Mulligan plays with paradox, and we get a foreshadowing of Stephen's father.
We learn the price of both a rented tower and a lecture on Hamlet.
Punctuation obfuscates; but we press on, and find significance in Stephen's walking stick.
Mulligan is full of contradictions.
We have a bit of a breather while Stephen and Buck debate what, if anything, Stephen's aphorisms are worth.
Stephen's inner voice, a presumption of remorse, and a few words on Ireland's climate.
In a rare uncomplicated passage, milk is measured, and Frank describes the various types of junkets.
Levels of respect: for women, doctors, and the Irish language.
Frank Delaney offers a special surprise in honor of James Joyce's Birthday.
The old woman carries, not just milk, but an allegory of Ireland herself - at least in the eyes of both Stephen and Joyce himself.
More scholarship of folklore. The milk arrives, and its bearer is mocked by Mulligan and venerated by Stephen.
Mulligan gets mythic, and mocks exactly the sort of thing this podcast is doing.
Petulance for breakfast, "pet" and "kip," and a dirty joke about the tea.
A key is found, a door opened, breakfast is served, and various profanities are narrowly avoided, for once.
We sit down to a fortified breakfast, and meet Haines and his dream. Also: more blasphemy.
Stephen sees ceremony and symbolism in a shaving bowl.
Stephen is called to breakfast by Buck, and hit up for a loan at the same time. All is not forgiven.
We translate Stephen's prayers for the dying from the Latin, and return immediately to both Homer and Shakespeare.
In his second bonus podcast, Frank discusses Joyce's formation on the Island of Saints and Scholars.
Stephen's mother is placed in the structure of the cosmos.
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