キッズ/ファミリー – 中華人民共和国香港特別行政区 – 新しいポッドキャスト
A podcast about all things childhood, development and health. Our aim is to inspire a generation of children who are healthy and happy - physically, emotionally and socially.
Hosted by Hannah Blaine
- Registered Neuropsychologist specialising in Child Health
- Personal Trainer
- Co-owner of a Kids Sport and Fitness Business
Featuring guests including health professionals, child health experts and parents. -
Hello, we are first-time expecting parents, Skylar and Kailee Oliver. We created the "Becoming Mom & Dad" podcast to provide a resource for both mom and dad in this life-changing experience. Throughout the episodes of this podcast, we plan to discuss the emotions, fears, stress, joy, and life changes that happen through the journey of pregnancy for both mom and dad. We wanted to do this because after we found out we were pregnant, we tried to find a podcast that would be relatable and informational for the both of us, however, we never seemed to find one that felt like the right fit. We plan to cover all of the weeks of pregnancy all the way until birth. We may even continue this after the baby comes as well. We are so excited to meet our baby and to hopefully give other first-time parents a fun and informational resource to share together.
You’re doing everything you can to be a great parent. You’ve read the books, followed the mommy bloggers, asked your friends—yet somehow, parenting still feels overwhelming. One person says one thing, another says the opposite, and now you’re wondering if you’re ruining your child.
It’s not you. It’s the endless, conflicting advice that’s making parenting more stressful than it needs to be.
I’m Dr. Leah Clionsky, a licensed parenting psychologist, child development expert, and real-life mom of two. As the owner of Thriving Child Center and PCIT Experts, I’ve spent over 15 years helping parents raise emotionally healthy children with evidence-based parenting strategies.
And now, I’m bringing that expertise—and my network of trusted parenting experts—straight to you.
Welcome to Educated Parent, the podcast that gives you real answers to everyday parenting dilemmas. No guilt. No guesswork. Just expert-backed parenting tips to help you feel confident in raising emotionally healthy, thriving kids.
If you’re tired of second-guessing yourself and just want to know what actually works, you’re in the right place.
It’s time to ditch the stress and step into confident parenting—together.
Thriving Child Center
PCIT Experts
Want more parenting tips? Join our newsletter for expert advice straight to your inbox!
Are you a provider? Subscribe here for professional insights and parenting resources! -
Becoming and raising good people does not happen by accident. Nothing that is worthwhile, valuable or magnificent happens by default -not a marriage, not a career, not children who grow into happy, kind and accomplished adults. Excellence is not accidental.
This podcast is a tool for parents to use as they purposefully introduce their children to high ideals, virtues, and concepts that are essential to becoming a good person. We do this in short 3-5 minute podcasts (borrowing from experiences in history, stories shared by others, scenarios and situations) with the intent to foster conversation between parents and children.
No one wants to be lectured or moralized -especially children and teens... especially by their parents. So having some outside voices on matters that will help shape children is invaluable. This of this podcast as a contemporary version of Aesops Fables. Great for parents, teachers, youth leaders or anyone who is looking for inspiring content when driving to school, a soccer game, to the grocery store or beginning your day. Enjoy!
Creator and Host: Dr. Thomas Wicke -a social psychologist who is president of a healthcare college in Denver, Colorado. He is an author, published academic, teacher and speaker on creating effective culture in the workplace through intentional leadership. He consulted with the Department of Homeland Security on community impact of disaster. He is husband for 30+ years to a public school teacher and parent of three children. -
2018年マザーズコーチングスクール アドバンスコース修了。
https://mamatoiro.com/ -
Book series: Rainbow Magic. Story: Amber the Orange Fairy
精神科醫生/容格心理分析師。診所內問唔完嘅問題,係Podcast 繼續問。每集請黎各界友好,傾關於成長、心理、同香港人嘅生活。
Bringing you bitesize evidence-based parenting advice and information… delivered by a baby!
One couple's slightly irreverent musings on faith, family, food and...marriage
"The Golden Hour: All About Retrievers" is a captivating podcast that delves into the world of retriever dogs, a beloved breed known for their intelligence, loyalty, and versatility. Each episode explores the rich history, training techniques, and unique characteristics of various retriever breeds, from the iconic Labrador to the elegant Golden Retriever. Listeners will gain valuable insights from expert interviews, personal anecdotes, and in-depth discussions on the care, health, and enrichment of these beloved canine companions. Whether you're a retriever enthusiast or simply curious about these remarkable dogs, "The Golden Hour" promises an engaging and informative journey that celebrates the essence of these remarkable animals.
For more info go to https://www.quietplease.ai
Check out these deals https://amzn.to/3zlo77e -
Sleepytime Pups is a bedtime podcast for kids, using breathwork and calm storytelling to help young minds drift off to sleep.
www.instagram.com/sleepytime.pups -
Positive Vibes
Are you interested in knowing your young child in a whole new way?
Understanding what’s really going on in their developing mind?
Does your child say or do things that make you stop and wonder … “Where did that come from?”
This podcast, from a non-profit recognized for more than 70 years of groundbreaking working with families, delves into the ups and downs of early childhood by decoding the frequently misunderstood meaning of children's behavior. It's designed to help parents and caregivers better understand the children they love and help them grow. -
Welcome to Stages4Ages, the podcast that celebrates the diverse journey of parenthood through every stage and age. Join us as we navigate the highs and lows, share expert insights, and provide support for parents at every step of the way. From newborns to teenagers and beyond, we've got you covered with tips, tricks, and heartfelt conversations to help you thrive as a parent.
《教育,一切從孩子開始》由兩個來自不同背景的主持人Jenny、Alex每週跟你分享教育大小事。深信教育本質是協助孩子發揮無限可能,與孩同行。Jenny在家自學出身,繪本作家、做中文補習老師、鋼琴老師,專職負責兒童及青少年工作,確信學習可以自由自在;Alex傳統教育制度出身,曾任教補習社多年,現工作於小學專教SEN學童,樂於教學生活。希望就算教育這條路不易走,都可以與聽眾同行。--Hosting provided by SoundOn
ประวัติความเป็นมา ลักษณะเด่น ลักษณะด้อย วิธีการเลี้ยงดู
We all know dogs are man's best friend, but do we know how to give them the best life now that they spend most of their time in the concrete jungles with us humans? Join me as I explore the world for the best of the best for our best friends in this modern society!
《聊PetPet》 - 透過主持人與動物相關的生活經驗和見聞,宣導領養代替購買的理念,通過真實的故事和不專業的觀點,希望能啟發更多人關注動物福利,並採取更負責任的方式與動物共處。🎧本節目隔週更新,若這集節目對你有所啟發和幫助,請訂閱✅這個頻道!其他收聽平台( Spotify/KKBox/YouTube/Apple Podcast)https://solink.soundon.fm/newspetpetYou Tube & Apple Podast留言+評分5顆星,這將是我最大的創作動力,再次感謝!和你成為pet pet 脆友: https://www.threads.net/@newspetpet.podcast?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==歡迎來信:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScvKxWVhWMIe--Hosting provided by SoundOn
媽媽和女兒是無話不談的好朋友,應該做個podcast !
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Apple Podcast與Spotify 五星讚一下!!
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親子天下Podcast 好讀推薦⏩ https://cplink.co/4VRiugrI
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