ニュース – ハンガリー – 新しいポッドキャスト
Découvrez les EdTech Talk, une série d'entretiens avec les leaders de l'éducation, de la formation et du Digital Learning en France. Dans chaque épisode, explorez les nouvelles tendances, technologies et approches pédagogiques qui redéfinissent le secteur. Que vous soyez consultant, marketeur ou innovateur, ces podcasts vous offrent des idées inspirantes et des stratégies concrètes pour rester à jour dans un monde en constante évolution. Ne manquez pas ces conversations incontournables par Gutenberg Technolgy
Football 101 with some 101 football.
The Diamond Club is a Sports-Entertainment Blog that dives into main storylines and news regarding the four major U.S. sports. We use knowledge, experience, and opinions to draft new posts multiple times weekly.
Life sucks but sometimes it ain’t so bad. Just chattin ab life, various issues, other random things, opinions, giggles, and such. I don’t know what I’m doing but ok. That is all. Goodnight.
Deep dives into celebs and iconic pop culture moments with a nerdy and quirky twist.
Rádióműsorunkkal 2005 óta vagyunk jelen média platformon, akkoriban Esélyegyenlőségi Magazin. 2019 óta Szieszta magazin néven érthető el műsorunk. Szieszta Magazin zenés, információs magazin.
The Siesta Magazine is a standalone radio program in Hungary that was started in 2005 by József Bratkó and his disabled wife. It was first broadcast in
Debrecen.The program is syndicated and now is broadcast biweekly in several radio stations in Hungary, and Austria in local and regional stations. Our aim is to inform and entertain disadvantaged, disabled people and families, Dog friends with young ch -
Az Október 38. podcast keretén belül két tróger és nem mellesleg jó barát: Lali és Szilu kötetlenül dumál mindenféle témakörben, leginkább laikusként. Nincs kompromisszum, se cenzúra. Arról beszélgetünk amihez kedvünk van, és ami érdekel minket.
Home of The Run Amuck Podcast! Every week, join Carson, Gary, and David as they discuss the latest new, rumors and storylines from Bachelor Nation!
Instagram: @junkturemagazine -
Science, technology, gaming, cars, bikes and culture. We’re a bunch of excited tech journalists led by a jaded curmudgeon that loves to ramble. We apologise in advance.
The #WiseNuts Podcast, unique premier show, features candid discussions with diverse guests, exploring topics like fatherhood, mental health, business, self-improvement, politics, being a good friend, and much more. We dive into life’s complexities, bridging cultures and communities, and bringing diverse voices together
Tune in on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, and more to hear unique perspectives and untold stories. The WiseNuts Podcast promotes open dialogue, cultural exchange, and insightful debate on a wide range of subjects -
Le monde aujourd'hui : le podcast géopolitique par l'IA qui vous permet de rester à la page !
Un podcast unique en son genre, entièrement généré par l'intelligence artificielle qui décrypte chaque jour les actualités géopolitiques les plus marquantes dans le monde.
Un rendez-vous quotidien indispensable pour comprendre les enjeux qui transforment notre monde
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
Welcome to the Hype Podcast, your premier source for the latest news and insights in the aerospace industry. This weekly podcast delivers in-depth coverage and expert analysis on the most important developments in aviation, defense, and space. Whether you're a seasoned professional or an industry enthusiast, stay informed and inspired with the Hype Podcast. Tune in every week to keep ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of aerospace.
Magyar Közélet/Life and Politics in Hungary
hungarianmuse.substack.com -
Comedy, Music, Vibes, Sports, light politics, and Just Talking Issh and other Thangs
El mercado de energía eléctrica es particular en Guatemala. Aunque la distribución está concentrada en dos empresas, para generarla participan más de cien agentes y hay un ente estatal que lo regula. A diferencia de la década de 1990, cuando los apagones eran comunes, ahora la electricidad abunda y es barata en comparación con otros países de la región. ¿Son bondades de la liberalización del sector? ¿Quiénes se han beneficiado de cómo se ha manejado este mercado? ¿Qué pasa con las comunidades que todavía no tienen acceso al servicio y los precios siguen altos? En este podcast te lo contamos.
This is our attempt to achieve open discussions. We believe people have forgotten how to communicate, so this is how you do it.
Nehézsúlyú témák – könnyed hangvétel; a konzílium minden szerdán összeül, hogy újabb felszabadult kísérletet tegyen vészesen potrohosodó közéletünk heti hírfeleslegtől történő megszabadítására
Sundays 8PM-11PM only on 77 WABC!
Discussions about all things including life, sports, and even the unexplained phenomena of the world, whether that be unsolved mysteries, or conspiracy theories.
Stolen elections come with motive and consequences. With these precepts, we can predict future events and interpret the past. It’s time to accept what happened, stop acting shocked, and discuss our options.
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