In this episode of 'Your Vet Wants You to Know', Dr. Kristen Fischer, veterinary ophthalmologist discusses corneal ulcers in pets. Pet owners will learn what corneal ulcers are, how they are diagnosed and treated. Dr. Fischer gives valuable insights on what pet owners should watch for, healing times, and the importance of a rapid veterinary exam. This episode provides practical advice for pet owners on how to heal their pets' eyes faster. Treatment options, including the use of topical antibiotics and the importance of the 'cone of shame' for prevention of further injury, are discussed. The "Scratching the Itch" segment concludes with an overview of other helpful (and adorable) protective eyeware.
Episode Page with Transcript and Additional Content: https://www.yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/ulcers
VetHive: https://www.yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/vethive
OphthoVet Consulting: https://ophthovetconsulting.com
Rex Specs: https://www.rexspecs.com
Doggles: https://doggles.com
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Abdominal ultrasounds are a common, non-invasive diagnostic test used in veterinary medicine to explore potential issues within a pet's abdomen, such as chronic vomiting or urinary problems. In this episode, Dr. Jessica Larson, an internal medicine specialist, joins us to discuss the process, benefits, and limitations of abdominal ultrasounds, including their role in diagnosing conditions, planning further tests or treatments. Take a listen to learn how an abdominal ultrasound can give answers as to what is happening in your pet’s belly.
Episode Page with Transcript and Additional Content: https://www.yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/ultrasound
Consult with Dr. Larson: www.musiccitypetim.com
Collaborative Care Coalition: https://collaborativecarecoalition.org/
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In this bonus episode of Your Vet Wants You to Know, Dr. Lancellotti interviews a guest who shares a unique connection to bats. Adam Gladstone, aka 'Batman,' discusses his fascination with bats and his unexpected journey into becoming an expert on Batmen. Tune in for a lighthearted and informative discussion about the superhero and the real-life pollinators.
Avoid risk of rabies in bats: https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/animals/bats/index.html
US Department of the Interior: https://www.doi.gov/blog/13-facts-about-bats
van Schaik, Jaap et al. “Bats Swarm Where They Hibernate: Compositional Similarity between Autumn Swarming and Winter Hibernation Assemblages at Five Underground Sites.” PloS onevol. 10,7 e0130850. 8 Jul. 2015, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0130850 Accessed: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4496085/
Support Bat Conservation Internation: https://www.batcon.org/about-us/mission-values/
Happy April Fools!
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Plasma cell pododermatitis in cats is much less comfortable than its nickname, “pillow paws”, would suggest. In this episode of Your Vet Wants You to Know, Dr. Brittany Lancellotti talks about Hermoine, a cat with plasma cell pododermatitis, including the symptoms, underlying causes (viral infections, food allergies, etc), diagnostic tests, potential triggers, and treatments. Our closing segment, ‘Scratching the Itch,’ highlights the 'Calm and Cozy Cat Wrap', a tool designed to alleviate the stress of administering oral medications to cats.
Episode Page with Transcript and Additional Content: https://www.yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/Plasma-cell
Affiliate link for Calm and Cozy Cat Wrap: https://yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/cozycat
Use Coupon Code "YourVet" for $5 off!
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In this episode, Dr. Kristen Fischer, board certified veterinary ophthalmologist, discusses the importance of early diagnosis, the different causes, and treatments of cataracts in pets. Genetic predisposition and diabetes are the common causes of cataracts in dogs, whereas inflammation causes cataracts in cats. Early detection and treatment are essential and can be achieved by routine eye exams conducted by a veterinarian. Surgery is the only effective treatment available, which has a success rate of around 90%. In cases where surgery isn't possible, maintaining comfort for the pet is key. The positive impact of this treatment in pets is highlighted through a special story about a rescue dog named Ethel.
Episode page with transcript and images: https://www.yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/cataracts
Connect with Dr. Fischer: https://ophthovetconsulting.com/
Learn more about the ACVO/Epicur National Service Animal Eye Exam event at: https://www.acvoeyeexam.org/
Find a veterinary ophthalmologist near you: https://www.yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/resources
August is Itchy Pet Awareness Month! This time of year can be particularly challenging for pets with allergic skin disease. Dr. Shannon Cabell, Consumer Medical Lead for Dermatology at Zoetis, joins us to discuss frequent reasons for itching, how common allergies are among dogs in the United States, and the importance of discussing your pet with your veterinarian in order to successfully relieve their itch.
This podcast was sponsored by Zoetis. Zoetis is dedicated to changing the way we approach canine pruritus to protect the bonds between the pet, the owner and the veterinary team.
Itchingforhelp.com offers more information to help pet owners understand their dog’s itch, learn what clinical signs indicate itch is a problem that needs veterinary treatment, review available treatment options, listen to common questions answered by two great veterinarians, and hear first-hand stories from pet owners about their own itchy dogs.
ZoetisPetcare.com offers articles from experts on a variety of pet health topics.
Bearded dragons are one of the most popular reptile pets. They are curious and interactive, making them good family pets. With the right care, they can live over 10 years. In this episode, Dr. Nicole Johnson, veterinarian and past president of the Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians, talks about how to keep your bearded dragon healthy, what they like to eat, and the importance of a good relationship with a veterinarian with knowledge of exotic animals and reptiles.
Episode Page with Transcript and Additional Content:
More resources for bearded dragon owners:
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In recent years, veterinarians have become more involved in the health and welfare of honeybees as the result of changes in how antibiotics are regulated. In this episode, Dr. Brittany Kyle, veterinarian and honeybee expert, discusses the fascinating world of beekeeping, some of the common misconceptions around bees, and the lessons she has learned caring for her own bee colony. The stories shared include great resources, whether you have an established apiary or you just want to know what the buzz is all about.
Episode Page with Transcript and Additional Content: https://www.yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/honeybees
Honeybee Veterinary Consortium: https://hbvc.org/
Honeybee Health Coalition: https://honeybeehealthcoalition.org/
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Preventing and relieving suffering in pets is important all life stages, but particularly during end of life care. Hospice veterinarian, Dr. Mary Gardner, co-founder and chief information officer of Lap of Love Veterinary Hospice, joins this episode to tell us about a sweet golden retriever named Bogey, bucket lists, palliative care, and euthanasia or “good-byes.” If your dog or cat is an older animal, your geriatric pet could benefit from this discussion on how to identify ways to improve your final time together, and what to expect when it’s time.
Episode Page with Transcript and Additional Content: https://www.yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/hospice
Connect with Dr. Mary Gardner: www.drmarygardner.com
Find a Lap-of-Love Veterinarian: www.lapoflove.com
Link to International Association for Animal Hospice and Palliative Care: www.yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/resources
Dr. Mary Beth Spitznagel, research on caregiver burden: www.petcaregiverburden.com
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Many pet owners may think their pet licks its paws because of anxiety. While anxiety may play a role in how itchy an allergic pet feels, when dogs lick their paws to the point of causing damage to the skin, anxiety it not the only problem. Dr. Lindsey McAuliffe, veterinary dermatologist, set out to study the role of anxiety in dogs with allergies. She found a fascinating change in many behaviors, including aggression, fear, touch sensitivity and trainability. If your allergic dog struggles with behavior problems, this is a fascinating conversation looking at what the research tells us.
Episode Page with Transcript and Videos: yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/anxiety-and-allergies/
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Ear cleaning can be incredibly important for dogs with ear infections and allergies. Pet owners may struggle with ear cleaning if the dog is fearful or painful. In this episode, Dr. Amy Pike, veterinary behavior specialist, discusses cooperative care techniques for low stress ear cleanings. This episode is a great resource if your dog has ever had an ear infection and you are looking for a method that decreases pain and anxiety for everyone involved.
Episode Page with Transcript and Videos: https://www.yourvetwantyoutoknow.com/earcleaning
Dr. Amy Pike’s Low Stress Handling Husbandry webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQuhHa9v-Z8&t=3642s
Doggy Language by Lili Chin: Doggie Language: A Dog Lover's Guide to Understanding Your Best Friend: Chin, Lili: 9781787837010
Kitty Language by Lili Chin: Kitty Language: An Illustrated Guide to Understanding Your Cat
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As part of National Pet Dental Health Month, veterinary dentist and oral surgeon, Dr. Amy Thomson joins the show to talk teeth. Wondering if your dog needs a dental cleaning? Does your dog need anesthesia for dental care? Does your pet need x-rays of their teeth? In this episode, Dr. Thomson explains why your veterinarian recommends a COHAT, comprehensive oral health assessment and treatment, to keep your pet’s mouth healthy, as well as the risks associated with cosmetic, nonanesthetic dental cleanings.
Episode page and transcript: https://www.yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/dentals
Toothbrushing page and transcript: https://yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/toothbrushing/
Connect with Dr. Thomson: https://www.instagram.com/toothy.thomson/
Toothy Thomson: https://toothythomson.ca
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Symmetric lupoid onychitis/onychodystrophy (SLO) is a rare autoimmune disease of dogs. In this disease, the immune system, which usually keeps the body safe from germs and cancer cells, decides the connections between the claws and the skin should be attacked. This leads to easily damaged and ripped off claws in affected dogs. In this episode, veterinary dermatologist Dr. Brittany Lancellotti discusses why this occurs, what treatments may be recommended, and what to expect during the treatment process.
Episode page and transcript: https://www.yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/SLO
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards - Conservation mission: https://www.comedywildlifephoto.com/conservation.php
The 2022 Comedy Wildlife Photography Award winners: https://www.comedywildlifephoto.com/competition/competition-2022-winners.php
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If you have a cat who is vomiting a hairball more than two times per month, there is a problem. In this episode, Dr. Chris Byers, veterinary internal medicine specialist and critical care specialist, join us to explain:
How much puke is too much? Is your cat vomiting or coughing too hard? When should you take your cat to the vet? What tests are recommended for vomiting and why? What treatments are available?Episode page with transcript: https://www.yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/chronic-vomiting-in-cats/
Follow Dr. Christopher Byers on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/criticalcaredvm/
Not One More Vet: https://www.nomv.org/about/pet-parents/
For Veterinary professionals (veterinarians, technicians). Join Dr. Lancellotti on VetHive, a community for clinical support: https://www.yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/VetHive
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**Originally published December, 2021**
This time of year, there are more and more questions about reindeer, especially from fascinated children. We sat down with Dr. Josh Link of the North Pole Veterinary Hospital and asked questions submitted by some of our littlest audience members all about reindeer. Check out this special holiday episode of Your Vet Wants You to Know with your kids and whole family to learn more about these magic creatures.
Episode page with reindeer and musk ox pictures: https://yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/reindeer/
North Pole Veterinary Hospital: https://northpolevet.com
University of Alaska Fairbanks Large Animal Research Station: https://uaf.edu/lars/
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August is Itchy Pet Awareness Month. When it comes to itchy cats and dogs, the pets are not the only ones suffering. Caregiver burden is directly related to treatment complexity and treating allergies can be very complex. Dr. Meagan Painter, veterinary dermatologist, founder of The Allergic Dog and The Allergic Cat, and pet owner of her own allergic cat, talks about Stella and how managing her cat’s allergies has been a learning process for them both.
Webpage with transcript and images: https://www.yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/stellasstory
The Allergic Dog and The Allergic Cat: https://www.theallergidog.com
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August is Itchy Pet Awareness month. Many pet owners are not aware of veterinary dermatologists who can help. There are about 300 board certified veterinary dermatologists in the American College of Veterinary Dermatology who have undergone extensive training and completed research after veterinary school in order to specialize in the study of skin and ear disease, as well as allergies, immunology, and internal medicine. Petra Lee, of the Dog Allergies Information and Support Group, joins us to talk about how she discovered a veterinary dermatologist for her dog, Olive, and how she is advocating partnership between owners of allergic dogs and veterinarians.
Webpage with transcript and images: https://www.yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/olivesstory
Dog Allergies Information and Support Group:
This is Love Podcast: https://thisislovepodcast.com
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No, it’s not actually a worm. This fungal infection of the skin is most commonly seen in young kittens and puppies. Certain breeds, such as Yorkshire Terriers and Persian cats, and older animals whose immune systems are compromised can be at risk for ringworm. This infection can be spread to people who come in contact with these animals. Join Dr. Nellie Choi, veterinary dermatologist, to find out more about this skin infection, including what to watch for, how your veterinarian might test for it, and what they can do to treat it.
Webpage with transcript and images: https://www.yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/ringworm
Follow Dr. Choi on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/dermvethk/
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When Dr. Jess Torok traveled to Tanzania with Mission Rabies in 2017, she wanted to help underserved communities by providing much needed veterinary care. But on day 3 of her mission, an unexpected health crisis changed everything.
Listen to our first installment of Vet Stories, where we take our experts out of the clinic and take you into their lives.
Rabies is a deadly disease that can affect all mammals, including humans and their companion dogs and cats. While rabies deaths are rare in the United States, tens of thousands of people die each year from rabies, primarily in Africa and Asia. Almost 99% of rabies cases in humans are transmitted by dogs. The rabies vaccine is safe and effective against this fatal virus. In this episode, Dr. Jess Torok joins us to discuss this preventable disease in pets and her work with Mission Rabies in Tanzania.
Webpage with transcript and images: https://www.yourvetwantsyoutoknow.com/rabies
Learn more about Mission Rabies (donate, volunteer) https://missionrabies.com/get-involved/
Sea Turtle Conservancy https://conserveturtles.org/
Urban Veterinary Associates in Westmont, IL https://urbanpetvet.net
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