
  • Find Dr. Andrew Kaufman HERE:https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/

    Josh Sigurdson talks with Dr. Andrew Kaufman about the fear mongering surrounding "Bird Flu" and other so-called "pandemics" as new agendas are brought into play.Firstly, we delve into the recent push for mRNA cancer "vaccines" as Trump pledges 500 billion dollars towards AI and these latest deadly injections in favor of technocrats Larry Ellison and Sam Altman. Kaufman talks about how this is just being used as another entry point into technocratic enslavement.We also talk about the issues surrounding other mRNA "treatments" and the latest move to push Bird Flu scares unto the public using fraudulent PCR tests. This is leading to a planned food supply collapse while also opening the door to new potential lockdowns.Simultaneously, the climate agenda is moving forward regardless of the president with massive initiatives hurting farmers.Kaufman also goes into the controlled opposition among "Mainstream Alternative Media" and the dangers of blindly following anyone without doing personal research.

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

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    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

    GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!

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    GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!

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    World Alternative Media2025

  • Find Tim Picciott HERE:https://thelibertyadvisor.innovativewealth.com/

    GET NON-MRNA FREEZE DRIED MEAT HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use code WAMBEEF to save 20%!

    GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5% plus free shipping!

    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    Josh Sigurdson talks with Tim Picciott, The Liberty Advisor about the Jeffrey Epstein "client list" psyop which we've reported on previously when the last nonsense documents came out.The documents released under "phase one" to mainstream alternative media "influencers" were essentially entirely redacted.The truth is, the Israel First government of the United States would never release the "documents" and it's likely that they don't even have the documents.Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad blackmail operative who gathered video of politicians, business leaders and celebrities committing horrible acts against children. This was then used to form official narratives. Epstein bragged about being a Mossad operative. He even got a sweetheart plea deal by a Trump administration official who was then his lawyer, Alexander Acosta.Epstein was not the only agent, he's just the most well known. Diddy is likely part of the same operation.With the government bowing to Israel, it's obvious they needed a limited hangout psyop to keep the people at bay. Has it worked? It's yet to be seen as many are furious about the redacted documents. With that said, it certainly will keep many distracted and sitting on their hands well into the future with no actual evidence being presented to bring down the international cabal. Of course, that cabal is headquartered at the very least in Israel.In this video, we push back against people like Ian Carrol who is telling us to "just trust them" and by them, the government, the head of the FBI, etc. Not exactly the words one would expect from "alternative media" but these are the times we're living in.

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

    GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!

    GET ORGANIC CHAGA MUSHROOMS HERE:https://alaskachaga.com/wamUse code WAM to save money! See shop for a wide range of products!

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    GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!

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    World Alternative Media2025

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  • Find Tim Picciott HERE:https://thelibertyadvisor.innovativewealth.com/

    GET NON-MRNA FREEZE DRIED MEAT HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use code WAMBEEF to save 20%!

    GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5% plus free shipping!

    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    Josh Sigurdson talks with Tim Picciott, The Liberty Advisor about the massive dip in the price of Bitcoin and the majority of the crypto market.While people panic, we've seen this so many times before. People panicked when Bitcoin went from $20,000 to $2900 between December 2017 to 2019 despite having just climbed from $1000 at the beginning of 2017.The price action isn't what we should be wasting time looking at. The bull market is not over but there is a lot more on the table that this latest dip may tell us.It's likely we are seeing the reaction to potential changes in interest rates in the next few days but also overbuying following Trump's election "win."One thing is for sure, there's a massive amount of regulation coming in to force the world under a CBDC and digital ID system all while the centralized fiat dollar system is in a collapse and major power shifts are happening across the board.Tim breaks down his thoughts on this latest dip in the cryptocurrency market, the trends on the US 10 year treasury and why the price action doesn't actually matter much.We also talk about the importance of privacy coins, gold, silver, land and storable foods.

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

    GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!

    GET ORGANIC CHAGA MUSHROOMS HERE:https://alaskachaga.com/wamUse code WAM to save money! See shop for a wide range of products!

    GET AMAZING MEAT STICKS HERE:https://4db671-1e.myshopify.com/discount/WAM?rfsn=8425577.918561&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8425577.918561USE CODE WAM TO SAVE MONEY!

    GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!

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    World Alternative Media2025

  • GET AN EXTENDED FREE TRIAL FOR ICKONIC WHEN YOU SIGN UP HERE:https://www.ickonic.com/affiliate/josh10

    Josh Sigurdson talks with Gareth Icke of Ickonic at Anarchapulco 2025 about the blatant psyops that have taken over the minds of the masses from the mainstream perspective as well as the alternative perspective.Narratives are being built against us and forcing us into cliques that lead down the exact same road. Hundreds of millions of people are succumbing to these narratives. Many of these people think they're fighting the establishment when indeed they're falling into the traps of the establishment.From Elon Musk the technocrat to Trump's buddy-buddy attitude towards Larry Ellison, Sam Altman and now Mark Zuckerberg, it's clear we're witnessing the controlled demolition of the west and the forceful takeover by the digital tyrants.Gareth Icke breaks down the psyops as well as talks about his awakening.While he grew up with David Icke as a father and he was taught to question everything, he also had his own experience that shook his viewpoints while he was a footballer traveling to Israel.

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

    GET NON-MRNA FREEZE DRIED MEAT HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use code WAMBEEF to save 20%!

    GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5% plus free shipping!

    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

    GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!

    GET ORGANIC CHAGA MUSHROOMS HERE:https://alaskachaga.com/wamUse code WAM to save money! See shop for a wide range of products!

    GET AMAZING MEAT STICKS HERE:https://4db671-1e.myshopify.com/discount/WAM?rfsn=8425577.918561&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8425577.918561USE CODE WAM TO SAVE MONEY!

    GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!

    BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/

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    World Alternative Media2025

  • Find Stew Peters' work here:https://stewpeters.com/

    Josh Sigurdson talks with Stew Peters of the Stew Peters Network about that which we are not allowed to question but must.As most bend the knee and bow to the latest psyops, Stew is relentlessly attacked for asking questions about the Jewish religion.You're allowed to critique and criticize all of the other religions. Why is it that this one religion cannot be talked about?Trump has filled his cabinet with Israel Firsters and technocrats since day 1 and most ignore these problems, acting as if warning people of an impending disaster is "negative."Israel continues to march further into the Middle East with their planned "Greater Israel Project." The ultimate target appears to be war with Iran.Mainstream Alternative Media has ignored some of the most fundamental issues of our time, whether because they're paid, blackmailed or there is "opportunity" to stay within the confines of the "new narrative."In this video, Stew breaks down his thoughts on the many "off limits" topics that must be exposed.

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

    GET NON-MRNA FREEZE DRIED MEAT HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use code WAMBEEF to save 20%!

    GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5% plus free shipping!

    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

    GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!

    GET ORGANIC CHAGA MUSHROOMS HERE:https://alaskachaga.com/wamUse code WAM to save money! See shop for a wide range of products!

    GET AMAZING MEAT STICKS HERE:https://4db671-1e.myshopify.com/discount/WAM?rfsn=8425577.918561&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8425577.918561USE CODE WAM TO SAVE MONEY!

    GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!

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    World Alternative Media2025

  • GET NON-MRNA FREEZE DRIED MEAT HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use code WAMBEEF to save 20%!

    GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5% plus free shipping!

    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    Josh Sigurdson reports on the resumption of attacks on Gaza and Lebanon as clearly there is no actual "ceasefire" and the whole story around a ceasefire was a hoax from the beginning.As Trump calls for an annexing of Palestine to build resorts as his Israel First government rallies around him, Marco Rubio is meeting with Netanyahu to talk about bringing down Iran as anti-Iranian rhetoric continues to be propagated. All to normalize the inevitable manufactured war.Israel has said they will target Iran's nuclear facilities with or without the United States.Hezbollah is giving Israel until February 18th to leave the country or they say there will be major consequences.Israel has been caught using an 80 year old as a human shield, strapped with a bomb and then killing him and his wife.More awful crimes against humanity continue to be exposed on the ground as Israel murders its way toward the "Greater Israel Project" and a "Third Temple."All the while the global agenda to force the world into a "Great Reset" continues utilizing these manufactured wars as an excuse, including threats of Russia going to war with Europe some time this year.

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

    GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!

    GET ORGANIC CHAGA MUSHROOMS HERE:https://alaskachaga.com/wamUse code WAM to save money! See shop for a wide range of products!

    GET AMAZING MEAT STICKS HERE:https://4db671-1e.myshopify.com/discount/WAM?rfsn=8425577.918561&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8425577.918561USE CODE WAM TO SAVE MONEY!

    GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!

    BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/

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    World Alternative Media2025

  • GET NON-MRNA FREEZE DRIED MEAT HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use code WAMBEEF to save 20%!

    GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5% plus free shipping!

    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    Josh Sigurdson reports on the confirmation of RFK Jr. as HHS Secretary and Tusli Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence.While many people are cheering and it's understandable at surface level, the reality is far deeper and darker than meets the eye. The agenda is being pushed forward via complacency due to major limited hangout psyops.RFK Jr. who has recently met with Albert Bourla of Pfizer and Bill Gates has backed off many of his previous points regarding vaccines and big pharma. It's clear that the Israel First government under Trump is not going to wipe out one of Israel's biggest cash cows. Pharma.Big Pharma doesn't seem worried and the people they lobbied voted in favor of RFK Jr. Are we just going to ignore this?It's likely we will see major pharma corporations collapse and be consolidated inside an even larger monopoly of only a couple companies by the end of Trump's 4 years. If RFK Jr. was actually bringing down pharma, he'd be dead and he never would have made it past the confirmation hearings.The ultimate goal is to make the state the total monopoly on medicine, banking, food and more. That's the technocratic dream that Elon Musk is pushing forward with AI dependence, Guaranteed Basic Income, Digital IDs and carbon taxes.Meanwhile, Tulsi Gabbard becoming the new Director of National Intelligence is laughable. She's a nice woman and like RFK, we agree with much of what she says, but she's a CFR member who wants guns taken away and supports abortion. She is also up against the largest most nefarious human entity worldwide, the intelligence agencies. There is exactly zero percent chance she can take them down.Also, with the Israel First cabinet, considering Mossad basically runs the CIA, it's never going to happen from within the government.All the while, the woman involved in releasing the JFK files and the Epstein "list" is a hardcore supporter of Israel and considering Israel was involved in the assassination and that Israel literally employed Epstein as a blackmail agent, good luck my friends. More hopium that I hate to shatter but MUST for the sake of the truth.As food rations begin in some places and more plandemic fear mongering is pushed forward and people are sitting on their hands waiting for technocrat Elon Musk and Donald Trump to save them, time is running out to prepare yourselves.

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

    GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!

    GET ORGANIC CHAGA MUSHROOMS HERE:https://alaskachaga.com/wamUse code WAM to save money! See shop for a wide range of products!

    GET AMAZING MEAT STICKS HERE:https://4db671-1e.myshopify.com/discount/WAM?rfsn=8425577.918561&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8425577.918561USE CODE WAM TO SAVE MONEY!

    GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!

    BUY GOLD HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/

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    World Alternative Media2025

  • AVOID THE CBDC AND FINANCIAL RUIN HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/Buy gold and work with Mark Gonzales!

    Josh Sigurdson talks with Mark Gonzales about the imminence of the collapse of the global economy and the revived, historic global recession that's been papered over and bubbled up for 17 years.As Ed Dowd warns, regardless of who is in office, the recession will take place. While we're obviously not in favor of mass migration, the migration was used to artificially prop up the economy. Now that they're being deported, that false liquidity will dissipate on top of an already extremely volatile system built to fail.With over 30 trillion dollars in debt, this is not fixable no matter how good one's intentions may be (and that's yet to be seen).Meanwhile, there is a banking crisis, there's essentially no liquidity left in the banks and while they're facing collapse, in many places like the UK under Starmer, they're bringing in new rules to spy on people.Coming to a place near you soon under the CBDC system complete with digital IDs and of course the UBI programs being put in place as we speak. Order out of chaos. Nothing new there.

    As all of this is occurring, there are runs on banks for gold for which there is a global shortage of.Many experts like James Turk believe that gold will $10,902. While this seems high to some, it seems obvious to those paying attention to inflation vs the gold price. Simply as wealth insurance, gold can break $100,000 if the dollar is worth 98% less.

    In this video we break down why this is so important, why people have to stop seeing this issue as fear mongering and why people need to prepare against it so to not fall prey to the technocratic system that will replace it.

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

    GET NON-MRNA FREEZE DRIED MEAT HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use code WAMBEEF to save 20%!

    GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5% plus free shipping!

    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

    GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!

    GET ORGANIC CHAGA MUSHROOMS HERE:https://alaskachaga.com/wamUse code WAM to save money! See shop for a wide range of products!

    GET AMAZING MEAT STICKS HERE:https://4db671-1e.myshopify.com/discount/WAM?rfsn=8425577.918561&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8425577.918561USE CODE WAM TO SAVE MONEY!

    GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!

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    World Alternative Media2025

  • GET NON-MRNA FREEZE DRIED MEAT HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use code WAMBEEF to save 20%!

    GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5% plus free shipping!

    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    Josh Sigurdson reports on the latest news of the total annexation of Palestine by the United States in favor of Israel as Trump essentially ends the ceasefire and hostage trade.All presidents are owned by Israel. That much is blatantly clear. As Biden gave billions to Israel and Ukraine in his last week in office, within just 2 weeks, Trump has done the exact same for both countries and is calling for Palestine, especially Gaza to be taken over entirely by the United States and handed over to Israel eventually once resorts are built on the pummeled land.As Ron Paul and Rand Paul call this latest agenda out publicly, most are blindly sitting on their hands and ignoring this in so-called "alternative media."Israel wants their "Greater Israel Project." The establishment wants war with Iran. This is about to snowball massively in favor of the GLOBAL agenda towards the technocratic "Great Reset."Israel is calling on Europe to take in millions of refuges which Spain and Ireland have thus far denied.Trump, like all presidents is "Israel First." Not "America First." This was always a lie.He claimed to be anti-war. We already knew from his first administration that he wasn't. He dropped thousands of bombs and assassinated Iranian General Soleimani for Israel.Now, Syria has been handed over to Israel as the Greater Israel Project moves forward at rocket speeds.Israel has expanded their "West Bank Open Fire" orders which allows them to indiscriminately kill civilians.Hamas which is a proxy of Israel masquerading as an anti-Israel body is calling off the release of hostages following Trump's moves.Again, Trump isn't actually making any of these decisions for himself. The deep state is alive and well.When will people learn to stop depending on politicians and governments to save them from politicians and governments?

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

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    World Alternative Media2025

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    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    Josh Sigurdson reports on the news popping up worldwide regarding digital IDs as Canada, The United States, The UK, Australia and many other countries are rolling out the systems as we speak.Canada has been pushing forward legislation, getting around any elected officials and raising serious surveillance concerns. That's just scratching the surface!With the Emergency Planning Act sections 18 and 18.1 in Canada, the government already has the ability to kidnap you, destroy your property, seize your property, muzzle your speech and even KILL you!With the United Nations Pact For The Future signed on by 193 countries in September, they can shut down your bank account if you criticize the state or the narrative. They can force you into a carbon credit or social credit system. They can force you onto food rations, likely poisonous.Trump just approved 500 billion dollars for AI which will replace jobs. But of course Elon Musk has come forward to tell you not to worry. Even though he claims AI will destroy humanity and he's one of the main people developing it, he says you can always go on Guaranteed Basic Income. Also, he says you should have a carbon tax.Trump is also pushing biometrics for migrants and internet IDs under the guise of "safety."The "Mainstream Alternative Media" is silent on this.

    Bill Gates continues to roll out Digital IDs in Australia and Sierra Leone. Google has withdrawn its promise to never use AI for weapons or surveillance. The UK is bringing in more bank spying systems under Starmer. Facial recognition with social credit scores is being rolled out in countless neighborhoods including in Oxford UK as part of the 15 Minute City project, modeled after China.This is happening worldwide. They want you dependent on rations as they destroy the food supply and grid, forced into a digital technocracy and forced on a CBDC with social credit scores.Meanwhile, they're releasing nano-tech, utilizing 5G to both make us sick and control us, body and mind.

    Are you ready for what comes next?

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

    GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!

    GET ORGANIC CHAGA MUSHROOMS HERE:https://alaskachaga.com/wamUse code WAM to save money! See shop for a wide range of products!

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    World Alternative Media2025

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    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    Josh Sigurdson reports on the continuing Bird Flu hoax leading to shortages across the board as US dairy cows test "positive" for a second type of Bird Flu they're calling D1.1.Conveniently, these cows have no symptoms, much like the child they recently claimed had Bird Flu in a house full of other kids who all had the regular flu and HAD symptoms. They're of course using PCR testing for this which is overtly fraudulent.The fearmongering continues to be forced down our throats and normalized as President Donald Trump says he's on board with Bill Gates when it comes to partnering up for Operation Warpspeed 2.0 according to Gates. With the recent 500 billion dollars pledged by Trump for AI and mRNA cancer vaccines, this isn't shocking.The meat industry has been "testing" mRNA vaccines in cows for quite some time and have increased tests dramatically, yet traces of mRNA have been found in the meat supply already and calls for modRNA (modified RNA) meant to survive digestion being put in the food supply are gaining steam.With 100,000 eggs being stolen in Pennsylvania recently on top of the already existing shortages, the gridlocks caused by war and the climate agenda's attack on farmers, there's no doubt there's a plan in place to force us on rations. Especially considering the rollout of the digital ID system and the concerted effort to indeed ration foods based on behavior scores with The United Nations' Pact For The Future, signed by 193 countries. We can praise the many countries leaving the WHO all we want but the rules and mandates still remain and they're coming in fast, especially with the backing of things like the Pact For The Future.All the while, the EU state of Estonia is calling on people to stock up on food and water. That is a no-brainer at this point, isn't it?

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

    GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!

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    World Alternative Media2025

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    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    Josh Sigurdson reports on the new cancer study exposing the massive vaccine caused "Turbo Cancer" agenda.Breast cancer in Americans under 45 years old has increased nearly 1000% in 5 years, strictly following the release of the Covid-19 "vaccines."Cases between 2019-2022 among Americans was 26,000 while cases in 2023 alone were 297,000. There are no coincidences in this obviously.Moderna has previously confirmed that their mRNA "vaccines" lead to cancer. The increase continues as the latest hoaxes are pushed unto the populace with the Bird Flu scare leading to millions of chickens being culled causing a shortage. This leads to prices increasing and eventually leads to rations where they will give people even more cancer with mRNA infused food rations.Meanwhile, Trump just put 500 billion dollars towards mRNA cancer vaccines.

    Don't sit on your hands now.

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

    GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!

    GET ORGANIC CHAGA MUSHROOMS HERE:https://alaskachaga.com/wamUse code WAM to save money! See shop for a wide range of products!

    GET AMAZING MEAT STICKS HERE:https://4db671-1e.myshopify.com/discount/WAM?rfsn=8425577.918561&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8425577.918561USE CODE WAM TO SAVE MONEY!

    GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!

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    World Alternative Media2025

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    GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5% plus free shipping!

    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    Josh Sigurdson reports on the latest executive actions by President Donald Trump who ran on being anti-war and is currently continuing to send money to Ukraine and Israel and going so far as to say that there is NO possibility of Palestine surviving and that he supports an annexing of Palestine by Israel.In the same Oval Office press conference today, Trump also said that he has "left instructions" in case Iran assassinates him which is of course a laughable hoax. Trump claims that it would lead to Iran being obliterated, so clearly Israel is happy to hear that. Now they know exactly how to get to Iran.Meanwhile, the so-called "ceasefire" continues to be a total hoax. Countless men, women and largely children are being killed in Gaza as we speak via bombings.

    All of these terrorist organizations have been armed and funded by the CIA and Mossad in the first place. How long until people realize that the agenda for the Great Reset plays out regardless of presidents? The rhetoric doesn't change the fact that the end technocratic goal remains the same.World War 3 was planned long ago and we are simply witnessing the normalization before the storm. All of this is manufactured and ends with food and electricity shortages, rations on digital IDs and new global CBDC systems.The target is not any specific nation state. It's human independence. The script continues...

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

    GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!

    GET ORGANIC CHAGA MUSHROOMS HERE:https://alaskachaga.com/wamUse code WAM to save money! See shop for a wide range of products!

    GET AMAZING MEAT STICKS HERE:https://4db671-1e.myshopify.com/discount/WAM?rfsn=8425577.918561&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8425577.918561USE CODE WAM TO SAVE MONEY!

    GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!

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    World Alternative Media2025

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    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    Josh Sigurdson reports on the claims by Trump administration officials regarding military strikes against Mexican cartels by the US government, a notion beyond absurd but blindly accepted by millions.As we've reported for some time, the intelligence agencies are framing Mexico, one of the most self sustainable, family oriented, conservative countries in the Americas as "dangerous" and "threatening to the United States."As Mexico has military parades in places like Monterrey with Russia and China, it appears the US government is attempting to frame another "Cuban Missile Crisis" type scenario.As US military planes are diverted around the country and gun fights erupt on the border by design, as IEDs are found, Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth claims that military strikes on Mexican cartels within Mexico are "on the table." This is simply the US government's way of creating a new Iraq on their border, and like Iraq, they'd be fighting people that they armed and funded in the first place while killing innocent civilians. Truly evil.This is also part of the lead-up to the "reset" as they create order out of chaos and bring in a North American economic union. Through trade wars between the United States, Canada and Mexico as well as physical wars (the administration has floated putting troops on the ground in Mexico), this is flying dangerously close to the sun.The issue of mass migration was manufactured by the United States in the first place in order to come in as the "solution" and grow the government.Meanwhile, Trump has called for the creation of an "iron dome" around the United States, increasing the power of the military industrial complex.In this video, we break down the psyop once again as the story continues.

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

    GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!

    GET ORGANIC CHAGA MUSHROOMS HERE:https://alaskachaga.com/wamUse code WAM to save money! See shop for a wide range of products!

    GET AMAZING MEAT STICKS HERE:https://4db671-1e.myshopify.com/discount/WAM?rfsn=8425577.918561&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8425577.918561USE CODE WAM TO SAVE MONEY!

    GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!

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    World Alternative Media2025

  • AVOID THE CBDC AND FINANCIAL RUIN HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/Buy gold and work with Mark Gonzales!

    Josh Sigurdson talks with Mark Gonzales about the breaking news of a gold shortage worldwide which has been exacerbated by recent tariffs as we see traders line up for weeks to get gold out the Bank of England.Following the recent Trump tariffs, an already existing gold shortage has been exacerbated. There is massive demand for gold as currencies falter across the board and teamed with the demand, people are waiting weeks to get their hands on gold.Traders are sending so much gold from the Bank of England to the United States that waiting time has octupled.As banks face insolvency across the board and hope for the FDIC actually being able to protect the lost funds becomes more and more unlikely, as banks bring in Basel 3 bail in orders, as trade wars continue and the dollar faces an inevitable, eventual collapse, it's incredibly important that people understand the many solutions out there rather than waiting to "see what happens."

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

    GET NON-MRNA FREEZE DRIED MEAT HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use code WAMBEEF to save 20%!

    GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5% plus free shipping!

    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

    GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!

    GET ORGANIC CHAGA MUSHROOMS HERE:https://alaskachaga.com/wamUse code WAM to save money! See shop for a wide range of products!

    GET AMAZING MEAT STICKS HERE:https://4db671-1e.myshopify.com/discount/WAM?rfsn=8425577.918561&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8425577.918561USE CODE WAM TO SAVE MONEY!

    GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!

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    World Alternative Media2025

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    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    Josh Sigurdson talks with David Icke in part two of our two part interview about the obvious Zionist control of the United States government among others, the Israeli First cabinet of Trump, the genocide in Gaza and David's insane ban from the European Union!Less than 2% of the population somehow runs most industry and government worldwide and especially in the United States, the largest contributor to Israel.The Israeli government protects houses child traffickers extradition free, calls themselves the "vaccine manufacturer of the world," brags about sending mass migration to the west, develops child gender bending drugs and is currently working to force the world into World War 3 by design. Yet, conservatives will call them an "ally."The free speech warriors are attempting to silence those who criticize Israel with new laws adopted by the US government under Trump.Let's be clear, both sides of the paradigm bow to Israel but there's something far more nefarious going on as the push for the Greater Israel Project gains steam rapidly.Also, David Icke was banned from the European Union years ago as well as saw his visa revoked in Australia. Their reason? "Anti-Semitism." While Australia went with that, the European courts under Mark Rutte in The Netherlands couldn't prove their case, so they claimed he decreased people's faith in government which held the ban in place.Recently, a near hearing took place and they stood by their decision under Geert Wilders' so-called "free speech" government. They even banned others from reading David's speech at an event and banned his image.Yet, almost no one in Mainstream Alternative Media have reported on this absolutely outrageous attack on the most basic of free speech.

    In this video, concluding our two part interview, David breaks down the power structure of Israel and the insanity of his EU ban as well as delves further into Elon Musk's psyop.

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

    GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!

    GET ORGANIC CHAGA MUSHROOMS HERE:https://alaskachaga.com/wamUse code WAM to save money! See shop for a wide range of products!

    GET AMAZING MEAT STICKS HERE:https://4db671-1e.myshopify.com/discount/WAM?rfsn=8425577.918561&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8425577.918561USE CODE WAM TO SAVE MONEY!

    GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!

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    World Alternative Media2025

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    Josh Sigurdson talks with David Icke in part one of a two part interview about the global agenda currently at play as millions fall for the latest manufactured hero worship.It's almost as if all of the alternative media which had for years called out the "left-right paradigm" forgot everything they knew. This is of course by design. People have been manipulated into believing the establishment is suddenly "anti-establishment." They think they've "won" and they've let their guard down.Trump's "Israel First" cabinet is cozying up to technocrats pushing mRNA cancer vaccines and artificial intelligence under the guise of "creating jobs" and "saving lives." A mantra we've all heard too many times.Those in alternative media who would usually call out transhumanism and social credit now rally around a social network that censors people and is being developed as a bank connected social credit system. Why? Because they believe that Elon Musk is here to save them. A man who wants to put chips in their brain attached to a Pentagon funded mesh network. A man pushing World Economic Forum policies like carbon taxes and guaranteed basic income. And if you question Elon or Trump? You're labeled "negative" or "TDS" or a "commie." This is no different than calling out Obama and being labeled a "racist" or a "fascist."We have reached the height of absurdity as mainstream alternative media cheers on the very people enslaving the population to a technocratic hell. They bow to presidents and technocrats. They bow to the new narrative network set up to Shanghai those that stray out of the mainstream line.In this video, David Icke explains how the agenda is unfolding, the mainstream alternative media, Elon Musk and Trump worship, technocracy and why after 35 years of being proven right, people still call him "crazy."

    Stay tuned for more from WAM and don't miss part 2!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

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    GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!

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    World Alternative Media2025

  • AVOID THE CBDC AND FINANCIAL RUIN HERE:https://firstnationalbullion.com/schedule-consult/Buy gold and work with Mark Gonzales!

    Josh Sigurdson talks with Mark Gonzales about the massive move the Federal Reserve just made signifying the end of the dollar as we know it as the Fed pauses rate-cuts.The pause on rate cuts signify massive inflation gains in the coming months. It's clear that the interest rates cannot be cut as it would devastate the economy, but of course this was a long time coming.As banks falter and are insolvent, as the FDIC collapses, as people can't buy homes and BlackRock buys up massive amounts of property to bring in smart cities as ("You will own nothing and you will be happy"), as credit/loan rejection becomes far more common, we are entering into one of the most unstable times in dollar history.There's nothing Trump can do to "solve it." The entire system of fractional reserve lending needs to stop.Unfortunately in the aftermath of the collapse, teamed with massive inflation, most will be desperate enough to accept the digital IDs and CBDCs that follow. Many will accept the new BRICS+ world reserve currency as well. This was always the goal of the "Great Reset."

    If you wish to protect your hard earned money, now is the time to make the move, especially while most are distracted and celebrating with "hopium."

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

    GET NON-MRNA FREEZE DRIED MEAT HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use code WAMBEEF to save 20%!

    GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5% plus free shipping!

    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

    GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!

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    GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!

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    World Alternative Media2025

  • GET NON-MRNA FREEZE DRIED MEAT HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use code WAMBEEF to save 20%!

    GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5% plus free shipping!

    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    Josh Sigurdson reports on the RFK Jr. congressional hearings as he is set to be approved as the Health And Human Services secretary.As both Republicans and Democrats lose their mind over their owners, Big Pharma in the face of Bobby Kennedy and the idea of getting rid of processed foods, deadly vaccines and big pharma in general is incredibly tantalizing, there's a lot more happening behind closed doors.While RFK Jr. is generally right about most of Big Pharma's plans to mass murder us, one has got to understand the agenda to bring in technocracy to understand where the psyop is in these headlines.Millions are waking up to the plot to poison and kill the population through food, air, water and pharma, but they're being misdirected.Could Kennedy bring down multiple major pharmaceutical corporations? Yes. Is that the plan? Yes. So what then? You have only a few pharma corporations left with a larger monopoly and eventually they all come falling down leaving the end goal in plain sight. The state will become the centralized, monopolized pharmaceutical corporation. Just as it will be the bank, the food manufacturer and more. This was always the end goal. Total state monopoly. Technocratic Marxism if you will.While Trump pushes mRNA cancer vaccines and says he's open to do Operation Warpspeed 2.0 with Bill Gates and as RFK Jr. meets with Albert Bourla of Pfizer, there's so much more happening behind closed doors, yet most are sitting on their hands with hopium. We don't blame people for being fatigued by this issue but this is when your personal inaction effects you most.People will for a time have access to healthier foods. This is obviously good. But the emergency orders are coming by design. The rations and the enforcement of technocratic social/carbon credit restrictions worldwide are going to happen regardless of the president.All roads within the paradigm lead to the same Great Reset agenda.The solutions are individualistic. Not collectivist. The solution will not be the state. If they wanted to stop what was happening, they would.

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

    GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!

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    GET AMAZING MEAT STICKS HERE:https://4db671-1e.myshopify.com/discount/WAM?rfsn=8425577.918561&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8425577.918561USE CODE WAM TO SAVE MONEY!

    GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!

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    World Alternative Media2025

  • GET NON-MRNA FREEZE DRIED MEAT HERE:https://wambeef.com/Use code WAMBEEF to save 20%!

    GET HEIRLOOM SEEDS & NON GMO SURVIVAL FOOD HERE:https://heavensharvest.com/USE Code WAM to save 5% plus free shipping!

    Get local, healthy, pasture raised meat delivered to your door here:https://wildpastures.com/promos/save-20-for-life/bonus15?oid=6&affid=321USE THE LINK & get 20% off for life and $15 off your first box!

    SIGN UP FOR HOMESTEADING COURSES NOW:https://freedomfarmers.com/link/17150/Get Prepared & Start The Move Towards Real Independence With Curtis Stone's Courses!

    GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:https://rncstore.com/r?id=bg8qc1

    Josh Sigurdson reports on the potential of war between the United States and Mexico as we predicted almost two years ago as border patrol exchange gunfire with alleged cartel members on the border and US military flights are diverted around Mexican airspace due to alleged threats to "shoot them down."As IEDs are found on the border AGAIN and mass deportations take place, it's important to break down the psyop currently taking place.The CIA has been arming and funding groups within Mexico for decades in order to destabilize it. They then purposely import criminals from Mexico into the United States and put them on welfare. This is part of the demoralization of the United States and the manufactured crisis the government needs to bring in further restrictions.With Russia and China having previously done military parades in places like Monterrey, as we predicted then, the US government will frame Russia or China as meddlers in US affairs from the border leading to potential war with Mexico.Trump is already calling for troops in Mexico which could quite literally create a tragic Iraq type situation on the border. By design of course. Order out of chaos.They will claim cartels are being armed by Russia, Iran or China. They will then frame it like they did with the Cuban Missile Crisis. This will lead to heavy intervention. This then leads to lockdowns within the United States and of course this means the technocratic credit and ration based system the World Economic Forum has asked for as Trump pushes biometrics on migrants.

    The entire basis of this is based on a lie. Both in the mainstream media and the mainstream alternative media, the claims made are false and lead to the same end conclusion.

    In this video, we rip apart the psyop and explain the reality of Mexico potentially being involved in World War 3 as part of the manufactured crisis.

    Prepare yourself while others celebrate.

    Stay tuned for more from WAM!

    GET TICKETS TO ANARCHAPULCO HERE:https://anarchapulco.com/Save money by using code WAM

    GET YOUR WAV WATCH HERE:https://buy.wavwatch.com/WAMUse Code WAM to save $100 and purchase amazing healing frequency technology!

    GET ORGANIC CHAGA MUSHROOMS HERE:https://alaskachaga.com/wamUse code WAM to save money! See shop for a wide range of products!

    GET AMAZING MEAT STICKS HERE:https://4db671-1e.myshopify.com/discount/WAM?rfsn=8425577.918561&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=8425577.918561USE CODE WAM TO SAVE MONEY!

    GET YOUR FREEDOM KELLY KETTLE KIT HERE:https://patriotprepared.com/shop/freedom-kettle/Use Code WAM and enjoy many solutions for the outdoors in the face of the impending reset!

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    World Alternative Media2025