
  • After 90 weeks.
    It is time.
    For now.
    To hit pause.
    Just for now.
    Not forever.

    Keep designing your life my friend.

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at https://www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • This week on the podcast ... well the title says it all.

    Special edition this week, sharing what’s been happening behind the scenes.

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at https://www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Truth releases us from shame.

    Yet so few of us are sharing our truth.

    I have been thinking about this a lot.

    How we tend to share the highlights.
    The good things.
    We share the surface level stuff.

    And sure there is a time for this.
    At the soccer game.
    At the school gate.
    In the lunch room.
    Best to keep it light!

    But do you have someone in your life who you share your truth with?
    Who you open up to.
    About your fears.
    Your worries.
    Your shame, failures and regrets?

    So few of us do.

    I am lucky to have a three women in my life who I really do share these deep places with.

    Who I tell the truth to. The whole truth. Women who I choose to expose my rough edges to.

    This week on the podcast. Why it is important to create a safe space where you tell it like it is, for your own health and wellbeing and also for all of us out there who need to hear it because many of us will then, by hearing your story, feel confident enough to say ‘me too’.

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at https://www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • Who you are now is not who you were a few years ago.

    Your body, your mind, your relationships, career, wisdom ... all of it is evolving.

    Do you embrace the process of evolution? Mentally, physically and spiritually?

    Or do you resist it?

    There is such great personal power that comes with age.

    This week on the podcast, I hope I can encourage you to lean into ageing, into the evolution of you.

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at https://www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • On Monday a friend died unexpectedly.

    He was young, healthy, fit.
    He was engaged at work, loved by others, a fantastic father and friend.
    Now he is dead.
    In a moment, without warning, he left us.

    I share this because I think it is important we don’t rush past these moments of pain that we all experience at times, or see others experiencing.

    In a moment we are dead.
    One day alive.
    The next dead.

    What will you leave behind?
    If you were to die today would you be happy with how you lived?

    I got a tattoo this week too.

    Long planned having made the decision some time ago, but this week felt so right for it having received this sad news.

    A mountain range that to me represents my family and the wilderness that I love. Strong, wild, beautiful and free.

    A snowflake. Precious, beautiful, here only for a moment before it melts. A reminder that life is to be lived fully.

    My friend's life was short.
    But he lived it fully alive.
    He was kind, warm, loving.
    He was generous.
    He was a fantastic father.
    He made a difference in the lives of those he knew and served in his work.
    He didn’t appear in the headlines, there are no books written about him, no order of Australia medals.
    But his live had meaning.
    It had joy.
    It mattered.

    So does yours, my friend.
    Please don’t forget that.

    Life is precious.
    You are precious.
    It all goes quickly.

    So please.

    If your instagram makes you feel shit please delete it.
    If your Facebook robs you of time with those you love delete it.
    If you want to feel healthier, take action today.
    If you love them, tell them you do, today.
    If you don’t need it, don’t buy it.
    If you feel stressed about June 30, remember you could die on June 29.

    Life is bloody precious.
    Go do what you love, with people you love.
    Design a life you love.
    Make today count.

    And hug your babies tight.

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at https://www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • I choose to believe that the point of life is to evolve.

    That our purpose is to consider how we did today and try and do better tomorrow.

    That the reason we are here is to grow.

    To have a go.

    And if we fail today to do one better, to remember that this is part of being human, that we are not broken and that we have this amazing gift … we get to try again tomorrow.

    What a special thing!

    As long as we are living, we get to try again tomorrow.

    So my human friends …

    Can you commit to the pursuit of excellence? Knowing that you will never reach it, but that the whole point of it is the pursuit itself?

    To seek wisdom and knowledge.
    To try new things.
    To contemplate where we may be wrong.
    To consider how we can show up more fully alive.

    Fold the laundry like a ninja.
    Make the dinner like a pro.
    Read that book and soak in knowledge.
    Look your partner in the eye and really listen to them.
    Show up to work with your A game on.
    Go for a run and push it to that next level.
    Pick up a heavier weight at the gym.
    Sit and do homework with your kids and choose to enjoy it.

    Life is so much better when you do it fully alive!

    This week on the podcast. Some ideas on how we can continue to commit to the pursuit of exceptional.

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at https://www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • Where can you make small changes, my friend?

    In how you sleep.
    Engage with loved ones.
    Perform at work.
    Organise your home.
    Plan your work.
    Invest in your learning .
    Plan your holidays.

    Write a list.

    Implement one a week.

    Over time.
    As they layer onto of each other.
    You create massive changes.
    Results you could not have dreamed off.

    This is how you design your life my friend.
    One thing at a time.

    What will be it this week?
    One small change.
    Let’s get to work.

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at https://www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • Tell me, do you feel loneliness at times?

    Not chronic loneliness, but more occasional visit from friend loneliness?

    I do, about once every week or so. I think we all do. What most of us do in response however is to avoid it.

    Do you allow yourself to feel it? Or do you avoid it? Numb it? Get busy on your phone and pretend that feeling is not there?

    What do you do to avoid it? Why?

    Why is loneliness something we all want to avoid?

    Is it loneliness that is the problem or what we make it mean?

    Rather than seeing loneliness as a problem I invite you embrace it, feel it, explore it.

    Often, it is in those spaces of isolation, that the big ideas come to us.

    Your masterpiece resides in those periods of solitude.

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at https://www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • Guilt. That old friend.

    When you talk about feeling guilt your friends tell you 'don't be silly, you have nothing to feel guilty about' or similar.

    I don't suggest that approach.

    Pushing away emotion never resolves it, ever.

    This week I ask you to go deep.
    To take a look inside.
    See what is driving the emotion.
    Then be honest with yourself.
    No-one else is watching, my friend.

    What is driving the guilt, do you want to change how you are living or do you want to re-decide and re-affirm how you are living.

    You get to decide?

    What kind of life do you want to live from today forward?

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at https://www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • So 3 weeks in a leg brace ...

    If you know me you have probably heard me say, "you would have to strap me to a bed and sedate me in order to stop me walking and training every day."

    What has come up in the last few weeks is all the fear underneath the constant moving that I tend to do.

    Sure I meditate (at 4am before I get up and start moving), I contemplate (while I hike or swim), I sit down to eat (most of the time).

    But I have know for a very long time that I have a fear of sitting still.

    I had a workshop at SAHMRI (South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute) for two days last week.

    I enrolled last year and every time I thought about it, or saw it in the diary, I felt that mix of fear and a desire to pull out that is all too familiar.

    Even after hurting my leg and being put in a leg brace, I didn't want to do it.

    If there is something that involves sitting down for hours on end ... I really do not want to do it.

    Long lunches.
    Full day workshops.
    Long drives, long flights, basically anything that requires more than 30 minutes sitting down.

    If I have spare time I clean the windows, vacuum, go for a run, walk to the shops. take the kids and dog to the park, run around finding jobs to do ... anything to avoid sitting down.


    What is with this fear?

    It is the same fear that you may feel about sitting still, or not watching TV every night, or not having your phone to check when you sit at the bar waiting to meet your friend.

    Or maybe it’s the fear that is underneath your snacking every time you have spare time, or calling your mum, or messaging friends, checking email, checking your apps, news feed ...

    What do you do to check out?

    To avoid being alone with yourself?

    What is beneath that fear?

    For me in the past I would eat or drink wine. That was my go to that caused the most damage in my life.

    But for my entire adult life movement has been the big one.

    The one I refuse to let go off.

    The one that is 'healthy' and 'good for you' and a 'good addiction to have'.

    It is also a great way to avoid being alone with yourself, with your true self, with all the stuff underneath.

    So ... that’s been my week.

    Being faced with all the stuff underneath.

    Learning to love that stuff, learning to question that stuff, to test if it is true, and to let it go if it isn't.

    This week’s podcast is about the stuff and about being honest with yourself - recorded with so much love for you all.

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at https://www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • A quick messages to subscribers between trips to the doctor ...

    There will be no episodes for a few weeks as I have unfortunately fractured my knee and injured ligaments, so will be off duty for a little while recovering! Stay tuned though, I'll be back very soon.

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at https://www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • What kind of woman are you right now?

    Where are the rough edges?

    What do you want for the years ahead?

    Where were your wrong?

    Where were you right?

    What do you want to change?

    Where are your fears?

    Where are you not showing up?

    What does being the best version of yourself look like?

    This week on the podcast a special edition I share with you my most recent retreat. I go on retreat every year for 5-7 days. This year I went in March and this week I share with you what came up for me, how it has changed me, how I have reflected, reset and course corrected. There has been a change in my focus and drive to one of flow not push. It feels right for right now so I am owning it and living it.

    You can take time to reflect, reset and course correct too and this episode I give you some tools to do this today.

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at https://www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • Is it just me or do all of you guys sometimes feel like you are just not enough?

    That your life doesn't matter?

    That you are insignificant.

    The mind tends to tell us this, right.

    We think that the bigger house, nicer car, higher salary, awards, recognition, fancy holiday will be the solution.

    They never are.

    Here is my message to you this weekend my friends.

    You are, as you are right now, worthy of existing in this world.

    You were born worthy.

    That little baby.


    Just born.

    Worthy then and still are now.

    Enough then and still are now.

    You can stop grasping for validation, reward, recognition and greatness ... you are already great.

    It, this, what we are all doing, perhaps it all means nothing in the end ...
    So please ask yourself.

    What is your version of a beautiful, good life?

    That is your work in the world my friend. To create that.

    Nothing more, nothing less.

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at https://www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • When was the last time you sat back and considered where you want to be in 20 years?

    Do you have a 20 year plan?

    Do you have a 5 year plan?

    Most of us spend most of our lives on the field of life, reactive, managing year to year, dealing with life as it comes up.

    This is exhausting and a risky way to live because you never sit back and assess the long game.

    This week on the podcast I share with you as super tool. Decision making from the grandstand.

    Here is what it looks like in action.

    Creating strategy.




    Mapping out a 20 year plan.

    Reassessing values, priorities and your definition of success.

    Reflecting on lessons learned.

    Setting aspirations for the years ahead.

    Changing the plan to take into account changes in the world around you.

    Identifying what will move you forward in the biggest ways and making time for that.

    Identifying where you need to invest time to practice, train and increase your strength and stamina for the long game.

    Making informed choices to put some things to the side while you focus on what is going to be essential in the future.

    This is how you create an insurance policy protecting you from waking up in someone else’s dream life but out of alignment with the life you always wanted deep down inside.

    This weekend take a moment to listen in, pen and paper, and get in the grandstand for a birds eye view.

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at https://www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • Do you have a story running that motherhood and career cant ever flow?

    That the constant mayhem, drama and exhaustion is just how it is.

    That the push and pull and feeling like you never show up as your best self in either space is what you have to look forward to for the rest of your life?

    I find a lot of clients feel this way, especially when they start to contemplate how they want to grow in the years ahead.

    Often it is the invitation to consider a bigger life, a new stage, to step into that next version of themselves - that triggers this belief.

    Have you noticed this for yourself?

    You consider a new way, something bigger, a change ... and up it comes.

    This week on the podcast. I bust this story wide open.

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at https://www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • Show me your bank statement and I will tell you what you value.

    Show me your diary and I know immediately what your priorities are.

    What do you invest your time and money in?

    Log into your banking and take a look right now.

    What are the last 20 things you spend your money on?

    What about your schedule, look back over the last 10 days, what did you consistently give time to, every day?

    Healthy behaviours and investments?

    Time with loved ones?

    Time to create value in this world through how you serve others?

    Most people want to design a life that reflects their highest values.

    We want to design a life that aligns with the person we are becoming.

    But no-one teaches us how to consistently take action and invest our time and money in the things that count.

    This is why I have a coach.

    This is why my clients put aside time and money for me to coach them.

    This is why I believe all of us need a coach.

    This week on the podcast I coach you to take a look at your life from the grandstand and really get honest about where you invest your time and money.

    If you don't make sure your actions and investments are congruent with the person you are becoming you can never create the life you truly desire.

    Want to take a look?

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at https://www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • What difficult conversation are you avoiding right now?

    Where are you pretending?

    Faking it?

    Playing nice girl and avoiding telling the truth?

    Avoiding difficult conversations for fear of the outcome guarantees you of one thing: relationships that are built on lies and pretence that lead to resentment.

    Not pretty, right!

    It is also patronising and enabling behaviour disguised as being the nice girl.

    By all means be kind.

    But what if you approached that conversation you are avoiding with a strong back and a soft heart?

    This is what it looks like.

    Strong back.

    Soft heart.





    Just imagine having this conversation now.

    Strong back, soft heart my friends.

    Go have that conversation.

    This week on the podcast I talk more about having difficult conversations.

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at https://www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • What comes out of you when you are under pressure is what was already inside you.







    We all turn to our particular brand of poison when we feel under the pump.

    We are like volcanos.

    What comes out, that lava of our choosing, was already in there.

    Take a look inside this week on the podcast at what is already inside you that perhaps it is time to let go off.

    I think it is time to let go of your attachments to things and people being certain way?

    If you think so too you can learn how to get started this week on the podcast.

    This week I give you a specific tool to help you action this work and release old ways of reacting unconsciously.

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at https://www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • OK. I read a report that approximately 80% of women size each other up physically when meeting and if they feel challenged what follows is a negative comment either out loud or internally.

    And it got me thinking ... a lot.

    Do be warned this is a bit of a rant.

    I have a request of you my friend.

    Can we all please draw a line in the sand and today commit to no more judgement, comparison and gossip?

    This is such an energy waster.

    It is an assault on others and on ourselves.

    It is buying into the hamster wheel of never enough.

    We have all heard it, we have all said it and we all at times think it as we look at other peoples lives on social.

    It's not our fault.

    We have been taught that our success is dependant of their failure, that our win depends on their loss, that our beauty depends on being thinner than them or having a nicer wardrobe.

    We have been put on a hamster wheel and taught to play to the mould that ensures we stay small.

    That we need to compete for attention. That we need to be thinner, stronger, smarter, wealthier, younger than our sister sitting next to us.

    The problem is there is no end to this way of living.

    We can never be enough if we assess ourselves in comparison to others.

    Comparison, jealousy, thinking, it's a race to be the best at this thing we call life and is a never ending hamster wheel to nowhere.

    Can we stop it please?

    Commit to being intentional in how we receive, comment and engage with each other.

    Commit to calling each other out when we slip back to old habits of judgement and comparison and remind each other we don't do that shit anymore.

    Can we commit to push back when others expect us to dive down to this level.

    Can we commit to be strong.

    To support.

    To show up for and to celebrate each other.

    Even if we would choose not to dress, work, eat, parent, love or live like they do?

    To celebrate their freedom to do whatever the hell they want and to protect our ability to do the same.

    No more tearing each other's wings off and in doing so tearing off our own.

    Ok rant over.

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com

  • There is no such thing as a stressful day.

    Nor is there a long day, or a fast day, or a crazy day, or a hectic day, or a manic day ...

    You get my point.

    A day is made up of hours, 24 of them.

    It is not an emotion.

    It is the passing of time.

    You can choose to feel stressed about your day, your month, your life.

    Or you can start to practice seeing things differently.

    You can see your day as exciting, energising, a gift, a fun ride.

    You get to decide.

    How are you choosing to think about your life right now?

    How does that thought make you feel?

    What are you teaching others in your tribe or team in terms of how they approach a busy schedule, deadlines, domestic tasks, life in general?

    Do you teach them to dread hard work, to avoid challenges, to feel stressed over a busy schedule? Do they look at how you are living and think it is something they would ever want for themselves?

    What if you taught them to enjoy working hard?

    What if you decided that it was a good thing to go to bed at the end of a day feeling physically and mentally tired having done something of value in this world?

    That is when you have the best nights sleep!

    This week on the podcast I talk about how there is no such thing as a 'stressful' day and how you can start to train hard, create hard, love hard and sleep like a dream!

    If you are ready to put all your podcast listening into action you have to check out my coaching program.

    Your Life Designed a monthly coaching program for high functioning people who want to invest in their personal development.

    This program brings together the latest research on human potential and high performance. It teaches you actionable strategies to implement in your life. It takes ideas, knowledge and learning to the next level, so that you get the results you want in your life.

    For as little as $25.00AUD per week this program gives you the skills to consistently perform at a high level in all areas of your life with a sense of joy, confidence and fulfilment.

    Your Life Designed. Extraordinary people. Extraordinary lives.

    Learn more and subscribe today at www.lauracarrocci.com/coaching

    Connect with Laura and find out more - https://lauracarrocci.com

    Send Laura an email - [email protected]

    Podcast produced by Apiro - http://apiropodcasts.com