テクノロジー – おすすめポッドキャスト
Exploring the biggest questions of our time with the help of the world's greatest thinkers. Host Manoush Zomorodi inspires us to learn more about the world, our communities, and most importantly, ourselves.
Get more brainy miscellany with TED Radio Hour+. Your subscription supports the show and unlocks a sponsor-free feed. Learn more at plus.npr.org/ted -
Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond.
TED is a nonprofit devoted to ideas worth spreading. On this video feed, you'll find TED Talks to inspire, intrigue and stir the imagination from some of the world's leading thinkers and doers, speaking from the stage at TED conferences, TEDx events and partner events around the world. This podcast is also available in high-def video and audio-only formats.
Explore true stories of the dark side of the Internet with host Jack Rhysider as he takes you on a journey through the chilling world of hacking, data breaches, and cyber crime.
Off Topicは、米国を中心に最新テックニュースやスタートアップ、ビジネス情報、たまにカルチャーをゆるーく深堀りしながら解説する番組です。
毎週木曜日に新エピソードを配信しています、AppleとSpotify Podcastのテクノロジー部門別ランキング1位獲得!
Hosted by 草野美木(@mikikusano)and 宮武徹郎(@tmiyatake1)
https://listen.style/p/g9geif5o?s2uGAdvM -
"'A podcast about the internet' that is actually an unfailingly original exploration of modern life and how to survive it." - The Guardian. Hosted by Alex Goldman and Emmanuel Dzotsi from Gimlet.
【Gadgetouch / ガジェタッチ】
https://twitter.com/gadgetouch -
Autify Podcastは、テスト自動化プラットフォーム「Autify」を提供するオーティファイがソフトウェアテスト、スタートアップなどにフォーカスしてさまざまなTipsや、事例などをお伝えする番組です。
https://twitter.com/AutifyJapan -
Join Armando, Griff, and Andrew for weekly episodes featuring your favorite Rooster Teeth cast members, fun games, great bits, and lots of laughs.
It's our aim to make studying for your recurrent sims or command upgrades as easy as possible.
Sometimes it's not that easy to make time at home to study, and let's face it, who wants to spend precious days off reading about work.
With the A320 Podcast, you can learn and revise in the car, at the gym or out on the run. Now you can use the wasted time on your commute to make sure you ace your next sim, and the best part is - it's completely free! The only thing we ask is for you to tell all your friends and colleagues and then leave us a 5 star iTunes review which will increase our ranking and get as many people listening as possible. -
The Data Skeptic Podcast features interviews and discussion of topics related to data science, statistics, machine learning, artificial intelligence and the like, all from the perspective of applying critical thinking and the scientific method to evaluate the veracity of claims and efficacy of approaches.
Kodsnack är ett poddradioprogram på svenska om utveckling, kodknackande och allt som hör därtill. Kodsnack drivs av Kristoffer Grönlund, Fredrik Björeman och Tobias Hieta
What is the internet doing to us? The Times tech columnist Kevin Roose discovers what happens when our lives move online.
Mac,iPod,iPhone,iPad,AppleWatchなどAppleにまつわるニュースをもとにリスナーと一緒に楽しむpodcast火・木・土の週3回早朝配信 30分の番組ですApple News Radio ワンボタンの声「ひさびさに公開録音!!」 2024年9月1日(日) 12:00-15:00 梅田ラテラル ¥3,000.
ウェブ開発、プログラミング、モバイル、ガジェットなどにフォーカスしたテクノロジー系ポッドキャストです。 #rebuildfm
MMORPG「ドラゴンクエスト10」のウェブラジオ! みんなで楽しくをモットーに毎日プレイのDQ10について、しゃべくります。
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