

    (Guys can be demonized by Jezebel also, so if you fit the description, seek deliverance guys.)

    Please understand that spirits never come in alone. They come in groups. Jezebel is ALWAYS accompanied by other spirits, usually spirits of lust, fornication, perversion, likely spirits of whoredom, control, and manipulation, and if you're married then also a spirit of infidelity. So with that said, deliverance from the Jezebel spirit will take awhile because it's a stronger spirit. Jezebel also usually has what I call blocker demons. As you watch the video you may feel a release where a spirit has left, or you cough, etc. KEEP WATCHING the video. Sometimes you will feel a release 3, 4, or even 5 times before Jezebel actually leaves. You have to get rid of the guardians first before Jezebel is cast out. Just watch the video multiple times until you no longer feel manifestations and only feel peace.

    You also need deliverance from everything else that's there. Watch my other videos for those spirits listed above. I will be adding to the list of posted videos as I'm able. Once again maintaining deliverance is imperative. Control what your eyes are looking at.

    BEFORE you watch this video:

    Get somewhere comfortable where you can focus on being delivered. Preferably lay on your couch or bed when you're alone.

    1) PRAY. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess every known sexual sin in your life individually and ask for forgiveness. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Say, "evil Jezebel spirit, I break all legal rights and authority you have in my life. I renounce and denounce any involvement I have with you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command you to leave. I break all ungodly souls ties and generational curses linked to Jezebel in the name of Jesus Christ."

    5) Pray again and ask God to forgive you for your manipulation, control, and sexual rebellion, and ask Him to deliver you from the spirit of Jezebel. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.

  • Please understand that spirits never come in alone. They come in groups. Addiction is ALWAYS accompanied by other spirits. If you're addicted to nicotine, then a spirit of nicotine. Renounce and repent for your smoking and dipping and commit to deliverance. If alcohol, then a spirit of alcoholism. Renounce, repent, etc. So on and so forth. Other addictions like heroine, etc, please message me for counseling because these are delicate situations and you should proceed with caution. Addictions to prescription medications will require deliverance from the spirit of pharmakeia as well. A lot of times you will need to do extensive renunciation of sins and repent of your reliance on these medications and not trusting in God before you are set free. I cannot legally advise you to stop taking meds, but I can tell you that they feed the demons keeping you bound. Seek deliverance. Starve the demons, then feed your spirit with God's Word and a hefty dose of faith in His ability to set you free.

    As you watch the video you may feel a release where a spirit has left, or you cough, etc. KEEP WATCHING the video. Sometimes you will feel a release 3, 4, or even 5 times before the main spirit of addiction actually leaves. Other smaller demons sometimes and often do guard the bigger ones. Just watch the video multiple times until you no longer feel manifestations and only feel peace.

    You will also need deliverance from everything else that's there. Watch my other videos for spirits in this group. I will be adding to the list of posted videos as I'm able. Once again maintaining deliverance is imperative. Feed your spirit, starve your flesh (resist temptation to sin).

    BEFORE you watch this video:

    Get somewhere comfortable where you can focus on being delivered. Preferably lay on your couch or bed when you're alone. Best way is to put in some headphones, lay on your bed and just listen. You don't have to see me. The demons just need to hear my voice and the power of God will move.

    1) PRAY. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess every known sin in your life dealing with addiction individually and ask for forgiveness. Anything remotely related to what got you addicted in the first place is important. Close that door and break those legal rights. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all generational curses of addiction over your life by saying, "I renounce and denounce all generational curses of addiction over my life in the name of Jesus Christ. I break this curse of addiction off of me in Jesus' name. Father, I believe in your power to set me free."

    Say, "evil spirit of addiction, I break all legal rights and authority you have in my life. I renounce and denounce any involvement I have with you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command you to leave."

    5) Pray again and ask God to deliver you from the spirit of addiction. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.

  • If you've ever gotten a tarot card reading, gone to a psychic, played with ouija boards, practiced deep meditation and astral projection, and so on and so forth, chances are good that you let in a spirit of witchcraft. This spirit usually comes in with the spirit of false religion. Witchcraft can also come in and root through attacks by satanic prayers and curses against you from those who are in the occult and satanism, etc.

    As you watch the video you may feel a release where a spirit has left, or you cough, etc. KEEP WATCHING the vidEo. Just watch the video multiple times until you no longer feel manifestations and only feel peace.

    You also need deliverance from everything else that's there. Watch my other videos for those spirits listed above. I will be adding to the list of posted videos as I'm able. Once again maintaining deliverance is imperative. Walk in obedience.

    BEFORE you watch this video:

    Get somewhere comfortable where you can focus on being delivered. Preferably lay on your couch or bed when you're alone.

    1) PRAY. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess every known sin in your life individually and ask for forgiveness. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Say, "evil Witchcraft spirit, I break all legal rights and authority you have in my life. I renounce and denounce any involvement I have with you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command you to leave. I break all ungodly souls ties and generational curses linked to Witchcraft in the name of Jesus Christ. I specifically renounce and denounce past sins of ___________ (name them all).

    5) Pray again and ask God to forgive you for practicing witchcraft and ask Him to deliver you. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.

  • For deliverance from marijuana, opiates, antidepressants, anti anxiety meds, meth, amphetamines, cocaine, acid, etc.

    Please understand that spirits never come in alone. They come in groups. Pharmakeia is ALWAYS accompanied by the spirit of ADDICTION. I have already posted that deliverance video. You will need to watch both.

    Renounce and repent for your drug use. Whether it's prescription drugs or marijuana or heroine, REPENT. Confess every sin linked to this addiction. Close all doors through confession and the blood of Jesus Christ. Extensive confession in prayer to God is huge for deliverance from demons. Ask God to forgive each sin individually. "Lord forgive me for putting that needle in my arm. I'm so sorry. Forgive me for taking my son into that drug dealers house." Etc and so on. EVERYTHING you can think of.

    Addictions like heroine, etc, please message me for counseling because these are delicate situations and you need extensive guidance.

    For pharmaceutical drugs, a lot of times you will need to do extensive renunciation of sins and repent of your reliance on these medications and not trusting in God before you are set free. I cannot legally advise you to stop taking meds, but I can tell you that they feed the demons keeping you bound. Seek deliverance. Starve the demons, then feed your spirit with God's Word and a hefty dose of faith in His ability to set you free. If you're heavily bound, seek a way to detoxify your body safely first through a reputable organization first. Then watch the video. Proceed with caution.

    As you watch the video you may feel a release where a spirit has left, or you cough, etc. KEEP WATCHING the video. Sometimes you will feel a release 3, 4, or even 5 times before the main spirit of pharmakeia actually leaves. Other smaller demons sometimes and often do guard the bigger ones. Just watch the video multiple times until you no longer feel manifestations and only feel peace.

    You will also need deliverance from everything else that's there. Watch my other videos for spirits in this group. I will be adding to the list of posted videos as I'm able. Once again maintaining deliverance is imperative. Feed your spirit, starve your flesh (resist temptation to sin).

    BEFORE you watch this video:

    Get somewhere comfortable where you can focus on being delivered. Preferably lay on your couch or bed when you're alone. Best way is to put in some headphones, lay on your bed and just listen. You don't have to see me. The demons just need to hear my voice and the power of God will move.

    1) PRAY. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess every known sin in your life dealing with pharmakeia and the specific drug you're bound by individually and ask for forgiveness. Anything remotely related to what got you addicted in the first place is important. Close that door and break those legal rights. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all generational curses of pharmakeia over your life by saying, "I renounce and denounce all generational curses of pharmakeia over my life in the name of Jesus Christ. I break this curse of pharmakeia off of me in Jesus' name. Father, I believe in your power to set me free."

    Say, "evil spirit of pharmakeia, I break all legal rights and authority you have in my life. I renounce and denounce any involvement I have with you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command you to leave."

    5) Pray again and ask God to deliver you from the spirit of pharmakeia. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.

  • Get somewhere comfortable where you can focus on being delivered. Preferably lay on your couch or bed when you're alone.

    1) PRAY. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess every known sin in your life individually and ask for forgiveness. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Say, "evil spirit of insomnia, I break all legal rights and authority you have in my life. I renounce and denounce any involvement I have with you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command you to leave."

    5) Pray again and ask God to forgive you for not trusting in Him and to deliver you from the spirit of insomnia. Ask Him to give you the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.

  • Get somewhere comfortable where you can focus on being delivered. Preferably lay on your couch or bed when you're alone.

    1) PRAY. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess every known sin in your life individually and ask for forgiveness. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Say, "evil spirit of hate, I break all legal rights and authority you have in my life. I renounce and denounce any involvement I have with you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command you to leave."

    5) Pray again and ask God to forgive you for your hate and to deliver you from the spirit of hate. Confess any hate toward specific people or people groups. Ask Him to give you the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.

  • This is an important one. EVERYONE should try watching this video and just see if anything happens because it's one of the worst demons that you could have oppressing you.

    Please be aware that some spirits have what I call blocker demons. As you watch the video you may feel a release where a spirit has left, or you cough, etc. KEEP WATCHING the video. Sometimes you will feel a release 3, 4, or even 5 times before rebellion actually leaves. Just watch the video multiple times until you no longer feel manifestations and only feel peace.

    You also need deliverance from everything else that's there. Watch my other videos for those spirits listed above. I will be adding to the list of posted videos as I'm able. Once again maintaining deliverance is imperative. Walk in obedience.

    BEFORE you watch this video:

    Get somewhere comfortable where you can focus on being delivered. Preferably lay on your couch or bed when you're alone.

    1) PRAY. SURRENDER. SUBMIT FULLY TO CHRIST. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess every known rebellious sin in your life individually and ask for forgiveness. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Say, "evil spirit of rebellion, I break all legal rights and authority you have in my life. I renounce and denounce any involvement I have with you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command you to leave. I surrender my life fully to Jesus Christ. I serve Jesus Christ and only Him. I break all ungodly souls ties and generational curses linked to rebellion in the name of Jesus Christ. I specifically renounce and denounce past sins of ___________ (name them all).

    5) Pray again and ask God to forgive you for any rebellion or rebellious thoughts and ask Him to deliver you. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.

  • Please understand that spirits never come in alone. They come in groups. The spirit of nicotine is ALWAYS accompanied by the spirit of ADDICTION. I have already posted that deliverance video. You will need to watch both.

    Renounce and repent for your nicotine use. REPENT. Confess every sin linked to this addiction. Close all doors through confession and the blood of Jesus Christ. Extensive confession in prayer to God is huge for deliverance from demons. Ask God to forgive each sin individually. "Lord forgive me for smoking around my children. Forgive me for relying on nicotine to give me peace instead of trusting in you. I'm so sorry." Etc and so on. EVERYTHING you can think of.

    If you have not truly repented because you still enjoy smoking then don't be surprised if nothing happens. You have to believe in deliverance and WANT freedom. There is a certain desperation necessary.

    As you watch the video you may feel a release where a spirit has left, or you cough, etc. KEEP WATCHING the video. Sometimes you will feel a release 3, 4, or even 5 times before the main spirit of nicotine actually leaves. Other smaller demons sometimes and often do guard the bigger ones. Just watch the video multiple times until you no longer feel manifestations and only feel peace.

    You will also need deliverance from everything else that's there. Watch my other videos for spirits in this group and other addictions you likely have such as pharmakeia, etc. I will be adding to the list of posted videos as I'm able. Once again maintaining deliverance is imperative. Feed your spirit, starve your flesh (resist temptation to sin).

    BEFORE you watch this video:

    Get somewhere comfortable where you can focus on being delivered. Preferably lay on your couch or bed when you're alone. Best way is to put in some headphones, lay on your bed and just listen. You don't have to see me. The demons just need to hear my voice and the power of God will move.

    1) PRAY. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess every known sin in your life dealing with nicotine individually and ask for forgiveness. Anything remotely related to what got you addicted in the first place is important. Close that door and break those legal rights. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all generational curses of addiction over your life by saying, "I renounce and denounce all generational curses of addiction over my life in the name of Jesus Christ. I break this curse of addiction off of me in Jesus' name. Father, I believe in your power to set me free."

    Say, "evil spirit of addiction, I break all legal rights and authority you have in my life. I renounce and denounce any involvement I have with you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command you to leave."

    5) Pray again and ask God to deliver you from the spirit of addiction. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.


    You don't have to be a full blown alcoholic to have this spirit. If you're a habitual drinker and/or alcoholism runs in your family, seek deliverance!

    Most who are alcoholics have been victim to extensive damage in their bodies. Your physical addiction is tied directly to your nervous system. The best way for you to find deliverance is to starve your flesh of alcohol as long as you can. Go into a detox program and then come back and watch this video. You HAVE to weaken this demon before you can be freed through deliverance. Now if there were 15 of us together laying hands on you that'd be different, but this is a video. Commit yourself to Christ and detox. Then watch this video to rid yourself of the demons.

    Please understand that spirits never come in alone. They come in groups. The spirit of ALCOHOLISM is ALWAYS accompanied by the spirit of ADDICTION. I have already posted that deliverance video. You will need to watch both.

    Renounce and repent for your alcoholism. REPENT. Confess every sin linked to this addiction. Close all doors through confession and the blood of Jesus Christ. Extensive confession in prayer to God is huge for deliverance from demons. Ask God to forgive each sin individually. "Lord forgive me for getting drunk and abusing my children. Forgive me for hitting my wife. Forgive me for my anger and rage shown through my drunkenness. Forgive me for relying on alcohol to help me relax. I'm so sorry." Etc and so on. EVERYTHING you can think of.

    You will almost SURELY have to starve this demon of alcoholism for several days before this deliverance video will work. God is impressing that strongly on my spirit. You have to believe in deliverance and WANT freedom. There is a certain desperation necessary.

    As you watch the video you may feel a release where a spirit has left, or you cough, etc. KEEP WATCHING the video. Sometimes you will feel a release 3, 4, or even 5 times before the main spirit of alcoholism actually leaves. Other smaller demons sometimes and often do guard the bigger ones. Just watch the video multiple times until you no longer feel manifestations and only feel peace.

    You will also need deliverance from everything else that's there. Watch my other videos for spirits in this group and other addictions you likely have. I will be adding to the list of posted videos as I'm able. Once again maintaining deliverance is imperative. Feed your spirit, starve your flesh (resist temptation to sin).

    BEFORE you watch this video:

    Get somewhere comfortable where you can focus on being delivered. Preferably lay on your couch or bed when you're alone. Best way is to put in some headphones, lay on your bed and just listen. You don't have to see me. The demons just need to hear my voice and the power of God will move.

    1) PRAY. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess every known sin in your life dealing with alcoholism individually and ask for forgiveness. Anything remotely related to what got you addicted in the first place is important. Close that door and break those legal rights. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all generational curses of alcoholism over your life by saying, "I renounce and denounce all generational curses of alcoholism over my life in the name of Jesus Christ. I break this curse of addiction and alcoholism off of me in Jesus' name. Father, I believe in your power to set me free." Say, "evil spirit of alcoholism, I break all legal rights and authority you have in my life. I renounce and denounce any involvement I have with you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command you to leave."

    For some reason God wants me to add a section on freemasonry as well. Break all curses over your life linked to freemasonry in the name of Jesus Christ, ESPECIALLY if you know your ancestors were involved with this group. Say, "Father in the name of Jesus Christ, please break all curses over my life and my children's lives due to the involvement my ancestors have had with freemasonry in the past. I renounce and denounce all curses over my life linked to freemasonry in the name of Jesus Christ."

    5) Pray again and ask God to deliver you from the spirit of alcoholism. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.

  • First visit the link and read the first seven prayers out loud. If you're serious about deliverance, please do this. It's completely worth it.


    If you've ever gotten a tarot card reading, gone to a psychic, played with ouija boards, practiced deep meditation and astral projection, and so on and so forth, chances are good that you let in a spirit of false religion. This spirit usually comes in with the spirit of witchcraft. False religion can also come in of course through practicing any religion or belief system other than Christianity. All other religions are false religions!!!

    Please be aware that some spirits have what I call blocker demons. As you watch the video you may feel a release where a spirit has left, or you cough, etc. KEEP WATCHING the video. Sometimes you will feel a release 3, 4, or even 5 times before this spirit actually leaves. Just watch the video multiple times until you no longer feel manifestations and only feel peace.

    You also need deliverance from everything else that's there. Watch my other videos for those spirits listed above. I will be adding to the list of posted videos as I'm able. Once again maintaining deliverance is imperative. Walk in obedience.

    BEFORE you watch this video:

    Get somewhere comfortable where you can focus on being delivered. Preferably lay on your couch or bed when you're alone.

    1) PRAY. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess and renounce every known false religious practice in your past and present individually and ask for forgiveness. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Say, "evil spirit of false religion, I break all legal rights and authority you have in my life. I renounce and denounce any involvement I have with you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command you to leave. I break all ungodly souls ties and generational curses linked to false religion in the name of Jesus Christ. I specifically renounce and denounce past sins of ___________ (name them all).

    5) Pray again and ask God to forgive you for practicing all forms of false religion and ask Him to deliver you. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.

  • 1) PRAY. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess every known sin in your life individually and ask for forgiveness. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ.

    5) Pray again and ask God to deliver you from the spirit of depression. Ask Him to forgive you for not trusting in Him. Ask Him to give you the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) If you are taking medication for your depression, commit yourself to being delivered and do not take them anymore. God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.

  • Get somewhere comfortable where you can focus on being delivered. Preferably lay on your couch or bed when you're alone.

    1) PRAY. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess every known sin in your life individually and ask for forgiveness. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ.

    5) Pray again and ask God to deliver you from the spirit of anxiety. Ask Him to forgive you for not trusting in Him. Ask Him to give you the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) If you are taking medication for your anxiety, commit yourself to being delivered. God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.

  • Please understand that spirits never come in alone. They come in groups. Usually lust is accompanied by fornication, masturbation, perversion, pornography, if you're married then also infidelity, and potentially spirits of whoredom and Jezebel. So with that said, deliverance from lust will only provide some relief. You also need deliverance from everything else that's there. Once again maintaining deliverance is imperative. Control what your eyes are looking at.

    BEFORE you watch this video:

    Get somewhere comfortable where you can focus on being delivered. Preferably lay on your couch or bed when you're alone.

    1) PRAY. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess every known sexual sin in your life individually and ask for forgiveness. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Say, "evil spirit of lust, I break all legal rights and authority you have in my life. I renounce and denounce any involvement I have with you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command you to leave."

    5) Pray again and ask God to forgive you for your lust and to deliver you from the spirit of lust. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.

  • Get somewhere comfortable where you can focus on being delivered. Preferably lay on your couch or bed when you're alone.

    1) PRAY. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess every known sin in your life individually and ask for forgiveness. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Say, "evil spirits, I break all legal rights and authority you have in my life. I renounce and denounce any involvement I have with you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command you to leave."

    5) Pray again and ask God to deliver you from the spirit of fear. Ask Him to forgive you for not trusting in Him. Ask Him to give you the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.

  • Deliverance from Anger
    EVERYONE needs to watch this video, because lots of people have anger and don't even know it. Clean your temple out.

    Spirits of anger come in with many other similar type spirits. Spirits of "fits of anger", strife, contention, jealousy, wrath, resentment, bitterness, hate, fighting, violence, and so on are very real. Yes, it sounds weird. It did to me as well. But I want you to remember the next time you start "fighting" with your wife or husband that there is a demon who has been tasked solely and specifically to cause you and your loved ones to fight with each other. My point is this... deliverance from anger will definitely help but by no means will it eliminate all those negative emotions you're bound by. Seek further deliverance through prayer and fasting. Learn self-deliverance if you're able. It's extremely beneficial to your walk.

    BEFORE you watch this video:

    Get somewhere comfortable where you can focus on being delivered. Preferably lay on your couch or bed when you're alone.

    1) PRAY. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess every known sin in your life individually and ask for forgiveness. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ.

    "Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce and denounce all anger, and I break all generational curses of anger off my life in the name of Jesus Christ. Forgive me for my anger. Please deliver me, in Jesus' name."

    Say, "evil spirit of anger, I break all legal rights and authority you have in my life. I renounce and denounce any involvement I have with you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command you to leave."

    5) Pray again and ask God to forgive you for your anger and to deliver you from the spirit of anger. Confess any anger toward specific people or people groups. Ask Him to give you the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.

  • Get somewhere comfortable where you can focus on being delivered. Preferably lay on your couch or bed when you're alone.

    1) PRAY. Believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins and on the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Believe in His saving grace. Ask God to forgive you for all your sins. Confess every known sin in your life individually and ask for forgiveness. Believe that He is faithful to forgive you. Ask Him to cover you in His blood and protect you.

    2) Forgive EVERY person who has ever wronged you in any way. Make a conscious choice to give it to God and forgive them. Let it go.

    3) Believe in the power of His name. Believe in the Son of God. BELIEVE.

    4) Verbally break all curses over your life, whether known or unknown, and break them in the name of Jesus Christ. Verbally break all ungodly soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ.

    Say, "evil spirits, I break all legal rights and authority you have in my life. I renounce and denounce any involvement I have with you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I command you to leave."

    5) Pray again and ask God to deliver you from the spirit of discouragement. Ask Him to forgive you for not trusting in Him. Ask Him to give you the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22. This part is very important! You must ASK TO BE DELIVERED!

    6) God WILL set you free if you seek Him. Watch this video multiple times if you need to.

    7) Praise Jesus and Him alone for your deliverance. We have no power. God alone has the power and gets all the glory. Believe in HIS strength to set you free.

  • There's a powerful link between knowing the love of Jesus and being filled with God's presence. Paul gives us a clue when he prays that believers would "have power [...] to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge" (see Ephesians 3:17-19).

    If you're struggling to overcome sin, if you're anxious about the future, if you're wrestling with a difficult relationship, if you feel lonely or unsure about God's love for you, I hope you tune in to Season 3 of the Prayers of REST podcast. We'll turn our attention to the deep, deep love of Jesus in our new series, starting February 1.

    I'll be basing the weekly prayers on my Lent devotional: Uncovering the Love of Jesus. If you'd like to follow along and go even deeper, make sure you order it at uncoveringthelove.com soon so you'll get it in time.

    And if you’ve been blessed by Prayers of REST, please leave a 5-star rating and review so others can find this podcast too. Thank you for helping spread the word!

    Until we meet again, may you rest in God’s loving presence.

    Music: “Farewell,” by Colby Taylor.--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/prayersofrest/message

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  • Asheritah announces the theme of our new season of Prayers of REST, shares a peek into what God has been teaching her (in a re-airing of a radio interview from last week), and previews 7 (!) exciting updates coming to the Prayers of REST podcast. Our new Fruit of the Spirit season premiers next week, May 10, and we’re excited to see how God will move in our lives this summer! Invite your friends to join you and listen along at www.prayersofrest.com/fruit.

    Also, there’s still time to take the listener survey at www.prayersofrest.com/survey and be entered to win a pair of airpods. Tell us how we can better serve you through future updates and episodes.

    Lastly, if you want to support the work of Prayers of REST and help us reach all 196 countries around the world with the Good News of Jesus, go to www.prayersofrest.com/patreon to become a Prayer Partner today.

    Until we meet again, may you rest in God's loving presence.

    Support the Show.

  • We could all use a little more kindness in our lives, right? But you don’t have to be Mr. Rogers to live a supernaturally kind life. That kindness can be cultivated in each of us, because the fruit of the Spirit is… kindness.

    This summer, we’re praying through the Fruit of the Spirit, one trait each week, and today we’re praying through Matthew 25:40 and meditating on how Jesus showed KINDNESS and wants to produce His kindness in us too. Spend 10 minutes praying with me for God to work the Fruit of His Spirit in our lives, as we:

    •Recite God's Goodness

    •Express Your Neediness

    •Seek His Stillness, and

    •Trust His Faithfulness

    Join me here each week as we REST in prayer for God to work in us His… Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Gentleness. Self-Control. Each week, a new invitation. Each day, new fruit.

    Grab a few friends, start a group text, and subscribe to the Prayers of REST podcast to get weekly prayer episodes straight to your phone: www.prayersofrest.com/fruit.

    And if you want to support the work of Prayers of REST and help us reach all 196 countries and regions around the world with the Good News of Jesus, go to www.prayersofrest.com/patreon to become a Prayer Partner and get access to our monthly live prayer calls, printed prayer journals, and more.

    Until we meet again, may you rest in God’s loving presence.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/prayersofrest/message

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  • Would you consider yourself to be a patient person?

    This summer, we’re praying through the Fruit of the Spirit, one trait each week, and today we’re praying through James 5:7-8, meditating on how Jesus showed PATIENCE and wants to produce His patience in us too.

    Spend 10 minutes praying with me for God to work the Fruit of His Spirit in our lives, as we:

    •Recite God's Goodness

    •Express Your Neediness

    •Seek His Stillness, and

    •Trust His Faithfulness

    Join me here each week as we REST in prayer for God to work in us His… Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Gentleness. Self-Control. Each week, a new invitation. Each day, new fruit.

    Grab a few friends, start a group text, and subscribe to the Prayers of REST podcast to get weekly prayer episodes straight to your phone: www.prayersofrest.com/fruit.

    And if you want to support the work of Prayers of REST and help us reach all 196 countries and regions around the world with the Good News of Jesus, go to www.prayersofrest.com/patreon to become a Prayer Partner and get access to our monthly live prayer calls, printed prayer journals, and more.

    Until we meet again, may you rest in God’s loving presence.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/prayersofrest/message

    Support the Show.