
  • Tyson Motsenbocker returns to help Dan answer if he is being followed by a handful of AI-generated bot Instagram accounts. Could they be Russians? Why is Avis so interested in her son Jason and “knitting small bees”? Are we in an “uncanny valley” yet with AI content? 

    Tyson on Instagram
    Where the Waves Turn Back Book
    Tyson's Website

    Get Tickets for Theology Beer Camp 2024
    Use Code ReturnofYHP for $50 off your ticket!
    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
    Artwork by sprungle.co/
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  • This week I’m joined by co-hosts of the excellent fatherhood-focused Milkless Podcast, Max Valverde and Matt Naylor for another listener-favorite “I Don’t Believe in That God” episode. Max leans towards atheism, finding a personal God unlikely, while Matt feels a pull towards spirituality but questions specific religious claims.
    This is actually an episode swap -- so today there is both a new Milkless episode featuring yours truly (in which we discuss the benefits and costs of religion/spirituality in raising kids) AND a You Have Permission episode with the two of them.
    A major theme that emerged was the difference between specific truth claims about the nature of reality and God vs. poetic or "theopoetic" framings that resonate as meaningful and promote human flourishing, even if not literally true. We didn't see perfectly eye-to-eye on this, with Matt expressing reservations about believing things for the sake of comfort or convenience rather than evidence. (Of course, I pushed back on what counts as evidence, etc.)

    This conversation was SO GOOD that Matt and Max are returning for round 2 in a month or so -- keep your eyes out for that one!

    Watch this Episode on YouTube
    Milkless Podcast
    Milkless Podcast on IG

    Get Tickets for Theology Beer Camp 2024:
    Use Code ReturnofYHP for $50 off your ticket!
    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
    Artwork by sprungle.co/
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  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Finally, a long chat with indie Christian musician John Mark McMillan! John Mark started out firmly in the mainstream Christian world but has been gradually exploring more complex and nuanced expressions of faith (and doubt!) through his art. 
    We discussed his early life on a Christian commune, what it's like to be a recording artist wrestling with deep questions of faith and doubt, and whether a doubting faith is actually more faithful than one laced with certainty. We got into meaning-making, suffering, and the audacity of hope in an imperfect world. In other words, it was great.

    Watch this Episode on YouTube:

    John Mark's Website
    John Mark McMillan on Spotify

    Resources Mentioned:
    Hunting the Divine Fox: An Introduction to the Language of Theology
    Viktor Frankl's Book: A Man's Search for Meaning

    Get Tickets for Theology Beer Camp 2024:
    Use Code ReturnofYHP for $50 off your ticket!
    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
    Artwork by sprungle.co/
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • How many times has someone told you that you have to watch The Chosen, the smash hit TV series depicting the life of Jesus?
    My buddy Jeff Martin and I break down season 1, episode 2 & 3, reacting to all manner of interesting details from my own liberal Christian therapist perspective and Jeff’s more moderate Evangelical lens.
    We get into:

    Shabbat and Shabbat dinner

    Conversion experiences and their psychological, social, and spiritual aspects

    depiction of Jesus' interactions with children and his characterization

    I’m very curious how much appetite there is for continuing with episodes like this, so please check it out and let me know what you think!

    **Watch this episode on YouTube**
    Get Tickets for Theology Beer Camp 2024:
    Use Code ReturnofYHP for $50 off your ticket!
    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
    Artwork by sprungle.co/
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  • Sarah McCammon, NPR journalist and author of "The Exvangelicals," shares her journey out of evangelical Christianity, including her pivotal relationship with her non-religious gay grandfather.
    We explore how journalism provided Sarah with a space to question and how my work in therapy also demands openness to evidence. We covered the impact of the Trump era on evangelicalism and the earlier Emergent movement led by figures like Rob Bell and Rachel Held Evans.
    We delve into the evangelical subculture's "parallel institutions" and their role in fostering distrust of mainstream institutions. Finally, we reflect on our wariness of echo chambers and the value we now place on viewpoint diversity and factual specificity.

    Watch this Episode on YouTube:

    Sarah’s Book “The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church”:
    Sarah’s Substack
    Depolarize! Podcast
    Reconstruct Podcast
    Get Tickets for Theology Beer Camp 2024:
    Use Code ReturnofYHP for $50 off your ticket!
    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
    Artwork by sprungle.co/
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • After kicking things off with our usual game of "Bar, Bank, Church or Dispensary?” and “Ways we are becoming our dads” segments, I introduced a new segment focused on funny Hard Times headlines.
    Tony recalled his recent time in Rome and reflected on the passing of theologian Jurgen Moltmann. This led into a conversation about Israel and the war in Gaza, and all three of us gave our thoughts on the conflict.
    Finally, I brought forward the idea of seeing Christianity as a story in which we find ourselves, and we compared it with other meta-narratives competing for our attention and loyalty.

    Watch this Episode on YouTube:


    Tony's Substack on Jürgen Moltmann
    Movie: God On Trial
    Kristen Ashley's Book: Knight

    Get Tickets for Theology Beer Camp 2024:
    Use Code ReturnofYHP for $50 off your ticket!

    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
    Artwork by sprungle.co/
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Today’s episode is a thoughtful conversation with my friend Josh Patterson of the (Re)Thinking Faith Podcast about his evolving relationship with Christianity. No longer a pastor, he sometimes struggles to articulate theological concepts that once came easily. Practices that used to nourish his soul now give him pause, and he wonders if his reduced engagement with Christian community and spiritual disciplines has contributed to this sense of distance.
    Despite this, Josh still experiences spontaneous moments of prayer, gratitude, and spiritual connection. He values embodied spiritual experiences over mere intellectual agreement with doctrines. The theological issues that once consumed him, such as Hell and atonement theories, have been overshadowed by more fundamental metaphysical and philosophical questions. He resonates with poetic and metaphorical approaches to theology (AKA “theopoetics”) that allow religious language to gesture toward profound truths and experiences without collapsing into rigid literalism.

    Watch this Episode on YouTube:

    Josh's Podcast "Rethinking Faith":

    Get Tickets for Theology Beer Camp 2024:
    Use Code ReturnofYHP for $50 off your ticket!
    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
    Artwork by sprungle.co/
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  • In this mid-week episode (full version is available on Patreon!) I am joined by Jenny Hamilton, a licensed therapist and senior lecturer at the University of Lincoln in the UK, talking about her peer-reviewed movie therapy method.

    We discussed how films can provide a unique form of escapism while also helping foster empathy by allowing viewers to experience the world through someone else's perspective. Jenny emphasized the importance of tailoring selections to each individual client's interests, issues, and comfort level. We also touched on the value of using well-known films as a common reference point, which can help build rapport and facilitate deeper conversations.

    Should I find a guest or two who wants to try out the MOVIE Method, perhaps for a Patreon episode? We would watch a well-known movie and then talk through some journaling/response “homework” based on Jenny’s approach? Let me know! 

    Jenny's Website:

    Jenny's Podcast "The Movie Method":

    The conversation article: https://theconversation.com/watching-movies-could-be-good-for-your-mental-health-214325

    Jenny's Twitter @JennyHa0216

    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
    Artwork by sprungle.co/
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  • This week I had the pleasure of speaking with Matt Halstead about his new book “The End of the World as You Know It” which focuses on End Times prophecies and apocalyptic literature. We touched on everything from the psychological drives behind our fascination with the future to the importance of maintaining a questioning mindset in matters of faith.

    We kicked things off by acknowledging the trauma and anxiety that can often accompany these teachings, especially for those who grew up in conservative evangelical circles. Matt shared how he was never encouraged to ask critical questions about these topics but rather was expected to simply accept what he was told. 

    We also got into the history of apocalyptic literature and how it has been interpreted throughout the centuries. Matt pointed out that these texts were originally written from the perspective of oppressed groups, not the privileged empires of the day. 

    Matt’s Book “The End of the World as You Know It”: 

    Matt’s Faculty Page:

    Revelation Lectures by Craig S. Keener:
    Get Tickets for Theology Beer Camp 2024:
    Use Code ReturnofYHP for $50 off your ticket!
    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
    Artwork by sprungle.co/
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • ** Watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/5U0kztmTnxk
    In response to a listener suggestion, as well as having enjoyed Bonnie Kristian's recent newsletter on the topic, I looked into the recent Harrison Butker commencement address controversy. I had a few thoughts!
    I talk briefly about the situation, how I largely think of it in terms of protected religious speech, more progressive options within Christianity, the good questions raised by conservative counter-reactions in support of Butker and what one such reaction gets quite wrong, and some insights from the "cultural competency" world of psychotherapy that I think are applicable.
    Bonnie's newsletter: https://bonniekristian.substack.com/p/that-commencement-speech-didnt-need?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=405918&post_id=144821513&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=42udl&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email
    James Martin, SJ: https://www.americamagazine.org/voices/james-martin-sj
    ParentData on daycare: https://parentdata.org/day-care-bad-children/
    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
    Artwork by sprungle.co/
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  • You know her and love her — my friend and recurring guest Kristen Tideman joined me this week for another listener-powered Q&A session!

    We recommended voices outside Christianity who provide thoughtful commentary on religion and culture, considered why some Christians seem to have a gentle certainty in their faith while others wrestle with doubt, recommended resources for those interested in psychology but not necessarily at a graduate school level, and wrapped with our Q&A tradition, “podcasts someone else should start.”

    I always look forward to bringing Kristen back for these episodes, so please continue to send in your questions and feedback!

    **Watch this episode on YouTube**

    Kristen & Sarey’s Website:

    “The Spiral Staircase: My Climb Out of Darkness” Book by Karen Armstrong:

    “A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam”:

    “Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny” Book by Robert Wright:

    Ezra Klein Show Episode with George Saunders:

    “The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds” Book by Michael Lewis:

    “Thinking Fast and Slow” Book by Daniel Kahneman:

    Freakonomics Show “No Stupid Questions”:

    Radio Lab’s Podcast “The Queen of Dying”:
    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
    Artwork by sprungle.co/
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • How many times has someone told you that you have to watch The Chosen, the smash hit TV series depicting the life of Jesus?
    My buddy Jeff Martin and I break down season 1 episode 1, reacting to all manner of interesting details from my own liberal Christian therapist perspective and Jeff’s more moderate Evangelical lens.
    We get into psychology, Biblical studies, theology, history, and even some parenting territory.
    I’m very curious how much appetite there is for continuing with episodes like this, so please check it out and let me know what you think!
    **Watch this episode on YouTube**
    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Join the Patreon for exclusive episodes (and more) every month: patreon.com/dankoch
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
    Artwork by sprungle.co/
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  • My guest this week is Lauren Auer, a licensed counselor specializing in religious trauma. She grew up in the evangelical world and initially opened her practice with a faith-based approach (hence the name Steadfast Counseling) but found herself questioning her own beliefs as she witnessed concerning changes in her church community and started receiving a lot of religious trauma cases in her practice, despite not explicitly advertising this specialty.

    We discussed the overt and more subtle forms of religious trauma (abuse is the thing that happens to you, while trauma is what happens inside you). many people are "the frog in the pot" from a young age, accustomed to certain behaviors and beliefs within their religious communities. This normalization can make it difficult to recognize when something is amiss or causing harm. Fear of questioning or deviating from the prescribed path often keeps individuals trapped in a state of confusion and self-doubt.

    While Lauren is currently only able to see clients in Illinois, there are resources available, such as the Reclamation Collective directory, a geographically organized list of therapists who self-identify as having expertise in working with religious trauma.

    My own Spiritual Harm and Abuse Scale -- a free-to-use clinical screener for therapists -- and a condensed research handout on spiritual abuse, are both freely available on dankochwords.com

    **Watch this episode on YouTube**

    Lauren's Website:

    Follow Lauren on Instagram -- @steadfastcounseling

    Find Clinicians Who Deal with Religious Trauma:

    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Join the Patreon for exclusive episodes (and more) every month: patreon.com/dankoch
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
    Artwork by sprungle.co/
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • After kicking things off with our usual game of "Bar, Bank, Church or Dispensary?” and “Ways we are becoming our dads” segments, we talked about Josh and Tony's work on the recently concluded Emerged podcast, an ambitious 10-episode series examining the Emerging Church movement. 

    We debated the semantics and cultural implications of the "California sober" lifestyle and whether it really counts as “sober,” getting into the healthcare differences between so-called “abstinence” and “harm reduction” approaches to substance use.

    Tony told us about his speaking engagements at two "post-Christian spiritual communities" in Grand Rapids, Michigan. To close out, we had a spirited dialogue sparked by Josh's experience caring for his four-year-old nephew for a day, which included painting their nails in matching rainbow colors.

    Next month, I'll be coming in hot with some reasons I am feeling hopeful about the future of mainline liberal Protestantism, which Tony will do his best to abuse me of! But that’s the fun of these GGCH episode, right?

    **Watch this episode on YouTube**

    Tony's Website:
    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Join the Patreon for exclusive episodes (and more) every month: patreon.com/dankoch
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
    Artwork by sprungle.co/
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  • This week, I sat down with Katelyn Beaty and Roxanne Stone, the fantastic hosts of the Saved by the City podcast. I asked them for their take on the "masculinity crisis" some have described in our cultural moment. From their experiences dating in New York City to their observations about the dearth of male role models in many kids' lives, they painted a picture of the loneliness, frustration and loss of purpose afflicting a lot of guys these days. 

    Many traditionally male-coded traits and roles have been culturally devalued in recent decades in a way that has left a lot of men feeling adrift. Katelyn made the point that while working for gender parity in leadership is important, hyper-focusing on metrics like representation in the Fortune 500 C-suites overlooks a lot of other elements of human flourishing. Roxanne noted that we still have not had a society-wide conversation about redefining success and valorizing things like teaching, caretaking, and community-building that have historically been relegated to the feminine sphere.

    Katelyn and Roxanne were emphatic that women have a huge stake in helping stem this crisis, even if their first instinct may be an exasperated "Haven't men had their day in the sun long enough?" As Katelyn put it, men's issues are human issues, and in the long run, the genders rise and fall together. Lonely, angry, purposeless men are more likely to lash out in anti-social ways that endanger everyone.

    **Watch this episode on YouTube**

    Previous Episode "Christianity Today Staffers Katelyn Beaty and Roxanne Stone":

    YHP use code "RETURNOFYHP" for $25 off your ticket!

    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Join the Patreon for exclusive episodes (and more) every month: patreon.com/dankoch
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
    Artwork by sprungle.co/
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  • The spiritual education of children can be daunting, especially when parents have more questions about God than answers. Does this necessarily lead to a dead end, or are there tools available when we have very little “bedrock” on which to stand?

    Meredith Anne Miller feels that mainstream Christian children's education focuses too heavily on making kids obedient, rather than inviting exploration. Meredith advocates for an approach centered on wonder, curiosity, and relationship -- sharing about God's character and love while making ample space for kids' questions, doubts, and personal journeys.

    We also respond to a listener question about specific issues with the Lord’s Prayer as a standard family/bedtime option.

    **Watch this episode on YouTube**

    Meredith’s Substack:

    Other YHP Episodes around Raising Kids:
    #174 Meredith Miller - “Helping Kids Know God in Healthy Ways”:

    #166 Bekah McNeil - “Love & Perfectionism in Raising Kids”:

    YHP use code "RETURNOFYHP" for $25 off your ticket!

    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Join the Patreon for exclusive episodes (and more) every month: patreon.com/dankoch
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
    Artwork by sprungle.co/
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • I was joined by editor, podcaster, and novelist Jason Kirk to discuss how he put his Evangelical upbringing — barely distinguishable from my own — into his recent novel Hell Is A World Without You. We also discussed the power of storytelling to capture the overlap of complex ideas, fear of Hell, queer affirmation, Dune, and more. 

    **Watch this episode on YouTube**

    Jason’s Book “ Hell Is a World Without You”: https://www.amazon.com/Hell-World-Without-Jason-Kirk/dp/1735492647


    “Pretty Good Vibrations” Episode mentioned - Further Seems Forever Deep Dive:

    YHP use code "RETURNOFYHP" for $25 off your ticket!
    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Join the Patreon for exclusive episodes (and more) every month: patreon.com/dankoch
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
    Artwork by sprungle.co/
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  • On this week’s episode, I spoke with Elias Dummer, a musician, marketer, and former singer-songwriter of the Canadian Christian rock band The City Harmonic. We talked about the power and potential of contemporary worship music, exploring its role as a "spiritual technology" and its ability to unite people across various divisions -- class, race, theology, etc. And yes, in case you are wondering, I had to set aside my own personal distaste for Contemporary Christian Music and worship music, but I was happy to do so, all in the name of science, of course!

    Elias shared his unique background, coming from an ecumenical, missional context rather than a typical megachurch setting. I liked how this challenged common assumptions about contemporary worship music and its association with private piety and white Evangelical tribalism.

    We delved into the research Elias and others are doing about worship music, touching on concepts like Emile Durkheim’s collective effervescence and the ability of music to manipulate emotions. Acknowledging the power that worship leaders hold can help them use this influence responsibly. We agreed that being transparent about the mechanisms at play can help protect people from potential harm and abuse.

    Dan’s old band “Pacific Gold”:

    Elias’s Band “The City Harmonic” on Spotify:

    The City Harmonic’s “Manifesto” on Spotify:

    Elias’ IG @eliasdummer

    **Watch this episode on YouTube**
    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Join the Patreon for exclusive episodes (and more) every month: patreon.com/dankoch
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
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  • In this conversation, Tim Whitaker of The New Evangelicals joins Dan for a dual-feed special episode to discuss the upcoming book by Richard B. Hays, a respected New Testament scholar (Duke), and his son Christopher (Fuller), titled 'The Widening of God's Mercy: A Thoroughly Biblical Account of LGBTQ Affirmation in the Church.' They explore the potential impact of the book and the various reactions it has received. They also discuss the importance of acknowledging the harm caused by previous non-affirming positions and the need for an apology. They consider the strategic implications of the book and its potential to shift the conversation in white Evangelical spaces. They highlight the importance of listening to the voices of queer Christian scholars and the potential for the book to provide validation and support for those navigating their faith and sexuality. Also, they explore the idea of holding contradictory views and the importance of integration and growth, including a little bit of therapy-adjacent ideas about Tim and his dad.


    **Watch this episode on YouTube**

    Richard Hays’ Book “The Widening of God’s Mercy”:

    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Join the Patreon for exclusive episodes (and more) every month: patreon.com/dankoch
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
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  • Dan spoke with friend and frequent guest Sarey Martin Concepcion about the intersection of intellectual humility and our Christian faith journeys, attempting to tie this together with his recent set of “Still Christian” episodes. They discussed how Sarey was raised in a fundamentalist evangelical strain of Christianity that valued certainty and correct doctrinal beliefs above all else. This made it challenging to embrace intellectual humility -- acknowledging what one can and cannot be confident about.

    While appreciating the research around intellectual humility can create some real tensions within Christianity, it also provides a foundation for extending grace to ourselves and others amid disagreement and uncertainty.


    Other Intellectual Humility Episodes:
    Elizabeth Hall: Doubt, Intellectual Humility & Uncertainty Tolerance (#146)

    Joshua Hook: Intellectual Humility (#184)

    Daryl van Tongeren: You Are Not Your Beliefs (#195)

    Stephen Sandage: What Does a Healthy Spiritual Leader Even Look Like? (#209)
    Follow Dan on IG: www.instagram.com/dancoke/
    Or Twitter: twitter.com/DanKoch
    Faith deconstruction resources: www.soyouredeconstructing.com/
    Edited by Josh Gilbert (joshgilbertmedia.com -- he is accepting more work!)
    Join the Patreon for exclusive episodes (and more) every month: patreon.com/dankoch
    Email about the "sliding scale" for the Patreon: [email protected]
    YHP Patron-only FB group: tinyurl.com/ycvbbf98
    Website: www.dankochwords.com/yhp.html
    Join Dan's email list: www.dankochwords.com/
    Artwork by sprungle.co/
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