In this episode we look at the amazing history of where drenching began then move onto the various classes of drenches available today. We look at what their properties are and their role up to today and the best way we can look after them now.
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Ian's limerick
I looked up and just gave a shrug
A hundred and one types of drug
They all make the claim
That sounds just the same
And I feel like an absolute mug -
In this episode Susan interviews Ian, who in the past has been an organics standards auditor, and we learn a little about organic farming of livestock and how organic farms manage their parasites. The question is : are there some lessons in there for those of us who run conventional farms? It seems when everything depends on good planning you really need to do it well.
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Ian's limerick
Organic farming is grouse
But don’t get a worm, fly or louse
Cos a drench or a dip
Or a tail fold nip
They won’t let those things near your house -
This episode looks at integrated parasite management (IPM), which is all the different practices you can use to reduce parasites on your property. IPM reduces your reliance on drenches and aids in extending the life of those drenches on your farm. It covers aspects of drenching, testing, breeding, grazing management and pastures.
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There are many ways to tackle parasites and a good understanding of their life cycles is critical knowledge. In this episode we look at the life cycles and the conditions for development of flies, lice and worms and we see how this can help us exploit the chinks in their armour.
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In this episode we speak with James Deller the Director, Residue and Trade, with the APVMA as he explains the role of the APVMA in protecting our livestock, us the farmers, our trade and our environment. He discusses what is needed to bring a product to registration and how WHP and ESIs are established.
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In this episode we interview John Webb Ware, the senior consultant with the Mackinnon Project, University of Melbourne Veterinary School, about his experiences with his clients that have chosen to move away from mulesing into non-mulesed fine wool Merinos. What it has taken to achieve this and what the traps and downfalls are for the uninitiated.
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This episode with Dr Paul Nilon of Tasmania will explore the ways in which we can clean up the parasite stages on the paddocks and make them suitable for young weaners through their first testing season. It covers Smart grazing and cross grazing with cattle how they work, how to do it and what is needed. It also looks at innovative uses and traps for beginners.
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Ian's Limerick
When choosing a paddock to grazeThere are only some limited ways
To make sure it’s free
Of that pesky L3
Cos to clean it takes hundreds of days
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This episode looks at disasters that did occur when a quarantine drench was missed, even with experienced producers. It explains the importance of the quarantine process, including drench choice and timing, isolation, monitoring and paddock selection. This includes not only when sheep are purchased, but when your own sheep are returning from agistment or another of your properties.
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Ian's limerick
Was buying in sheep that it caught us
A great mob of wethers he bought us
But just like a mug
We used the wrong drug
Now we’re plagued by Haemonchus contortus -
This episode describes some of the language around internal parasites and drench tests, and makes it clearer for our way forward in future podcasts.
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Ian's limerick
The language they use is enough
To put you off learning the stuff
If you’re not in the know
Your knowledge can’t grow
And the research just gets really tough -
Susan and Ian introduce themselves and discuss what they see Wormcasts providing for the listeners. This introduces the ParaBoss podcasts and its hosts, Dr Susan Swaney (Technical Manager ParaBoss, former Technical Services Manager Virbac, Veterinary Officer Falkland Islands and mixed practice veterinarian) and Ian Campbell (farmer, former Director Department of Agriculture Falkland Islands, sheep extension officer DPI Victoria and researcher Mackinnon Project University of Melbourne).
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The podcasts will cover worms, flies, lice and ticks and their management in sheep, goats and ultimately cattle.
The podcasts will include interviews with experts and farmers describing management issues and how they were overcome.
Email your feedback or topic suggestions: [email protected]
Ian's limerick
These are some podcasts for farmers
You can listen in boots or pyjamas
Any time, night or day
While you’re feeding out hay
Or off to the pub to get parmas