
  • Imposter syndrome can feel so real.

    In a recent survey, I asked our sisterhood group of over 60,000 members what comes up when they feel like an imposter—to find out how imposter syndrome affects them—and we made this video as a direct response.

    Let's examine our unconscious beliefs about this so that we can actually make progress and avoid being stopped in our tracks by these energies of fake, fraud, deception, and fear. I hope you enjoy this week's podcast episode!

    Here’s what you can expect to learn:

    ✨ Overcoming the feeling of “fake” with authenticity.

    ✨ Embracing discomfort strengthens your confidence muscle and draws your audience.

    ✨ Healing from the energy of “fraud” with self-responsibility.

    ✨ Building self-trust by being clear with your deliverables.

    ✨ Dismantling fear through commitment, self-sourcing, and community.

    Introduction What is imposter syndrome? Break down the feeling of fake! Your authenticity attracts your community. What is the energy of fraud? Taking self-responsibility helps you grow. Guiding your clients builds self-trust and integrity. Fear stems from unworthiness. Learn how to source within yourself. You don’t need to do this alone! Incredible success is waiting for you

    #impostersyndrome #motivation #success

  • Attn: Plant Based People! If you appreciate a plant based & healthy diet - you have to meet my friend Ocean Robbins!

    Ocean is one of my favorite humans on this planet. As the CEO of Food Revolution Network, he is…

    Sharing the tools to improve health, vitality, and business leadership

    Teaching us how to make healthy decisions for our bodies AND our planet

    Working with leaders in over 65 countries to make a positive impact on food culture

    Inspiring hundreds of thousands of people worldwide

    Telling his family story and the food-based wisdom he’s learned along the way

    This interview is packed with life-changing information about how YOU can fuel your body, promote positive health, and make smart food choices.

    Read the article here: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/plant-fuel-for-your-body-biz-success/

    Introduction Get to know Ocean Robbins. Launching a health-based revolution. Have the passion for YOUR story. Be a healthy, thriving, vibrant entrepreneur! Good health is a privilege. Sign up for the Food Revolution Summit! What can we expect from the Food Revolution Summit? Boosting your immune system is a necessity. Women, vote with your dollars! Take your health in your hands.

    #plantbased #health #wellness

    Ocean Robbins is an American entrepreneur, professor and author. He is best known for co-founding Food Revolution Network, Inc. a California-based company that advocates for a whole foods, plant-based diet.

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/oceanrobbins

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/oceanrobbins

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/oceanrobbins

    Website: https://oceanrobbins.com


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    Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 500,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business.

    As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TedX stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.

    Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap.

    Find Sage here:

    Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine

    Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine

    Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/

    Watch my TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Are you called to be a THOUGHT LEADER?

    I’m so excited for you to meet Claire Zammit. She’s a leading expert on coaching women to unlock their feminine power.

    She’ll teach us how YOU can impact change at the deepest level.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    💖What holds women back – shifting out of the masculine paradigm

    💖How to get what’s inside of you out into the world

    💖How to differentiate yourself as someone who can meet the deeper needs of your clients

    [00:00:00] Introduction

    [00:00:18] A thought leader is a life-long learner.

    [00:01:53] Breaking down the power paradox.

    [00:04:34] Showing up and meeting women’s deeper needs.

    [00:06:15] Become a role model of possibility.

    [00:07:38] Women are uniquely positioned to change the world.

    [00:08:43] Your unique energy matters as much as your message.

    [00:11:36] If you feel called, you can do it!

    #thoughtleadership #femininepower #business


    Subscribe to My Channel Here:



    Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 500,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business.

    As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TEDx stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.

    Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap.

    Find Sage here:

    Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854906531317035

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine

    Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine

    Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/

    Watch my TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

  • Which of these 4 money blocks is holding you back?

    ❌ Fear we’re not worthy of money

    ❌ Fear of being too big, successful, or “shiny”

    ❌ Fear of leaving people behind

    ❌ Fear of too much responsibility

    Today’s Monday Motivation revisits an important training session, bringing back a REPLAY of one of my most popular sessions from the 3-Day Rock Sales Retreat. Discover your block & learn how to uplevel your relationship with MONEY. 💛

    [00:00:00] Introduction

    [00:01:14] How I used to think about money.

    [00:03:13] Money comes to YOU, not through others.

    [00:05:45] Doors open when you take responsibility.

    [00:08:05] The 4 common money blocks.

    [00:10:38] Get reflection from women who have “ETR”

    [00:11:59] Find a community that can keep up with you!

    [00:13:00] Stop trying to do it alone!

    [00:14:36] Know your numbers to ALIGN yourself.

    [00:15:42] Afraid of success? Get over it!

    [00:17:03] How to break your primary money block.

    [00:18:45] Success stories from the WRB community.

    Plus…I have a surprise for you! We’re keeping the doors to our Women Rocking Business Academy open for a few more days. We just opened up NEW coaching sessions so you can chat with a coach about our year-long mentorship programs designed to teach you how to make money, grow your business, and reach the people you’re meant to serve! https://womenrockingbusiness.com/business-academy

    #moneyblocks #mindset #success


    Subscribe to My Channel Here:



    Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 500,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business.

    As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TEDx stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.

    Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap.

    Find Sage here:

    Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854906531317035

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine

    Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine

    Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/

    Watch my TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

  • In every sales conversation, energy MATTERS.

    If you’re a female entrepreneur, mentor, coach, or healer offering your services for the first time… your energy is what will ATTRACT the right-fit clients to work with you.

    I’ve had the honor of working with thousands of women entrepreneurs, and I found this:

    When we get aligned with the energy of authentic, conscious, honest, integrity-based sales… there’s NO LIMIT on how many clients you can serve!

    This week, I want to introduce you to the 4 key energies that can help you:

    Bring unshakable confidence into every sales conversation you have Work WITH your spirituality to be deeply present when talking to potential clients Charge more money for your skills because you’re showing up as a leader Shift your energy to become magnetic as you honor & invoke the elements of air, fire, water, and earth every time you make your offer

    [00:00:00] Introduction

    [00:01:19] Alignment brings infinite possibilities!

    [00:02:03] How the 4 energies represent the 4 elements

    [00:03:29] #1 The visionary

    [00:04:45] #2 The mentor

    [00:05:49] #3 The coach

    [00:07:11] #4 The nurturer

    [00:08:39] What to do with the 4 energies?

    [00:09:34] Enrich any conversation with the 4 energies!

    [00:10:35] Does this resonate with you? Join us!

    #sacredsales #energy #business


    Subscribe to My Channel Here:



    Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 500,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business.

    As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TedX stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.

    Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap.

    Find Sage here:

    Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854906531317035

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine

    Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine

    Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/

    Watch my TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

  • The resistance to selling your gifts can feel VERY REAL.

    It can feel like taking your heart out of your body… and putting it out in the world for people to invest in. It can be INCREDIBLY vulnerable.

    I’ve come to understand that the journey of you charging for your gifts is part of YOUR self-actualization. I believe… your soul designed this journey before you even got here!

    Believe me, I’ve worked with 500K women to give birth to high-ticket programs (& sell them!) using their spiritual gifts. I’d love to show you how to do the same.

    This week, I’ll be sharing with you:

    ✨How you can feel at total peace with charging for your spiritual gifts

    ✨A mindset shift that can change how you feel about needing money to run your business

    ✨The truth about how charging for your gifts can ignite a bigger transformation for your clients

    Read the article here.


    [00:00:00] Introduction

    [00:00:37] Selling can feel vulnerable – and it’s OK!

    [00:02:47] You NEED your clients & they NEED you.

    [00:05:23] People get value from you BECAUSE they invest.

    [00:07:04] Giving your gifts for FREE isn’t your calling.

    [00:09:32] Making money is self-care.

    [00:10:34] Build value, charge for the transformation.

    [00:12:21] Say YES and surrender to your purpose.

    P.S. If you want to learn more, join us at the upcoming Rock Sales Retreat – it's 100% virtual & tix are 90% off: www.womenrockingbusiness.com/rocksales

    #spiritualselling #sales #business


    Subscribe to My Channel Here:



    Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 500,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business.

    As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TedX stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.

    Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap.

    Find Sage here:

    Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854906531317035

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine

    Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine

    Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/

    Watch my TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

  • Our traumas can pave the way to our greatest gifts & wildest successes.

    Take it from Elliott Connie, a celebrity psychotherapist and one of the most kick-ass, self-aware people I know. His vulnerability in speaking up about being abused as a child got him a million-dollar business and a bunch of TV appearances!

    Elliott and I sat down to have a heart-to-heart about the positive mindset that can transform deep wounds into a personal narrative of strength.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    ⭐ Why trying to fit in will stunt your success – and how to be courageously YOU

    ⭐ How to overcome doubt & guarantee that the right opportunities will come your way

    ⭐ The perfect reframe to create resilience even when what you’ve tried before hasn’t worked

    Introduction Be GRATEFUL for your entire story. Embracing who you truly are guarantees success. Doubt is the most useless emotion - quit it! We are all miracle workers. Success is our BIRTHRIGHT. The right opportunities will find you.

    Learn more about Elliott Connie here.


    #authenticity #success #business


    Subscribe to My Channel Here:



    Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 500,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business.

    As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TedX stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.

    Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap.

    Find Sage here:

    Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854906531317035

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine

    Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine

    Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/

    Watch my TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

  • Raise your hand if you’re STOKED about using AI to grow your business! 🙋

    In this video, I'll share my experience using ChatGPT for marketing and how it has helped me achieve 50x, 75x, even 90x video views and social media attention.

    I'll discuss the importance of programming ChatGPT with everything you know about your business and how it can create highly personalized and targeted copy and promotional materials.

    Additionally, I'll explain how ChatGPT tracks tokens and why it's essential to clean out your chat history periodically. I'll also touch on the future possibilities of AI tools like ChatGPT and how they can help us become more creative and innovative.

    Join me and discover how ChatGPT can be your next best friend in business!

    P.S. This entire description was written by Chat GPT! How cool is that??

    Read the article here. [https://womenrockingbusiness.com/how-to-50x-your-visibility-with-chat-gpt]

    Introduction Ensure ChatGPT understands your prompts. Clear ChatGPT tokens for updated responses. Less busy work, more CREATIVE tasks! Try these now and see the transformation!

    #AI #ChatGPT #business


    Subscribe to My Channel Here:



    Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 500,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business.

    As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TedX stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.

    Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap.

    Find Sage here:

    Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854906531317035

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine

    Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine

    Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/

    Watch my TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

  • Here are 5 Fast Shifts To Accelerate Your Income: https://juliesteelman.com/free-offer.

    Financial freedom is waiting for YOU.

    It’s quite common to forget that financial freedom is our birthright… and that the journey to being financially free is just as much a mindset journey as it is a strategy journey.

    This week, I’d like you to meet Julie Steelman. Growing up in an overprotective family, she knew she wanted financial freedom. She quit her traditional job and has generated over $100M in sales… and she wants YOU to be able to do it too!

    Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll learn…

    ✨ The #1 mindset shift in claiming your financial sovereignty

    ✨ Creating a signature system for your soul work that SELLS

    ✨ Getting clear on your ideal audience to move forward in your business

    ✨ Why you DO have what it takes to be financially free

    Remember, sister: Our grandmothers didn’t have the choices or freedoms we have. Don’t take this for granted. . As a woman, you are born with the soul gift to help and serve those who need your gifts. Make that choice now… you’re being called by the universe because you are capable!

    Watch the full episode ▶ The Prosperous Feminine with Julie Steelman

    Julie’s mindset shifts to financial freedom. The biggest obstacle for WOMEN in gaining financial sovereignty Unlock the missing piece for financial security The people you serve are your compass! “What if I don’t have what it takes to be prosperous?” Julie’s advice for cultivating deep self-trust Free gift: 5 Fast Mindset Shifts to Accelerate Your Income

    #feminineenergy #abundance #business


    Subscribe to My Channel Here:



    Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 400,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business.

    As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TedX stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.

    Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap.

    Find Sage here:

    Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854906531317035

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine

    Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine

    Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/

    Watch my TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

  • Many of you have been asking me…

    “How do I talk about my new business to friends and family?”

    Speaking about your newly birthed creation can be vulnerable. And you’ll get some triggering comments. Trust me, I’ve gone through that myself – in my own women’s group!

    This week, I’ll share how you can continue sharing your vision and who you want to help. Find out how you can:

    📢 Embrace your imperfection as a leader to SELL

    📢 Position yourself as a service-oriented mentor to clients

    📢 Close the gap between your client and their desired transformation

    Introduction I got triggered in my women’s group! Honesty SELLS – no perfection needed. Be a detective and KNOW what your clients want. Use the GROW model to support your people. Now I know why I was triggered. Let your humanity SHINE – grow with us!

    #authenticity #business #speaking

    Read the article here:


    Subscribe to My Channel Here:


    Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 500,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business.

    As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TedX stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.

    Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap.

    Find Sage here:

    Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854906531317035

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine

    Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine

    Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/

    Watch my TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

  • If you want to present your offer from a place of effectiveness AND also from a place of open-hearted love, transformation, and authenticity…

    …then this training is for you, rockstar.

    Watch this video to discover how to monetize your stage with hot offers.

    Introduction Investing your $$$ evokes transformation. Why your biggest fears coming true is a good thing Take charge of your own commitment! You are CALLED to share your gifts now! The SECRET to making money in your business #monetize #business #sales

    Read the article here:


    Subscribe to My Channel Here:



    Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 400,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business.

    As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TedX stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.

    Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap.

    Find Sage here:

    Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854906531317035

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine

    Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine

    Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/

    Watch my TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

  • Hey, Gorgeous!

    Are you ready to ROCK your business?

    Even in financial uncertainty, you can start your BIZ and quantum leap your results!

    This week… TEDx Speaker Glory St. Germain is helping me pull out the best teaching points of my best-selling book “12 Step System to Launch Your Biz” so you too can:

    -Build a recession-proof business that makes a difference

    -Harness your vulnerability to craft a story that SELLS

    -Hone in on your superpower to create the life you want

    Watch the full episode ▶ 12 STEP SYSTEM TO LAUNCH YOUR BIZ Highlights from My Best-Selling Book with Glory St. Germain

    Introducing Sage Lavine Introducing Glory St. Germain How do you recession-proof your business? The BIGGEST thing holding you back in building your business Vulnerability leverages our lives in a crowded world! Now is the TIME for women to save the world. The steps to clarifying your superpower Content TELLS but stories SELL! 2 tips to overcoming the fear of failure and success. A balanced business sets you FREE! Getting clear on your selfless vs. selfish WHY

    #business #sales #businesslaunch


    Subscribe to My Channel Here:



    Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 500,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business.

    As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TedX stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.

    Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap.

    Find Sage here:

    Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854906531317035

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine

    Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine

    Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/

    Watch my TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

  • If you’re growing a business… Speaking is the fastest way to find your clients online. And to find your clients quickly with speaking… you’ll want to understand what your clients are really longing for… or craving.

    People are no longer interested in content and getting loaded up with information.

    They’re craving experiences and genuine connection.

    That’s why the CONTEXT of your client-attracting talk is so essential!

    In today’s Monday Motivation training, I’m sharing…

    Why context matters 10x more than content

    Context-creating tools to help you dial in your talk

    Tips on how to create connection & trust at your next speaking event

    >>> Read the Article Here



    Subscribe to My Channel Here:



    Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 500,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business.

    As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TedX stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.

    Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap.

    Find Sage here:

    Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854906531317035

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine

    Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine

    Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/

    Watch my TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

  • We just welcomed over 7,000 new Women Speakers into our community and many of you are asking… How do I create BOTH transformation AND income from the stage?

    So - I went to the drawing board & found one of our most popular episodes filmed right after one of our most successful 7-figure events that changed the lives of over 1000 women around the world.

    I was fresh off the event - which made me SO clear on WHAT WORKS… and what doesn’t work.

    If you’re thinking about rocking events in 2024 and wondering, “Is it really possible to provide a transformational experience AND monetize?”

    The answer is a huge, “YES!”

    Here are my 3 tips for leading an engaging, income producing virtual event.

    Grab your free seat in my upcoming Rock the Stage 5-day training!

    We’re going to dive in and actually CREATE your speaking marketing materials WITH you in this experiential event.

    Join us to Rock the Stage in 2024 >> HERE

    Read the article here: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/3-tips-to-lead-an-engaging-virtual-event

  • Hey, sister!

    2024 is on the horizon.

    But does the thought of a New Year’s resolution scare you?

    FYI, there’s actually a more feminine way to goal-setting! As women, we have to be a vibrational match to the vision we’re calling in.

    This week, I invite you to try this short 30-minute process to get you attuned and aligned with the 2024 you want – and make it the best, loudest, most impactful year YET!

    Here’s what you’ll learn…

    🎆 How women in history paved the way for female entrepreneurs

    🎆 The purchasing power of WOMEN and how to harness it

    🎆 An 8-step process to smash your New Year’s goals

    🎆 Hacking your most productive time to FREE up your day!

    Watch the full episode ▶ 8 STEPS to an EPIC 2024

    Things to be GRATEFUL for as a female. The future of consumer purchasing is FEMALE. Why having big goals MATTERS. #1 - What are you Leaving behind in 2023? #2 - What opportunities do you Envision for 2024? #3 - What are you ready to Transform? #4 - What do you need to feel Supported? #5 - What are your Realistic goals? #6 - How can you be Organized around your goals? #7 - What are you Committing to? #8 - How can you Kickstart your goals

    Trust in your potential. You GOT this!

    #newyear #newgoals #goalsetting


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    Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 400,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business.

    As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TedX stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.

    Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap.

    Find Sage here:

    Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854906531317035

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine

    Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine

    Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/

    Watch my TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

  • Hello, beauty!

    If you’re spiritual, and learning to sell…

    You’ll have much better results when you integrate your spirituality into your selling philosophy.

    That’s why, this week… I’m sharing simple strategies that are leveraged by highly skilled and successful saleswomen around the planet, so you can…

    💛 Enroll more clients

    💛 Create more alignment in what you’re offering

    💛 Feel more expansive and fun in your business

    Watch the full episode ▶ 3 Tips to Rock Your Spiritual Sales

    #1 - The best salespeople are highly INTUITIVE. Present listening = conscious selling #2 - Be committed, not convincing! THIS is your commitment as a conscious salesperson. #3 - Selling is about making a difference for people.

    Are you ready to be a spiritually aligned salesperson?

    My love, you have a gift - SHARE it!

    #sales #success #spiritualservice


    Subscribe to My Channel Here:



    Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 500,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business.

    As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TedX stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.

    Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap.

    Find Sage here:

    Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854906531317035

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine

    Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine

    Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/

    Watch my TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

  • You can create a totally new life… and business… in less time than you think

    Sister… Your Dream is waiting for you.

    The challenge you’re facing now is the stepping stone to your vision.

    This week, I’ll be sharing an interview I had with the wonderful Lisa Nichols. She met me at my lowest of lows, held my hands, and reminded me of what I was capable of. And that’s what I want to remind you too!

    Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll get:

    💭 Overcoming a huge obstacle to make my first $27,000

    💭 Why having a community of women sets you up for success

    💭 Using technology to organize a 1,000+ women event + making $1M revenue

    💭 Your fall-to-your-knees moment is NOT the END.

    And guess what? We’re all going to have them. But that’s where transformation comes in! You can refocus and rest. You rock it out. Your dream isn’t waiting for someone like you. It’s waiting for YOU.

    ▶ From School Teacher to Multi Millionaire Speaker

    How a shift helped me reach 500K women and raise $1M A challenge after getting my first 82 clients and $27K in revenue Get a sister in your time of need! When an obstacle becomes a breakthrough Your fall-to-your-knees moment is just the start. Ready to emerge into the best version of yourself? Find me here.

    #soulbusiness #entrepreneur #success

    LISA NICHOLS is one of the world’s most-requested motivational speakers, as well as media personality and corporate CEO, whose global platform has reached and served nearly 80 million people. From a struggling single mom on public assistance to a millionaire entrepreneur, Lisa’s courage and determination has inspired fans worldwide and helped countless audiences break through, to discover their own untapped talents and infinite potential.

    Website: https://motivatingthemasses.com/


    Subscribe to My Channel Here:



    Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 500,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business.

    As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TedX stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.

    Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap.

    Find Sage here:

    Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854906531317035

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine

    Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine

    Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/

    Watch my TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

  • Are you spiritual and are learning to sell?

    CONGRATULATIONS! There’s so much possible for you!

    You’re not just peddling a product. You truly want to make a difference.

    This week, we’re jumping into the sacred service of selling. It’s the key to overcoming your ego and transforming your business – in a way that aligns with your soul.

    Here’s a quick peek of what you’ll learn:

    🙏 The 3 P’s to become the best salesperson EVER!

    🙏 Attracting clients from plugging into your power

    🙏 Raising your price tag by making sales sacred

    🙏 Clarifying your promise to strengthen your INTEGRITY

    And here’s the best part: When you are confident in your promises, that’s where your business transforms. Now you’ve set your offer and message to the world, you’ve channeled a unique, magnetic energy – that just draws your potential clients in!

    ▶ The Sacred Act of Sales: Why It Matters

    [00:00:17] What makes sales a sacred act?

    [00:02:36] How does cultivating presence attract the right clients?

    [00:04:25] Stop hustling and start connecting to your power!

    [00:06:34] Why being committed works more than convincing

    [00:09:12] Getting clear on your promise builds confidence.

    [00:13:29] Simplifying your path to sacred sales.

    #Sales #Business #Growth

    P.s. Avoid the top 3 mistakes to grow your profitable speaking business. Click here to take the quiz now: https://go.womenrockingbusiness.com/findpurpose.


    Subscribe to My Channel Here:



    Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 400,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business.

    As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TedX stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.

    Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap.

    Find Sage here:

    Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854906531317035

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine

    Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine

    Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/

    Watch my TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

  • What’s the fastest way in 2024 to grow a six-figure message-based business?

    It’s speaking!

    Think about it: the most well-paid people in the world are speakers! (Think of Oprah.)

    That’s why - this week - we're diving headfirst into the profitable world of speaking to grow your business. It's the express lane to a six-figure business that magnetically attracts your ideal clients to your message.

    Here's a sneak peek of what you'll learn:

    The power of speaking for visibility, impact, and INCOME Delivering with unwavering confidence and authenticity Setting yourself apart from tech & AI robots by speaking Unveiling the GROW Framework and its role in client attraction

    And here’s the good news: Your speaker identity doesn’t require a huge identity shift. In fact, people actually want your knowledge and how it comes through you more than they want some robotic, perfectly scripted version of you.

    Watch this video in FULL: Six Figures from Speaking In 2024

    Why does speaking open the door to 6-figures? With the rise of robots, how can you cut through the noise? How I helped 1,000s of women put together their $100,000 signature talk Unlock your 6-figure signature talk with the “GROW” Framework

    #Speaking #Business #Growth

    P.s. Avoid the top 3 mistakes to grow your profitable speaking business. Take the quiz now: https://go.womenrockingbusiness.com/findpurpose.

    Subscribe to My Channel Here:



    Sage Lavine is the founder & CEO of Women Rocking Business, a training company reaching over 400,000 women entrepreneurs around the world, and the #1 best-selling Hay House author of Women Rocking Business.

    As a notable women’s empowerment speaker and coach, Sage has delivered business-building training across global platforms, including the TedX stage, and inside her comprehensive programs that serve thousands of women entrepreneurs annually.

    Sage believes in purpose-based business. She has fundraised over a million dollars for humanitarian projects, focusing on empowering girls and women in developing countries and promoting a healthy environment. She is also an active advocate for closing the gender pay gap.

    Find Sage here:

    Website: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenrockingbiz/

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/854906531317035

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/sagelavine

    Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@sagelavine

    Blog: https://womenrockingbusiness.com/blog/

    Watch my TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfnKO2ihr8&t=1s

  • This week are you celebrating Black Friday or “Buy Nothing” Day?

    As women leaders, we’re here to take a stand for something (or against something) and commit to it in our heart-based businesses.

    Buy Nothing Day is a way to say “no” to the notions of…

    ❌ Overconsumption
    ❌ Materialism
    ❌ Sabotaging our peace and sovereignty

    It’s not about not selling. It’s about taking a day to pause, reflect, and find purpose from the goodness in YOU rather than material objects.

    Because here’s the thing, beauty, your life isn’t amazing because of the things in it.

    It’s amazing because you’re changing lives, committing to transformation, and staying true to your values as a woman entrepreneur.

    It’s okay to be in the energy of “buy nothing” for a day, then buy a few things the day after or even launch a holiday sale for your business. Holiday sales are a great way to offer your transformation for a discounted rate or in a bundled package so you can reach more people and change more lives.

    So take a moment today to think about where you land on this spectrum and how the concept of buying nothing for a day resonates with you.

    Consider the currency of transformation.
    Stand committed in your truth.
    Go into this week as the most aligned version of you.

    Keep going, rockstar!

    Let’s do this thing…together.