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  • Подкаст о том, зачем фильмам звук и о тех, кто его создает.

    Автор – Константин Петухов – беседует с лучшими звукорежиссерамикино и дизайнерами звука об их профессии, творчестве и особом взгляде накиноискусство. В этом подкасте вы узнаете, какое влияние оказывает звук навосприятие фильма, как он помогает рассказывать истории, почему звукорежиссеры– это художники и как они создают своё искусство?

    Мы расскажем, кого награждают Оскаром и Золотым Орлом залучший звук.

    Разберем звуковые решения в знаменитых фильмах и сценах,обсудим саунд-дизайн в новинках проката и проанализируем шедевры мирового кинос точки зрения звука.

    Этот для всех, кто интересуется тем, как устроено кино и длятех, кто увлечен звуком в любом его воплощении.

    Телеграм-канал «Крик Вильгельма. Отзвуки»: https://t.me/wilhelmscreams

    Группа ВКонтакте: https://vk.com/wilhelmscreams

    Продюсер подкаста - Екатерина Ливергант

    Музыка подкаста – Алексей Густов, Арсений Щедрин

    Дизайн обложки – Алексей Шаргу

  • "Әдеби терапия" қазақ әдебиеті мен кино туындыларға ғылыми тұрғыда талдау жасауға бағытталған. Ата-бабамыздан келе жатқан қоғамдық "травманы" әдеби терапиямен емдейік.

  • Привет, на связи Бэкстейдж)

    Мы запустили новый формат выпусков — киноподкасты. Здесь мы непринужденно болтаем с актерами, режиссерами и важными людьми российской киноиндустрии, а также рассказываем вам все самое интересное из мира кино и актеров.

    Слушайте, подписывайтесь и рассказывайте о нас друзьям!

    Мы также на других площадках:

    - Telegram: https://t.me/backstage_moscow

    - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-XCDeBC0dF3gHplA8TdhJg

    - Instagram: backstage_moscow

  • Что будет, если перенести сюжеты фильмов в реальную жизнь? Как изменятся диалоги киногероев? А решения? А поведение?

    Психологи Мария Лабазанова, Софи Авдюхина и популярная писательница Ника Набокова беспощадно отделяют земной мир от художественного вымысла, помогая найти реальные решения для житейских проблем.

    Иронично, терапевтично, лично и эпично :)

  • Это подкаст «Пластилиновые мысли» о советской и российской анимации. В нем Маша и Лена, подруги и фанатки визуальной культуры, обсуждают популярные и не очень мультфильмы с точки зрения культуры и истории, а также делятся рекомендациями по просмотру и стремятся доказать, что анимация — это не только для детей.

    Подписывайтесь на наш telegram-канал, чтобы быть в курсе всех обновлений

    По любым вопросам или предложениям пишите на почту: [email protected]

    Команда проекта:

    Ведущие: Лена Буканович, Маша Попова

    Обложка: Яна Якунина (@ynyknn)

    Джингл: Илья Шейман (@ilya.sheyman)

  • Welcome to Silence Your Phones - a movie review podcast. Each week, Chris Chavez and Shawn Fritz watch a movie and discuss aspects such as cast, acting, writing, music, special effects and more. Before you start listening, remember to Silence Your Phones.

  • Horror podcast hosted by Blaze, Mike, and Steven with guest appearances. We love horror and we want to talk about it!

  • Сценаристка и true crime lover ищет лучшее тру-крайм кино.

    «Зодиак», «Фишер», «Декстер, «Метод» — все эти тру-крайм фильмы и сериалы имеют реальную историю и прототипы маньяков. У них есть свои достоинства и недостатки, кринж моменты, а ещё интересные факты о съёмках и глубокие смыслы.

    Всё это мы и будем обсуждать в подкасте «Раз, два, триллер», ставить оценки, советовать или критиковать, чтобы в итоге найти тот-самый-лучший-тру-крайм-фильм-или-сериал-в-мире!

  • Подкаст про саморазвитие, становление лучшей версии себя и истории из мира кино. Это ваше спокойное место, где мы за чашечкой чая можем поговорить о наболевшем и обсудить планы на будущее.

    Новые выпуски каждый четверг!

  • «Им нужна достойная добыча»

    КиноХищники – это еженедельный подкаст в котором мы высказываем непопулярное мнение о популярном кино. В каждом из выпусков подкаста мы будем пытаться выяснить достоин ли тот или иной фильм своего культового статуса, была ли оправдана шумиха вокруг него, и, самое главное, прошел ли он проверку временем.

  • Это подкаст: "Я Люблю Аниме", вкотором я признаюсь в любви к аниме, пытаюсь больше о нем узнать и разобратьсяпочему оно нравится одним и отталкивает других.

  • "Критическое Настроение" — это эмоциональный подкаст, где парочка кинолюбов: муж и жена, декомпозируют фильмы и сериалы. Наличие иронии и здорового юмора, отсутствие цензуры и искреняя любовью к кино.

    В компании Егора и Ксюши любой фильм — это повод для жаркой дискуссии, взрывного смеха и, возможно, пары бомбёжек на тему современного кинематографа. Присоединяйтесь, если готовы к критике без прикрас.

  • Этот подкаст создан теми, кто делает сериалы, кино и программы для ТВ. Никаких серьезных разговоров, только легкая болтовня и приколы. Поэтому канал рекомендуется тем, кто просто готов расслабиться и, доверившись нам, уплыть в потоке.

    Обняли каждого, мысленно сделали массаж.

  • Обсуждаем различные события в мире интернет-медиа и телевидения.

  • This is OPLA! The One Piece Podcast presents its seasonal series about the One Piece live-action from Netflix and Tomorrow Studios. Each week we bring you interviews with some of the talented individuals behind Netflix’s One Piece, as well as recaps, reviews and more!

  • Подкаст о любви, о любви к странному юмору, о любви к кино, сериалам и видеоиграм.

    Вы уже наши самые большие фанаты, просто об этом ещё не знаете.

  • Всем привет!
    Мы - Арман и Тома, и это подкаст "Меломаны". Он немного похож на олдскульную передачу: мы не только говорим о любимой музыке, но и включаем ее, а еще - собираем для вас и себя плейлисты по жанрам и настроениям. Вообще нам просто нравится говорить о музыке, самой разной: от какого-нибудь нью вейва до ударов по медным тарелкам. Потому что - ну как жить вообще без музыки, верно?
    Слушайте нас тут и пишите свои впечатления от подкаста. Ждем ваших отзывов!
    Ваши Арман и Тома)

  • Подкаст про фильмы, сериалы и игры — с аналитикой, контекстом, новостями.

  • Megan Fox, born Megan Denise Fox on May 16, 1986, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, is an American actress and model who has captivated audiences with her stunning beauty and undeniable screen presence. Her journey to stardom has been marked by both triumphs and challenges, making her one of the most fascinating and talked-about celebrities of her generation.
    Early Life and Family: Megan Fox was born to Gloria Darlene (née Cisson) and Franklin Thomas Fox. Her mother worked as a real estate manager, while her father was a parole officer. Fox's ancestry includes English, Scottish, German, French, and Native American lineages. She grew up in a Pentecostal household, which she has described as strict and conservative.
    At the age of three, Fox began taking dance lessons, which helped her develop a love for performing. She continued to hone her skills in dance and drama throughout her childhood, participating in various community theater productions and talent shows.
    When Fox was five years old, her parents divorced, and she moved with her mother and sister to St. Petersburg, Florida. The divorce had a profound impact on young Megan, who has spoken candidly about the emotional challenges she faced during this time.
    Education and Early Career: Despite her early interest in performing, Megan Fox initially struggled to fit in at school. She was often bullied by her classmates, who taunted her for her appearance and her aspirations to become an actress. Fox has described feeling like an outsider during her school years, which further fueled her determination to succeed in the entertainment industry.
    At the age of 13, Fox began modeling, appearing in several local campaigns and catalogs. Her striking looks and natural poise caught the attention of industry professionals, and she soon started auditioning for acting roles.
    In 2001, at the age of 15, Fox made her acting debut in the direct-to-video film "Holiday in the Sun," which starred Ashley Olsen. The following year, she landed a role in the Swedish-produced soap opera "Ocean Ave.," which marked her first series regular role.
    Breakthrough and Rise to Fame: Megan Fox's breakthrough role came in 2004 when she was cast as Carla Santini in the teen comedy "Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen," opposite Lindsay Lohan. The film, which was a modest box office success, helped Fox gain recognition in Hollywood and opened doors to more prominent roles.
    In 2007, Fox landed the role that would define her early career and catapult her to international stardom. She was cast as Mikaela Banes, the love interest of Shia LaBeouf's character, in the blockbuster action film "Transformers." Directed by Michael Bay, the film was a massive commercial success, grossing over $700 million worldwide.
    Fox's portrayal of Mikaela Banes showcased her acting skills and undeniable screen presence. Her performance, combined with her stunning looks, made her an instant sensation, with media outlets and fans alike praising her as the breakout star of the film.
    The success of "Transformers" led to a sequel, "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen," in 2009. Fox reprised her role as Mikaela Banes, and the film was another box office hit, grossing over $800 million worldwide. However, behind the scenes, tensions were brewing between Fox and director Michael Bay.
    Controversy and Career Challenges: In 2009, Megan Fox made headlines for her controversial comments about Michael Bay in an interview with Wonderland magazine. She compared the director to Hitler and Napoleon, criticizing his on-set behavior and management style. These remarks, combined with reported tensions during the filming of "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen," led to Fox's dismissal from the franchise.
    The controversy surrounding her departure from the "Transformers" series had a significant impact on Fox's career. She found herself at the center of a media firestorm, with some industry insiders questioning her professionalism and ability to work well with others.
    Despite these challenges, Fox continued to work steadily in Hollywood. She appeared in the 2009 horror film "Jennifer's Body," which, despite receiving mixed reviews, has since gained a cult following. She also starred in the 2010 action film "Jonah Hex" and the 2011 independent drama "Passion Play," both of which were commercial and critical disappointments.
    In 2012, Fox began to rebuild her career with a supporting role in the comedy "This Is 40," directed by Judd Apatow. The film was a modest success, and Fox's performance was praised by critics, who noted her comedic timing and willingness to poke fun at her own image.
    Personal Life and Relationships: Megan Fox's personal life has been the subject of intense media scrutiny throughout her career. In 2004, she began dating actor Brian Austin Green, whom she met on the set of the sitcom "Hope & Faith." The couple faced challenges early in their relationship due to their age difference (Green is 13 years older than Fox) and the intense media attention surrounding their romance.
    In 2006, Fox and Green got engaged but called off the engagement in 2009. However, they rekindled their relationship and got married in a private ceremony in Hawaii in 2010. The couple has three sons together: Noah Shannon Green (born 2012), Bodhi Ransom Green (born 2014), and Journey River Green (born 2016).
    In 2015, Fox filed for divorce from Green, citing irreconcilable differences. However, the couple reconciled in 2016 and withdrew the divorce petition. They continued to work on their relationship and family life, with Fox frequently praising Green's parenting skills and dedication to their children.
    In 2020, Fox and Green announced their separation after nearly 10 years of marriage. The split was amicable, with both parties expressing their commitment to co-parenting their children and maintaining a respectful relationship.
    Following her separation from Green, Fox began dating musician and actor Machine Gun Kelly (real name Colson Baker). The couple met on the set of the film "Midnight in the Switchgrass" and quickly formed a deep connection. They have been open about their intense and passionate relationship, with Fox describing their love as a "once in a lifetime thing."
    Philanthropy and Activism: Throughout her career, Megan Fox has been involved in various philanthropic and activist causes. She is a strong supporter of animal rights and has worked with organizations such as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) to raise awareness about animal cruelty and the importance of adoption.
    In 2009, Fox appeared in a PETA ad campaign promoting vegetarianism. The campaign, which featured Fox wearing a bikini made of lettuce leaves, was designed to encourage people to adopt a plant-based diet for both ethical and health reasons.
    Fox has also been a vocal advocate for the LGBTQ+ community. In 2010, she participated in the "It Gets Better" campaign, which aimed to provide support and hope to LGBTQ+ youth who were experiencing bullying and discrimination. Fox recorded a video message for the campaign, sharing her own experiences with bullying and encouraging young people to stay true to themselves and seek help when needed.
    Recent Career Developments: In recent years, Megan Fox has continued to work in both film and television, taking on a diverse range of roles that showcase her acting versatility. In 2016, she starred in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sequel "Out of the Shadows," reprising her role as April O'Neil from the 2014 film.
    Fox has also made guest appearances on popular television shows such as "New Girl" and "Legends of the Lost with Megan Fox," where she explores ancient mysteries and archaeological sites around the world.
    In 2019, Fox starred in the Korean War drama "The Battle of Jangsari," which marked her first leading role in a foreign film. The movie was a critical and commercial success in South Korea, and Fox's performance was praised for its emotional depth and authenticity.
    Most recently, Fox has been generating buzz for her upcoming role in the action-thriller "Rogue," set to be released in 2023. The film, which also stars Philip Winchester and Greg Kriek, follows a team of mercenaries on a mission to rescue a group of kidnapped schoolgirls in Africa.
    Conclusion: Megan Fox's journey from a small-town girl in Tennessee to one of Hollywood's most recognizable and controversial actresses is a testament to her talent, determination, and resilience. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks throughout her career, Fox has continued to pursue her passion for acting and has proven herself to be a versatile and captivating performer.
    Beyond her work in film and television, Fox has also made a significant impact through her philanthropic and activist efforts. Her dedication to animal rights and LGBTQ+ advocacy has inspired countless fans and helped to raise awareness about important social issues.
    As she enters a new chapter in her personal and professional life, Megan Fox remains one of the most intriguing and talked-about celebrities of her generation. With her undeniable talent, striking beauty, and fearless spirit, she continues to captivate audiences and leave an indelible mark on the entertainment industry.
    While her journey has been marked by both triumphs and challenges, Megan Fox's story is ultimately one of perseverance, growth, and the power of staying true to oneself. As she continues to evolve as an actress and a person, there is no doubt that she will continue to surprise, inspire, and entertain audiences for years to come.
    In a career spanning over two decades, Megan Fox has become a cultural icon, a symbol of both the allure and the challenges of fame in the modern era. Her experiences, both on and off the screen, have sparked impor