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  • From athlete entrepreneurs to professionals with various backgrounds spanning the industry, this series primes you on the past, present and future of sports business 💼 ➡️ 🏀 🏈 ⚾⚽️🏒

    Reach out at [email protected]

    IG: @pencilitinsports;
    YT: Pencil It In Sports Business

  • En este PodCast encontrarás las noticias más relevantes de la NBA noticias, traspasos y toda la actualidad de la liga de basquetbol más importante del mundo

  • My name's Aidan, and welcome to the Skyfall F1 Podcast. In this podcast, I give you my impressions on recent happenings around the paddock, as well as predictions and insights into the season. Be sure to check back each week for new episodes, and check out the website for written articles as well!

  • برنامج قدمه د. عمرو خالد عام 2018، يتناول كيفية الاستعداد لشهر رمضان روحيا وسلوكيا ووضع خريطة متكاملة للتعبد في الشهر المبارك.

  • برنامج يأخذكم في رحلة تعليمية فريدة من نوعها.

    في كل أسبوع، نستضيف معلماً من مختلف دول العالم ليشاركنا تجربته ورؤيته في مجال التعليم.

    نهدف من خلال هذا البرنامج إلى تسليط الضوء على التجارب التعليمية المتنوعة، والتحديات التي يواجهها المعلمون، وأفضل الممارسات في مجال التعليم.

  • Parler d’alimentation avec les sciences sociales.

    Nous sommes dans une période où l’alimentation est un enjeu important, non seulement d’un point de vue environnemental, avec les conséquences du changement climatique sur les récoltes, mais aussi d’un point de vue éthique (conditions de production pour les travailleur‧ses, utilisation de produits toxiques), social (coût de l’alimentation) et sanitaire (accès à des produits de qualité).

    On entend régulièrement parler de la nécessité d’une “transition alimentaire” vers un système plus respectueux de l’environnement et qui soit également durable, c’est-à-dire qui puisse répondre aux besoins actuels, tout en préservant les ressources afin que les générations futures puissent répondre aux leurs.

    La recherche en sciences humaines et sociales, dans sa diversité de disciplines, se penche sur ces enjeux et les défis qui en émergent. Aujourd’hui, de nombreux projets de recherche s’intéressent à ces questions afin d’apporter des éléments de réponse à ces questions, notamment par la recherche doctorale. A Lyon, la chaire TrAlim, composée de l’Université Lyon 2 et du Centre de Recherche de l’Institut Lyfe, compte en son sein plusieurs jeunes chercheur‧ses qui ont pour objet d’étude la question de l’alimentation aujourd’hui, pour demain.

    Cette émission a pour but de mettre en valeur ces travaux, les faire connaître et les rendre intelligibles pour tous‧tes. Il s’agit aussi de faire dialoguer tous les aspects de la question alimentaire, que l’on peut retrouver dans les quatre axes de la chaire TrAlim :

    Pratiques alimentaires et représentations associées à l’alimentation
    Dynamiques alimentaires et diversité des territoires
    Ethique et égalité d’accès à une alimentation de qualité
    Gouvernances, acteurs et politiques alimentaires.

    Cette émission s’inscrit ainsi dans un cadre qui mobilise et interroge la notion de “transition” alimentaire, dans sa définition et ses implications.

    Un partenariat entre Radio Anthropocène et l'Université Lyon 2.

  • Qui sommes nous ? Les2Alex, deux meilleurs potes : Alexis et Alexandre. Nous avons envie de discuter ensemble des sujets qui nous intéresse et de te les partager ainsi que nos connaissances et notre manière de voir la vie.

  • Dreamslayer Studios RPG Podcast consists of a group of old school Role-Playing Game enthusiasts who have reunited to enjoy their old nerdy passion from years gone by. Led by Game Master, Christopher Tyner, the players will tackle all manner of adventures in various games, some familiar, and some which you may never have heard of before. What sets these players apart is their ability for improvisation. These adventures will focus on the true art of collaborative storytelling and push the boundaries of how you think about approaching your own role-playing games.

  • Let the Social Lab boys, Blake, Dan and Elijah, help you switch off with dribbly chat and entertaining segments!

  • En este episodio encontrarás dos grandiosos tips para convertir tus prospectos en clientes

  • The Call of the Wild by Jack London is a timeless adventure that takes you on a gripping journey into the untamed wilderness of the Yukon during the Klondike Gold Rush. The story follows Buck, a pampered St. Bernard-Scotch Collie, who is torn from his comfortable life and thrust into the brutal world of sled dogs. Through relentless hardships, Buck learns to survive, adapt, and rediscover his primal instincts. His transformation from a domesticated pet to a fearless leader in the wild is a tale of resilience, survival, and the enduring power of nature.Buck's journey is not just about survival—it’s about answering the call of the wild. Along the way, he forms a deep bond with John Thornton, a kind-hearted prospector, showcasing the emotional depth of loyalty and love. Yet, the pull of the wilderness is irresistible, and Buck must choose between the comfort of companionship and the freedom of the wild.Immerse yourself in this extraordinary tale of adventure, courage, and the unbreakable connection between man and nature. Listen to The Call of the Wild now on Audio Pitara! Download the Audio Pitara app and embark on this thrilling journey today. This audiobook is Narrated using AI voice from ElevenLabs.

  • Livres audio d'Ilia Krivosheyevhttps://www.amazon.fr/Ilya-Krivosheev/e/B07W5YR5ML Youtube channelhttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2UHrv6LZPZTtId3nHfbjDvOR508jO-pV

  • The best of OTR Old-time Radio shows curated and delivered to your phone or smart speaker.
    Image Photo Credit = Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

  • The Avengers Radio Show is a spy show based on the adventures of Agent John Steed.It was created by Sydney Newman and stars Patrick Macnee Diana Rigg Honor BlackmanCover Art Credit : Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

  • "The Shadow" was a popular American radio show that originally aired from 1930 to 1954. Created by Walter B. Gibson, the show featured the mysterious and enigmatic character known as "The Shadow." The character was first introduced as the host and narrator of the radio program, but he later became a crime-fighting vigilante with the power to cloud men's minds, making himself invisible to their sight.Here is a description of the show:Title: The ShadowPremiere Date: The series first aired on July 31, 1930.Format: The show was a radio drama that primarily featured crime, mystery, and suspense stories. It was known for its eerie and atmospheric storytelling.Main Character: The central character of the show was Lamont Cranston, a wealthy young man about town. However, Cranston also led a double life as "The Shadow." Using his ability to cloud men's minds and remain unseen, The Shadow fought against crime and injustice in the gritty urban landscape.Narration: The show was famous for its distinctive opening narration, delivered in a deep, haunting voice: "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!" This catchphrase became one of the most iconic lines in radio history.Cast: Numerous actors portrayed Lamont Cranston and The Shadow over the years. Orson Welles, one of the most celebrated figures in entertainment history, played The Shadow from 1937 to 1938, and his portrayal is often considered one of the most memorable.Episodes: "The Shadow" featured a wide range of thrilling adventures and mysteries. Each episode usually began with a crime or threat to society, and The Shadow would use his unique abilities to unravel the mystery, defeat the villains, and restore justice.Legacy: The radio show was immensely popular during its run and contributed significantly to the development of the superhero genre. The character of The Shadow also inspired a variety of other media adaptations, including novels, comics, films, and television series.While "The Shadow" radio show eventually ended its run in the mid-1950s, its legacy lives on, and it remains an important part of American radio history, known for its captivating storytelling and iconic character.

  • X Minus One was an American half-hour science fiction radio drama series that was broadcast from April 24, 1955, to January 9, 1958, in various timeslots on NBC. It was known for high production values and for adapting stories from the leading American authors of the era, including Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Philip K. Dick, Robert A. Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke, and Frederik Pohl.The show's opening sequence was a countdown to blastoff, ending with the line "X minus one... Fire!" This was followed by an introduction by the narrator, who would typically say something like:From the far horizons of the unknown come transcribed tales of new dimensions in time and space. These are stories of the future; adventures in which you'll live in a million could-be years on a thousand may-be worlds. The National Broadcasting Company, in cooperation with Street & Smith, publishers of Astounding Science Fiction presents... X Minus One.

    The show's episodes were typically suspenseful and thought-provoking, exploring themes such as space travel, artificial intelligence, and the nature of reality. Some of the most popular episodes include:
    "The Green Hills of Earth" by Robert A. Heinlein"No Contact" by George Lefferts"The Parade" by George Lefferts"Mars is Heaven" by Ray Bradbury"The Caves of Steel" by Isaac Asimov"The Cold Equations" by Tom Godwin"The Last Question" by Isaac Asimov"The Hitchhiker" by Lucille Fletcher"The Monsters of the Midway" by Ray Bradbury"Nightfall" by Isaac Asimov"The Martian Chronicles" by Ray BradburyX Minus One was a critical and commercial success, and it is considered to be one of the finest science fiction radio series ever produced. It was canceled in 1958, but it has since been revived several times, and its episodes are still popular today.If you are interested in science fiction, or in old time radio shows, I highly recommend checking out X Minus One. Its episodes are available for download online or on satellite radio.

  • "Have Gun – Will Travel" was a popular American radio and television western series that originally aired in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Created by Sam Rolfe and Herb Meadow, the show followed the adventures of Paladin, a sophisticated and enigmatic freelance gunfighter who lived in San Francisco during the late 19th century. The show centered around Paladin, portrayed by actor John Dehner, who was a well-dressed, highly educated, and cultured gentleman with a strong sense of justice. He lived in the luxurious Hotel Carlton in San Francisco and advertised his services with the calling card that read, "Have Gun – Will Travel." Paladin was known for taking on assignments as a gun for hire, often helping those in need of protection, settling disputes, or seeking justice.Each episode of the radio series presented a self-contained story in which Paladin traveled to various locations, encountering a wide range of characters and situations. While he was a formidable gunfighter, he preferred to use his intelligence and wit to solve problems and conflicts whenever possible, often resorting to violence as a last resort.The show combined elements of traditional Westerns with a more sophisticated and character-driven approach, exploring moral and ethical dilemmas, as well as the complexities of human nature. It also delved into Paladin's own past and personal code of honor, making him a complex and intriguing protagonist."Have Gun – Will Travel" was not only known for its engaging stories but also for its memorable theme music and the distinctive voice of actor John Dehner, who brought Paladin to life with his smooth and commanding delivery.In addition to the radio show, "Have Gun – Will Travel" was later adapted into a successful television series that ran from 1957 to 1963, with Richard Boone portraying Paladin. The character and series remain iconic in the history of American western entertainment, offering a unique blend of action, philosophy, and character-driven storytelling.