キッズ/ファミリー – スロバキア – 新しいポッドキャスト
@michalagreskova a @barbora krajcirova otvárajú dôležité ženské témy, milujú život a neboja sa ho žiť podľa seba.
It’s easy to be overwhelmed by scheduling conflicts, payment obligations, and miscommunication. What you really need is understanding and collaboration. Unfortunately, when you are a co-parent, your ex-partner may not always be on the same page. Life can become exhausting and co-parenting can be hard: you handle constant scheduling and rescheduling, try to accommodate holidays, avoid bad-mouthing your co-parent in front of the children, wrangle shared finances, and many other things.
In addition to bringing her practical step-mom life experience each week to Finding Sanity in Co-Parenting, Laura MacMahon, kincrew Co-founder, invites experts from the divorce and co-parenting professional ecosystem to share insights and answer listener questions.
Laura MacMahon is cofounder of kincrew™, second wife, and stepmom to four. Laura and her husband, Mark, created kincrew software out of a personal need to organize their family life and quickly realized that there was potential to do so much more all in the name of changing the conversations that were happening around divorce. Laura has studied childhood development, especially relating to children who grow up in conflict situations and is motivated by the possibility of helping others find a happier and healthier path forward for their entire family during and after divorce.
Kincrew helps you become a better co-parent by helping you get organized, improve collaboration, and simplify payment obligations, ensuring that you and your children are secure and happy. We help you eliminate potential conflict by giving you the tools and knowledge you need to reduce stress and focus on what’s best for you and your children’s well-being.
For more information and access to co-parenting resources, visit us at www.kincrew.io. -
Children's stories, simple myths and legends from across the world. Something that both kids and parents can listen to and enjoy!
A Political Podcast geared for Youth! Variety of topics covered from Presidential Pets to What is Impeachment and more
The First Answers podcast features Dr. A. Lynn Scoresby—experienced psychologist, executive coach, business and education consultant, father, and grandfather—talking about the first and best answers for 21st-century families so you can improve and have more fulfilling relationships. Topics range from marriage and parenting to ethics and character, stopping violence, and more.
Ana Tigre and Terry Goodlad talk about raising three precious children, with God, in a wonderful yet unsure world.
🎧 Vitajte na našom podcastovom kanáli KiiDS.SHOP, kde vám prinášame radosti a inšpirácie zo sveta rodičovstva! 😊
🚀 Pripojte sa k nám na tejto vzrušujúcej ceste, kde zdieľame 📚 praktické rady, 🛍️ tipy na výber jedinečných a cenovo dostupných produktov a 🌟 inšpirujúce príbehy z našej komunity.
👨👩👧👦 Odporúčame pre všetkých rodičov, ktorí chcú zdieľať svoju vášeň pre 🎨 tvorivosť so svojimi deťmi a podporiť ich v rozvoji šťastného, zdravého a kreatívneho života. 💖 Pripojte sa k našej rastúcej komunite a nechajte sa inšpirovať. 💫
👀 linktr.ee/kiidsdotshop -
Myšlienky a meditácie od mamy pre mamy. Pre spomalenie a sprítomnenie. Pre tréning trpezlivosti. Odbúranie presvedčení, ktoré nám neslúžia. Väčšiu empatiu. Prepojenie s deťmi a s partnerom. Zvýšenie lásky k okoliu a k sebe. Pre väčšiu slobodu a šťastie. Všímavá meditácia môže mamám pomôcť znižovať stres a úzkosť, zlepšovať emocionálnu reguláciu a sústredenie. Môže podporiť fyzickú a mentálnu pohodu, zvýšiť trpezlivosť a posilniť vzťahy s rodinou. Celkovo môže prispieť k lepšiemu zvládaniu každodenných výziev a podporiť sebalásku a sebaprijatie. Mám MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) tréning a Neuro-somatický meditačný tréning. Sebarozvoj ma fascinuje už roky, a teraz, v materstve, mi slúži ešte viac ako pred ním. Na tomto kanáli zdieľam praktiky a poznania, ktoré pomohli mne. Ty mysli kriticky, a zober si z nich len tie, ktoré dávajú zmysel TEBE a pasujú do TVOJHO života.
This former Special Ed classroom teacher is on his own with a microphone, to share some of the magic he's learned in his 34+ years in the field.
Stories, strategies, and a true grasp for what life can be like for parents and caregivers of Disabled children are waiting here!
Witnessing, first hand, your challenges in the home has invigorated my desire to share what I know and to be a cheerleader for your lives and the lives of your child using mindfulness as a fulcrum to success.
You are not alone and your life matters. Join me as we let go and grow together! -
***Top 5% Globally Ranked Podcast!***
Do you want to homeschool your kids, but you worry you’re going to fail them? Do you want their childhood days to be filled with more memories learning from home and playing, rather than sitting at a desk all day? Are you worried you won’t be able to homeschool your children well AND be a productive work from home mom? Do you wish you could push the easy button so you knew how to get started with less overwhelm?
Homeschooling doesn’t have to be overwhelming, confusing or done only after you’ve given up your work from home job.
In this podcast I will teach you how to simplify homeschooling by building rhythms and routines that work with your day instead of fighting against it - so you can have more stress-free time at home with your kiddos WHILE balancing a job as a work from home mom.
Hey - I’m Joellee Gregersen. I’m a wife, entrepreneur, christian momma to three young kiddos, and I am passionate about homeschooling!
When I decided to start doing my research in preparation to homeschool my oldest daughter, I was lost in a sea of information, overwhelmed by the choices I had to make and frustrated with the lack of resources available for homeschooling, work from home moms.
After lots of research and reflecting on my own homeschooling experience growing up, I realized that most of the information I could find about homeschooling was WAY too complicated for a lot of people. There is a way to simplify homeschooling and to build rhythms and routines as a work from home mom. I found a way to balance it all in a way that felt good to both me and my family...and I can’t wait to share it all with you!
If you are ready to simplify homeschooling, find good rhythms and routines as a work from home mom, feel confident in your homeschool journey, and get to experience all of the beauty that is hiding under the overwhelm… then this podcast is for you!
So grab your notebook and a hot cup of coffee and let’s build this homeschooling dream together! -
The Feelings Detective Podcast gives kids ages 5-8 the tools for emotional wellness through fun stories, meditation adventures, and engaging activities.
Welcome to the Feelings Detective Podcast, where we crack the code of Social Emotional Learning!
The Feelings Detective Podcast is your secret weapon for unleashing kids’ emotional intelligence. We're talking about building self-awareness, mastering those big feelings, and navigating the world with confidence.
Podcast episodes include captivating story designed to build self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making—all the tools they need to navigate the ups and downs of life.
Every new episode includes a printable activity to continue the fun and develop valuable skills and — so sign up on our website to get free printable activities designed to fuel creativity, spark critical thinking, and build essential life skills.
Get ready to boost your kids’ self-esteem, develop executive functioning skills, ignite mindfulness, and empower them with the knowledge to thrive in any situation. Join us on the Feelings Detective Podcast, and unlock the extraordinary potential that lies within your kids! -
This Life: The Chronicles of Autism Moms is an exciting and witty podcast documenting the 10 year journey and beyond of a vibrant international group of mothers of individuals on the Autism spectrum.
Welcome to the intentional Childbirth podcast where we talk about all things birthing and beyond. From pregnancy to potty training, maternity talk to mother in tips we are here to encourage educate and support you.
Complicated Kids is a podcast about why raising kids can feel like an extreme sport sometimes. Join me to unpack all of it, figure out who needs what, and help your family thrive.
A podcast for families with children with developmental delays full of practical ideas and strategies to use each and everyday
A podcast for today's mother who is striving to learn and grow and be the best version of herself.
Life is not just a age gap between birth and death its all about how u live single moment with happiness acceptance and peace
All untold magical, funny, adventurous, scary, sweet and anime fairy tales told and written by author Air Herk. They will rule your hearts forever.
These are meant for kids of all ages. -
Some weather stuff, not that log pordcast
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