Zalamit Speaking Club 👉 https://forms.gle/tnmRQhYs3WS4rxGt6
My Way or the Highway
One day, Lina and Fedwa, who have been best friends since kindergarten, went to the beach and were shocked by what they saw. There were plastic bottles, candy wrappers, cigarette butts and plastic bags everywhere. There were even some dirty diapers half buried in the sand. It was disgusting. This beach used to be pristine. It’s where they used to swim and play as children.
“This beach is a mess!” Lina said. “What happened?”
“Savages! That’s what happened.” Said Fedwa.
“This is too much. I was here a few days ago and it was more or less clean. I’m not sure people are capable of making it this dirty in this short a time. I think that the current brought all this trash from somewhere else.” Lina said. “We should organize a cleanup.”
Fedwa nodded. “I hate to have to clean up after idiots, but I hate seeing the beach like this even more. Let’s get to work.”
Lina took out a notebook. “First, we need a plan. We should call the mayor’s office and ask for trash bags and gloves.”
Fedwa shook her head. “Are you serious? That will take way too long. That is, if they even answer. We should just grab some friends and start right away!”
Lina frowned. “We need permission first.”
Fedwa crossed her arms. “That’s a waste of time. We need action now!”
Lina sighed. “Fedwa, we have to do this the right way.”
Fedwa threw her hands in the air. “With you it’s always “My way or the highway!”. You’re so stubborn. I can’t deal with you sometimes.”
Lina frowned. “Fine! If you don’t want to plan, I’ll do it alone.”
Fedwa stomped off. “And I’ll clean up my way!”
For the next two days, Fedwa and her friends picked up trash without asking for help. But soon, they ran out of bags, and the city workers told them they needed permission.
Meanwhile, Lina got approval from the mayor’s office. The city gave her gloves, bags, and even t-shirts.
On Saturday, the cleanup started. Lina’s volunteer kept busy taking pictures. They barely lifted a finger. Fadwa and her friend worked quickly and efficiently.
When Lina saw Fedwa’s team working hard, she sighed. “Looks like I bit off more than I could chew.”
Fedwa smiled. “Looks like you’re being used for a photo op.”
Lina looked down and then laughed. “I think you’re right. But hey, the job is getting done.”
They worked side by side until the beach was spotless.
When they finished, Fedwa said, “I was too stubborn. I should have met you halfway.”
Lina laughed. “Next time, let’s remember that we are on the same team.”
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"Like every morning, Hadj. Ali took his plastic chair outside his house, placed it in front of the metal door, and sat down. He spent the whole day sitting there, watching the world go by. He’s always there, rain or shine. His house was painted blue, which was a bold choice in this neighborhood, most houses were not even covered in cement. There were red bricks as far as the eye can see. He painted it himself.
Hadj. Ali was the eyes of the neighborhood. He saw children running to school, their backpacks bouncing. He waved to the mailman, who always smiled back. He watched birds fly from tree to tree, chirping their little songs. He noticed when young love started to blossom and when fights erupted behind closed doors.
He was the eyes of the neighborhood but above all, Hadj. Ali was the friend of the cats, all the cats and kittens from around the neighborhood. He pet them. He played with the. He fed them. He loved the.
One day, a boy named Sami stopped in front of Hadj. Ali’s house. “Good morning, Uncle!” Sami said.
“Good morning, young man,” Hadj. Ali replied. “Where are you going?”
“I’m coming to see you actually,” Sami said. “I have something to show you.”
Hadj. Ali was curious. “What’s that?” He said.
Sami giggled and got his phone out of his pocket to show him a video. On the video, one could see Hadj. Ali surrounded by a dozens cats. The cats seemed excited to see him. They were rubbing his legs and jumping around excitedly.
“I put this video on the internet, and it had more than one millions views! I received many messages of people who want to send you cat food so you can feed all your cats.”
Hadj. Ali was shocked. He wasn’t sure he understood everything, but he was very happy that the cats were going to get food.
Later, a cat came and sat near Hadj. Ali’s feet. It was a skinny, orange cat with big green eyes. “You are a star now, did you know that?” Hadj. Ali said, laughing.
Hadj ali was the heart of the neighborhood."
Join Zalamit Speaking Club here: https://forms.gle/1i2J26T9LhaEshCZA
Hang On a Second
Hang on a second. So, you're telling me that you can make Crepponi at home? My mind is blown right now haha. I never thought that that was an option. I thought Crepponi just magically filled those old ice cream machines and only the chosen few could pull the lever for that delicious freezing swirly goodness haha. I have to try it. What do I need?
- I know right? Well, you need lemons of course. When life gives you lemons, you make...crepponi. and you also need sugar and eggs.
-Are you for real? Eggs? Is this ice cream or is it Mouskoutchou?
- I will send you the recipe. But just FYI, it takes some time and you might not get it right the first time. You need to hang in there and keep trying and maybe the next time we hang out we'll be eating your very own homemade Crepponi.
- I am excited. Crepponi was such a big part of my childhood. One of my core memories was running to 3ammi Zouzou's shop with my cousins with our 5 dinars in hand. He would always give me more, or at least that's what it felt like. I loved him for that. Sabrina would eat so slowly, it would melt on her hands and she'd always cry about it. That was the routine. Haha (Ding) Oh I just got your text. Thanks.
Zalamit Speaking Club Form: https://forms.gle/GdY5V3NsT7D1AQcQ9
Text: A Flood
I was standing on the edge of the pasture near Oued Djedi, watching the gray clouds gather over El Djelfa. The air was thick with the smell of rain, and the wind blew through the trees. Farmers nearby were hurriedly moving their sheep to higher ground. They were shouting and waving their hands. Every once and again, their yells mixed with the sound of thunder. Suddenly, the rain began, light at first, then heavy and relentless. The once-dry river bed began to fill up rapidly. Within minutes, the water was overflowing its banks. I was scared.
The sheep were stuck in the middle of the river bed, huddled together. Their loud bleats were drowned out by the sound of rushing water. An old shepherd, holding a long stick, stepped into the water. He shouted and tried to guide the sheep to higher ground. Other shepherds joined him, using ropes to pull some of the animals to safety. I wanted to help, but my legs felt rooted to the ground, overwhelmed by what I was seeing.
The water carried many things with it—branches, trash, and even a bright yellow bucket I had seen earlier. People from the village came to help. Everyone was wet and muddy, but they kept going.
Just as quickly as it began, the rain stopped, and the water’s advance slowed. The shepherds, soaked and exhausted, managed to save most of their sheep, though a few were still stranded on small patches of higher ground. I was very impressed by their quick actions, their resilience, and their bravery. I was embarrassed that I didn’t help and a little shocked at how frozen I had been. As the sun broke through the clouds, casting a golden light over the muddy scene, I felt a strange mixture of awe and sadness. The river that was nothing more than dry rocks that kids play on had reminded us all of its power.
Zalamit Speaking Club Registration Form: https://forms.gle/nXxRDX2d2TVWFx2A9
Text: Watch Out
"We are in a bit of a disagreement with my husband. I’ll tell you what happened and you tell me what you think. So, I got a bank draft the other day and found that 250 000da was missing from our account. I was shocked. I thought that someone had hacked into our account so I immediately called Zakaria. He said that it wasn’t a mistake and that he used the money to buy a watch. A watch! 250 000da for a watch! I lost it. I couldn’t believe that one, he would splurge on such a frivolous item and that two, he wouldn’t ask for my opinion prior to making such a big… he calls it “an investment”, I call it throwing money out of the window for something that your phone can do, that your oven can do, that a stupid microwave can do; to tell the time. We merged our finances when we got married and now we have a joint account so we generally discuss bigger purchases. I felt blindsided. I hung up on him and spent the day watching the clock, waiting for him to come home. I called my sister first and she said that I should stay calm and try to see things from his point of view.
When he got home I asked him. I asked him to tell me his side of the story. He said that it was a very high-end piece and it was actually a bargain. A watch of that caliber usually goes for 750 000da or more. He said that it was beautifully crafted and that it could be passed down to our son and maybe even his son after that, like a true family heirloom. He said that just because I don’t care that others don’t notice. According to him, a nice watch is an indicator of success. It puts you immediately in a higher social status and his clients would definitely notice. It was overall a great investment. By this point I was agreeing with him. I could understand where he was coming from, plus he’s been doing so well at work, I thought that he had the right to treat himself. And the he added the part that I didn’t like. He said that he didn’t have to justify himself, that I was a control freak and that I wasted more than 250 000da this year alone buying low-end bags. I was furious again. "
Text: "Yesterday morning, I walked into my bathroom and immediately felt my socks get wet. What a bummer! I was already late. “I don’t need this.” I thought. I looked down and saw a puddle of water on the floor. At first, I thought I had spilled some water the night before, but then I noticed it was still dripping from the side of the bathtub. “Oh no,” I said to myself. “The tub is leaking!”
I grabbed a towel and tried to soak up the water, but it just kept coming. I didn’t know what to do, so I called my dad. “Dad, the bathtub is leaking!” I said. “There’s water everywhere. What should I do?”
He told me not to worry. “I’ll call Karim,” he said. “He’ll fix it.”
Karim is a plumber who lives nearby. We call him every time we need help. He answered right away. Dad explained the situation.
“Hi, Karim, how are you? How’s the family?” Dad said. “Look man, our bathtub is leaking, and I can’t stop the water. Can you come to help me?”
He asked where the water was coming from. I looked closer and saw it was dripping from underneath the tub. “It’s coming from below,” I told him.
“Okay,” he said. “I’ll bring my tools and be there in an hour.”
When he arrived, he brought a big toolbox and got right to work. He checked under the tub and said, “There’s a loose pipe. I’ll tighten it and seal it so it won’t leak anymore.”
We watched as he worked, using wrenches, tape, and some special glue. After a little while, he stood up and smiled. “All done!” he said. “The leak is fixed.”
We were so relieved. “Thank you, Karim! I truly appreciate you coming so fast.” I said.
“You’re welcome,” he replied. “Keep an eye out for leaks in the future. It’s good to catch them early.”
After he left, I cleaned up the bathroom and put everything back in place. In the commotion, I forgot that I was already late. Now, I am super late. That should be my superhero name. Super Late."
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Take care :)
Text: " Visiting Chreah
Faiza is giving me the cold shoulder. She is upset because she claims that
I ignored her all day yesterday which I did not, I was just excited to see the
snow for the first time in years. I was busy playing instead of catering to her
every need. Here is what happened; yesterday, we went to Chrea
Mountain. There was a snow storm that lasted all last week so the whole
area is covered in a blanket of beautiful, thick, powdery, shimmering snow.
I couldn’t miss out. I had to go. I admit that as soon as we got there, I
jumped out of the car, grabbed my gear and started the hike. I didn’t look
back so I didn’t see that she had slipped and fell, but you know, she was
fine. She was completely fine. Anyways, I was on thin ice before getting
there because I played my crime podcast the whole way there even though
she said that it creeps her out, but in my defense, I always listen to every
new episode as soon as it comes out and I didn’t want to break my streak.
Haha. That’s a lame excuse I know. We stopped half way there to grab a
bite and I forgot to order her some mint tea like she asked. I probably did a
million other things that irritated her. There was a snowball effect and by
the end of the day she wouldn’t talk to me anymore. I think that the fact that
she was cold contributed to her bad mood more than my actions. I told her
to bundle up, to wrap up really well, but she showed up in this thin jacket,
jeans and running shoes. That’s not on me. I gave her my protein bar but
that was cold comfort for someone who was freezing. Honestly, I gave her
that bar to try and break the ice. It didn’t work. I hope we can find a way to
get back to normal. I personally had a great time. I had an awesome day
but it is tampered by the fact that she had a terrible time. Oh well, c'est la
vie. Hopefully she’ll have more fun next time."
Thank you for listening.
Please subscribe to my Instagram @zalamit.podcast -
Text: " “That guy is the worst! I don’t want to work with him. Please, pair me up with anyone else.” I begged my boss but he wouldn’t hear it. He said that Samir has experience with this project and that he would be able to lead me. So not only do I have to work with him, but I also have to follow him? How am I supposed to work with a guy I don’t trust? I don’t know how on earth he earned the trust of the boss but from what I have seen, he’s a loose cannon. He is unpredictable and not in a good way. He plays the fool but I can see through him. He is a calculating, conniving, always looking out for number one kind of person. I don’t trust him farther than I can throw him. I have proof for what I am saying. I saw him take credit for work he didn’t do. I saw him steal our colleagues ideas. I saw him harass one intern and bully another, plus I know he cheats on his wife all over town. And I know all this is after being here for only one year. Who knows what else he is guilty of? Who knows if he steals from the treasury or if he cooks the books? Who knows if he lies about us to look good? Oh my God! What am I going to do? I can’t stand the idea of working closely with him. Integrity is very important to me. I just want to do my job and go home. I don’t need this kind of added stress. "
Please follow me on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@zalamitpodcast7501
Text: "I have been working for six years now and I feel like I am finally in a good place financially. I want to reward myself for working so hard by going on a trip to Italy. I had to put money aside every month for the past two years to be able to afford this trip but I think it will be worth it. Why else would I work so hard if I can’t have some fun once in a while, and if not now, then when? I am single, I have no responsibilities other than taking care of myself, my parents still have their health and …I might be overthinking this. It’s just a trip. I am feeling a little nervous because I chose to not go through a travel agency. I bought my plane tickets online and I booked a hotel through a website. I have to apply for a visa all by myself, like a big girl. I am so scared of being rejected. I feel like it would break my heart. I know there are worse things in life but I would really hate to see that stamp of rejection. I am tired of having an empty passport. In any case, I have to try. I gathered all my documents. I have bank statements, proof of employment and travel insurance. I got photos taken and I filled out the application forms. Those get me so nervous I forget how to spell my name. I even added a birth certificate for some reason. I don’t think any other country on earth cares about that document but I had to submit it so many times for so many random things that it’s just part of the process for me now. I am praying that this will be enough. It’s all I can do, do my best and pray. Wish me luck!"
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Text: "My brother Farid and I started a Youtube channel. We make comedy sketches. We dress up in silly make shift costumes and basically embarrass ourselves for ten minutes at a time. We have very different personalities. He is spontaneous and full of energy while I have a hard time finding something funny to say on the fly. I have to script, rehearse and prepare myself mentally before shooting. Half the time he doesn’t even know what the video is going to be about. I do most of the thinking and coming up with a set up and when we start shooting he riffs off and starts saying whatever crosses his mind. He has no filter. That’s how he is in real life as well. He wears his heart on his sleeve. He has made many life changing decisions in the spur of the moment, like that time he moved to Adrar and stayed there for two years. He has said many inappropriate things and only got away with it because he is so funny and charming. He could give you the shirt off his back if he saw you needed something. He has a hard time keeping a job because he is all over the map but this hobby of ours is really working well for both of us. He has the freedom to be himself, more than that, he shines not in spite of his personality but thanks to it. He helps me loosen up. I tend to be a bit more rigid and goal oriented. We need that too for our project. We really complement each other. It’s a hobby now but who knows, we might become professional comedians some day or maybe start a business together. I don’t know. The future is full of possibilities."
Thank you for listening. Love you all :) -
Text: "I’m in the bus going to Cherchell. I am sitting by the open window and I can feel the salt air of the Mediterranean Sea on my face. It’s a scorchingly hot day but the bus is going fast so the air feels cool on my skin. I look at the people in the bus and wonder about their lives. I love people watching. I know that every single one of us has a unique story and I would love to know each one of them. People would think I am weird if I started interviewing random passengers so I will just use my imagination. I see a mother with her three children. The kids are wearing colorful shorts and holding floaties. They are going to the beach for sure. I wonder if it’s a spacial day or if it is part of their routine. I love that she didn’t let the heat and the inconvenience of public transport stop her from making memories with her little ones. There’s an old man in a tank top. That’s a pretty rare sight. Old men usually hide their shoulders around here. His skin is leathery but he looks quite fit for someone his age. My guess is that he worked out his whole life. There’s a young man wearing headphones and blasting Rai music. I wonder if Cherchell is his home or if he’s just going for a visit. I wonder if he has a special someone to love him. I wonder about his dreams and aspirations. The young man sitting next to me asks me to close the window, that’s a good opportunity to strike up a conversation. I will try to discover his life story. "
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Text: "I usually do my chores on Fridays. It's my only day off so I try to get caught up with cleaning and get everything ready for the next week. I always start with the bathroom. I scrub the sink and the shower. I don't have a tub and I don't mind that. I don't really enjoy taking baths, it feels like such a waste of water, plus, it makes no sense to me to just sit there simmering in my own dead skin. Yuk. After making the sink and the shower shine, I move on to the mirror. I wipe it down. I’m always shocked at how quickly it gets dirty again. I, then throw in a load of laundry before moving on to the kitchen. When the kitchen is clean I feel like the whole house is clean. I cooked some tomato sauce last night so there are red dried splatters on the tiles and on the stove. I was too tired to clean up so I just ate and went to bed. Maria will probably stop by this afternoon just to say hi. She likes to check on me, to see if I’m doing okay. Living abroad can be very lonely so I’m grateful to have such a caring neighbor. We go to the same university but we have different majors. I take marine biology and she studies psychology."
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Text: " Hey, long time no see. What's up? I have been kind of MIA for a while, it's true. I've had a busy year. In January I got a new job and got pregnant. Yes, both at the same time. In October I delivered the baby and my first born turned two in November, so you can imagine! You can say that my hands are full. This is no excuse to completely disappear, I know, but I hope you can understand that I have a lot on my plate and it's hard to make time for hobbies. How have you been? I hope you've had a wonderful year. I know that it is hard sometimes to stay positive and upbeat when so much in the world is going wrong. When you read the news you think that the world is falling apart and the humanity has gone mad. Humans are strange creatures that are hard to understand sometimes. In the midst of the chaos, I hope you are still working hard and trying your best to find joy. I know I am. Doing our best is all we can do. My heart is with our brothers and sisters in Palestine and Sudan but I won't let that be an excuse to not do my work. Let's talk soon. I'll be here once a week, hopefully. That's it for now. Take care. Bye. "
Thank you for listening. Thank you for trying your best to learn English. If you have any question please feel free to add it in the question box.
Tip of the day: Try to use an IELTS book.
Please follow Coral Tipaza: https://www.instagram.com/coraltipaza/
Text: " Of course we’re going to have a power outage now! Typical! Every time there’s a little bit of rain we can expect to be in the dark. I wonder how long it’s going to last this time. I find that outrageous. They should have found a solution by now. Honestly, what annoys me the most is not the fact that I can’t switch on the light and I am not too worried about the food in the fridge, it can last many hours no problem. My biggest concern is that I have to submit my assignment before midnight tonight and with the power out, the router is off and that means no internet. Ah. I am so mad. I am actually mad at myself. I don’t know why I leave everything to the last minute. Had I finished my work earlier, I wouldn’t have been so stressed right now. I would have just relaxed like I used to when I was a child. It might sound strange but I have fond memories of the power outages that happened when I was a kid. I remember everyone would leave their room and gather in the living room. No TV, no internet, no reading, no cooking, no distractions, just some time to talk and be together. We would light a few candles, sit anywhere and Dad would retell us our favorite stories from his own childhood. We would laugh at my uncle’s mischief, like the time he filled all the sugar and salt bags with sand. He wanted to prank his mom and got into big trouble for that. My sister Nora would impersonate members of the family and we would try to guess who it was. My brother Djamel would play the guitar and sing. I am the youngest so I would sit on Mom’s lap and enjoy the show. It was good bonding time. We always felt closer afterwards. Oh! The power is back on. Thank God! I can now complete my homework and send it to my teacher."
Listen to this conversation between a fitness coach and a prospective client.
Text: "- Hi, I just randomly found myself on your Instagram page and I liked your style. I saw that you work at different gyms and one of them is in my neighborhood. I am interested in working with you. I just have a few questions just to make sure you are a good fit for what I’m looking for.
- Hi, yes, sure, I’d be happy to answer any question you have.
- I’d like to know how you structure your workouts.
Well, I usually interview my prospective client and listen to what they want. Do they want to gain weight or do they want to shed a few kilos? Do they want to work on their appearance or do they want to build strength and cardio? I also ask about their motivation. Did they choose to start working out or did the doctor send them to me? After that we have one session where I see what they can do. We try different exercises and see what they seem to enjoy the most. I think it is important to like a workout in order to stick to it. - I like that. Being a good listener is a big plus. This would be my first time with a PT so I will probably be a little bit lost. No worries at all. I work with beginners all the time. Can you provide references or testimonials from past clients who were beginners? Yes, sure, you can find some before and after photos on our Instagram. I can send you a link if you want. And, what is your availability for training sessions and do you offer any online options? Well, it depends on where you live. Where do you live? On Concord Street, near Fitness 360. Oh, I see. I am there on Thursdays and Fridays all day. I also do online classes on Sunday evenings. You can also find me at Maria’s Gym on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. It’s not exactly your neighborhood but it’s only a 15 minutes drive. I think we can workout something. How much do you charge for your services and do you offer any package options? Also, what is your cancellation policy? It’s 2000 DA/ hour or 16000 DA for 10 sessions and that saves you a bit of money. The online class is 200 DA. That’s good to know. Thank you for answering all my questions. I will think about all this and get back to you soon. Sounds great." -
Text: "My kids had been looking forward to this day for a long time and it finally happened. We went to the zoo. There’s no zoo in Medea so we had to go to the capital city. We put our matching caps on, slathered ourselves in sunscreen and filled our water bottles. The entrance gate of the zoo is huge. There’s metal sculptures of a giraffe, a gorilla and and elephant on either side of the gate. We made sure to snap a few pictures with them before we got in. As soon as we got in, we smelled the smell of popcorn. Mariam and Lotfi wanted some so I walked to the kiosk, I was shocked at how overpriced it was, 500da for popcorn? But I didn’t want to ruin the day so I just payed. Little Maya kept trying to run away from me. It can be challenging to go out with a three year old. I had to carry her in my arms most of the day. My back is still killing me. We saw the birds first. The kids loved the peacock, especially because we saw one of the males open its colorful tail. There was also a few monkeys around but we’re used to seeing them in Cheffa. We wanted to see more exotic animals. We made our way into the big cats area. We saw a lion and two tigers. Little Maya threw some popcorn at the tigers. I’m not sure it’s part of their diet. Maybe they are vegetarian tigers, I don’t know. Lotfi cried when we saw the crocodile. He hates lizards and he said that it was the biggest lizard he had ever seen. I laughed and that seemed to make things worse. We went home with bellies full of popcorn and minds full of beautiful memories."
Aisha sat in the hair dresser's chair, staring at her reflection in the mirror. She had always been hesitant to try a new style, but she was feeling adventurous today. She had asked for a haircut that was a bit edgy and a new hair color that was more vibrant.
But as the hairdresser worked, Aisha started to have doubts. The cut didn't seem to be coming out quite right, and the color was much brighter than she had imagined. When the hairdresser finished, Aisha was so disappointed. The cut was uneven and the color was horrible.
Aisha didn’t want to show her true feeling. She tried to be gracious and thanked the hairdresser, but she couldn't help feeling upset. She had spent a lot of money on this new look, and it wasn't what she had wanted. As she left the salon, Aisha couldn't help wondering if she should have stuck with her old style. It wasn't too late to change it back, but Aisha wasn't sure if she wanted to go through the process again.
As she walked home, Aisha tried to remind herself that it was just hair and that it would grow back. But she couldn't shake the feeling of frustration and regret. She had hoped for a new start, but now she just felt self-conscious and unhappy.
1. What was Aisha feeling as she sat in the hairdresser's chair?
2. Why did Aisha ask for a new haircut and hair color?
3. How did Aisha feel about the haircut and color as the hairdresser was working on her hair?
4. How did Aisha feel when the hairdresser finished?
5. Why did Aisha try to hide her true feelings?
6. How much money did Aisha spend on her new look?
7. How did Aisha feel as she walked home?
8. What was Aisha's original goal with her new look?
9. Why did Aisha have doubts about going through the process again?
10. What did Aisha try to remind herself of as she walked home?
1. Is Aisha's reaction to her new haircut and color understandable or overly dramatic?
2. Is it fair for Aisha to expect a hairdresser to know exactly what she wants without clear communication?
3. Is Aisha's decision to not change her hair back a sign of her being too stubborn or a sign of her being comfortable in her own skin?
4. Is Aisha's disappointment with her new look a reflection of societal pressure to conform to certain beauty standards?
5. Is Aisha's emphasis on her hair being just hair and that it will grow back a sign of her being too dismissive of her own feelings? -
Please follow: https://www.instagram.com/coraltipaza/
" I am throwing a party for Aissa tomorrow. It’s his birthday. He’s turning 20. He said that he never had a birthday party before, even when he was a child. It kind of broke my heart a little because in my family birthdays are a big deal. We love to celebrate each and every one of us with a party, a big cake, gifts and lots of music. It’s going to be a surprise party. He has no clue. All he knows is that he needs to be at Slimane’s store at two. He thinks that Slimane needs help. The plan is to have a picnic at the beach. I wish I could do more but the money is tight. I hope he likes it anyways. I called all his friends and most of them RSVPed. Sam won’t be able to come. I wish he could. He’s usually the life of the party. I made a birthday cake and I bought him a book from his favorite author. I’m a bit nervous. I hope it goes well. Aissa is my classmate. I like him. I like, like like him. I wish we could be more than friends. I want to be his girlfriend. I hope he gets the hint. This party was such a hassle to organize, I really hope he gets the message. "
Comprehension questions:
What is the occasion for the party being thrown? How does the writer feel about birthdays in their own family? Who is the surprise party for? Why does the writer think Aissa believes he needs to be at Slimane's store at 2pm? How many people RSVPed to the party? Who is Sam and why is the writer sad he can't come to the party? What does the writer hope Aissa gets from this party? What did the writer buy for Aissa and why? How does the writer feel about the party? What does the writer hope for his relationship with Aissa to be?Writing task:
Is it appropriate for the writer to throw a surprise party for Aissa without his knowledge or consent? Is it necessary for birthdays to be a big deal in a family? Is it necessary for the party to be extravagant for Aissa to have a good time? Is it fair for the writer to use the party as a way to communicate their feelings for Aissa, or should they have expressed them earlier? Is the writer's concern about their tight budget a valid excuse for not doing more for the party? Are surprise parties an effective way to show someone you care about them? Is it important to include friends in birthday parties? What is more important, the writer's hope to send a message or Aissa's enjoyment of the party? How much thought and effort is enough to make a party special? Should the writer be more honest and direct with Aissa about their feelings or could this kind of hinting through a party would be more effective? -
Please follow Coral Tipaza on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coraltipaza/
“New Year's resolutions can be a powerful tool for personal growth and change, but it's important to approach them with the right mindset. If you have tried and failed to stick to your resolutions in the past, it's important to remember that change is a process and setbacks are a normal part of that process. Instead of beating yourself up or feeling like a failure, try to view past failures as opportunities to learn and grow. Consider setting small, achievable goals that you can work towards gradually, and focus on building positive habits rather than trying to achieve a specific outcome. Remember to be kind to yourself and celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem. With the right mindset and approach, you can turn your New Year's resolution into a meaningful and lasting change.”
Hum, okay, so this is what the logic says. Instead I know I will set goals that are way too big and I will be disappointed about not achieving them. I will focus on my goals for about a week and a half and then I will slip back into my old habits because they are nice and comfortable haha I will set goals anyways. I love the sense of hope that the New Year brings."
Comprehension questions :
What is an important aspect to consider when making New Year's resolutions? Why is it important to view past failures as opportunities to learn and grow? What is a recommended approach to setting New Year's resolutions? How does the second speaker typically approach their New Year's resolutions? What does the second speaker enjoy about the New Year? -
Key Words: temperature / overwhelming
"The weather is getting colder, finally! Fall is my favorite season. I'm glad it's here. This summer was too hot. We couldn't leave the house before sunset. Everyone took long afternoon naps. It was nice at first but by the end it felt like a waste of time. The temperature dropped now. It's around 25 degrees during the day which is great. And it is 20 degrees at night. The perfect temperature for sleeping. I love it when the leaves turn brown, red and yellow. I think it's beautiful. Albert Camus wrote about fall. He said: "Autumn is another Spring where every leaf is a flower." I love this quote. Right now, I'm taking a walk on main street. The street is empty-ish. It's not completely empty but it's a huge difference compared to August. We get many tourists. It gets a bit overwhelming in the summer. I mean, they are welcome and we appreciate the business they bring, and we love hosting them but I'm glad there's not traffic jam on the sidewalk. I'll take a few pictures today. Once in a while, I like to play tourist in my own hometown. I think that if so many people choose to come here for the holiday to love the beauty of our town and snap so many pictures of everything, I, too, should make an effort and appreciate my town. I don't want to take it for granted. I see little blue dots and little pink dots on the horizon. The school day is over. The students who are wearing their pink and blue uniforms, are going home now. I'm taking a picture of that. Love what you have and you will always be happy. That's what I believe. I love my hometown in the fall."
Comprehension questions:
What season does the narrator enjoy the most? Why was it difficult to leave the house during the summer? How does the narrator feel about the temperature now that it has cooled down? What does the narrator think about the quote by Albert Camus about autumn? Why does the narrator decide to play tourist in their own hometown? What is the narrator's belief about happiness? What do the students in the narrator's town wear as uniforms? - もっと表示する