
  • The topic of grief is a lot to unpack, and that’s why we’re putting this out now, during the Chanukah season at such a time of light. What is grief - this deep pain/sorrow from losing a loved one/ something you lost
    -the end of a relationship, whether it’s dating, workmates, “the end of an era”
    -Weirdest thing about grief -
    -The Kubler-Ross model suggests five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. However, not everyone experiences these stages, and they don't necessarily occur in a linear fashion.
    Listen along- and as always your feedback is ALWAYS valued 🖤🤍🖤 #studio #hotopics #interesting #convos #deepthoughts we mean #business #glamlife #girlboss #hustle #ambition #Grief #Growth. This is the real reason to 🥂 to #2024 #podcast #spotify #ontheroad #collaboration

  • We are joined by Mr. Shimon Willig, who is a Financial Advisor and Lecturer specializing in  Tax and Estate Planning + 401(K) 

    IRAs (Roth and General) Mutual Fund investing Stocks,  Robinhood? Blue chips? Crypto’s Are Bonds still a “thing” Anything you think is relevant for young people to know regarding: investing, what you would tell your younger self, children… When is too early or is it ever too late to start investing What's the biggest mistake you see young people making with their money How much does raising  a child cost, not from a religious standpoint but as a framework to understand future financial planning When is the “right” time to speak to a financial advisor How does it work when buying a home, e.g. if someone has 100K in savings, against a mortgage? More sensitive, in your experience do couples automatically join accounts or is it gradual? Recommend?

    #spillthet Listen along- and as always your feedback is ALWAYS valued 🖤🤍🖤 #studio #hotopics #interesting #convos #deepthoughts we mean #business #glamlife #girlboss #hustle #ambition #money #finance101 #millenial #realtalk #budgeting #moneydescisions Introducing the real reason to 🍻 to #2023 #podcast #spotify #ontheroad #collaboration

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  • R&D Spilling the Tea with Hannah, who we had on in season 2 as a dating coach, Hannah is also a life coach and in this episode, we will be discussing beauty and self-confidence and getting her insights through that perspective.

    What is beauty? Is there an actual definition? #MAHRABU “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” Chein is a thing Attracting vs. Attractive  Miriam Pascal's "WE HAVE A WEIGHT PROBLEM" Mishpacha feature on self-image The #halo effect, #disney princess dysmorphia... and of course #tealights

    #spillthet Listen along- and as always your feedback is ALWAYS valued 🖤🤍🖤 #studio #hotopics #interesting #convos #deepthoughts we mean #business #glamlife #girlboss #hustle #ambition #dating #datingcoach #shidduchdating #realtalk #bodyimage #selfconfidence Introducing the real reason to 🍻 to #2023 #podcast #spotify #ontheroad #collaboration

  • Welcome back to Season3 of #SpillTheTWe are so excited to sit down with Meaningful Minute Founder and CEO, Nachi Gordon How the transition from NBA sports agent to full-time Meaningful Do you ever get overwhelmed by the numbers? People relying on the daily inspo? Haters gonna hate; how to handle? @MoshefromQueens Pivot & Growth Wim hof Breathing #nerves Shalom Task Force, Amudim...conversations that are necessary to have Favorite Guests?#spillthet Listen along- and as always your feedback is ALWAYS valued 🖤🤍🖤 #studio #hotopics #interesting #convos #deepthoughts we mean #business #glamlife #girlboss #hustle #ambition #dating #datingcoach #shidduchdating #realtalk Introducing the real reason to 🍻 to #2023 #podcast #spotify #ontheroad #collaboration

  • What makes the beginning of something so amazing is the infinite potential.
    Anything we hope for can come to fruition. Like a new job, relationship, or even a baby…everything we’ve always manifested can happen at the cusp of this “new reali"tea"

    In this new year, we hope you live louder
    We hope you laugh more
    Smile more
    Connect more
    With Hashem, those around you, and with the things that set your soul on fire.
    We hope you sing at the top of your lungs to your favorite song, driving with windows down. We hope you surround yourself with people who make you feel alive.
    With friends that went from being perfect strangers to the best imperfect family.
    Find your People who support you and believe in you when you can't do that for yourself.
    Those who bring out the best in you, and you in them-
    We hope you become the person that brings good energy wherever you go and the type of person people want to be around;
    We hope you speak what's on your mind.
    To be confident in yourself and in your dreams,
    Tell others that you love them,
    To find self-love-
    To discover your own worth and not base it on anything or anyone.
    We hope you live louder and shine brighter,
    This is your year.

    #sweetyear #shanatova #newyear #freshstart #cleanslate #thestartofsomethingnew #season2 🖤🤍🖤 #studio #hotopics #interesting #convos #deepthoughts we mean #business #glamlife #girlboss #hustle #ambition #growth #realtalk Introducing the real reason to 🍻 to #2022 #podcast #spotify #ontheroad #collaboration #season2

  • R&D + co-host and 3.0 guest Mrs. Lisa Elefant, founder of AAS; we are excited to be joined by fellow shadchanim and dating coaches, Raquel Betesh, Ruchie Cohn, and Hannah Kahana. “Hishtadlus”/ “Doing Dating Differently” - we all love that word🫠For singles (our take ) and what it also “looks like” on the shadchanim side- For a shadchan-thinking of ideas, redting them, to push or not to push?- Examples of hishtadlus- meeting shadchanim, events, making events, shabbos meals, programs, networking in a more natural setting, daven daven, and daven. If Amuka is where you feel it’s at then go, but if davening in your backyard gives you just as much menuchas hanefesh that’s your hishtadlus, burnout from “segulas”- Quantity vs. Quality - regarding networking/meeting shadchanim- better for “more people” to know you or just the “right ones”…? Remember when Lisa told us a guy said “you're my only shadchan”- Keeping things fresh with AAS Shidduch initiatives- #zoom, #nixthepics, “BMG” “be my guest”, wedding redting, ubermeets etc, SHABBATONS….- recipes & resumes 🤍👩🏻‍🍳- Trusting yourself- knowing when you need “help” or a push, using a dating coach, etc is that part of singles hishtadlus? = LISA + FELLOW SHADCHAN COACHES-At what point do you like to meet your singles, before their dates (e.g. have a relationship before, so you're familiar with their “what’s normal” (coaches)-In your opinion who benefits more from a coach, the girls or the guys- yes guys might be a little lax on cues but girls can sometimes be too much in their heads (coaches)- Taking breaks- necessary but to what degree? To avoid feeling burnt out, the “older” a single gets, can they “afford to”..?Tea lights: Efforts you feel a single can take to maximize their quality exposure #spillthet Listen along- and as always your feedback is ALWAYS valued 🖤🤍🖤 #studio #hotopics #interesting #convos #deepthoughts we mean #business #glamlife #girlboss #hustle #ambition #dating #datingcoach #shidduchdating #realtalk Introducing the real reason to 🍻 to #2022 #podcast #spotify #ontheroad #collaboration

  • The theme of this episode is "chaval al hazman", grabbing life and opportunity as it comes, Rabbi Wallerstein Z"L was supposed to be a guest, and we let the opportunity pass, Rabbi Wallerstein was so proactive, this is something that is inspiring us moving forward I"YH. We are privileged to be joined by, Mr. Charlie Harary, Mrs. Avivit Mikhili, Mrs. Jodi Rubin (Ohr Naava Bridal Gemach), and Mrs. Jenny Wise.
    All the chizzuk we continue to get and his messages that continue to be an inspiration should be a Zechus Leilas Neshama Zecharya Shimon Hacohein ben Yitzchak Zichrono Levracha.
     #Butterfly #Inspiration #Leader #OhrNaava #RabbiWallerstein

  • @R&D and WE'RE BACK!Why we took a breakFeeling hurt/is it worth the fight? Taking time to simmer/truly see the other's perspective Any room for pride and ego? “Situationships" - some friendships aren't meant to last but are “convenient” at certain times in your life Maintaining friendships with marrieds' - is it possible? - takes 2 to tango (💯)When friendships become more- like family; #soulsisters "Kinei Lecha Chaver tov"; + it's a giftWe owed it to ourselves, to keep it real. Thank you to everyone who reached out to let us know they are missing #SpillTheT. This is your cue to make #Shalom #peace and if you need a leeway, you can send 'em the link to this episode. We dedicate this episode l”n Rabbi Wallerstein zt”l ✨#Friendship #hustleboss #relationships #tenacity #season2 🖤🤍🖤 #studio #hotopics #interesting #convos #deepthoughts we mean #business #glamlife #girlboss #hustle #ambition #growth #realtalk Introducing the real reason to 🍻 to #2022 #podcast #spotify #ontheroad #collaboration #season2

  • If you're not being rejected, you're probably not growing :)
    Rejection hurts. Whether you're being rejected or even when you have to be the one to say no.
    Rejection comes in many forms and areas of our lives:
    Dating: being rejected in dating- “I thought he liked me” or even better “I thought I liked him
    Work: that big project, promotion, people who worked overtime and don’t get that recognition
    Relationships: friends, she chose her, she was the one who took care of “shtick, bridal shower, I thought we were BFF”
    School: seminary letters are legitimately survival of the fittest and a precursor for doing and accepting what is meant for you.
    Social settings: she saw me, why did she totally “ignore”
    this episode is as real as it gets, listen along and as always we throw in RealT tealights and discuss public figures who faced adversity and rejection, and yes they founded Walt Disney...
    #Rejection #hustleboss #grit #tenacity #season2 🖤🤍🖤 #studio #hotopics #interesting #convos #deepthoughts we mean #business #glamlife #girlboss #hustle #ambition #growth #realtalk Introducing the real reason to 🍻 to #2021 #podcast #spotify #ontheroad #collaboration #season2

  • We are honored to #SpilllTheT with the entrepreneurial maven, the Editor in Chief of  Entrepreneur magazine, Jason Feifer.
    Jason is also the host of two very enjoyable business-related podcasts problem solvers and build for tomorrow.
    we are excited to cover

    Best “schooling” you find that best breeds entrepreneurial mindset- e.g. books, apprenticeship, business school, 
    Worth the risk/Goal Digger, how does someone know if they have it
    Traits you see in Entrepreneurs ( having a vision, passion, strong work ethic, confidence, flexibility)
    How are guys vs girls entrepreneurs different from each other - which gender “does it better”?
    Entrepreneurial lifestyle Balance is there a best time to “just do it”
    When does someone know that they've “made it” as an Entrepreneur
    The problem with today's generation, is we want instant results for our hustle, but grit and takes time- different than our parent's generation than again young adults have more tenacity and less fear of failure, (add Sarah Blakely story, her father always used to ask, did you fail at something today)

    Tealights, our fave hustle boss quotes
    R: “If you see me less, I’m doing more” / D: “To all the doors that closed on me: I'm coming back to buy the building”


    #Entrepreneur #hustleboss #grit #tenacity #season2 🖤🤍🖤
    #studio #hotopics #interesting #convos #deepthoughts we mean #business #glamlife #girlboss #hustle #ambition #goaldigger #realtalk Introducing the real reason to 🍻 to #2021 #podcast #spotify #ontheroad #collaboration #season2

  • R&D ready to be coached, we are excited to SpillTheT with Career Coach and professional advisor, Shaina Keren.
    How did you stumble upon the perfect path for you-
    Hardest “client” to meet, 
    Most rewarding client “interaction”
    Ever play Russian roulette with a boss and worker?
    Who do you think is usually most to blame for employee dissatisfaction- is it unreasonable expectation or do bosses try to max the most
    Advice to young ppl -
    What do you think is the most strategic employee perks in today's hybrid/#wfh climate

    #CareerCoach #season2 🖤🤍🖤
    #studio #hotopics #interesting #convos #deepthoughts we mean #business #glamlife #girlboss #hustle #ambition #goaldigger #beautyguru #realtalk Introducing the real reason to 🍻 to #2021 #podcast #spotify #ontheroad #collaboration #season2

  • Devo and I met for the first time #IRL at Melinda Strauss's Jewish Food Media Expo; a byproduct of the Kosherfest week of kosher. 
    Since its inauguration in 1989, (32nd year) Kosherfest has shaped not just the Kosher food marketing scene, but the food scene as a whole. From a business perspective, brands realize the buying power and safety that a kosher certification status represents. This is all spearheaded by the founder, Mr. Menachem Lubinsky, with who we are fortunate to be joined tonight.
     -Bit about your background in marketing
    -What you would tell your younger self/what hold true in the industry now versus what you were schooled
    -What made you found Kosherfest
    -Lessons along the way, can be "learned the hard way/hindsight is 20/20
    -Projections for the future business/Kosher
    One of your biggest business struggles and how overcoming it shaped your business acumen/Emunah 
    and of course, we end off with some golden tea light nuggets. 
    #Kosherfest #season2 🖤🤍🖤
    #studio #hotopics #interesting #convos #deepthoughts we mean #business #glamlife #girlboss #hustle #ambition #foodmarketing #foodie #beautyguru #realtalk Introducing the real reason to 🍻 to #2021 #podcast #spotify #ontheroad #collaboration #kosher #season2

  • R&D here and we're excited to Spill the Vacay T; the escape from “reality” is sometimes needed- Mental clarity Make you happier Reduces stress/ Menuchas Hanefesh at its finest! Best travel apps (You'll have to listen ;) Coming back better than before Makes relationships better- maybe you travel with a friend/family member and you become closer or davka you go away to get away from family, etc and the distance makes things better- “distance makes the heart grow fonder” :) Yolo- “living the dream”#TealightsTravel essentials #season2 🖤🤍🖤#studio #hotopics #interesting #convos #deepthoughts we mean #business #glamlife #girlboss #hustle #ambition #vacations #travel #getaway #mentalreset #foodie #beautyguru #realtalk Introducing the real reason to 🍻 to #2021 #podcast #spotify #ontheroad #collaboration #kosher #season2

  • R&D is back for Season 2 and can't wait to #SpillTheTea; this episode is AAS 2.0-NIXTHEPICS Initiative, is this geared towards “all singles” or specific brackets, -The thought process behind this/in reference to the 40 Kedoshim on Lag Baomer-Behind the scenes backlash -Your opinion on pictures in general, do they really hinder or help? + our takes We are joined by Yehuda Leibowitz Lebo’s take-, "Been nixing pics since 2015"Turn #Me2We movement, your thoughts on taking back a “no”-Taking back a no; once the couple already went out/your opinion on revisiting, when is it applicable versus just “I’m bored/saw the person again at an event and all the feels came back/ how to properly revisit a shidduch.Future projects, wedding redting? Why it is coming back/didn't work in the past#TealightsHow to make it the best #hotgirl/hotboy summer

  • R & D keeping it super real as always, and what do you get when a Capricorn and Libra #SpillTheT on Fears? #noregrets

    -what are you so afraid of? 

    -fear and anxiety- they feed you one thing but your heart and goals tell you another

    -what fear exactly?- “making it in the Frum world”, what that means and what it looks like

    -feeling not good enough/where the fear stems from

    -actually, being afraid of success-why? , because things change and you have to up your own game

    Listen along- and as always your feedback is ALWAYS valued 🖤🤍🖤 #studio #hotopics #interesting #convos #deepthoughts we mean #business #glamlife #girlboss #hustle #ambition #foodie #beautyguru #realtalk Introducing the real reason to 🍻 to #2021 #podcast #spotify #ontheroad #collaboration #galpal #podcastduo #empowerment #femaleboss #fears #noregrets

  • R & D are joined live in the studio with a very special pair, the GURU's of all things Kosher, Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Boxer aka @KosherGuru 
    We're spilling the T, starting with that Morocco trip and everything from 
    -Thoughts on the kosher food industry/how to make it
    -Haters gonna hate- how to deal with criticism 
    -Pesach programs
    -Kosher Response- Kosher Guru established "Kosher Response", a project introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic, to show gratitude and perform random acts of kindness by delivering food packages to our heroes on the front lines. Heroes including, doctors, nurses, hospital staff, EMS workers, police, and other front-line heroes who are saving lives and keeping us safe.
    food, restaurants, ingredients, personalities, chefs, bloggers, programs and so much more,

    Listen along- and as always your feedback is ALWAYS valued 🖤🤍🖤 #studio #hotopics #interesting #convos #deepthoughts we mean #business #glamlife #girlboss #hustle #ambition #foodie #beautyguru #realtalk Introducing the real reason to 🍻 to #2021 #podcast #spotify #ontheroad #collaboration #kosher #food #kosherfood #foodie #kosherfoodie #kosherguru #recipe

  • R & D going to preface here; the holidays are beautiful, but sometimes all that "togetherness" makes us feel like we're all in a pressure cooker. 

    -Make sure to have that mix, of wellness (go on a walk, spiritual, munch time and take a nice nap- don’t feel guilty about “relaxing” and of course help where you can- it’s everyone's Yom Tov Break.

    Going away/traveling/programs:

    - to go away with fam or friends? It's a diff vibe, do we ever feel guilty about just “going away”-

    -is it weird to go to a program with friends if your all #singlepringles…?

    Social media and Pesach:

    -should posting be a thing?


    -we all (lowkey!!!) feel alone and holidays especially long ones can really bring those feelings out


    -we hope and expect things to go a certain way and that just adds more frustrations

    Listen along- and as always your feedback is ALWAYS valued 🖤🤍🖤

  • R & D here, ready to Spill the T, tonight we're getting a bit political as we #SpillTheT with Mr. David Schoen, the attorney who represented former President Donald Trump during his second impeachment trial in the United States Senate.                                                                                                                                                                                  -Background/how he got started
    -Trump impeachment trial
    -Kiddush Hashem made 
    -Being a “victim” of cancel culture/being denied to teach a class on civil rights law in a law school
    Listen along- and as always your feedback is ALWAYS valued 🖤🤍🖤 #studio #hotopics #interesting #convos #deepthoughts we mean #business #glamlife #girlboss #hustle #ambition #foodie #beautyguru #realtalk Introducing the real reason to 🍻 to #2021 #podcast #spotify #ontheroad #collaboration #law #civilrights #socialjustice #acquittal #attorney #legal

  • R & D here, ready to Spill the T, it's all about the hair in our episode with Shulmit Amsel, AKA Shuly Wigs, we discuss all things

    Boss: How did you start Shuly wigs?

    -Advice to someone who wants to get into this industry/is the wig/manufacturing industry flooded or there’s always room for more?

    Hair Care: The best way to care for wigs?

    -What is the desired “shelf life” of a wig? 

    - Craziest customer story and of course....That time Kendall Jenner wore a Shuly wig on the cover of Vogue.

    stay tuned to hear some of Shuly's top hair product #Tealights; get ready to #spillthet Listen along- and as always your feedback is ALWAYS valued 🖤🤍🖤

  • R & D here, ready to Spill the T on our most requested topic to date ;) #shidduchim. In this episode we bring on a very special guest; an "expert" Mrs. Lisa Elefant, founder of the incredible Adopt A Shadchan organization and #mamalisa, as us #singlepringles know her; we discuss

    -What made you want to get into making Shidduchim

    -How do you avoid burnout, 

    -What does the right amount of Hishtadlus look like for you

    -Do you ever gently push?

    -Craziest Shidduch story

    -What’s one thing you wish parents of the singles knew/would tell them. 

    -What’s one message you want to send to your singles

    and of course, include some post-date #Tealights; get ready to #spillthet Listen along- and as always your feedback is ALWAYS valued 🖤🤍🖤