
  • In this week’s episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I interview entrepreneur, investor, and author: Tony Bradshaw

    Tony Bradshaw, the ‘builder of future millionaires’, is on a mission to battle poverty by providing financial hope, education, and inspiration to others. 

    He grew up in a lower-income neighborhood in Nashville and by his early 20s, realized he was mismanaging his money and knew something needed to change. 

    After learning how to handle money at age 25, Tony made his millionaire choice and created his millionaire plan, accomplishing his goal of becoming a millionaire by age 40. Now, he's helping everyone he can to create their own millionaire plan. 

    While other financial teachers/planners are building businesses, Tony’s goal is to help people change their financial situations and live their lives in true abundance.

  • In this week’s episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I interview entrepreneur, author, coach, investor, an M1 Whole-Life Millionaire, and M10 Masters Council Member: Kelly Resendez

    Kelly is the author of the best-selling book Big Voices and Foundation to Sustainable Success. She also offers training and coaching through her two companies Big Voices and Foundation to Sustainable Success.

    Kelly is passionate about helping people increase joy, reduce suffering, and learn to think differently. Her own journey has helped her create the strategies and tools that she shares throughout her books.

    Currently, Kelly is an Executive Vice President at Loanpal, where she runs recruitment, training, and customer experience.

    She uses the same concepts of mindfulness, self-discovery, and goal setting to help their team achieve the company’s objectives. She also runs their Women’s Mentoring Program.

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  • How excited are you to make your dreams and goals come true?

    We all have goals we want to achieve–some people seek out financial freedom while others strive to create long-lasting authentic relationships. 

    But how do we achieve these things? How do we stay motivated in order to keep pushing closer to our goals every day?

    The answer: We need to get horny for life!

    In this episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I talk about how you can get horny for life in order to achieve your goals, the importance of focusing on your body, your bank account, and your belief systems, and how M1’s live events can help you create life-changing transformation.

  • In this week’s episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I interview entrepreneur, real estate investor, author, comedian, and founder of The Money Nerve: Bob Wheeler

    As a man of true integrity with infectious energy, Bob Wheeler offers a simple and effective method for creating a healthy relationship with money.

    His crusade for holistic personal growth has cross-pollinated with his accounting practice to deliver a new approach to personal finance.

    By exploring the emotions surrounding money management in his book, The Money Nerve: Navigating the Emotions of Money, he is able to help others gain insight into why their emotions trigger financial decisions.

    Bob’s experiences on the road, facing his personal struggles, and assisting clients in the office have inspired him to assist others. His witty and non-judgmental approach to personal finance provides guidance to anyone who wants to create a new path to financial freedom.

  • In this week’s episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I interview entrepreneur, real estate investor, and co-founder of Cash Flow Tribe: Ben Humble

    Ben was born in 1985 in Romania, at a time when the country was under communist rule. His family escaped before the revolution and landed in an Austrian refugee camp in 1990. 

    After immigrating to Canada and eventually reuniting with his siblings, Ben developed a passion for life and a gratitude mindset. His parents’ sacrifice for a better life helped him develop a deep sense of responsibility and strength.

    His dreams of one day building an empire and motivating, entertaining, and investing in other people soon became a reality after becoming an expert in real estate and cash flow.

    Today, Ben helps others by providing education, training, resources, events, and more to help entrepreneurs and real estate investors achieve financial freedom, flexibility, and fulfillment.

  • What are you doing to grow and improve your life?

    We all want to be the best version of ourselves, make more money, and have better and more intimate relationships.

    Now, think about highly successful people like athletes and entertainers. They all want to improve their craft, so how do they do it? A common denominator with them is that they all have coaches, mentors, or others experienced in their field.

    These coaches and mentors can give them feedback and hold them accountable for growing and improving. 

    When you work with someone with more experience than you who has accomplished what you wish to accomplish, you can shave weeks, months, or even years off your learning curve.

    In this episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I talk about why you’re not succeeding in your life and business, why everyone needs a coach or mentor in their lives, and how my 90 Day Fully Expressed Challenge can help you achieve fast and long-lasting changes in your everyday life.

  • Are you letting your past dictate your future?

    All the pain and trauma we experienced in our lives have created who we are today. 

    Some people use their past as an excuse as to why they aren’t living the lives they believe they deserve, while others use their past as a way to not only create life-changing success but also as a way to help others overcome their own trauma. 

    It’s up to you to decide which path you take. 

    In this week’s episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I interview entrepreneur, real estate extraordinaire, certified life coach, Master NLP Practitioner, badass Ironman, and most of all, devoted father and husband: Dan Grieb

    Dan Grieb believes that life is 10% what happens to you, & 90% how you respond to it.

    By applying this mindset to every aspect of his life – from fatherhood to business, health to wealth, and everything in between, Dan has been able to become one of the top real estate agents in Central Florida, complete multiple Ironman events, and create a beautiful family life despite his past trauma.

  • Do you have what it takes to become successful?

    Success isn’t elusive or exclusive. It’s not a riddle or puzzle with a lucky few people holding the clues. 

    Success requires a plan, dedication, resilience, and for you to be horny for life and all of its opportunities. 

    In this week’s episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I interview entrepreneur, Amazon industry expert, award-winning business mogul, author, filmmaker, and inventor of Herbal Ecstacy: Shaahin Cheyene

    With an entrepreneurial career that has spanned more than 30 years, Shaahin has generated over $350 Million. His Amazon products have outpaced Fortune 500 companies’ sales on the platform, selling millions of units worldwide. 

    Shaahin is also the CEO and Chairman of Accelerated Intelligence - an Amazon Marketing & Advertising Agency, that manages the selling of his products and helps other Brand Owners to scale their online sales not just in Amazon but other marketplaces like eBay, Shopify & Walmart.

  • What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago?

    Do you find that that new skill has become easy and uninteresting? After all, the process of learning and mastering a new skill is repetition.

    It’s this repetition that threatens our progress - how many people do you know who do the same thing every day, year after year, and never grow or change? 

    While becoming an expert through repetition is crucial to our success, we need to find a way to freshen up our lives and routines if we want to continue to achieve new and wonderful things.

    In this episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I talk about why boredom is the enemy of success, how to find ways to freshen up your life, and why auditing your day is one of the best ways to improve.

  • What’s stopping you from quitting your job and starting a business?

    You’d be surprised to learn that for most of us, the answer is fear.

    Fear of failure, fear of uncertainty, and fear of other people’s opinions. 

    What we don’t realize is that, when we embrace that fear, we open ourselves up to a new life full of opportunities and possibilities!

    In this week’s episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I interview entrepreneur, business coach, and founder of Urban20Something: Leah Gervais.

    After years of preparing to become a lawyer, Leah had a gut feeling that she was making the wrong decision and decided to refuse acceptance into law school.

    With this newfound freedom and uncertainty, Leah immersed herself in the online world of entrepreneurship and founded Urban20Something - her first side hustle blog with one goal in mind - to help younger professionals successfully scale an online side hustle to the point of it exceeding the usual 9-5 job.

    Since then, Leah has turned this side hustle into a full-size, 7-figure business, and is passionate about helping her clients prioritize their dreams, all while achieving financial freedom.

  • What do you want your life to look like in 5 years? 

    Take a moment to think about it. 

    Now ask yourself, “Who do I need to become in order to live that life?”

    Creating positive change in ourselves is one of the most important steps when it comes to achieving success, but in order for this change to remain permanent, it needs to be done slowly over time.

    When you teach your puppy a new command, does the puppy immediately remember and follow along? Or do you need to practice repetition and give your puppy rewards?

    The same thing goes for us. The greatest success stories don’t happen overnight, they happen over time. 

    In this episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I talk about how to start implementing positive change into your life, why our past predicts our future, and how you can keep yourself motivated to create the life of your dreams.

  • Should you have a credit card?

    While some people believe that having a credit card is dangerous and only leads to debt and money problems, many others believe that it is one of the best ways to build your credit score and obtain access to “other people’s money,” like loans and mortgages.

    Wherever your beliefs lie, there’s no doubt in saying that successful people are exceptionally good at using the credit system to their advantage. 

    In this week’s episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I interview entrepreneur, attorney, and CEO of  Black Crown Inc. and Black Crown Law APC: Christopher M Naghibi.

    Chris Naghibi is an author, licensed attorney, real estate broker, and general contractor, who serves as the Executive Vice President – Chief Credit Officer of First Foundation Bank.

    With strong credit skills and broad experience in multifamily, commercial, and single-family residential real estate lending, Chris has made it his mission to provide financial literacy with a focus on real estate as a tool for building wealth.

    If you’re wanting to learn what the average person can do to become more financially stable, how to combat self-doubt when it comes to financial literacy, and how to evaluate and build credit, then this episode is for you!

  • What is your story?

    You might be thinking that your experiences and past are not worth sharing, but the reality is each and every one of us has a story to share that can and will impact the lives of others.

    It’s through the sharing of our experiences that we not only get to help other people, we also get to help ourselves.

    In this week’s episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I interview entrepreneur, coach, international best-selling author, and world-class speaker: JB Owen.

    JB Owen is a fearless female leader and highly successful entrepreneur. 

    Having built businesses that span the globe, JB’s true focus is on helping others. She is driven to empower individuals in their own personal journeys to success. 

    In conjunction with her keen sense of business, JB also brings fun, fabulous, and feminine touches into everything she does. She combines ferocity with femininity in a new and innovative business style. 

    Through her acclaimed brand, Ignite, JB helps people tell their unique stories and shows them how they can ‘Ignite’ their lives by giving them the tools they need to share these stories and impact thousands of lives. 

  • What is stopping you from living the life of your dreams?

    We all have goals and dreams, so why do only a few achieve them?

    The answer is simple: Honor and Integrity. When we stay true to the promises we make for ourselves, we begin the process of changing our lives. 

    In this week’s episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I interview entrepreneur, coach, and powerhouse mentor: Beth Handel.

    Beth Handel is the Co-Founder and Vice-Chair of Handel Group. With over 17 years of coaching experience, she has taught thousands of clients how to live with honor and integrity in order to push them towards living the life of their dreams.

    Beth and her sister, Lauren Zander, founded the Handel Group and have developed it into a multi-platform business with Corporate, Life Coaching, Education, Sports, and Product Divisions.

    The Handel Method is a unique, cutting edge, straightforward, brutally honest methodology that has been taught and developed at over 50 universities and institutes of learning worldwide, from MIT to Stanford University School of Business to Yale to Columbia to NYU and the New York Public School System.

  • In this week’s episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I interview a marketing expert and the founder and CEO of SkillBank: Mehak Vohra.

    Mehak started her career as a Computer Science student at Purdue University. 

    That was until she decided to drop out of college in 2016 after getting clear on her vision of building the most scalable marketing agency in the world, but there was still one thing she was missing - the necessary skills required to do so. 

    Mehak decided to throw herself in the deep end and learn as much as she could. After 4 years of running a top media company, she was generating 1-3 million+ views per month on LinkedIn alone.

    This real-world experience made Mehak realize that she had learned things that her college peers did not. She knew she needed to help others gain the same experience that she had, which is how SkillBank was brought to life. 

    SkillBank is an online training program for people looking to thrive in the marketing world. They have helped hundreds of people achieve this goal and are on a mission to impact thousands of lives by teaching them the necessary skills required to make their dreams attainable.

  • Is your peer group helping you grow or holding you back?

    It goes back to the famous quote by Jim Rohn, “You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” 

    What many of us fail to realize is that the best way to start leveling up our lives is to change our environment from one that is filled with doubt and pessimism to one filled with support, encouragement, and guidance. 

    In this week’s episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I interview real estate investor, coach, Podcast host, and one of M1’s Whole-Life Millionaires: Paul Thompson.

    Paul Thompson was already a millionaire when he joined M1 in 2019, but while he had his finances in check, he lacked an essential component to living the Whole-Life Millionaire Lifestyle - a peer group of high-achievers who help each other create epic results in health, relationships, bucket list adventures, and wealth.

    Since investing in himself and joining M1, Paul has not only increased his net worth, he has also created lifelong friendships, achieved massive personal growth, gone on epic adventures, and is the healthiest he has ever been.

  • Are you investing in real estate?

    What most people don’t realize is that real estate is so much more than just buying a house to live in. 

    Not only is real estate a great investment, but it is also one of the best ways to start building an epic life for you and your family. 

    In this week’s episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I interview two badass real estate investors and coaches: Kyara and Khalil Uqdah A.K.A Charm City Buyers 

    Kyara and Khalil Uqdah, are the co-founders of Charm City Buyers, a multi-seven figure real estate development firm specializing in Baltimore properties. 

    They also run the NEXTGen Accelerator program, which has helped hundreds of mentees across the country find, finance, and renovate investment properties in six months or less.


    Khalil and Kyara have developed a proven, results-based system that allows them to have extraordinary success in Real Estate Investing. Their mission is to teach fellow Millennials and Gen Xers how to build a tremendous amount of wealth in a very short period of time.

  • Are you a good leader?

    Success in business can be boiled down to two things: Leadership and Leverage.

    A good leader knows how to motivate and bring out the best in people. A good leader also knows that in order for a business to grow, they need to leverage a badass team to make it happen. 

    Without these two things, you end up owning a job instead of owning a business. 

    In this week’s episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I interview a real estate investor and M1 member who used leadership and leverage to become a Whole-Life Millionaire - Rory Cummins.

    Rory grew up in Charlotte NC and did what he thought he had to do: go to college, get a degree, and get a job. After graduating and working for a few years as a new home builder and salesman, he’d had enough and decided it was time to fulfill a dream of world travel. 

    The experience was life-changing, Rory met his wife while traveling and knew there had to be more to life than the daily grind and working 80+ hours a week. 

    In his search for “more”, Rory discovered M1 Mastermind. Since joining M1, he has flipped over 13 homes, maintained an epic portfolio of Airbnbs, taken his net worth from 6 figures to over $2 million, used leverage to cut his workweek in half (while doubling his income!), gone on bucket list adventures, and made life long authentic relationships.

  • Do you believe you can make your greatest wish come true?

    Many people believe that by putting their dreams out into the universe, they will become reality. 

    While that might be a very important first step, dreams will only be dreams until we use focused energy and get to work.

    In this week’s episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I interview actress, coach, and founder of Wishbeads: Alexa Fischer 

    Alexa believes that you can achieve almost anything you wish for by getting clear on what you want, making that declaration to the universe, and putting in the work. 

    “When you open your mind to possibilities, let go of fear and do the work, amazing things happen.”

    Alexa has been using these methods for years! They helped her get into The Yale School of Drama, land spots on epic shows like NCIS, CSI, Numb3rs, and Bones, take her Jewelry line, Wishbeads, to over $1 million in sales, and create online courses taken by over 130K students all over the world.

  • What’s the one thing you wish to accomplish before you die? 

    What are the steps you need to take to make it happen? 

    Too often we get wrapped up with the obstacles and end up talking ourselves out of the things that light us up. Instead of thinking about all of the reasons you can’t do something–think about the ‘how.’  

    Focusing on obstacles only leads to inaction, and the price of inaction is far greater than the price of making a mistake.

    In this week’s episode of the Rock Your Money, Rock Your Life podcast, I interview an investor and M1 member who has truly embodied the Whole-Life Millionaire lifestyle - David Downs. David has stepped away from a scarcity mindset and he’s getting sh*t done! 

    Before joining M1, David was grinding away at a corporate job during the day and had a net worth of $50,000. After saying YES, taking the leap, and joining M1, he knew he had to channel his focus into becoming an entrepreneur, and has taken his net worth to a whopping $10 million in only 5 years!

    It’s incredible how much you can accomplish with the right mindset and a tribe of badasses who will support, encourage, and challenge you every step of the way.