC including the reasons for Parent Clubs such as the Basset Hound Club of America, Stud books, pedigrees, AKC Championships, Grand Championships and some other AKC. What to expect from a reputable/responsible breeder in regards to the AKC, and more.

    - Basset Hound Health Segment -

    Since I’ve mentioned how important pedigrees are especially in preventing inherited traits I thought I’d talk about a recently discovered inherited disease in basset hounds. This disease is called Lafora. It manifests itself in seizures starting around ages 5 to 7 and eventually develops into a form of epilepsy. While the disease was first discovered in basset hounds very recently in Europe further research has shown that it is also present in American bred basset hounds.

    For specific, up to date information on Lafora go to the website of the Basset Hound Club of America (basset-bhca.cog).

    Special Segment:
    Some very misleading information I found recently on the Internet that I thought people should know.

    Basset Hound Rescue Segment -

    The Basset Hound Club of America has a list of BHCA Recognized Basset Hound Rescue Groups listed under rescue on their website. They also have some good information regarding basset hound rescue and their views on what constitutes a reputable rescue group. Check it out.

    Questions from the Internet:

    Since I didn’t receive any questions from listeners I selected two that I found recently on the Internet that I felt fit into this podcast episode.

    Please remember to ask questions. I’d much rather answer questions from my listeners. There’s a page on our woebgonbassets.com website where you can either record a question or send one by email.

    “Do Your Ears Hang Low”
    By Trygve Larsen or “Nesrality” available royalty free from Pixabay.

  • Episode 1 of WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast

    Title: Our First Dogs

    Episode Outline:

    Our first dogs-

    Our first dog and our first basset hound, Maggie. Both were “rescued” from the same local animal shelter about one year apart.

    Where basset hounds originated-

    In this section I cover the first mention of a basset or low set hound. This included some information on the origins of what was later to become the basset hound breed we know today.

    My discussion of the AKC Standard for Basset Hounds and a segment I call Standard Myths-

    I cover the importance of the established Standards for basset hounds world wide and why they are important for all breeders and even pet owners.

    In my Standard Myths segment I cover why the breed called basset hounds are considered to have originated in England, not France.

    A great source for health information on basset hounds-

    In this section I explain why knowing about the health issues with bassets is important and where to go for accurate, updated information. I also explain why we can know far more about health issues of purebred dogs that this of mixed breeds and why the statement that mixed breeds are healthier is simply not true.

    A Listener’s Questions-

    Question related to an issue with basset hounds that the listener found on the Internet.

    A question that I couldn’t answer regarding how bassets get along with cats. If anyone can answer this from experience please let me know. I’ll pass it along.

    Why our Woebgon Bassets website is still on the Internet-

    It contains a lot of information on basset hounds, Reputable/responsible breeders and we can brag about the dog show wins of our basset hounds. BTW - just a reminder that we are no longer breeding basset hounds.

    Our support of basset hound rescue-

    As fans of the breed we feel it is important for us to support basset hound rescue efforts. We do so through our local basset hound club and direct donations to an outstanding rescue organization.

    AKC News-

    An outstanding free streaming service provided by the AKC that I highly recommend. One specific series I recommend is called Good Dog TV.

    My “Dog Quote” for the episode-

    Each episode of WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast will end with an appropriate quote. For viewers, each quote will include a photo of one of our basset hounds.

    What’s coming-

    In episode 2 of WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast I’ll talk about our one and only pet store basset, Lucy, the differences between European and American Bassets, a recently discovered serious health issue in basset hounds, an example of inaccurate information I found recently on the Internet and more.

    Show Notes-
    Please remember that the show notes for each episode along with photographs used in the video version are available under Podcasts on our website (http://www.woebgonbassets.com)

    Please let your friends who love basset hounds know about WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast.

    Thank you all for listening.

    Website Sources:
    Woebgon Bassets- http://www.woebgonbassets.com
    Basset Hound Club of America- http://www.basset-bhca.org

    “Do Your Ears Hang Low”
    By Trygve Larsen or “Nesrality” available royalty free from Pixabay.

  • This is a podcast titled Woebgon the Basset Hound Podcast researched and produced by longtime basset hound owner, Don Bullock.

    In this episode I introduce myself, including my background with basset hounds. In addition I layout what I plan to cover in future episodes.

    If you have any questions about basset hounds please visit the Podcast section on our website - http://www.woebgonbassets.com. You can either record a question or submit one by email. I'll try to answer as many questions as possible on future episodes of WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast.

    Show Notes-
    Please remember that the show notes for each episode along with photographs used in the video version are available under Podcasts on our website (http://www.woebgonbassets.com)

    Please let your friends who love basset hounds know about WOEBGON the Basset Hound Podcast.

    Thank you all for listening.

    Website Sources:
    Woebgon Bassets- http://www.woebgonbassets.com
    Basset Hound Club of America- http://www.basset-bhca.org

    “Do Your Ears Hang Low”
    By Trygve Larsen or “Nesrality” available royalty free from Pixabay.