スポーツ – エストニア – 新しいポッドキャスト
"Võrkpallivõnked" võtab pulkadeks lahti tähtsamad vollelahingud ja heidab valgust kõigele, mis toimub väljaku peal ja kõrval.
The 3rd Circle is a place for people who want to go deep into the details of football tactics, strategy and coaching.
Join Jamie Hamilton and Martin Rafelt as they discuss the issues that shape the beautiful game.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Limitless Minds Co-Founders (Harrison Wilson and DJ Eidson) present Limitless Minds Podcast.
Õhtulehe golfipodcast "Rauad kuumaks"
Rauad aitab kuumaks lüüa Unibet koostöös Rae Golfiga – golfaritelt golfaritele! -
Delfi Spordi uus podcast „Pea võit“ keskendub spordi varjatud poolele – sellele, kuidas sportlased tulevad toime kaotuste, vigastuste ja vaimsete väljakutsetega. Saates räägivad tuntud sportlased oma karjääri keerulisematest hetkedest, jagades ausalt ja avameelselt, kuidas neist läbi tulla. „Pea võit“ toob kuulajani lood, mida medalid ja autasud ei kajasta.
Võitlusspordi podcast, kus võtame kokku Eestis ja mujal maailmas toimuva. 💥🙏🏼
Saadet veavad Henry Rohtla, Maikel Astur ja Tanel Viik.
Biit ja graafika: Otto Suits
Kondiiter-keevitaja ja tagatoa boss: Karl Ots
Leia meid:
Saada kiri oma küsimuste/murede/ideedega:
[email protected] -
„Spordimull“ viib sind spordi telgitagustesse, sukeldudes Virumaa sportlaste, treenerite ja spordihingede mõttemaailma. Puhume mulli võitudest ja kaotustest, visioonidest ja ootamatutest seikadest, mis spordimaailma värvikaks teevad.
Ultrascape podcast is a brand new podcast with Josh Ibbett taking a look into the world of Bikepacking and Ultracycling. Along with co-host Beccy Waters the podcast takes a look at the news storys and rumours about bikepacking and ultra cycling races as well as in depth discussion and rumours about key topics.
Mootorrattaspordile keskenduv podcast, kus saatejuhid Marko Rohtlaan ja Hannes Soomer räägivad Eestis ja maailmas hetkel toimuvast.
Dal Parco dei Sette Fratelli al Selvaggio Blu. Alla scoperta della Sardegna più selvaggia da affrontare con scarpe da trekking e zaino in spalla.
Produzione: Skialper
Voce e progetto: Claudio Ruatti
Sound design: Brand&Soda -
Welcome To Gen Z Magic! Gen Z's Favorite Podcast On All Things Orlando Magic!! Part Of The Gen Z Network!!!
Interviews with professional disc golfers and others related to the pro disc golf scene
Podcast by Lenksud kokku
Delfi uus korvpallipodcast “Pall ei valeta” toob ühe laua taha kokku kolm tegevmängijat: Tormi Niitsu (Utilitas Rapla), Kregor Hermeti (BC Kalev/Cramo) ja Siim-Markus Posti (TalTech/ALEXELA). Nende vestlust ohjab ja suunab Delfi sporditoimetuse noor ajakirjanik Joonatan Johanson. Kõige ausam sissevaade sellele, mis tujud ja tunded platsil ja selle ääres parasjagu valitsevad. Suure analüüsi kõrvale mahub kenasti ära ka mõnus kogus huumorit ja teineteise tögamine.
Eesti ainus ujumisteemaline taskuhääling ehk podcast nimega "Vastuvoolu".
Tule sukeldu Kregor Zirki ja Priit Aavikuga põnevasse ujumismaailma, kus kord kuus me räägime kõigest põnevast, mis maailmas ja Eestis toimumas on.
Piilume tippujumise köögipoolt, räägime lahti seni peidus olnud fakte ja teeme ennustusi järgmise kuu kõige põletavamate teemade kohta. Lisaks testime üksteise teadmisi lõbusate mängudega ning vastame kuulajate küsimustele!
Vastuvoolu on eetris iga kuu esimesel päeval! -
Saturday vs Sunday is for die hard football fans who watch college and NFL and want to talk about both every week. We review the games, headlines, reactions for college and NFL and give our take on which one was the most entertaining. Join our channel, and give us your take on college vs the NFL and who won the week.
Jeff Stone from the Roller Skate Dad blog opens up the world of roller skating to both the beginner and long-time expert roller skater. Discover all of the tips and tricks for becoming a better roller skater from a past artistic roller skating national champion, skate DJ, rink floor guard and skating enthusiast. Jeff interviews special guests and authorities in the roller skating, speed skating, jam skating, roller hockey and roller derby industries. Detailed analysis of how roller skates work, skate reviews, skate music and answering your roller skating questions. From the hokey pokey to the limbo to the races and doing that slow jam, Jeff's got you covered. If you wish you could roller skate to work instead of driving a car, then this is the podcast for you!
Football Between The Lines. Another podcast about the beautiful game. Brought to you by Dan Cook of the infamous HLTCO twitter account, and Flav Batemen of The Fighting Cock podcast and James and Flav for Now... Football Between The Lines is a twice weekly podcast, blending well-rounded football opinion with emotional and somewhat reactionary punchiness.
The well rounded balanced opinion versus the emotional somewhat reactionary opinion. You don’t need another football podcast in your life, but you should listen to Football Between The Lines anyway.
Twice weekly reaction podcast to biggest talking points that week through the season - and if something big breaks, we’ll be all over it as well.
Dan is a renowned broadcaster, and the owner of one of football’s most well known twitter accounts, HLTCO. Stan Collymore still hates his guts.
Flav is known mostly for presenting the best Spurs podcast out there.... The Fighting Cock.
Football Between The Lines will be out every Tuesday and Friday… but make sure you subscribe and auto download so you don’t miss an episode! -
We exist because we want you to Tri! We talk with coaches, professional athletes, beginner athletes, race and event directors and announcers, triathlon media, and other industry leaders who share their beginner stories, and what it takes to be successful in this sport - and life. We know and believe that we connect and grow when we share common experiences and recognize we aren’t on the struggle bus alone.
Triathlon is a lifestyle, and we are here to help you tri until you die! While we are here for beginners, we believe you should always come to the sport with a beginner’s mindset. This will help athletes of all abilities and experiences so we can learn, grow, and constantly get better.
Tri Beginner’s Luck is the podcast and community you need to start and continue your love affair with the Triathlon lifestyle! .
Everyone wants to try their luck, and WIN and it’s possible when you TRI! -
Get the perfect read on gambling picks for each week's PGA Tour Tournament. Jeff and Mark will break down the field and guide you where there is money to be won. Walk to the window (or open your favorite betting app) with the confidence of a 20 foot putt on the perfect line.
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