Does John Boy put us to sleep in this World War I classic or does he make us want to grab a rifle, jump out of the trench, and charge across no man’s land with the rest of them?
Robert Shaw, Harrison Ford, and Carl Weathers battle the Nazis in Yugoslavia in a little studied theater of World War II. They’re there to blow a bridge, or are they? Secret missions abound and double crosses are aplenty in this action thriller. But does it have what it takes to blow the dam on the Yinz & Y’all crew?
Sam Waterston’s political career has really taken off as he’s rocketed from Assistant District Attorney of New York to President of the United States. Forest Whitaker slowly runs away from bad guys trying to uncover a coup attempt. Does this made for tv movie blow us away or does it just blow?
Do these episodes hit the target or is the mission scrubbed because the pilots were so bored they fell asleep? Tune in to find out.
After battling Taylor Swift, Jake Gyllenhaal takes on the much easier task of the Taliban in Guy Ritchie’s The Covenant. Will this film blow you out of your foxhole or will it leave you like a Humvee on the tarmac at Bagram Air Base as the US withdrew from Afghanistan? Find out on Yinz & Y’all:Frontline Flicks.
Does Masters of the Air soar to the same heights as Band of Brothers or does it crash and burn like a B-17 shot down by a Messerschmitt? Find out as Yinz & Y’all:Frontline Flicks reviews episodes 1 and 2.
1986’s Heartbreak Ridge starring Clint Eastwood and Mario Van Peebles was a box office success, but is it a success with the Frontline Flicks unit? How many Grenadas, um I mean grenades, will it receive? Tune in to find out.
1939 Auschwitz. Polish prisoner, Teddy, is a former Polish boxing champion. When he discovers that his skills in the ring earn him special privileges, he begins boxing other prisoners for the entertainment of guards and prisoners alike. But when it starts to fall apart and people die, will Teddy be able to rise above and become a true champion?
Bilbo, Thorin and company are besieged inside Erebor by the combined armies of men and elves. Unbeknownst to all of them, an army of orcs is marching to attack them and claim Smaug’s gold for themselves. Will Yinz & Y’all join in the defense or will the desert the battle for something else? Find out this week.
The heroes of Earth realm are pitted against the villains of the Outer realm in a battle of Mortal Kombat. Who will be victorious? Will this movie triumph or will it be a bloody fatality? Find out.
Will Bilbo and the dwarves survive their encounter with Smaug? Will they regain the lost city of Erebor or will the quest come to a grisly end? Find out as we finish our review of The Desolation of Smaug.
Bilbo, Gandalf, and the dwarves continue their quest to Erebor. Along the way the encounter a skinchanger named Beorn, take a trippy trip in the forest of Mirkwood, and have an encounter with an elf that Lord of the Rings fans are familiar with. Find out what happens this week as we cover the first half of the second film in The Hobbit Trilogy.
Yinz & Y’all reviews Peter Jackson’s foray into the beloved J.R.R. Tolkien novel The Hobbit. Does it measure up to the book? Find out this week.
Easy Company enters Bavaria as an occupation force and capture Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest. With the war over, the men compare “points” to see who gets to go home.
As Easy Company enters Germany and the war begins to wind down, the men enjoy their first time off for a while. Their rest is short lived as they stumble upon a concentration camp while on patrol, and the horrors of war stare them in the face.
As Easy Company enters Haguenau, France they are tasked with crossing the river in the dead of night to bring back German prisoners. As more men are killed, the stress of the war takes a greater toll. Will Easy Company survive the last patrol?
Sgt. Lipton keeps up the spirits of Easy Company in the Ardennes forest as they sorely lack leadership at the company level. As casualties mount in Easy Company, morale plummets. As Easy Company assaults the town of Foy, a new leader emerges.
Easy Company battles the winter in Bastogne as well as the Germans. Doc Eugene Roe battles combat exhaustion while having to treat the men of Easy Company with limited supplies. Will Easy Company finally reach their breaking point?
Winters leads a bayonet charge across a field in Holland. The resounding victory results in a promotion. Winters struggles with the administrative side of his new position and longs to be back in charge of Easy Company. Meanwhile, the Germans have broken through in the Ardennes forest, and Easy Company, lacking proper winter gear and with a new commander are sent to plug the hole.
Easy Company participates in the British led Operation Market Garden. After initially meeting light resistance, Easy Company runs head first into a German counterattack. They are pushed back and have to retreat. Meanwhile, Sgt. Randleman is left behind enemy lines. A number of new men arrive to join Easy Company in time for Market Garden. Will these replacements be up for the job and will they be able to rescue Randleman? Find out as we review Band of Brothers Pt. 4, “Replacements.”
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