The one and only sex-positive podcast in China
BDSM ist absolut unvernünftig - Macht aber unglaublich viel Spaß!
Dieser Podcast über BDSM von aktiven SMern für Interessierte und alte Hasen. Ganz ohne erhobenen Zeigefinger, lustig, intim und manchmal kontrovers. Ich habe mir für jede Folge einen neuen Gesprächspartner gesucht und wir plaudern über alle Themen, die uns vors Mikrofon laufen. Switchen, Spuren, Bondage, Technik oder Parties und Missgeschicke. Hier ist der Platz dafür. -
The Huntington’s early American historical collections are important resources for the study of the Colonial and Revolutionary periods, the drafting of the Constitution, and the Civil War. Among the holdings are hundreds of autograph letters written by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, as well as the manuscript of Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography. The Huntington can also claim the largest collection of autograph manuscripts of Abraham Lincoln west of Illinois. In conferences, seminars, and lectures, curators and visiting scholars discuss their subjects in depth.
Gay Savvy is a youthful gay friendly radio show based in Brisbane, Aus, providing a mix of local and community events, politics and current affairs, entertainment and music. Freakin' hilarious, it may just change your life!
Two Fu's in love talk about swinging, swingers, open marriage and having fun. If you are interested in any of these topics, then our podcast is for you.
Welcome back to Wholesome Addiction. A podcast dedicated to the sexy side of entertainment - and by that we mean porn and all forms of adult entertainment (movies, news, anime, written erotica, web video, music) and sex as it effects us in our everyday lives. In short, we’re fans of the hotness. This podcast is explicit and we will be using adult language - so consider yourselves warned.
The Couch offers an opportunity to hear experienced marriage counselors share what they've learned from decades of working with couples. If you and your partner are disconnected, unable to talk without arguing or wondering if you can save your relationship, Deb and Nao can help. Their warm, engaging way of talking about EFT can offer hope when all seems lost in your relationship.
*Available in both audio and video in iTunes to satisfy your viewing/listening preference.*
There’s a lot of noise and ignorance in our current culture. This podcast aims to cut through that by exploring the truths of a diverse range of incredible voices. From authors, artists, creatives and educators, to activists, speakers and those in various scientific and esoteric fields - our guests hail from cultures and countries all over the world. Expect courageous conversations that range from insightful, uplifting and illuminating, to uncomfortable and sometimes even confrontational. Each episode invites you, with a ton of love and respect, to listen with your heart and mind wide open. You never know when a perspective might click into place like the puzzle piece you’ve been searching for OR, didn’t even know you were missing. -
我们拥有物质,却变成了物质的仆人。我们努力挣钱,却变成了金钱的奴隶。 重新做会自己的主人,从简化生活开始。 【轻断食篇章我另外上传了一个专辑,方便只想减肥的朋友收听】 【我删减了部分过于说教和形而上的内容,节选重点来说,希望了解完整内容,还请买正版书籍,不过读书纯属爱好,原本也是读给父母听的,没有任何收入。不专业,请见谅,若是不喜,请绕道或者轻喷,希望嘴下留情】 也可以关注近藤麻理惠的【怦然心动人生整理魔法】以及山下英子的【断舍离】,都是极简生活的经典书籍,当然,读懂其中一本也就够了。并无优劣之分,只是细节不一样,每个人可以找到适合自己阅读习惯的一本。