
  • This just may be one of the hardest, but most powerful, things you ever do for love. In today's episode, Emma shares a secret about the hard times in our love stories.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    Main music by Monplaisir. Song "Helice." From the Free Music Archive. Licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. Podcast intro also by Monplaisir. Song "Z Z." Licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.

  • Your "one day" is coming. It is. In today's episode, Emma reminds us that time knows exactly what it's doing.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    Podcast Transcript: One day soon, all of your whys are going to be answered. You are going to stop rushing. And waiting. And wondering. You are going to stop wishing. And you are going to launch— launch— into the life that has been being shaped and curated for just you. Through all of these trials and goodbyes and ‘wait for it’s’ that you’ve been forced to navigate— your incredible life has been being created. Piece by piece. Day by day. Experience by experience. And one day, you’re just going to step into it. And it’s going to make sense. And when it does, your heart will be happy. And whole. And content. Do you know what content feels like? It’s when you know tomorrow might be hard, but you also know you can handle it. It’s when you know things may come and go, but you’re confident enough in who you are and what you’ve lived through that you *know* you can handle it. And mostly— it’s when you don’t let worry and uncertainty and regret into the drivers seat, because you know the past has only one purpose. To prepare you for YOUR future. It hurts, yes. But hurt is what strengthens us. Gets us ready. So, if you’re in the part that is shaping you but not showing you yet? Hang on. Your day is still coming. I promise. Just make sure you don’t leave before it shows you the insanely beautiful life it’s been working so hard to create for you.

    Main music by Monplaisir. Song "Helice." From the Free Music Archive. Licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. Podcast intro also by Monplaisir. Song "Z Z." Licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.

  • Are you happy? Like, really happy? In today's episode, Emma gets us thinking about what it really takes to be happy.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    Podcast Transcript: I heard this morning that changes come from choice. And also that— changes are much more important than circumstances. Let those sink in. I think most of us *get* how all this works. We know what we’re supposed to do— what we are supposed to focus on. We know what we should feel and the choices we’re supposed to make. It’s just that— when we get right down to it, it is really hard to change a life, isn’t it? It is hard to change a routine. A pattern. A lifetime of doing something a certain way. Someone reminded me of that last night. “You give this advice to other people,” she had said. “Don’t you believe it for yourself?” Yikes. She called me on it. “Of course I believe it,” I said. “It’s just that— well, it’s just that it’s much harder to apply to life than it is to know it’s the right thing to apply to life.” She smiled at me. Guys— I get that we are all carrying a bunch of heavy stuff. I get that we are all working to overcome and let go and be better and have more. And I get that most of us are tired. Tired of hearing all the things we need to do that we aren’t doing. But you know, if you sift through the billions of advice-givers (myself included) out there, there are really only TWO THINGS that matter. That have EVER mattered. One— that you are living a life you will be (and are) proud of. And two— that you are happy. HAPPY. And I am telling you—every SINGLE choice you make should be tilting you in those two directions. Make a mistake? Great— make it right. And then you can be proud. And then being proud of what you did, even if it was hard— will make you happier. Not finding the one? Ok. Work on yourself. And as you do, you just may find that you attract what you create. Yes, it’s complicated. For me too. But you know, time is ticking by for all of us. And we’re spending it on things and people and worries that just don’t matter. That— won’t— matter. So here’s the message for you, love. The sign from the sea of “listen to me” messages you have to sort through out there. Be happy, love. It’s time. It has *been* time.

    Main music by Monplaisir. Song "Helice." From the Free Music Archive. Licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. Podcast intro also by Monplaisir. Song "Z Z." Licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.

  • Are you letting people and things from your past hold you from your future? In today's episode, Emma gets us thinking about how progress works. And how we must change for things to change.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    Podcast Transcript: Trying to change is a hard thing. Perhaps— its the absolute hardest thing we ever do. And while we’re getting up early and staying up late and bleeding and sweating and sacrificing for the things we want or need in this life— we often get one more thing added to our plates, don’t we? Something that always tends to make the load heavier and the way less straight. Other. People’s. Opinions. Other people’s— push-back. You know what it looks like. It’s the “oh, wow, you’ve really changed,” and the “I just don’t understand you anymore.” It’s the family and friends and people we’ve loved sitting us down and asking if we’re alright. If we “know” what we’re doing. If we’re thinking about the big picture. If we’re— sure. And they talk and argue and push. A lot. But, if f you have already thought through what you’re doing, and you are working TOWARDS something that means SOMETHING to you— then you need to ignore those voices. You do. Completely. And— don’t be rude. Listen. Think. But it is totally up to you whether you let someone else chart the course of your life for you. Everybody means well when they give advice. They do. But advice is just them weaving their experiences and their regrets into a nice little bundle of something they want you to carry. But if you carry everything that other people hand you, your life is the thing that gets heavy. That gets hard. Your life is the thing that gets— heavy. So be selective with what you decide to make a part of you. Be selective. Be selective.

  • Maybe this is just a chapter that another one will answer. In today's episode, Emma reminds us that some chapters of our lives give us questions that other chapters will answer.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    Podcast Transcript: So maybe right now your journey isn’t about answers. That’s ok. Not all chapters can answer questions— and some of them are there only to create questions that other chapters will answer. Oh, I know that is hard to accept. Having whole portions of our lives that end in the middle of sentences isn’t something most of us can get used to. Let alone enjoy. But that doesn’t make those chapters any less important. Any less necessary. The hard times— in whatever form they come— are the most important building blocks we have. None of us want them. None of us are ready for them when they blind-side us. But no matter where or how they find us, the hard times push us towards things— and pull us away from things— that we do or don’t need in our lives. And the tragic beauty in that is we keep hanging on to what we knew when this life is doing everything it can to do to push us towards something better. And we all want better— we want it and yet because we are so near-sighted, we reject the first pieces of a new life because it comes disguised as an ending. And endings are hard. And we don’t know— we can’t fathom— how endings fit into a picture we haven’t seen yet. And that is where faith comes in. So here’s something to consider, love. What if— even more than just question chapters and answer chapters, we also get piece chapters? The chapters where we are being handed the building blocks that will later build us the life we’ve always longed for. Waited for. Worked for. Would that change how you saw things? Would it change how much patience you've had through these times when nothing makes sense? I’d like to think that it would. And so maybe that’s what it’s really all about. The growth that comes from those times it feels like everything is falling apart. Because there will be peace. Maybe not in this chapter—but it’s there. So the trick is, you keep writing your story until you find it. Or until it finds you. Whichever comes first.

  • Maybe it's about something that happened. Maybe it's about something that didn't. In today's episode, Emma reminds us that happiness is really just about letting go of what is heavy.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    Podcast Transcript: I see you. I do. And you're probably walking or driving in your car, or just sitting there with headphones in. And you're thinking, aren't you? Thinking about all of those things that have happened to you. Today. This year. In the past few years. Hell, maybe throughout your whole entire life. And as you think, you are probably wondering— maybe worrying— about how all those things affect other things. Important things. Down the road. I get it. But what really sinks into your heart are all those things that— didn’t— happen, right? The things that didn’t happen the way you wanted them to, or with the person you wanted them to— or on the timeline you wanted them to. The things that haven’t happened— those are the really hard parts. Because— those are the things that give us the constant wondering. The constant overthinking. The constant— worry. That you are behind. That life is not going to work out for you. That you don’t have a purpose. That you can’t heal, or grow, or change, from all those things that you went through. Or didn’t. And that is what I want to talk about. Those thoughts. Those worries. Because while what happened to you certainly shapes the eyes that you look at this world through— what happens does not change the footsteps that walk you forward. Who you’ve been never determines who you will be. What you’ve had, or haven’t had, does not determine what you will have. What you can get. And so the best advice I can give you is to let go of what happened to you before this. Notice I didn’t say forget. I didn’t say not to keep it a part of you. I just said let go. Stop carrying it with you, in your hands, where it is affecting the things you can hold in this life. The trick to happiness is just in finding ways to make what you carry lighter. And the best way to do that is to set down the things that are so heavy. The things you carry in your heart and call anxiety. Regret. And it’s ok. It’s ok to be confused and have no idea how this life is going to work out for you. It will work out for you. But for now, just do your best to let go of what happened. And start making peace with what has not.

  • Are you letting this world tell you what you deserve? In today's episode, Emma gets us thinking about the kind of love we accept. Rather than the kind of love we actually deserve.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    Podcast Transcript: It’s easy to get lost in broken hearts, in the waiting, in the you’re-not-the-ones. It’s easy to get lost in the you’ll-never-find-that-kind-of-love and the you’re-too-fussy and the when-are-you-going-to-settle-down. They will talk about biological clocks. And time ticking by. They will talk about you being too old to start or too young to understand. They will talk to you about who you love and what you want and where you’re looking for it are completely wrong. They will tell you those things and a million others. And you can listen. You can certainly listen to all those voices in this world that keep telling you what you’re looking for isn’t out there. That it doesn’t exist. And maybe even— that you don’t deserve it. You can listen to those voices, or you can look those people straight in the eye and smile. Smile because you know that what you want will one day find you. Smile because they don’t really get it. How this world works. How— you work. They don’t see yet that when you want something badly enough and wait for it patiently enough— that eventually those things make their way beautifully into your life. Yes, even love. So the best thing you can ever do is hold on like hell to the dreams you have for your life. The best thing you can ever do is hold on like hell to the way you want to be loved. The way— you— want to love. Because in the end, it’s not just some people who get what they are looking for while others don’t. In the end, the people who get what they want in this life are quite simply, the ones who don’t ever give up. And when the world shouts louder and louder at them to go faster and lower their standards and settle for something else, they retreat into the peace and solace and sweet contentment of knowing what they know. That time always makes things right in the end. Always.

  • How does it really feel to get older? In today's episode, Emma reflects on one of the single best lessons we learn as time passes.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    Copyright © 2020 Emma Grace, Live in the Details

  • This is a little reminder about love. In today's episode, Emma talks us through some of those simple love truths we all know. But tend to forget.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    Podcast Transcript: Oh, trust me. I know it’s hard. We don’t get any real assurances in this life— and we’re lucky if we ever even know we’re headed in the right direction. Let alone GET the directions. It’s a whole bunch of “trust me” and “learn as you go.” I know. But this one? This one is a little less complicated. So I’m just going to say it. If someone needs space— give it to them. If someone ghosts you— don’t look back. If someone doesn’t know how they feel— then I'm sorry, but for now, the answer is no. Someone who doesn’t answer your calls or call you back is telling you one thing. You can sugar-coat it all you want— you can make excuses all you want— but love, you are not their priority. If you’ve been dating for awhile and you’ve never met their friends— or their family— or been to their place? One of two things is true. Either, they’re not telling you something— or you’re not their one. I get that it’s hard to face rejection. It is totally awful. We all think we should be immune to it. We all think it’s never going to happen to us. We all personalize it— thinking it’s something we did or didn’t do. It’s not. Rejection is a normal part of trying out two puzzle pieces to see if they fit. Most of the time, the answer is going to be no. And that’s ok. What you need to focus on in this life is being true to yourself. And that is all. And you do that even if it means you have to wait a little longer than you ever thought you’d have to. To get what you want. Oh, and one more thing. If you want what stays— then you have GOT to stop chasing what runs.

  • Are you trying too hard to control how you feel? Don't. Instead, spend your time controlling what you do with what you feel. In today's episode, Emma gets us thinking about how we react to our emotions.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    Podcast Transcript: You cannot control how you feel. But you can control what you do. This lesson is THE HARDEST THING we ever learn. Truly. And the reason is quite simple, really. It’s because how we feel is at the absolute core of almost everything that we do. It influences every single decision we make. In every way. At every time. It is the “gut feeling” that infiltrates our facts and our truths and our rational thought. It’s us— our inner monologue. The angel (or devil) that is forever on our shoulders. So, no— we can never control how we feel. And whether that feeling manifests as anger or frustration or fear or anxiety. Whether it shows up as sadness or longing or love or passion. We aren’t designed to feel a certain way. We just— do. We are. But I’ll tell you, love— in as “out of control” as we are over our emotions at times— we are ALWAYS responsible for what we do with them. Always. When they leave our hearts or heads or the deepest pits of our stomach— is is OUR JOB to make sure they don’t hurt someone else. And you can rationalize that all you want. You can make excuses for why some things just are the way they are. But— you’re not being fair. To other people. And you know that. You KNOW that. So take responsibility, love. Not for what you feel— but for what you ultimately do with what you feel.

  • Does it feel like you're always getting left behind by the people you love? In today's episode, Emma gets us thinking about how we approach love. And letting go. And growth.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    Podcast Transcript: Ok, so you’re alone again. And in the quiet, you look around you and start letting your mind do what it does. Say what it says. You let it— start to make up those stories. And as it writes them, you listen. To the ones that convince you there is something wrong with who you are. And that you’re not good at this. And that ‘this’ is what you’re ultimately destined for— to be alone. And as it tells you those stories, you look back and find all those people who have left you. And you fit those things in as evidence into the story you’ve just been told. And then, in one of the most damaging things you will ever do to yourself, you actually start to believe it. You start to believe that you are the one that always gets left. That messes things up. That says too much— or not enough. That is to quiet or too loud— too stressed or too spontaneous. The one who is not pretty enough or thin enough or enough enough. You let all those people who walked away become the ones who get to tell your story. And in doing that, you give them the power to have your future and your past. But— isn’t it possible you’ve actually been thinking about this entirely wrong? There are always other ways to tell this story. And if you tell it as “I’m the one who always gets left,” then you are letting yourself be a victim. And worse, you’re letting yourself be a victim that is also shouldering all the blame. Stop that. TELL. ANOTHER. STORY. Here’s a start for you: “I am NOT the one who always gets left. I am just the one who knows how to stay. And then one day, someone amazing is going to love that about me. Until then, everything else is just practice for the real thing."

  • How do you measure success? In today's episode, Emma gets us thinking about the timelines the world sets for us. And the pressure that comes with them.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    Podcast Transcript: The world has all kinds of timelines for us. By 18, we should know what we want to do with our lives. By 22, we should be well on our way to getting it. By 27, we should have found the one. By 30, we should have 1.5 kids and Sunday morning pancakes. By 40, we should be figuring out how to balance family and career and the Pinterest-parenting lifestyle this world seems to expect from us. By 50, we should thinking about what we want to do in retirement. By 65, we should be doing it. But— what if we don’t follow those timelines? What if we figure out WHEN we’re 50 what we really want to do with our lives? What if, by 22, we have never gone to college and frankly, still don’t want to? What if at 40 we want to START thinking about babies and love stories? What if we choose to work until we’re 70? The world may shout that you're so behind and so late— that if you don’t catch up you might not get the chance. That’s what it does. Loudly. It likes to fit things into neat little boxes and perfect timelines. But that’s just not who we are, is it? It's not who people are. Especially now. Most people, they want both careers and love stories— and they don’t want to have to choose. They want creative lives over stuffy, consistent 9-to-5s. They want to travel and experience and drink in the air of something new— rather than settle down forever in one place and never know the difference. Look, if you’re feeling the pressure to keep up, it probably means you’re on your own road. Stay there. Go at your own pace. Figure out what works for YOU. The worst thing we can ever do to measure success in this life is draw a line in time and say— “I should be here by now.”

  • Are you being intentional with your life? In today's episode, Emma reminds us that sometimes making the right choices for your life means making the hard ones for someone else's.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    Copyright © 2020 Emma Grace, Live in the Details

  • Are you choosing the kind of love you want? In today's episode, Emma reminds us that we teach people every single day how to love us. By what we accept. And mostly, by what we don't.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    There is much more where this came from: Check out Emma's first book, Courage to Rise, which is now available worldwide. Her second book, Untangling, is coming to ebook on September 1, 2020, and to print December 1, 2020. Limited edition signed copies will be available early summer 2020.

    Copyright © 2020 Emma Grace, Live in the Details

  • Are you being desperate when it comes to love? In today's episode, Emma talks about how we can sometimes "urgently" look for love. And why that rarely works.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    Copyright © 2020 Emma Grace, Live in the Details

  • In this Dateline classic, Shelley Nance, a talented young art student, is found stabbed to death in her bed, sparking a police investigation with many twists and turns. Keith Morrison reports. Originally aired on NBC on March 13, 2015.

  • Sure, you guys may defy all the odds. But one truth still remains. What you deserve most is what you don't have right now. In today's episode, Emma walks us through the times we think that love stories have to end to make sure they continue.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    Copyright © 2020 Emma Grace, Live in the Details

  • Are you putting yourself first enough? In today's episode, Emma talks about the ever-so-human feeling of guilt that comes when we try to do what is right for us.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    Copyright © 2020 Emma Grace, Live in the Details

  • Is there a difference between being scared and being afraid? In today's episode, Emma talks us through how we think about the things we fear.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    Copyright © 2020 Emma Grace, Live in the Details

  • Do you worry a lot? In today's episode, Emma talks about worry and what it does to us.

    If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

    Copyright © 2020 Emma Grace, Live in the Details